731 Uppsatser om Audit firms - Sida 26 av 49
Revision ? En Fråga om Förtroende
Förtroende är ett mångfacetterat begrepp och har många referensramar. Det går att skilja påförtroende till text, transaktion och förtroende ur ett socialt perspektiv, som kommunikationoch ömsesidig interaktion. Revision är inte bara en granskningsprocess, utan en mänskligaktivitet som ska bygga på samspel med användare av redovisnings information, därmed blirrevisionen en etisk handling som måste bygga på förtroende. För att erhålla förtroende måsterevisorn bemöta de förväntningar som finns på dem idag. Näringslivets utveckling samtförändringar i omvärlden har skapat behov av utveckling och förändring i revisorns funktion,vilket har bidragit till förväntningar från nya intressegrupper och samhället i stort.
Skatteverket : Praktiska problem i kontrollerna av företag
Uppsatsen avser att undersöka hur Skatteverkets kontroller av företagare går till praktiskt. Utifrån detta ska uppsatsen utreda vilka problem som finns i det praktiska arbetet som Skatteverket gör i de olika kontrollformerna. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod vilken valts för att få en djupare förståelse för studieämnet. Det empiriska materialet till studien har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer med sammanlagt fem handläggare på Skatteverket. Material till den teoretiska referensramen har inhämtats från relevant litteratur och sökningar i databaser.
Utvärdering av kommunalpolitikers informationsförsörjning: en informationsaudit i Härryda kommun.
Information is one of the organization's essential resources, and as such it needs strategic management. The authors use the information audit, which was developed by Orna 1999 and Henczel 2000 as a tool to evaluate how well an organization's information activities connect to its mission, goals, and objectives, to evaluate the municipal politicians' information support in Härryda municipality. The decision situations met by politicians often are complex; they are ambiguous and unstructured, with a high level of uncertainty. Human information sources meet needs arising in this kind of decision situations best. Since most of the politicians work full-time besides being politicians, Härryda municipality has to substitute the human sources by textual ones composed of highly summarized information.
Energikartläggning av förskolan Smultronstället
Detta är ett examenarbete på grundnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Examensarbetet är en energikartläggning med rekommenderade energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Energikartläggningen är baserad på ett verkligt objekt vilket är en förskola i norra Gävle. Denna skola förvaltas av Gavlefastigheter.I Sverige går cirka 40 % av energianvändningen till bostäder och service. Därför finns det stora mängder energi att spara inom denna sektor.
En slumpmässig vandring eller genomsnittlig återgång : Råder förutsägbarhet på Stockholmsbörsen?
This study has been conducted in order to determine the existence of predictability for the Stockholm stock exchange. With this purpose the random walk theory has been raised against the theory of mean reversion in order to determine which theory is the most substantial. Data has been collected from Nasdaq OMX Nordic and furtherly been processed using the statistical software EViews. Swedish listed companies? daily share values between 2000-2014 have been analyzed using two tests; an Augmented Dickey Fuller test and a Variance Ratio test.
Den reviderade Kodens effekt på informationsgivningen i svenska bolags årsredovisningar
As of 1 July 2008 the revised Swedish Code of Corporate Governance applies to all Swedish companies whose shares are traded on a regulated market in Sweden. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the introduction of the revised Code has affected the disclosure practice among Swedish companies. We investigate a sample of 43 small and mid cap companies listed on the OMXS Exchange that has previously not been covered by the regulation. We develop a disclosure index, measuring the disclosure level in annual reports before and after the introduction of the Code. The results from the study show that disclosure level has not increased after the introduction of the Code.
Högskolestudenter och alkohol : Akademisk locus of control i förhållande till alkoholrelaterade studieproblem
Studenter är bland de som konsumerar mest alkohol i Sverige. Hög alkoholkonsumtion och extern akademisk locus of control (ALC) har liknande negativ effekter på studier. Denna studie undersökte relationen mellan alkoholkonsumtion, ALC och alkoholrelaterade studieproblem. 120 studenter, varav 91 var kvinnor, deltog genom att besvara en enkät bestående av The Academic Locus of Control Scale for College Students, the AUDIT Alcohol Consumption Questions och en egenkonstruerad skala som mätte alkoholrelaterade studieproblem. Data analyserades med en 2 (riskbruk/ickeriskbruk) x 2 (extern ALC/intern ALC) ANOVA för oberoende mätningar.
Socialization and Identification of New Recruits in Knowledge Intensive Firms: A Case Study
Using the models from van Maanen and Schein (1977) and Dutton et al. (1994), we have been able to investigate the socialization process and organizational identification both from the organizational as well as the individual?s perspective. The link between these two perspectives establishes a better insight into the company?s actual socialization intentions and the individual?s identification with the firm.
Riskkapital kopplat till handel med spelarkontrakt inom svensk elitfotboll
The aim of this paper is to examine venture capital in football player contracts in Sweden. This is a phenomena that have existed in Sweden since 1999 when the company Djurgården fotboll AB was founded, since then eight other companies have been started. These companies form an alliance with a football club and invest in player contracts. These contracts have high risk since it is valued by the performance of the contracted player. The venture capital firms have no formal control over their investments and they are showing negative results.
Kostnad för eget kapital i svenska börsbolag: Vilken betydelse har ägandet?
The last few decades largeincreases in institutional and foreign ownershipin Swedish listed companies have created a concernthat the traditionalSwedish ownership model are disappearing.With increasing globalizationand ever morecapital-intensive markets, so have great owners forced to admitcapital fuelled institutionaland foreign investors into their companies. By from an agency theoryperspective examine how different ownershiptypes and ownershipconstellations affects the cost ofequity, we want to see if there is reason for concern. Is the change in ownership structure affecting theSwedish listed firms?Our results show that the owneridentity or ownership constellations don?t affect the cost of equity that much.The only owner-identity that shows a significant correlation with the cost ofequity is the institutions and they relate to a lower cost of equity. Theresults show that companies with two controlling shareholders relates to lowercost of equity which can show that ownership structure affects the cost.
Socialt företagande i Europa - - En fallstudie av Sverige och Storbritannien
A relatively new sector in the world is the one concerning social enterprises and their development. Social enterprises are enterprises that are working with social objectives, their goal is not to make as much money as possible. This essay is looking at the development in social enterprises in two countries; Great Britain and Sweden and how the employee numbers in the enterprises have changed over time. The result shows a large increase in the number of employees in the enterprises in Sweden, however the enterprises in Great Britain does show a declining number of employees. This essay also tries to examine whether a couple of external factors, taken from a series of already existing theories, are affecting the possibility of development in these enterprises.
Revisionspliktens avskaffande : Har de önskade effekterna uppnåtts i företagen?
Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka huruvida avskaffandet av revisionsplikten fick de effekterna som önskades av EU samt Svenska regeringen, vilket var att minska de administrativa bördor och kostnader för mindre bolag. Det har nu gått en tid sen avskaffandet och det är nu möjligt att se vilka effekter som de berörda företagen har märkt av. Metod: Undersökningen ämnade utföras med en kvantitativ metod med hjälp av enkäter. Men på grund av få respondenter och stort bortfall används istället en kvalitativ metod. Uppsatsen har en induktiv metod. Slutsats: Studien visar att alla de företag som ingick i undersökningen upplever en minskning av kostnaderna efter att revisionsplikten avskaffades, samt att majoriteten av företagen även anser att den administrativa bördan minskat. En del av företagen har valt att ta hjälp av konsulttjänster efter att de valt bort revison..
Faktorer som påverkar kapitalstrukturen i nordiska fastighetsbolag
The bachelor's thesis is to examine the explanatory factors affecting the choice of capital structure in real estate companies. The analysis is based on data collected from the main financial reporting from 2007; all listed real estate companies listed on Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish stock market. Based on previous research and theories, we have defined five independent variables that are linked to the debt ratio, which are: profitability, growth, firm size, cost of debt and operational risk. The statistical tests have resulted in that we can say with certainty that profitable firms tend to have a lower debt to equity ratio. We can also say with certainty that property companies with high interest costs have a high level of indebtedness..
Inomorganisatorisk kreativitet och innovation
This essay discusses organizational culture and focus on corporate creativity and innovation. The aim is to see which organizational factors that foster creativity and innovation in organizations. The essay will provide answer on how organizational culture can encourage creativity and innovation and how organizations can promote the rise of a creative work environment. The research design of this essay is a qualitative case study with interviews at Gotland Energi AB (GEAB). The interviews provided insight in factors that can foster creativity and innovation in organizations.
Filosofi, kultur och management i Folkrepubliken Kina - En studie av kopplingen mellan filosofi och praktik
In order to get full understanding of management culture and practice one must understand the underlying factors. This thesis examines the philosophical foundations for management in the People's Republic of China with its primary focus on the period 1949 -2012. China with its strong economic development in the recent decades is becoming an increasingly important actor in the world economy. Interaction between China and the rest of the word is considerable and currently Chinese firms increasingly expand outside China. This gives further importance especially for westerners to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese views and customs with regard to management.