

637 Uppsatser om Archaeological wood - Sida 35 av 43

Entrébänk för Bonum seniorboenden

The following report comprises my bachelor´s thesis in Industrial design, 30 hp. It is executed in collaboration with Bonum senior housing, who has been the client and assignment- maker of this project.The goal was to design a bench for their entrances, which could represent not only the needs of the target group but also Bonum as a trademark. The work is done with great care for both human kind and the environment, with sustainability as beacon.The design process has been followed.Initially, you will find the definition of a bench for entrances, the framework including inclusive as well as sustainable design, a function- and market analysis followed by the inspiration part of the project. Getting to know the target group and their specific needs has been essential for this work.Investigations about what senior house living and senior products are and what the target group thinks and feels, has been done. As a result, two ?personas? has been developed.With the help of a purposely chosen group of people, surveys and ergonomic studies has been executed, as well as prototype-testing.The fact-finding has formed the stable and unavoidable foundation of this project, which later on gets more creative and idea based.

Pelletring som marginalaffär för mindre sågverk/hyvlerier : en studie av 5 anläggningar i Småland

Denna studie handlar om pelletering som möjlig lönsam marginalaffär vid mindre sågverk/hyvlerier. Studien, vilken skett genom djupintervjuer på plats, omfattar fem olika mindre sågverk/hyvlerier i Småland. Verksamheterna är sinsemellan på många sätt olika men har samtliga satsat på pelletering av ekonomiska skäl och av miljöskäl.Studien visar att pelletering är lönsam men också att det krävs vissa förutsättningar för att långsiktigt nå denna lönsamhet. Den viktigaste är långsiktig tillgång till råvara i form av torrt spån men det krävs även ett genuint intresse och en stor kunskap inom såväl teknik som trä för den som skall pelletera Detta beror på att produktionsprocessen är mycket komplicerad och även beroende av en del yttre omständigheter som t.ex. fukt, kyla och torka.

Designprojektet BEDÅRANDE BARN AV SIN TID - Ett innovationsprojekt om material, traditioner och en arbetsmöbel

ADORABLE CHILD OF ITS TIMEThis text will describe a inovative project about material, traditions and someideas about furniture for work in an home inviroment. The content is partlyabout exploring ancient marine- and textile techniques to find somethinguseful for furniture of the twenty first century. It is also about the designprocess of creating a sustainable piece of furniture that questions the paradigmathicsabout usage and the context about manufacturing furniture.The text will briefly describe the design process and then reason about theresult in a deeper sense. Questions that has been considered from the verybeginning of the project as well as those one stumbled across during theevolution of the work will be objectives for the discussion. The result will bein focus as a foundation for the discussion and also the values and issuesabout that.

Motviktsslungans dynamik : En analys av medeltida konstruktionsråd för mekaniskt artilleri

 AbstractThis Master?s thesis analyses the dynamics of the medieval counterweight lever engine, ortrebuchet, a type of mechanical artillery. The purpose is to study the differences between different types of these machines, and see if computer simulations can be used to validate preserved advice on construction. Simulations include machines with a fixed counterweight, a hinged counterweight and a combination of both counterweights.Due to the almost complete lack of archaeological finds and insufficient historical source material there are still, after more than a century of research, many unanswered questions concerning the design and performance of these machines.The present study is based on an analysis by Jahsman (2004). A more detailed mathematical model employing Coulomb-friction is used.

Fuktutredning av massivträkonstruktion : Analys av vägg utan ångspärr

Rapporten ingår i ett FoU- projekt för Högskolan Dalarna, där målet är att ta fram en konstruktion utan ångspärr som ska klara dagens mått på lufttäthet och fuktkrav.Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda hur fukt påverkar en byggnad medmassivträstomme och olika isoleringsmaterial utan ångspärr. Mineralull och träfiberisolering jämförs mot varandra för att se hur dessa påverkarfuktbelastningen i en väggkonstruktion. Testobjektet är lokaliserat i Dalarna, inget fukttillskott har funnits inomhus i byggnaden.För att genomföra detta arbete har tre stycken olika metoder används. Ensimulering, verkliga uppmätta värden och en provtagning. Fuktsimuleringen genomfördes med hjälp av programmet WUFI, uppmätta värden i form av relativ fuktighet och temperatur har samlats in kontinuerligt under två års tid från väggkonstruktionen via mätsensorer.

Jämförelse Mellan Lätt och Tung Stomme på ett Kontorshus

I början av varje nytt projekt stöter man på de olika alternativ av stomme- och bjälklagskonstruktioner som finns att välja mellan, och frågan blir ofta vilken alternativ som är optimal för den aktuella projekteten.Den optimala lösningen för varje projekt existerar inte, på grund av de olika faktorer och förutsättningar som styr projektet, till exempel: ekonomi, typ av byggnad, terrängtyp etc.Frågeställningen i denna rapport är om limträ eller betong är den mest optimala alternativen som stommaterial i det aktuella projektet.Jämförelsearbetet utgående från förutsättningar har gjorts genom att dimensionera delar av ett projekt med både materialen. Fokus har lagts på skillnader i byggnadshöjd, vindstabilitet och grundläggningen. Resultaten tyder på om man ska bygga ett kontorshus eller flervåningshus vore betong mer lämpligare alternativ jämfört med limträ.Skillnaden i byggnadshöjd finns men är förvånansvärt inte så stor mellan de två olika stommaterial. Dock skillnaden varierar avsevärd när det gäller bjälklagshöjd mellan limträ och betong. Detta pga krav på nedböjning och svikt som ställs på limträbjälklag.Båda stommaterial klara vindstabiliteten utan plintar, som är ganska intressant speciellt med tanke på limträets låga vikt.När det gäller grundläggningen, blev skillnaden betydlig större mellan limträ och betong.Dimensionering enligt Eurokoder har gjorts genom egna handberäkningar och även användandet av programvaran Strusoft..

Where has the fertilizer gone? Closing the nutrient budget for a eucalyptus fertilization experiment in southern China

An increasing demand for wood products in China has resulted in large areas invested in fast-growing tree plantations of eucalyptus. Eucalyptus plantations are often associated with an intensive management including fertilization. By understanding the effects of fertilization and where in the ecosystem nutrients are accumulated a more sustainable forest management could be achieved. In this study, a nutrient budget including all biomass and soil components was created for Eucalyptus urophylla. The examined nutrients were nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Short-term responses of the field layer vegetation in a south Swedish deciduous forest after establishment of wild boars (Sus scrofa)

Inside the south Swedish national park Dalby Söderskog, wild boars (Sus scrofa L.) have been visiting since 2010. The presence of wild boars has earlier been proven to impact both soil and vegetation characteristics, both positively and negatively. Still, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the rooting effect on the vegetation in deciduous forest within the native range. In this study, I have compared the field vegetation collected before and after the invasion of wild boars in 74 permanent experimental plots. More specifically, the study aimed to qualify the effect of wild boar rooting on cover ratio, species richness and species composition in a temperate deciduous forest.

Bioenergi från röjningsgallringar : en jämförande studie av fyra flödeskedjor från avlägg till förbrukare

When the Swedish Forestry Act was changed in 1994, brushing of young stands became non mandatory. Since then the annual need for brushing in the country has increased by about 100 000 hectares per year. In later years the price for biomass energy has increased to the same level as pulp wood. The high price on biomass energy and the large areas of stands in the need of brushing has created a new market with its own technical, economical and environmental conditions. There is a development of various techniques to manage the forestry stands with late brushing.

Småskalig biobränsleeldad kraftvärmeproduktion : teknik och investeringsutrymme

To achieve the requirements to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases by 20 % by 2020, Swedenneeds to increase its use of bioenergy. In doing so it seems natural that those who already haveaccess to large amounts of biofuels in the form of by-products such as straw, wood chips anddigestible materials take advantage of these assets locally. By combining production of heat withpower production at the farm it may be possible to not only reduce the direct use of fossil fuel forheating but also reduce energy costs.The purpose was to simulate different cases of using a small scale biofueled combined heat andpower plant for farm-based systems. A MatLab-model was developed and used to draw conclusionsabout the costs for production of heat and electricity with different conversion technologies.The model uses climate data to simulate the variations in heat energy demand on a day-to-day basis.The given heat demand is the base of the simulation and from this the possible electric output iscalculated. This study has focused on the impact of the following properties: electric-, heat- andtotal efficiency, fuel, fuel price and specific fuel requirements.

BIM Building Information Model : Hinder & Drivkraft

The  construction  industry  is  a  costly  business  such  in  respect  of  capital  for  most construction defects which then require rework, tear down and rebuild again. This study is  meaningful  awareness  of  tools  that  can  reduce  this  best  through  communication  and information sharing between the parties.  The  construction  industry  is  known  as  temporary  projects  organizations,  where  the construction  project  consists  of  several  actors  who  have  to  communicate  and  share information  between  them  to  avoid  mistakes  later  in  the  build  time.  These  actors  are bounded together thus for the duration of the project, then broken when the project has reached its end. The challenge here is for these actors to apply a tool that can help and simplify communications, information sharing, and perhaps the most important aspect is to  create  a  routine  for  the  association  and  the  shattering  of  these  actors.  To  implement such  behavior  using  a  tool  such  as  BIM  in  the  industry  whose  size  perhaps  is indescribable may be a very hard task.  BIM (Building Information Model) could be seen as the solution to this problem because it  acts  as  a  portal  where  the  actors  involved  must  sign  in  and  communicate,  share information, and eventually create a behavior, a routine for this association and division of  the  actors  following  the  end  of  the  project.  The  technology  could  help  the  involved from  the  beginning  of  the  project,  already  in  the  model  stage,  break  down  and  prevent any construction barriers when the building has been placed in the works.

Torrefaction of biomass : a comparative and kinetic study of thermal decomposition for Norway spruce stump, poplar and fuel tree chips

Stump biomass is energy rich and stump harvesting for use as fuel become more and more interesting in Sweden. Swedish Forest Agency (2009) has estimated that stump harvesting in Sweden would respond to an annual energy supply of 57 TWh/year. However, stump has not been recognized as a bioenergy resource in Sweden. Suitable methods for pre-treatment of stump are probably of great importance to make it accepted as fuel. It is therefore rewarding to carry out an investigation in this area for stump. This report represents results from a diploma project, which was aimed to develop a fixed bed reactor for experimental study of biomass torrefaction, followed by TG analysis and kinetic modelling employing Ozawa method and different kinetic models including one-step and three-pseudo-component models.

Avsättningar i pappersmaskiner : Utbildning och förslag till processförbättringar

Deposits can be formed in the paper machine due to sticky materials from wood and recycled paper. These deposits get stuck on process equipment and cause the product quality to deteriorate and the efficiency of the paper machine is reduced. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding about deposits among machine operators, and to suggest methods that can be used to reduce the amount of deposits formed in Bravikens paper machines.To fulfill the purpose of the thesis a pre-study, a literature review and interviews with machine operators and production staff, were carried out. These methods led to the planning and creation of an education about deposits for machine operators.The education about deposits for machine operators consisted of an interactive lecture to introduce the subject of deposits and a subsequent discussion. This approach was chosen to give the machine operators the opportunity to discuss their work situation on the paper machines related to their new knowledge about deposits.

Trädetaljer i exteriör arkitektur : En rapport om hur arkitekturen kan tillåtas framhäva trä som byggnadsmaterial i utvalda exteriöra detaljer för ett äldreboende med massiv trästomme

Arkitektfirman Kolman X Boye Architects har fått uppdraget att upprätta bygglovshandlingar för ett äldreboende. Det är ännu ej bestämt i detalj hur byggnaden skall uppföras men beställaren önskar att byggnaden uppförs i träbyggnadsteknik. Äldreboendet projekteras för 54 stycken lägenheter fördelat på sex stycken våningsplan och en total bruttoarea på strax under 6000m2. Ingen lika hög träbyggnad med denna verksamhetsklass avseende brand har tidigare uppförts i Sverige.Vår uppgift och utmaning i detta arbete har varit att reda ut problematiken kring projekteringen av exteriöra detaljer för höga hus i trä. Utifrån kända problem avseende brand, akustik och fukt har sedan ett antal detaljer som påverkar det estetiska uttrycket projekterats.

Stengrunder och gränser : en studie av kontinuitet från äldre järnålderns stengrundsbygd till nutid

This thesis studies settlement continuity on Gotland between approximately AD 200 and AD 1700. The method used is to calculate correlation between the geographical distribution of all known Iron Age stone-wall-houses (on Gotland known as "kämpagravar") and all farms included in the detailed taxation maps from approximately 1700. The number of remaining house foundations is between 1800 and 1900. A model to estimate the number of removed foundations is presented. It is based on the assumption that the settlement density was proportional to land use around 1700, and that the rate of removal is related to the current land use.

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