

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 40 av 181

Betydelsefulla motivationsfaktorer hos unga vuxna som skall söka arbete : -Rädsla för att hamna utanför samhället

A young adult is defined to be in the ages 16?25 and it is during these years that they step in to the job market. Many young adults feel pressured by society to have a job and to keep it. There are motivational factors such as money, activity level, variation, social contacts and personal development that drives the young adult to want a job. The purpose of the study was to examine which motivational factors are significant and the difference between the genders.

"Jag orkar inte och det är mitt fel": Upplevelser hos långtidssjukskrivna med stressrelaterade symptom

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att ta del av upplevelser som långtidssjukskrivna individer med stressrelaterade symptom erfarit. Studien har en explorativ design och metoden som användes var den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun. Undersökningen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer och textanalys. Deltagarna utgjordes av anställda från två yrkeskategorier på en högskola, sju kvinnor och en man. Resultaten visade att bemötandet från omgivningen inverkar på hur individen upplever sin situation, men också att symptombilden påverkar möjligheten att ta till sig omgivningens stöd.

Skillnader i studenters arbetsvärden: en fråga om kön eller self-efficacy?

För att undersöka potentiella könsskillnader mellan studenters skattade arbetsvärden och om dessa samverkar med grad av self-efficacy, utfördes en explorativ studie med hjälp av en enkät. Vid ett universitet i Sverige deltog 109 st ekonomistudenter, med en svarsfrekvens på 98 % och jämn könsfördelning. I formuläret fick deltagarna fylla i demografiska data, sin individuella self-efficacy kopplat till sin förmåga i skolan, samt hur de värderade olika preferenser inför framtida karriärplan ur en lista med olika arbetsvärden. Resultaten visade att kvinnor (framför män) föredrog inre arbetsvärden, män (framför kvinnor) föredrog fritid. Det fanns även signifikanta positiva samband mellan self-efficacy och inflytande och mellan ska studera och yttre.

Depression och dess samverkan med ångest och dissociation.

Syftet med denna studie var att studera sambandet mellan depression, ångest och dissociation. Studien grundar sig i både den psykoanalytiska teorin och den kognitiva teorin. Som deltagare valdes 90 studenter vid en högskola i södra Sverige och som materiel användes tre frågeformulär: ett dissociationsformulär, ett depressionsformulär och ett ångestformulär. Resultaten i denna studie visar på att det inte är någon skillnad i förekomsten av depression mellan män och kvinnor. Depression och ångest har en stark bindning till varandra.

Fonologiskt korttidsminne hos tvåspråkiga barn med och utan språkstörning

Repetition of Non- word (make- up word that has not some semantic content) has been proposed as a reliable index of phonological memory in children with language impairment (LI). The aim of this study was to find out the possible similarities and differences concerning phonotactic non-words and working memory in 18 bilingual Swedish-Arabic children with and without LI ages 4-6 years. The investigation was undertaken by conducting three tests including NEPSY, WPPSI-III and a Word repetition test. The results showed that there are not significant differences between the two groups regarding various parts of NEPSY. On the other hand the results showed two significant differences in WPPSI-III regarding Picture categories and Word repetition tests for Swedish Non-word.

Den tokiga svensken - Synen på vansinne i statliga utredningar

The disciplinary role of madness in the European society was major during the17th century rise of the national state.By studying the view on madness in Swedish governmental investigations duringthe modern years of the Swedish psychiatry, 1950 to today, it's possible to seehow madness function in society have changed. The study is based on a discourseanalysis and done in three important aspects of Michel Foucault's philosophy:terms of existence, control and knowledge.Based on Foucault's theories of self-discipline, exclusion mechanisms and adetailed investigation on the concept of power, the empirical survey shows howthe ?crazy? Swede changes from a disciplinary object of society into a drone toserve under the structures of capitalism. In a psychological condition previousscience has judged as animal..

Kombinationen arbete-familj : I en kvalitativ studie ger Luftfartsverkets anställda sin syn

The purpose of this study was to obtain an understanding of how the employees at LFV Group Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Services (Luftfartsverket) manage to combine work and family, and put this in relation to the concepts of employer of choice and socially sustainable development. Qualitative interviews were carried out with 23 randomly selected participants at the three largest places of work within the organisation. The results showed that the combination of work and family mostly could be managed but that factors like high workload and feelings of stress affected the participants in a negative way. The main measures facilitating the combination of work and family were shorter working hours and support with domestic chores. LFV can partly be considered an employer of choice when it comes to family friendly benefits but changes could be made for further improvement.

På spaning efter den psykoterapeutiska förändringsprocessen

The aim of this study was to examine what factors experienced psychotherapists emphasize as central and change developing in psychotherapy. The intention was to highlight the therapists' personal thoughts and experiences of psychotherapeutic change. By personal interviews with three cognitive and three psychodynamic psychotherapists, data was retrieved and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological and hermeneutical approach. The study revealed great accordance between the psychotherapists regarding the importance of therapeutic relationship, factors connected to therapeutic treatment and flexibility regarding to the method of treatment. Moreover, it has been revealed that psychotherapeutic change in both treatments of psychotherapy is due to integration between emotional and cognitive processes.

A comparison of methods to assess site index in young Norway spruce stands

This study investigates whether the site index curve method (SICM) and the growth intercept method (GIM) can be used for site index predictions in younger Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands than recommended by current guidelines. For SICM it was thus investigated whether the method could be used for stands younger than ten years, and for GIM it was tested whether a starting point for the intercept measurements could be used below the recommended 2.5 meter. This was tested based on measurements taken from experimental stands in Tönnersjöheden Research Forest. For GIM it was found that the method can only be used when the TH-trees of a stand have five complete intercepts above 2.5 meters. For the method to be applicable beyond this, it will be necessary to adapt the underlying equations, perhaps following the Canadian example where a 1.3 meter intercept start is used. In conclusion it is not currently possible to apply the approach beyond the current recommendations. For SICM, SI predictions are accurate for the study area already form year three.

V?RMEAKTIVERADE TISSUES P? TRANSPARENT PAPPER En j?mf?rande studie vid revlagning

Works on transparent paper, also commonly known as tracing paper, have been described as ephemeral or temporary working documents and they usually number large quantities in archival and museum collections. They have therefore previously been considered of lower priority and can be found in poor condition due to a lack of treatment or suitable storage prospects. In addition, transparent paper can be very sensitive to moisture and reacts by deformation or loss of transparency. Due to the volume of these works and the necessity of treatment, there is a call for simple and efficient conservation methods. A common solution in archives for the treatment of water-sensitive works on paper has been the use of heat-activated tissues as they can be applied without the introduction of solvents. There is little published about the use of heat-activated tissues on transparent paper and is mentioned only briefly in existing literature.

Establishment and evaluation of a Barley starch isolation method with focus on representability

The high viscosity of barley material makes starch isolation problematical using regular methods established for cereals. An adjusted starch isolation method has been set up for barley, based on fractionation and purification. The focus is on attaining truly representative isolates of six flour samples selected for widely differing characteristics within the research program BarleyFunFood (BFF). Beside establishment of the method, this diploma work aspires to serve the BFF with isolated material of sufficient yield valid for further starch characterisation. A pre study was conducted evaluating available wet mixing equipment, experimental conditions and mode of procedure.

Energideklaration av flerbostadshus

In the year 2002 the European Union decided on a new directive according to the energy use in buildings. The outcome of this direction is a proposition from the Swedish government on the outlines of a new law in the field of energy use in buildings. The date that the law will be applied is the first of October 2006. In the future al real estate owners must be able to show an energystatement over the real estate. This project contains cooperation with HFAB a local real estate company where two buildings are analyzed according to their energystatement.

Attityder till alkohol- och spelmissbruk

Spel roar människor och ett glas vin till maten kan ses som harmlöst. Trots detta hamnar en del människor i både spel- och alkoholmissbruk En aspekt som kan ses som värdefull i detta sammanhang är vilka attityder människor har gentemot alkohol- och/eller spelmissbruk, går det att urskilja en skillnad i dessa attityder? Studiens syfte var att, utifrån hur attityder uppkommer, attitydförändring, Eriksons utvecklingsteori samt andra psykologiska förklaringsmodeller klargöra attityder till alkohol- och spelmissbruk. Dessutom var syftet att förklara bakomliggande psykologiska faktorer till dessa attityder. En enkätundersökning med 48 stycken deltagare har använts för att uppnå detta.

Analys av kundorderuppfyllelseprocessen på Pallco AB

This thesis has been performed as a part of the Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering and Management at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The thesis is written on behalf of Pallco AB, which is an engineering company that performs subcontracting, surface treatment, and assembly of components, mainly in steel and aluminium. The thesis focuses on identifying and analyzing the customer order fulfillment process of three customers at Pallco AB.The main objective of the thesis is to distinguish time differences in the company?s administrative work for each of the three customers. Furthermore, Lean thinking is following as a thread through the whole thesis.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att vårda sitt nyfödda barn på Neonatal Intensivvårdsavdelning - En litteraturstudie.

Background: Breastfeeding frequency decrease in Sweden and infants born preterm is a particularly vulnerable group to not be breastfed according to current recommendations. Mothers of preterm infants have an extra need of support from the health care system. Mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding affects the outcome of breastfeeding. Health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding have an impact on the breast feeding support they provide to the mothers.Aim: To investigate whether an intervention could strengthen self-efficacy in breastfeeding among mothers of premature babies. A further aim was to investigate whether the intervention influenced health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding.Method/Design: An experimental study with quantitative approach in the form of questionnaire survey was conducted.

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