

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 31 av 181

Utveckling av ett hjälpmedel för träning och utvärdering av förare av tunga fordon

The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate how internal vehicle information inScania buses and trucks can be used for evaluation of driver performance regardingfuel economy, vehicle wear, traffic safety, emissions and cargo damage. To someextent it was examined whether this information could be used for training the driverto a better driving style. In addition, a prototype for such a system was developed.By first defining what distinguishes a talented driver and how he/she differs from apoor driver, followed by a study of the internal vehicle communication, a system thatin real-time gathers and interprets vehicle data could be developed.The resulting system can with reasonably high reliability detect a number of trafficevents (such as braking, lane changing or hilltops). At each such event, the driver?sbehaviour can be evaluated.

Studio för mekanik och hållfasthetslära - Tillverkning och utveckling av demonstrationsexperiment

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Strategisk kommunikation i ideella organisationer ? en fallstudie av Rädda Barnens modell med frivilligarbetande kommunikatörer

This thesis explores strategic communication management within the non-profit sector. Communication models need to be adapted to the specific sector as different sectors require different approaches of strategic communication management. In the spring of 2013, the non-profit organization Save the Children Sweden initiated a communication model based on volunteer communicators. The following study explores how non-profit organizations can manage communications with a focus on volunteers as a communication resource. The applied research questions concern how volunteers may be integrated into communication activities, the opportunities and challenges connected to involving volunteer communicators and how this may affect the role of the organization's employed communicators.

Såsom i en spegel

Syftet med studien var att få en djupare förståelse för identitetsskapande via sociala medier, och hur detta identitetsskapande påverkar individens självbild. Frågeställningen var: ?Vilka strategier använder unga vuxna i konstruerandet av sin nätidentitet på Facebook genom statusuppdateringar?? och ?Hur förhåller sig denna nätidentitet till deras självbild?? Som metod valdes Multi-Grounded Theory. Sex personer i åldern 18-23 år deltog i studien. Datainsamling skedde genom observation av informanternas statusuppdateringar, och personliga intervjuer kring dessa.

Bedöms attraktiva röster tillhöra attraktiva ansikten?

Studien avsåg att undersöka om mer attraktiva röster bedöms tillhöra mer attraktiva ansikten. Både manliga och kvinnliga deltagare gjorde attraktionsbedömningar av fyra manliga och fyra kvinnliga röster samt fyra manliga och fyra kvinnliga ansikten. Deltagarna bedömde sedan vilka röster som tillhörde vilka ansikten. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att männen och kvinnorna var överens om vilka röster och ansikten som var mer attraktiva och vilka som var mindre attraktiva. Rösternas attraktionsbedömningar korrelerade positivt med ansiktenas attraktionsbedömningar vilket tyder på att människor till viss del bedömer att mer attraktiva röster tillhör mer attraktiva ansikten.

Första linjens chefers skattning av sina ledar- och chefsegenskaper samt strukturell empowerment före och efter utbildningsinsats för chefer inom kommunal verksamhet.

The purpose of this study was to examine whether there were any differences in how first-line managers within   municipal care   rated their management leadership qualities, and structural empowerment before and after the course in "leadership, learning and improvement". The study had a quasi-experimental design and 64 managers participated. There was a significant improvement in the LaMI factor ?Achievement orientation?, after participation in the course "leadership, learning and improvement". In other factors, there was no significant difference before and after training.

"Man är liksom mittemellan". En kvalitativ studie om 10-åringars perspektiv på sin livssituation

The purpose of this essay was to, by the ecology of human development theory, examine 10-year old childrens own experience of their lifesituation outside the time of school. The study was based on qualitative interviews with six 10-year old children from a smaller community in Sweden. The main guestions was:1. What is the experience of being 10 year?2.

Rädsla för framgång - Vägen till övervinnandet av rädslan för framgång

Studiens syfte var att undersöka individers rädsla för framgång och hur de har lyckas övervinna den rädslan. Det har inte utförts tillräckligt mycket forskning som tar upp hur individer övervinner rädslan för framgång och därför är denna studie fördjupat i det ämnet. En kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod valdes för att samla in materialet. Fem individer som har övervunnit sin rädsla för framgång valdes som intervjupersoner. För att analysera data har programvaran ATLAS.ti använts och sedan redovisats i fem kategorier.

Om leken i nödvändigheten

This study aims to examine play as a phenomena from a phenomenological approach. This I do by discussing a dominant approach to play, an perspective which is reproduced in the context of pre-school and in where the play and learning is in single focus. Using alternative perspective on play, mainly by Gadamer and Bakthtins philosophical thoughts about the feast or the carnival, contents differ significantly from educational or developmental psychology perspectives. I open up for an understanding of what play as ontology can be understood as, and thereby enable second readings. I illustrate this thought by an empirical example from a pre-school context which where created alongside with the children in the study.

Identitetspresentation på Instagram : En studie i användares upplevelser och attityder till sin identitetspresentation på Instagram

In recent years, the internet has exploded of images. Not at least in the popular photo-sharing network Instagram as one of the fastest growing social network for the moment. Millions of people around the world share pictures and expose themself for friends and family. We were therefore interested in which experiences and attitudes users have towards their identities in relation to their self-image and self-presentation on Instagram. Furthermore, whether they in general have a primary interest in using Instagram as a tool to experiment with images to present their identity on Instagram, in which way they approach their Instagram follower?s expectations on how they present themselves on Instagram and if they are aware of any strategies in their self-presentation on Instagram.The result of this study is the fact that our respondents thinks that they do not intend to have a primary interest in experimenting with images on Instagram to present their identitiy, it is rather something that comes naturally in how they present themselves on Instagram.

Samverkan - vägen till en integrerad arbetsmarknad? : En studie av ett samverkansprojekt

AbstractThe aim of this thesis is to investigate an experimental work in the region of Kronoberg and to study, from the actors? point of view, what possibilities there are for cooperation when it comes to hastening the introduction for newly arrived immigrants on the labour market, and also what possibilities the cooperation entails for the newly arrived immigrants to integrate on the labour market. The thesis employs the following research questions to answer the purpose:How do the actors in the project work to fasten the introduction to the Swedish labour market?Which opportunities and obstacles do the actors experience for cooperation in the project?Which consequences do the actors experience that cooperation in the project bring for the newly arrived immigrants? opportunity to integrate on the labour market?In order to answer the questions, ten actors involved in the project have been interviewed. Also written documents have been used.The conclusion of the study is that explicit goal and explicit division of the responsibilities in the project have made the cooperation easier.

Anknytningens förändring och stabilitet i vuxna parrelationer: en integrerad helhetssyn

Several theoretical models of change exist concerning attachment, but an integrated view and knowledge of the role separate factors of change play for the individual is lacking. This phenomenon is hereby studied by semi-structured interviews of 20 persons. Change and factors of change are examined statistically with affectregulation as measure of attachment. The results show that these individuals´ changes are small and mostly towards secure attachment. Metacognition is related to greater change towards secure attachment.

Effekter av en idrottspsykologisk utbildningsintervention för friidrottstränare : med fokus på tränares förhållningssätt och ungdomars motivation och upplevelse av tävlingsnervositet

Abstract Aim: Since there is a lack of research based educational interventions concerning the relationship between coaches and young athletes, the aim of this study was to implement and examine the effects of sport psychology intervention for coaches in a track and field club. The research questions were: What are the effects of an educational intervention for coaches, with focus on a motivational climate, on: A) the coaches´ coaching approach B) their athletes´ goal orientation and C) their athletes´ perceived competitive anxiety?Method: The coach education stretched over two months and consisted of four two-hour lessons with focus on motivational climate, goal orientation and sport anxiety. Six coaches (three females, three males), aged 38-52 (M=44.33 years, SD=4.84) and their 59 athletes (27 males and 32 females) aged 12-14 (M=13.10 years, SD=0.82), participated in the study. A control group of 35 athletes (10 males and 25 females), of the same age (M=13.46 years, SD=0.70) and with similar demographic data, was also recruited.

Drama & vägledning : Metoder som speglar livet

This study illustrates how drama methods and career counselling might interact. The aim is to investigate whether drama methods can enhance career counselling methods. Drama is here defined as an umbrella term that includes all forms of action methods used in psychology and education.A literature survey was carried out in parallel with qualitative research interviews. Three professional drama leaders were interviewed separately. This was followed by a group interview with five upper secondary school students, who had all taken a course in drama with a focus on personal development.The findings show that there are common and consistent goals and values between drama and career counselling.

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