

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 25 av 181

Jämförelse av stenull- och polyuretanisolering : Brand- och fuktegenskaper i passivhuskonstruktion

This report compares two different types of insulation with regards to fire and moisture. The materials were tested for the company Fiskarhedenvillan AB, for a wall and a roof construction that the company currently uses in the establishment of Sweden's first certified passive house for international standards.Their current material, Rockwool, is compared to a relatively new material on the Swedish market called SEALECTION Agribalance sold by the company ISO Green AB. The material is a type of polyurethane insulation. This insulation material would result in a more efficient execution of the construction as it provides waterproofing and is applied more easily than Rockwool. From a fire standpoint, literature studies and discussions with fire experts led to results.

Kön och genus relaterat till smärta i upplevelser, uttryck och behandling

One area of responsibility for a nurse is to alleviate suffering. Gender research has shown that there are differences between men and women. The aim of this literary study has been to elucidate men and women’s experience and expression of pain and to examine to what extent sex and gender influence which treatment the patient receive. The study is based on 21 scientific articles from the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The result shows that women experience and express more pain than men, postoperative and experimental. It is however not possible to draw any general conclusions in terms of the need for men and women to be treated in different ways.

Water balance and nitrate leaching from arable land in a changed climate : a model study

This thesis aims to present the essential background on how to perform climate changeimpact assessments, and to present the results from a climate impact assessment on waterbalance and nitrate leaching for an arable Swedish soil. The soil is a sandy soil in southwesternSweden, grown with spring cereals. This study is meant to be a benchmark example,and cannot be seen as a regional or national assessment for Sweden, rather as an approachto present and analyze the most important parts of these kinds of assessments.A dynamical simulation model (COUP, Jansson and Karlberg, 2004) was used for thisstudy. The model was parameterized and calibrated against data from an experimental site,located in Mellby in Hallands county, south western Sweden. Measurements were carriedout between 1st of April 1988 and 1st of April 1991.

Barnplagg i alla storlekar

I studien tas måttlistor fram för tre barnplagg med funktionsdetaljer. Plaggen graderas för att kontrollera att skillnadsintervallerna är rimliga att skicka vidare till produktion. Studien genomförs mot ett företag som uppgiften utformas tillsammans med och som bidrar med material i form av tyg, provplagg att utgå ifrån, samt handledning.Metoden för studien är huvudsakligen experimentell forskning i form av avmätning, konstruktion, gradering och sömnad. Underlag för den experimentella forskningen består av litteratur. Huvudfokus ligger på gradering då plaggen i studien omfattar ett stort storleksspann innehållande 12 storlekar vilka är 86-152 centilong.

På jakt efter den produkt som flytt - en studie om uppskjuten produktlansering och dess effekter

Many product launches are postponed today, however very little research regarding to customer responses to such events has been carried out. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people react to a postponed product launch. An experimental study of responses to a postponed launch of a mobile phone, a mineral water and a music album is used to investigate customer reactions. The respondents exposed to the postponed launch showed a higher value of reactance. This reactance affects the attitude, purchase intention and perceived quality of the product in a negative way.

På tal om "mötesplatser" : Om folkbibliotekspersonals diskursiva språkanvändning

This thesis is a discourse analysis analyzing public library librarians' talk on the subject of public library meeting places. Within the field of Library and Information Science the public libraries' functions as social meeting places have been scrutinized for more than a decade. Researchers in the Nordic countries in particular have looked at library users' use of the library space and have highlighted the sociologic dimensions of the public library and the meeting place functions. Few however have paid much attention to the library personnel's point of view. The discourse analysis perspective is about language use and how people construct the reality.

Broiler production in Zambia - management, growth, diseases and welfare

Successful broiler production in hot climates requires knowledge of how birds are affected by heat stress. It is important with access to water and good ventilation to facilitate coping with the heat. It may be useful to reduce the consumption of feed during the hottest hours of the days, which together with a few hours of extra light available could improve both productivity and animal welfare. The vision in birds is superior to that of humans and most other mammals. Continuous light and light with low intensity can cause eye injuries, affect the eye development in young chicken negatively, as well as provide increased incidence of foot pad lesions. Access to light affects the production but also the welfare of birds.

Ska vi använda Stor bokstav . och ? : Kan intensivundervisning under en kort period öka elevers förståelse för användandet av stor bokstav, punkt och frågetecken?

Are we able to help younger students to develop their understanding and their use of the capital letter, dot and question mark by giving them intensive teaching on the subject during a short period, and would the effect be long lasting?I decided to investigate this together with young students in second and third grade and at the same time try to see which grade would benefit most.By using an experimental research design I conducted the investigation in a class with children from both grades where the result was compared with two similar control groups. The investigation lasted during five months, while the students were able to show their knowledge in the subject just before and after a two weeks period of intensive teaching and then again after four months.The result showed that the intensive teaching had an effect that lasted over time and that it was the students in second grade that would benefit most. .

Empirisk studie av den radiella förspänningskraftens variation i klassiska skärskruvförband

In this study, the pre-tension force in an insert screw connection are examined in order to establish a greater understanding of the system and to facilitate the process of making new metal cutting tools. Certain especially significant design variables such as the offset, the length of the contact thread and the shank length above the threaded hole, are selected to be closely examined. A comparison of the influence on the pre-tension force between threaded holes made with a worn, versus new, threading tool is also involved in the experiment. The study is limited to handling the screw sizes M2,5 and M3,5. The results show that a regression model, with good approximation, can be fitted to the measured values.

En tvånivåbeskrivning av kalmuckisk morfologi för PCKimmo

I föreliggande uppsats undersöks ett urval morfonotaktiskt betingade företeelser i kalmuckisk ordstruktur, vilka analyseras och beskrivs utifrån tvånivåmorfologin för programmet PC-Kimmo..

Inverkan av utfodringsnivå och miljö på reproduktion och hållbarhet hos rekryteringskvigor :

This study is based on an earlier interdisciplinary study made by Redbo et al., (2000), Extensive cattle production systems ? out wintering, which lasted over two winters, 97/98 and 98/99, with two groups of heifers indoors and two groups of heifers outdoors raised in different environments, indoors or outdoors during their second winter. Both indoor and outdoor heifer groups were fed grass silage ad libitum throughout the experimental period that lasted from October until May. The objective of this study was to evaluate the long term effects of being raised in these two environments. This study includes data collected during the period lasting from the start of the experiment of Redbo et al., (2000) until the heifers had calved a second time and the results mainly deal with the performance of the animals after the experiment during their first two calvings and their first lactation.

Fast Service in Fast Fashion-En kvantitativ studie av kundrespons till självserviceteknik i fast fashion

The success of self-service technology in retail grocery stores cannot be ignored, and the fact is that every other grocery store in Sweden has implemented the self-scanning or self-checkout systems. The trend is that the technique is spreading into other markets with potential to increase productivity for companies and enhance the service for customers. Fast fashion is one branch that is left untouched by the development in payment processes, and despite the leading companies extensive focus on fast service, the concept of self-service technology has not yet been tested. This paper undertake a quantitative, experimental approach to the issue and examines the effect self-checkout would have on Fast fashion- customers. By presenting a scenario with and without self- checkout and afterwards asked about the respondents experience, we can provide the marketing world with new insights.

Yrkesroll i förändring? : En studie av ett antal statsanställda arkivariers upplevelser av införandet av en verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning

The aim of this thesis is to examine the archivist's professional role in public authorities and discuss if, and in what way, the profession is effected by the new swedish process oriented archival description system. The study focuses on swedish authorities and does not make any international comparisons with other institutions. Neither does it investigate archivists workingin the private sector, but centers on public institutions.The survey is performed in five swedish public authorities, using interviews and observations. Grounded theory is used as a method initially in the purpose of keeping an open mark towards the object of study. The initial results led on to questions about how well the archivists perceived that communication within the authorities served, and how this in turn prepossessed their work situation and the professional roles in which they found themselves.

Spelet om spelandet : En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb

AbstractTitle: The game of playing: A media ethnographic study of children playing videogames on a Swedish after school recreation centre. Spelet om spelandet: En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb.Number of pages: 46Author: Peter BrandbergTutor: Amelie HössjerPeriod: Spring term 2008Course: Media and Communication studies DUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim with this study is to describe how children play video games in an everyday context. In this study this context consists of a Swedish after school recreation centre. By combining three different aspects on the activity this study tries to understand how both the video game and the social and cultural context in which the activity takes place in influences it. This by taking one analyse of the specific game that the children played at the time of the study and how the overall environment is structured into account.

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