

485 Uppsatser om Anti-devices. - Sida 28 av 33

Har ungdomars deltagande i organiserade fritidsaktiviteter och framtidstro betydelse för normbrytande beteende?

Title: Has youth participation in organized extracurricular activities and future expectation relevance for antisocial behavior? Zetterberg, E. (2015). Has youth participation in organized extracurricular activities and future expectation relevance for antisocial behavior? Bachelor thesis in Public Health science.

En fika på vägen till ett (mer) självständigt liv? - empowermentprocesser på ett aktivitetshus

Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie kring brukarinflytande och empowerment på aktivitetshuset Gunnareds gård. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur empowermentliknande metoder tillämpas och hur empowermentarbetet upplevs av deltagare och personal. För att få undersöka detta har vi haft följande frågeställningar? Vilka metoder används vid tillämpningen av empowerment? -Hur tillämpas dessa metoder i verksamheten? ? Kan deltagarna påverka verksamheten? -Hur/Varför inte?? Hur beskriver personalen de begrepp de arbetar med?? Hur upplevs arbetet med inflytande och empowerment?ResultatArbetet med brukarinflytande på Gunnareds gård sker främst genom verksamhetens möten och arbetsgrupper. Ett av de resultat som kom fram i vår studie är hur deltagare och personals uppfattning av möten delvis skiljer sig åt.

Tystnadens spår : En läsning av tystnadens estetik och etik hos Mirjam Tuominen och Gunnar Björling

This bachelor thesis engages in the question of silence in the writings of Fenno-Swedish modernists Mirjam Tuominen and Gunnar Björling, silence being understood as both a poetic theme and a question of literary form. Alongside this exposition runs a discussion about the possibilities and impossibilities of interpretation in the field of academic literary studies. This query is connected to the different ideological positions of the two writers, conjoined by ideas about anti-comprehensibility. Considering certain weaknesses of classical hermeneutics as well as the theory of deconstruction, especially in the case of reading poetry, this thesis tries to point out possible routs for a practice of a more dynamic interpretation, with special regard to understanding the trope of silence in the modernist poetry of Tuominen and Björling.The composition explicitly applies a ?method of wandering? inspired by Maurice Blanchot?s understanding of the priests of Dionysus in Hölderlin?s writings ? maundering in the holy night ? as a metaphor for a critique-in-the-creating.

Den åländska hembygdsrättens omgestaltning - Från jordförvärvsskydd till regionalt medborgarskap

This article seeks to re-imagine the Alandish hembygdsrätt to a regional citizenship. Hembygdsrätt is a judicial tool that regulates acquisition of property and voting rights. Its a central part of the autonomy as it constitutes a social-border between Finns and Alanders.However as Åland and Finland became members of the European Union questions arouse concerning the legitimacy of the current statues. The community argued that it could be considered as a breach of the anti-discrimination principle. Therefore Alandish autonomy was recognized as an exception in the joint-accession treaty of Finland and Åland.

Rekommendationssystem för interaktiva musiktjänster : en utredning av aktuella trender och attityder gentemot framtidens rekommendationssystem diskuterat ur forskar-, industri- & användarperspektiv

Parallel to new technological advancements, including the development of interactive recommender systems, digital music services on the Internet, such as Spotify, have in a short time span gradually replaced former physical media such as CDs and MP3-players and become pioneers on a market with an otherwise uncertain future. By subscribing to the service, users have access to a vast library of music and from any device with Internet access. In order to provide a satisfactory and useful musical experience, different ways of coping with the vastness is required - which is precisely what recommender systems are for. Improved filtering techniques and use of devices built in sensors, make way for new opportunities of more precise and contextually tailored suggestions for track selection, which in turn leads to potential privacy issues when using interactive music services. But where do we stand today? By compiling, exemplifying and discussing three different perspectives with relating to the development of interactive music recommender systems, the objective for this paper is to provide a for science, industry and user, objectively nuanced account of current potentials and expectations.

"I världen, men icke av världen" : Konstruktionen av kristen manlighet i Skånes Missionssällskap ca 1939-1945

The aim of this study is to analyze the construction of "Christian masculinity" during the modern era. This is made in opposition to earlier research that has claimed that masculinity could not be constructed religiously, that is, without at the same time being constructed as effeminate or anti-masculine.Using a wide variety of theoretical concepts - such as discourse analysis, class, secularisation, masculinity as constructed from countertypes, and finally masculinity as a homosocial construction - I analyze a free church in Sweden, the Scanian Missionary Society (Skånes Missionssällskap), during the period of ca 1939-1945 (the society was a district of the Swedish Covenant Church, or Svenska Missionsförbundet), in order to argue for the standpoint that masculinity, in fact, could be constructed religiously. The primary source is the society's weekly journal Sydposten.The main results in this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The leading men in the Scanian Missionary Society did, in fact, construct a Christian masculinity, i. e. a masculinity whose core values and ideals were Christian, e.g.

Uppochnervända roller hemma hos Martina : En undersökning av den självförringande humorns subversiva kraft i Martina Haags Hemma hos Martina

Martina Haag?s method of self-mockery used in her chronicles is characterized by her wish to live up to various ideals. This essay brings out the subversive power of self-deprecatory hu-mor expressed in her book Hemma hos Martina. The author?s strategies and kinds of humor are being studied, leading up to what this humor accomplishes.

Frågor som ställs inför datortomografi med intravenösa jodkontrastmedel : en enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Förutom de diagnostiska fördelarna med jodkontrastmedel finns det samtidigt risker. Nedsatt njurfunktion, diabetes och hjärtsvikt är några av de riskfaktorer som kan leda till att patienten drabbas av en kontrastmedelsinducerad njurskada. Allergi och astma utgör riskfaktorer för en akut överkänslighetsreaktion. Tyreoideafunktion, graviditet och läkemedel är andra faktorer som är viktigt att ta reda på för att undvika negativa effekter av jodkontrastmedel. I Sverige finns nationella rekommendationer samt utarbetade frågeformulär som ska förebygga de negativa effekterna.

Mening ? minne:glömska : En läsning av Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter

Dag Wellander: Meaning ? memory: oblivion. A reading of Birgitta Trotzig?s The mud kings daughter. Master of Arts paper.

Hövdingen och hans äreminne : En idéhistorisk studie av Brantingmonumentet på Norra Bantorget

This subject of interest in this paper is the ideas expressed and formulated in the making andinauguration of the Branting-monument at Norra Bantorget in Stockholm. The initiative for a monument honoring the late Social Democratic leader Hjalmar Brantingwas taken at the Swedish Social Democratic Party Congress in 1928. In 1935 the party board decided to give the task of designing the monument to the much renowned artist Carl Eldh. A national fund-raising campaign for the monument was also initiated. In1942 the model of the monument was completed, but because of the war it was stored in a shelter.

Kastrering av smågris : bättre djurvälfärd med hjälp av farmaka

The castration of piglets is performed routinely all around the world. Most castrations are done without anaesthesia and analgesia, despite the fact that this procedure has been proved to induce acute pain and stress for the piglets. The procedure regarding castration of piglets is currently a hot topic of debate and an important political issue. The underlying issue is the boar taint which are highlighted in the heating of the meat after slaughter, which in turn can lead to reduced meat sales as it can be perceived as unpleasant for many consumers. The purpose of this study is to examine alternative drugs which may be selected in order to replace the practice of castration of piglets without anaesthesia, in light of improved animal welfare.

Glukokortikoiders inverkan på fertiliteten hos ston med kvarstående betäckningsinducerad endometrit

Kvarstående endometrit efter betäckning eller insemination, "perstistant mating-induced endometritis" (PMIE) har länge orsakat problem med fertiliteten hos ston och anses i vissa fall vara den största anledningen till infertilitet. Ett av de tydligaste tecknen på att ett sto drabbats av PMIE är att det finns ?2cm vätska i livmodern 6-24 timmar efter betäckning/insemination. Det inte har funnits några standardiserade behandlingsprotokoll för PMIE men nya studier har visat en markant ökning i dräktighetsfrekvensen när ston som identifierats som predisponerade för PMIE har behandlats med glukokortikoider innan betäckning/insemination. När ston med antingen tidigare oförklarad infertilitet eller tidigare symtom på PMIE behandlats med prednisolon innan insemination har dräktighetsprocenten ökat från 3% till 65% dräktighet samt från 0% till 64,5% dräktighet.

Det etiska ledarskapets roll i kampen mot korruption - En studie om antikorruptionsarbete i den svenska banksektorn

Despite Sweden's ranking as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, recent studies suggest that the prevalence of corruption in the private sector is growing, now approaching international levels. Over the past couple of years, Sweden has witnessed a growing number of scandals involving unethical behavior on the part of its corporate sector. Corruption has gained the attention of authorities, legislators and the public - putting the private sector under pressure to take action to prevent such corporate misconduct. As a result, companies increasingly prioritize strategies and policies aiming to prevent corruption. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the role of leadership in such preventive work.

Mekanisk sårrengöringsapparatur för vården : En studie i sköljningsoptimering

?Mechanical debridment ? A studie in irrigation optimization? is a final thesis which was executed by Fredrick Ekman, in close collaboration with the other group member Mikael Johansson, during the spring 2012. The thesis was carried out through Karlstad University Faculty of Technology and Science in the study program of Innovation and Design Engineering (180 ECTS credits). The client of the project was Medilink AB located in Lindesberg, and the contact person was Nils-Erik Söderström, Chief Executive Officer. The project was supervised by lecturer, Lennart Wihk, and examined by lecturer and professor Fredrik Thuvander at Karlstad University.

Effekter av specifika näringsämnen vid osteoartrit hos hundar: verkningsmekanismer för omega-3-fettsyror, 'green-lipped mussel' och glukosamin kombinerat med kondroitinsulfat

Osteoartrit är en vanligt förkommande degenerativ ledsjukdom hos våra hundar som orsakar smärta, stelhet och minskad rörlighet hos drabbade individer. Ledbrosket bryts ned och detta följs av en inflammatorisk process som ytterligare driver på utvecklingen. De bakomliggande orsakerna varierar men kan t ex vara felställning av ben som ger onormalt slitage eller övervikt som ökar den mekaniska påfrestningen på brosket vilket initierar nedbrytningsprocessen. De genetiska förutsättningarna har stor betydelse för sjukdomsutvecklingen. Sjukdomen är kronisk och progressiv.

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