

969 Uppsatser om Animal personality - Sida 2 av 65

Hästhållares uppfattning av Länsstyrelsens tillsyn i Halland

In the beginning of 2009 The County Administrative Boards assumed the responsibility of animal welfare, a task previously performed by the individual municipalities. This transfer was made with the aim of achieving more efficient and equivalent animal welfare controls across the country. Previous studies among animal owners have shown a somewhat negative image of animal welfare controls. This study focuses on investigating the experiences of the horse keepers in the County of Halland concerning animal welfare. The study is based on a questionnaire which was sent to 423 horse keepers in Halland, of which 130 were returned with information that laid the foundation of this study.

Är borderline personlighetsstörning en kvinnlig diagnos? : En kvalitativ studie om borderline personlighetsstörning och könsskillnader

The aim of the study is to investigate how clinicians in psychiatric care for adults consider borderline personality disorder to be manifested in men and women, respectively. Could there be a tendency to over-diagnose women and under-diagnose men? In addition, the purpose of the study is to bring clarity to the reasons for gender differences within borderline personality as perceived by the clinicians. The study is based on an inductive approach, in which interviews have been conducted with twelve clinicians working with borderline personality disorders to gain a deeper understanding of how the clinicians consider the manifestations of gender differences.The clinicians described tendencies for women to deliberate self-harm, have mood swings and problems in relations. Men with borderline personality disorders are described as having a higher degree of e.g.

Let a smile be your umbrella : Humorstilar, personlighet och kön

AbstractThe main aim of this study was to investigate if four humour styles, affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humour can be related to all five dimensions of the Big Five Factor Model of personality and study if gender has any influence on those relation-ships. A survey questionnaire was distributed among 72 individuals from Kalmar County, in the South-east of Sweden. There were 42 women and 30 men. A humour test questionnaire, Humour Scale Questionnaire (HSQ), with 32 items was used and the Big Five Factor test with 40 items was used for personality test. The results showed that men have a more aggressive humour than women and that the older we get the less affiliative and self-enhancing humour we have.

Animal welfare in Ethiopia: handling of cattle during transport and operations at Kera Abattoir, Addis Abeba

The main objective of this study was to evaluate animal welfare situation in Ethiopia during slaughter and to investigate chain activities between animal markets and Kera abattoir in Addis Abeba. In total, 442 animals were observed within 52 groups of cattle; both ox and calves with different breeds. The study was divided into four different sets of data collection; behavioural observations, recording of slaughter process, observation during transport and interview. During the behavioural observations, an ethogram was used with 46 behaviours observed, categorised into 5 different groups. The data was calculated using Excel and SAS. The results indicated that a significant correlation (p-value.

Brand Personality and Gender ? How there is a woman inside Evian and a man inside Nike

The thesis provides with the broad overview about the consumer awareness of the gender dimension within brand personalities. The research contributes to branding theory and gender studies and demonstrates that consumer gender influences does not influence the perceived brand personality gender. However, it also shows that consumers prefer brands with a clear gender, but not necessarily the same gendered brands..

Djurskyddskontroll av reptiler och sällskapsfåglar. Kan djurskyddsinspektören göra en bra bedömning?

Reptiles and birds are animals that many people don?t have much experience of, so it can be difficult to do a proper animal protection assessment of these animals. It?s hard to determine if these animals is skinny, fat or in good shape, to do that it demands handling of the animal and not many inspectors that works with animal protection have experience of handling reptiles and birds. To see if a reptile or a bird is ill is difficult, when the bird or reptile looking sick it?s often too late to do something. www.blocket.se is a sell and buy page on the internet there many animals switch owner.

Behövs kattetologer på djursjukhus i Sverige? :

Behaviour problems are often behaviours that cat owners don´t like, but are normal to the cat. The reason to why cat owners experience certain feline behaviours as problematic is probably due to the current practice in cat housing. The ways that cats are kept today causes somewhat of a compromise between cat and owner and inhibits the expressions of the cat's natural and normal behaviour. The cat owners may misunderstand their cats behaviour, for example the cat owners believe that their cats perform certain behaviours because of feelings of guilt, hate, revenge or maybe to protest against something or someone. An animal hospital may help solve behaviour problems, but also help the cat owners to undstand their cat´s behaviour in an other perspective. The aim of this study is to investigate the need of a cat ethologist in animal hospitals.

Djurskyddskontroller ur lantbrukarnas perspektiv - från kommun till länsstyrelse

On the first January 2009 the official animal welfare control were transferred from the municipalities to the County Administrative board. With this transition, some changes occurred for those who work as animal welfare inspectors. The aim for this study was to examine farmers' view on the transition between the municipalities and County Administrative board, in order to compare the two authorities. I have also studied the farmers view about animal welfare inspectors' knowledge, both theoretical and practical. The questionnaire also included questions about farmers' view on animal welfare legislation.

Dimensioner av brand personality i den svenska kontexten : -­En kvantitativ studie

Bakgrund: Brand personality beskrivs i litteraturen som den uppsättning avpersonliga egenskaper som beskriver ett varumärke, genom att försevarumärken med mänskliga drag kan konsumenten lättare relatera ochknyta an till sina egna preferenser utifrån sin egen karaktär (Aaker 1997).Det var år 1997 som forskaren Jennifer Aaker (1997) kom med denförsta definitionen om brand personality, som följde "the set of humancharacteristics associated with a brand" (Aaker 1997, p 347).Syfte: Syftet är att förklara hur Aaker?s (1997) modell brand personality ?thebig five? kan revideras för att passa till den Svenska kontexten.Forskningsfråga: Vilka dimensioner i modellen brand personality ?the big five? (Aaker,1997) behöver revideras för att appliceras i en Svensk kontext?Vilka personlighetsdrag och dimensioner är unika för den svenskakontexten och behöver därmed adderas till brand personality modellen?Metod: Denna studie har antagit en abduktivt angreppssätt, där tidigareforskning om brand personality har varit utgångspunkt. Författarna toggrund i befintlig teori med avsikt att testa modellen ?the big five? skapadav Aaker (1997) empiriskt i en ny kontext. Till studien tillämpadesfokusgrupp (förstudie) och enkät.Resultat och slutsats: Genom studien var det möjligt att fastslå att Aakers (1997) ursprungligamodell brand personality, inte var funktionell i den kontext som studienämnar.

Personlighetstyper och upplevelse av ett nytt arbetsstöd : undersökning gjord på Trafikverkets Intranät och anställda

In order to get a better understanding of the interaction between employees and their technical work tools one needs to know what factors influence the interaction. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is a correlation between the personality traits Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N), tested with Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), and experience of the new Intranet among employees at The Swedish National Transport Administration (SNTA), and also to gather information of employees? opinions about the new Intranet. A survey, containing questions about the Intranet and a personality test (EPI), was posted on SNTA?s Intranet for eight workdays (N = 88, females = 53, males = 35).

Djur inom vården : sett från djurens perspektiv

Animal-assisted therapy had its large breakthrough in the 1960-ties when a psychiatrist named Boris Levinson discovered the great advantages of involving animals in the treatment of patients. Therapy with animals involves that animals are used in a systematic way, in a person's process of treatment. The most distinguished companion animal used within this area is the dog, but horses, cats, rabbits, birds, dolphins and the most common farm animals are used in animal-assisted therapy. Most animals that are to be used for this specific purpose need to be trained in order to maintain their physical and mental health, but also to minimize the risks for the people that are involved. Most studies within this research area are focused on the positive effects on the patients and less on the effects on the animals.

Bedövningsmetoder vid slakt av svin : en jämförelse ur djurvälfärdsperspektiv

Stunning of pigs at slaughter constitutes of primarily two methods; carbon dioxide and electricity. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages from an animal welfare point of view. The purpose of this study is to compare different methods of stunning pigs from a welfare point of view. Questions included in the study are 1) What differences are there, from an animal welfare point of view, between CO2 and electricity as methods for stunning pigs? 2) What alternatives are there to the methods currently in use? 3) Which method for stunning pigs is preferable from an animal welfare point of view?This report is a literature review.

Evaluation of animal welfare education in primary schools in Lilongwe, Malawi

Animal welfare issues are not considered as high priority in Malawi, a developing country in south east Africa, due to problems affecting the human population. In Lilongwe, the capital city, education programs are used to increase the awareness of animal welfare issues among primary school children. A study was undertaken to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of animal welfare in primary school children as well as two different teaching methods for animal welfare, namely humane lessons (HL) and Animal Kindness Clubs (AKC). The gender perspective, in terms of differences in attitude towards and knowledge in animal welfare, was also evaluated as well as the link between domestic and animal violence. The study was performed in collaboration with Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA). A questionnaire of multiple choice character was handed out to 249 children aged between 9 and 15 from six different schools.

Personlighet, hälsobeteende och attityder till friskvård : Hos personal på Försäkringskassa i en medelstor stad i södra Sverige

Objectives. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the personality variables Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC), Negativ affect and Social inhibition (the D-personality), and health behavior and attitudes toward keep-fit measures.Methods. The participants in this study were 170 embloyees at a regional social insurance office in a midsize town in the south of Sweden. Scales concerning health behavior and attitudes toward keep-fit measures were constructed and the participants completed these scales as well as those of MHLC and D-personality.Results. Participants with strong beliefs that other people, such as doctors or family-members, are responsible for their health, showed a more positive attitude as to keep-fit measures than those with a belief that health is controlled by themselves.

Behandling av personer med samsjuklighet; Ett brukarperspektiv

This thesis examines the presence of threats and violence directed towards animal welfare inspectors/ officers. The main tool is a survey regarding threats and violence directed at animal welfare inspectors/officers. The questionnaire was distributed to animal welfare inspectors/ officers who worked on 15 of the country's 21 provincial governments. The response rate of the survey was 68.9 percent. The main conclusion of the study is that threats and violence directed at animal welfare inspectors/ officers are common.

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