

1180 Uppsatser om Animal equality - Sida 58 av 79

Kosttillskott för hundar med artros

The aim of this study was to examine which research had been done on dietary supplements for dogs suffering from osteoarthrosis. The main questions the author wanted answers to were ?Is there evidence in the research that dietary supplements for dogs with osteoarthritis have effect in such a way that quality of life is increased in these animals??, ?are there any contraindications regarding dietary supplements?, ?who is responsible for the control of safety on dietary supplements for dogs in Sweden? and ?what kind of advice would I give to dogowners about dietary supplements?. To be able to answer these questions the author conducted a literature study of the recent research on dietary supplements for OA in dogs. The results showed that despite the lack of research in this field, some promising research has been done on multiple different supplements.

Optimizing amount of straw for growing-finishing pigs : considering time spent in manipulative behaviour

In support to a decision to be made by the Swedish central competent authority on a minimal amount of straw for conventional growing-finishing pigs, a study using 168 pigs provided 7 different amounts of straw (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 200 or 300 grams/pig/day) was performed. The straw was provided either once or four times per day. Detailed behaviour observations were made using focal animal sampling and continuous recording for one hour between 9 and 10 am and again between 3 and 4 pm. The data analysis is presented in three ways: broken stick model, polynomial trend line and logarithmic trend line. No method was suitable on its own but the use of all the methods simultaneously was found to portray the data in the best way.No significant differences were found when comparing pens provided with straw once or four times per day.

Kan ät- och liggbås påverka kornas välbefinnande?

The purpose of this literature review was from dairy cows? behaviour and welfare point ofview describe how feed bunk and cubicles in a loose house system should be designed. Todaydairy cows in Sweden and in the world have high demands because of a high milk production,stress and higher risk of being afflicted with diseases. Through selection in breeding the bestquality can be performed, but high demands of the environment for the dairy cow is above allalso important for a good welfare and for a good milk production. Feed bunks and cubiclesare just some parts to be designed in the best way for a good animal welfare.

Jämställhetsperspektivet i den fysiska planeringen : En kvalitativ studie

ABSTRACT So?derqvist, J. 2015. Ja?msta?lldhetsperspektivet i den fysiska planeringen.

Bakterietillväxt i strömedel till mjölkkor

The resting area is the most important place in the barn for the dairy cow, sometimes called the heart of the free stall system. Inadequate design of the lying area, and lack of or poor quality of bedding materials may reduce the hygiene of the stall. Poor management regarding the cleanliness of the resting area may lead to poor animal hygiene and increased bacterial growth. This in turn will lead to increased risk for environmental mastitis as well as impairing milk quality through contamination with spores. In this literature study the most commonly used bedding materials; straw, sawdust, wood shavings, clean sand, recycled sand, peat and recycled manure solids, are compared to one another with regards to their ability to resist bacterial growth. Effects of adding hydrated lime to bedding materials have also been studied. Most bacteria need humidity and prefer a quite high water activity to be able to grow.

Regeringens miljösatsningar och deras förhållande till en hållbar livsstil hos det svenska folket : En studie av biståndssatsningars påverkan på hållbar livsstil i givarlandet

Swedish government aid is divided into three main themes: democracy and human rights, the environment and climate, and gender equality and women's role in development. These three themes in aid are considered by the government to be vital in order to fight poverty and create fair and sustainable development. This study will examine two of the four focus areas designated under the theme of "environment and climate". The study observes the relationship between projects in energy and water and how it promotes a sustainable lifestyle. A survey on environmental habits will be conducted.

Framgångsrika Fredrik och Känslomässiga Kerstin : En jämförande analys av genuskonstruktion i två läroböcker som används i engelska och franska i grundskolans senare år

I detta examensarbete har jag granskat två läromedel ur ett genusperspektiv. Båda böckerna, A Piece of Cake 2 och Allez hop 8, riktar sig till elever som läser engelska och franska i grundskolans senare år. Frågan jag ställt mig är hur dessa båda böcker, i sin utformning, lyckas leva upp till de krav som styrdokumenten ställer på jämställdhet mellan män och kvinnor samt vilken som bäst lever upp till dessa krav.Resultaten av min undersökning visar att båda läroböckerna till väldigt stor del är fast i en traditionell utformning där genusvariationer i yrke, fritid, hur man beskrivs samt familjemönster begränsas till förmån för en manlig norm. Böckerna reproducerar uppfattningen om att män och kvinnor lever i olika sfärer vilket förmedlar en bild av att män och kvinnor tillskrivs olika värde i en samhällshierarki där kvinnan inte har samma möjligheter som mannen.Jag har även kommit fram till Allez hop är den bok där texter och bilder är mest nyanserade, som på ett bättre sätt luckrar upp de traditionella könsmönster som råder idag och som, med vissa delar av sitt innehåll, har stora möjligheter att skapa diskussion i språkklassen. Detta konstaterande väger dock inte upp mot det faktum att ovan nämnda läroböcker på intet sätt lever upp till kraven styrdokumenten ställer på jämställda läroböcker..

En jämförande studie av kalvuppfödningen på KRAV-anslutna och konventionella mjölkgårdar :

In order to investigate if the KRAV-regulations have any effects on the health and welfare of calves, KRAV-affiliated farms were compared to conventional farms with respect to calf management and outcome. The dairy calf has had a low economical impact during history. Even today the value of the calf is low and a lot of calves have a poor health status. The calf breeding is built on tradition and on the fact, that cheap antibiotics have made it possible to ignore, the recommendations about good hygiene in the calf?s environment.

Pappors tankar och erfarenheter kring föräldrautbildning under graviditeten och föräldraledighet under barnets första år : En intervjustudie

Syfte: Att undersöka pappors tankar och erfarenheter kring föräldrautbildning och föräldraledighet under barnets första levnadsår. Metod: Explorativ kvalitativ intervjustudie. Ett målinriktat bekvämlighetsurval gjordes och semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio män som blivit pappor under de senaste två åren. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Föräldrautbildningen bör inriktas mer på det gemensamma föräldraskapet än på graviditet och förlossning.

?Man får inte vatten i stövlarna på en gång? : En undersökning om miljöbevakningen i Rapport och Dagens Nyheter i samband med IPCC:s klimatrapporter

The purpose of the study was to find out whether the interaction between mentally disabled individuals and pet positively affects the individual and gives a feeling of well-being to the extent that this might be implicated in the psychologically disabled people?s everyday life in some form of rehabilitation measure. The study is qualitative and builds on an ethnographic design. Data collection was performed through six observations, six interviews and reflections. Interviews were also conducted with relatives and assistants for greater opportunity for follow-up questions, and descriptions of the situation.

Under Terra Novas Stenar : en osteologisk- & arkeologisk analys av ett bronsåldersröse på Gotland

This paper discusses an osteological- and archeological analysis of a cairn from the Bronze Age on Gotland. The osteological material consists of both burnt and and unburnt bones from both human and animal. The objective of this paper is to shed light on the individuals who were buried in the cairn. It is also to generate information about continuity in its use and patterns of distribution of the bones and grave-goods in the cairn. The osteological analysis show that a minimum of five human individuals is present in the osteological material.

Dendroklimatologisk analys av lokalklimat vid Grövelsjön i Dalafjällen

Climate on earth is getting warmer, which effects earth?s energy balance and so forth the ocean and atmospheric circulation.  In many sub-polar regions on the northern hemisphere changes due to warming of the climate can be observed. Some examples that already have been observed are shifts in tree line, towards higher altitudes and latitudes, increased ablation of Swedish glaciers and melting of the permafrost on the Siberian tundra. In Sweden climate change scenarios tell us that it will become warmer and that a higher amount of precipitation in form of rain will be an effect from this. To study climate changes in Sweden, transition zones are useful in order to observe changes in distribution of species and animal populations.

Träning av motorisk/postural kontroll

Humans and dogs are both mammals. One of the differences between the two species is that man walk on two legs and dogs on four legs. There are also differences in the nerve system between the two species. The human nerve system is supposed to provide opportunity for fine motor tasks- while the nerve system of the dog is more focused on the ability to perform locomotor tasks. Humans need to increase their motor control and postural control when affected by various conditions and diseases.

Genomisk selektion och uppbyggnaden av avelsprogram hos mjölkkor

During the last decade a new technique in animal breeding has developed called genomic selection. It is based on estimations of the effect from genetic markers on traits that are calculated in a reference population. By genotyping individuals, genomic breeding values can then be estimated without phenotypic observations. The aim of this essay is to investigate the response of genomic selection on breeding schemes for dairy cattle. The accuracy of the genomic breeding values is affected by the proportion of observations included in the validation set and how often the equation for estimating breeding values is reevaluated.

(O)möjligheternas plats? En diskursstudie av Garaget

A general topic underlying this master thesis is how the public library is being transformed through the subversion and re-articualtion of meaning according to different discourses. The aim of the study can be divided in to levels of analysis. At the first level, the aim is to investigate how categories such as users, needs and vision are articulated in a specific case ?the visionary project Garaget in Malmö, a project which in part include a public library inspired by Idea Store. The next level of analysis sets out to explore how the case of Garaget is related to a totalizing discursive struggle over meaning within the element the public library.

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