

1180 Uppsatser om Animal equality - Sida 48 av 79

En studie om kommunerna Malmö, Lund och Landskronas mångfaldsarbete "Det du inte vet - kan du faktiskt ha ont av"

This paper investigates the level of consciousness regarding to the diversity work in the municipalities of Malmö, Lund and Landskrona. The study focuses on persons in a middle management position connected to various spheres of activities in each municipality. A survey concerning each municipality's diversity plan, diversity work, recruiting process, education and knowledge was used to investigate the participants' consciousness. The survey poses similar questions regarding equality between the sexes to compare the results from each field. The paper presents an overview of the development of Sweden's labour market and society, and gives an account for the differences between immigrants and natives positions in the labour market.

" I det stora hela vet jag att det handlar om att ha kul på dagis..." - En jämförande studie av pedagogers syfte och föräldrars förväntningar av utvecklingssamtal i förskolan.

The Swedish state and educational system are secular, so to say they do not depend on the former protestant state church anymore. Many people in Sweden are also secular. Even so, in school teachers meet students with a religious faith. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers without a religious belonging experience the encounter with religious students. The method used was semistructured interviews with five teachers in a upper secondary school in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm.

Kalvutdragaren - en hjälpande hand? :

The calf extrator?s function has been studied, through measuring traction and how this varies in different situations, in comparison with corresponding manual traction situations. This was done against the background that excessive force at assisted calvings at dystocia can mean life threatening damages on the calf such as grave acidosis, vertebral fractures, femur fractures and rib fractures. The calf extractor has earlier been measured to pull with greater force than the established maximum force of ?two strong men?.

Varför vill inte kvinnor bli militärer? : En kvalitativ studie i en mansdominerad organisation

Detta är studie över Försvarsmaktens arbete med mångfald och jämställdhet. Syftet är att ta reda på varför kvinnor påbörjar deras antagningsprocess, men sedan väljer att inte fullfölja den. Detta är en problematik som Försvarsmakten har och de arbetar med att försöka få in fler kvinnor i organisationen. Deras mål är att kunna ta bättre beslut ur ett mångfaldigt perspektiv och därmed nå hög effekt. Data samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer, både personliga och via telefon. Först utfördes en personlig intervju med vår kontaktperson på Försvarsmakten, därefter en telefonintervju med en person som arbetar med ett projekt för att få kontakt med kvinnor som påbörjat deras antagningsprocess.

"Och vilka ska förändra näringslivet om inte kvinnorna?": En studie av fyra kvinnliga entreprenörer som arbetar med förändringsarbete

Sweden is described as one of the most forward-thinking countries in the world when it comes to equal opportunities, yet still management is being dominated by men. Looking at entrepreneurship and gender, the author has written four herstories about female entrepreneurs working, through enterprise, to bring about change to the male domination of top level management. The primary purpose of this master's thesis has been to look at theories on entrepreneurship/ management and gender to analyse how the entrepreneurs relate to their roles as [i] entrepreneurs, [ii] agents of change, and [iii] women. The findings show that they attach particular emphasis to their roles as entrepreneurs. As regards the work for change, being female is described as both advantageous and irrelevant, or insufficient.

I nationens intresse - operation:jämställdhet- genuint engagemang eller projicerad legitimitet - En fallstudie på den Svenska Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Forces is a public institution and consequently obliged to follow Swedish and international legislation. Thus, they are subjected to contrarious demands from different actors operating in its high-technological and high-institutional environment: to be a legitimate institution and at the same time operate with a high level of efficiency. This thesis is conducted with the aim of investigating whether The Swedish Armed Forces' steering document for gender equality is used to achieve visible and quantifiable results or if the document constitute a medium for reverberating legitimacy. To answer the research question, we applied a critical discourse analysis on the relevant documents and on the conducted semi-constructed interviews with members from different levels and positions in the organizational hierarchy. Subsequently, we came to the conclusion that the Swedish Armed Forces manage the demands for efficiency and legitimacy, which are forced upon them from the technological and institutional environment, by talking about them.

Fräschare och friskare kontra främmande och farligt - Om normalitet och funktionshinder i demokratiskt deltagande

Participation is central to the concept of democracy. The role of the civic participation varies with different types of democracy, but a fundamental requirement is that the participation is free and equal. In spite of this, there are significant differences between possibilities to democratic participation in Sweden today.This essay seeks to understand how disability, historically and still today, is constructed as a social deviation from normality, and is constructed to Otherness.One way to regard freedom and equality is to examine the personal autonomy, the legth to wich a person decides her/his roles and activities in abcence of external limitations. Personal autonomy is theoretically central in deliberative and strong democracy, but should reasonobly be a demand for the fundamental definition of democracy.The explanation to why the lack of personal autonomy is accepted, is that the construction of Otherness results in that the persons are categorized and are given simplified characteristics, and are thereby not accepted as equivalent people.In the inteviews conducted, seven politicians contribute both whiteness, pathological discourses regarding disability and ideas of normality through discussing democracy, participation and disability. Simultaniously, they express interest and an awareness on the majority's power and symbolic violence on the minority..

Botulism hos svenska hästar :

Botulism is a serious disease with high mortality that can affect horses. Due to this about 20-30 percent of the horses in Sweden are vaccinated against botulism. The purpose of this study was to see how common botulism is in the Swedish horse population and to se if a connection between feeding with haylage and botulism could be seen. In addition to this, the study aimed to find how common vaccination against botulism is among Swedish horses and on what grounds the diagnosis botulism is made. Medical records of horses being diagnosed with botulism at all the major large animal hospitals in Sweden between 1995-2005 were searched. In addition to this the database where general practitioners report their cases as well as the cases with botulism reported to the insurance companies were included. The results of this study show that only 0,03 percent of the Swedish horse population has been diagnosed with botulism during the time period this study covers. In all the cases included in this study the diagnosis was made based on clinical signs and in none of the cases verification by isolating the toxin was possible. In all cases where forage is noted in the journals the horse has been feed haylage which indicate that there is a connection between the use of haylage and botulism. Three horses died despite being partially vaccinated against botulism type B which indicate that a correct vaccination has to be done before the horse get any protection or that the correct diagnosis was not botulism type B..

Mobility with Dignity : - Hästens betydelse för livskvalitén hos skadade brittiska soldater och veteraner

Syftet med studien var att explorativt undersöka vilken betydelse hästen har för brittiska soldater och veteraner som varit ute i krig och återvänt med någon form av ohälsa. Studiens frågeställningar var: Hur används hästen på Horseback UK  som en del i tillfrisknandet för brittiska soldater och veteraner som varit ute i krig? Hur beskriver brittiska soldater och veteraner som varit ute i krig hästens betydelse för livskvalitén? För att besvara frågeställningarna tillämpades en metod som bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer. Intervjuerna utfördes på Horseback UK i Skottland som är en välgörenhetsorganisation, skapad för att ge en trygg och säker miljö. De arbetar med hjälp av hästar för att hjälpa de som tjänstgör eller tjänstgjort i den brittiska armén och kommit tillbaka med någon form fysisk eller psykisk ohälsa.

Kalvars upptag av immunoglobuliner och specifika antikroppar från Locatim®

This master thesis was conducted in order to investigate the effects of the browsing species Yeheb on animal tissues in Swedish landrace goats and to make a literature review in order to increase the knowledge of the importance of this plant for livestock production in Somalia. The evergreen Yeheb bush is a very important feeding source for grazing and browsing animals in Somalia during the dry period. Yeheb contains cordeauxiaquinone that stains the bones of the animals red/pink, which has been an increasing problem when exporting meat to foreign countries. In an experiment, two goats were fed dry and fresh leaves from the Yeheb bush for one and two months, respectively. The goats did not feed the intended amount of dry leaves, since the supply and palatability was not as high as estimated.

Cystocentes versus spontankastad urin : tillförlitlighet vid klinisk diagnostik hos tik

This master thesis was conducted in order to investigate the effects of the browsing species Yeheb on animal tissues in Swedish landrace goats and to make a literature review in order to increase the knowledge of the importance of this plant for livestock production in Somalia. The evergreen Yeheb bush is a very important feeding source for grazing and browsing animals in Somalia during the dry period. Yeheb contains cordeauxiaquinone that stains the bones of the animals red/pink, which has been an increasing problem when exporting meat to foreign countries. In an experiment, two goats were fed dry and fresh leaves from the Yeheb bush for one and two months, respectively. The goats did not feed the intended amount of dry leaves, since the supply and palatability was not as high as estimated.

Levande fäbodbruk på 2000-talet : -svårigheter respektive möjligheter

Mountain holding in the 21st century ? difficulties and possibilities This study examines the difficulties and possibilities that mountain holding farmers have today. The following questions were considered: i) Who is cultivating mountain holdings today? ii) Which is the most important reason to keep animals there? iii) What kind of subsidies are most common? iv) What kinds of animals and what breeds are the most common? v) For how long period of time are the animals kept at the mountain holdings every season? vi) How are the fundamental regulations in the animal welfare law being followed, and are there any problems/conflicts in keeping animals at the mountain holdings? vii) What meaning do the animals have for the farmers and what are the farmer?s thoughts about the future? A survey based on these issues was sent out to 107 mountain holdings farmers with animals on grazing land, where 59 % submitted a response. The results showed that knowledge on how to keep animals at the mountain holdings was overall good.

Oönskade Döttrar - Traditionella mönster i ett modernt samhälle

Due to traditional beliefs about biological differences between the sexes, the sex ratio is abnormally uneven in northern parts of India. There is a combination of old methods like female infanticide and new technologies, which make selective abortion possible. The strong practices of dowry transform daughters to economical burdens to their parents. They face mortal danger before, at and after birth. With rapid economical progress and advanced technology, India is a country in progress.

Anläggningsmaterial för landskapsarkitekten ur miljösynpunkt

Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.

Att skapa fria, demokratiska och solidariska medborgare : En essä om att granska våra normer

This essay is about power, democracy, solidarity and equality in preschool. I examine three different situations to determine if I could have acted more sensibly in my interactions with the children. I portray: a ?children?s choice meeting? where children select an activity, a so-called emotional gathering and a dialogue at the lunch table about a popular movie that we plan to watch together afterwards. The purpose of this essay is to examine which norms and values form the basis of my actions, and if so, how these lead me to use my power to shape the children.I have chosen to use hermeneutic and norm-critical perspectives where I investigate and examine my norms and values and how I react and act, both consciously and unconsciously.

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