

1180 Uppsatser om Animal equality - Sida 32 av 79

Snabbare, högre ...och det Tredje Könet : Om könsgränserna inom idrotten och överträdandet av dessa

This thesis examines the gender boundaries in sports. I do this by exploring three cases in which these boundaries, at least on the surface, have been questioned: the transsexual tennis player Renée Richards, the east European runners Marita Koch and Jarmila Kratochvilova and the Swedish golf player Annika Sörenstam. The results point out different mechanisms that contain the"danger"and restore"security". But they also point out a criticism against the struggle for equality in sports, which is based on the preserving of differences and therefore cannot challenge the ideological assumptions about gender in sports..

"Vi bor också här" : en utomhusutställning på Parken Zoo

I detta examensarbete redovisas mitt förslag på utformning av en utomhusutställning på Parken Zoo i Eskilstuna. Studier har gjorts för att försöka reda ut hur målgruppen 3-10-åringar kan stimuleras och ledas genom utställningen. I arbetet ingår även en lekfull gestaltning av 16 utställningskomponenter i form av bostäder åt vanligt förekommande sörmländska djur.För att samla in data och kunskaper har flera observationer gjorts på barn i lekmiljöer. Jag har även gjort en introspektion och samlat data genom regelbunden kontakt med Parken Zoo. Studierna har visat att barn tycks lockas av lekredskap som inbjuder till aktivitet och att leken ofta sker i rumsligheterna mellan redskapen.

En pilotstudie för validering av den svenska versionen av CMPS-SF ? gradering av akut postoperativ smärta hos hund vid ortopedisk kirurgi och mjukdelskirurgi

One of many difficult issues in veterinary medicine is the assessment of an animal's experience of pain. As a licensed veterinary nurse in Sweden you are obligated by law to work by the concept of evidence based medicine. To achieve this the author of this study sees the need for standardized methods of pain assessment. A Swedish version of Short form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) has recently been translated and developed. Furthermore, a psychometric validation needs to be performed to ensure its validity and reliability.

Fysisk bestraffning i Sydafrikanska skolor : En perspektivorienterad hermeneutisk analys kring läraresoch elevers förhållningssätt till fysisk bestraffning

The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .

Synen på mångfald och jämställdhet vid vägverket

Research has shown that still today mostly men inhibit the managing director positions and jobs such as electricians, engineers, and road workers, which makes the work situation unequal among those work places. Another issue is that studies show that minority groups have fewer possibilities in comparison with majority inhabitants on the labour market. One reason can be that many companies and organizations lack when it comes to the recruitment process due to prejudices and the applicants for a job who has names such as Ahmed, Carlos and Ali are taken out of the process at first stage.The purpose of this research is to study how civil servants at Vägverket (Swedish Road Administration) discuss about diversity and equality. Whereas subjects such as ethnicity and gender will be illuminated..

Motivation for eating roughage in sows : as an indiction of hunger

Today?s feeding methods can determine the domestic pig?s abilities to fulfill basic behavioral needs, such as foraging, and the way in which pigs are feed is an important aspect. Feed does not only provide the energy and nutrients critical for survival, but feeding is also associated with a number of other factors contributing to well-being and reproduction. Today the feed for gestated sows is often composed by high energy and low dietary fiber grain products such as wheat. Three kg of this kind of feed can often be consumed by the sow within 20 minutes.

Feminismen som tillgång på arbetsmarknaden : Rättigheter och framgång för högutbildade utlandsfödda kvinnor

I forskningsprojektet undersöktes hur fem högutbildade utlandsfödda kvinnor har kommit in på arbetsmarknaden och fått ett arbete utifrån sin kompetens. I studien presenteras resultat om hur dessa utlandsfödda kvinnor i egenskap av bland annat ett feministiskt synsätt och utifrån sin egen förmåga har kommit in på arbetsmarknaden. Hinder och framgång som kvinnorna upplever i sin yrkesverksamhet beskrivs i studien. Denna kvalitativa studie genomfördes med e-metodologi, en sammankoppling av den fysiska och den elektroniska världen.  .

Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of Babesia bigemina in Uganda : wildlife-livestock interface at and around LMNP

Ticks and the diseases they transmit are of major importance throughout the world. In Uganda, cattle are the most important livestock from an economic point of view. Livestock keepers fear bi-directional transmission of tick-borne pathogens between their livestock and wild animals. This cross-sectional study was conducted to establish and compare the sero-prevalence of the tick-borne pathogen Babesia bigemina among randomly selected Ankole Long-horned cattle and European crossbred cattle on 30 farms in Kiruhura district, in two sub-counties near Lake Mburo National Park in South-western Uganda. Half of the farms were situated in close proximity to the park and thereby housed cattle with more frequent wildlife-livestock interface (Sanga), whereas the other half had less frequent contact (Kikatsi).

Hackelselängdens betydelse för tuggtid och foderkonsumtion hos mjölkkor :

Today, our cows experience a harder pressure to achieve higher milk yield. To manage this challenge the animal needs first class feeding and treatment. An important aspect of the feeding is to fulfil the need from the cows of especially fiber; and fiber with a sufficient proportion of long particles. Both too much and too little fiber is bad for the wellbeing of the cow, and she might get diseases like acidosis. Many models for feed management have been developed to secure that the animal gets enough of e.g. fiber with a sufficient proportion of long particles.


Bakgrund Den psykiska oh?lsan i Sverige har ?kat under 2000-talet och v?rdresurserna f?r att behandla psykisk oh?lsa minskar genom nedsk?rningar inom v?rden p? grund av l?gkonjunktur och begr?nsningar av statliga medel. Detta s?tter stora krav p? att den psykiatriska v?rden som ges ska kunna behandla s? m?nga som m?jligt med s? f? medel som m?jligt. Tidigare forskning har identifierat flera f?rdelar och positiva h?lsoeffekter med naturbaserade interventioner.

Användarvänlighet i blötutfodring : enkätstudie för smågrisproducenter

It is possible to affect the feed costs in different ways. By steeping or fermentation the digestibility of the feed is improved for the animals with a natural process in the wet feeding system Steeping means that the feed is soaked some hours before feeding. This process activatesenzymes and improves the digestibility of for example phosphorus in the feed and make it more accessible to the animal. Wet feeding can be fermented or not. Fermentationmeans that the feed has been soaked for a certain length of time so that a biological process is started.

Punken 28 år senare : Vad innebär punken idag för några punkare i Linköping?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what it means to be a punk in Linköping, Sweden today. This is done by interviewing four informants on a number of topics. The topics being discussed are appearance and values. The topics ?values? contains a number of sub-topics, but the emphasis is put on D.I.Y-ideals and equality.D.I.Y-ideals (Do It Yourself-ideals) are important.

Mjölkkors välbefinnande i AMS och konventionell lösdrift : skillnader i beteende och hormonstatus för oxytosin och kortisol mellan kor av hög och låg social rang

The purpose with this study was to investigate how the behaviour and physiological parameters differ between high ranked and low ranked cows, and between cows in an automatic milking system verses conventional milking parlour. The study was carried out at the Kungsängen research Centre, Department of animal nutrition an management, Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences, Uppsala. Twelve cows, the six highest and the six lowest in social rank were selected from the automatic milking system for the experiment. Ten cows, the five highest and five lowest in social rank were selected from the conventional system. Blood samples were taken during milking and resting.

Intramuscular administration of two dosage forms of benzylpenicillin in horse - pain assessment

In veterinary medicine, penicillin is the most used antibiotic in Sweden. Two dosage forms of penicillin are available in Sweden for use in horses, sodium benzylpenicillin (Na-pc) and procaine benzylpenicillin (proc-pc). Proc-pc is the most used dosage form and is used for intramuscular administration which allows horse owners to treat an animal at home under veterinary instruction. Na-pc is only approved for intravenous use in horses. Penicillin is normally well tolerated by horses but a serious, sometimes life-threatening, adverse reaction called penicillin shock may occur.

Comparison of stable environment in prior approved and non-prior approved horse stables

To establish good horse welfare there are several factors that need to be considered. One important factor is the environment in which the horses are kept. In Sweden horses are stabled during long periods of time in the cold season and consequently the stable environment is even more important. The most essential environmental factors in a horse stable are ambient temperature, relative humidity (RH) and concentrations of contaminants in the stable air. The air in a horse stable contains dust, noxious gases, moulds and microorganisms which all can contribute to developing respiratory diseases in horses.

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