

1180 Uppsatser om Animal equality - Sida 17 av 79

Seroprevalence and risk factors for bovine brucellosis, salmonellosis and bovine viral diarrhea in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda

Africa is expected to go through a rapid urbanization over the next four decades and the demand for food is increasing in the rapidly growing urban and peri-urban (UPU) areas. Keeping livestock in urban areas is in particular associated with health hazards. This is due to close interaction between humans and animals, and it has been shown that zoonotic diseases are increasing in urban areas. The benefits of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) are related to improved food security, in particular among low-income groups. Apart from the negative public health impact of zoonotic diseases, animal disease could have a devastating impact on the economy and food security of many households in these areas. In the present study, three important endemic diseases, including brucellosis, salmonellosis and Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), were analyzed in regard to seroprevalence and risk factors.

Är vi jämställda nu? - om kvinnliga brandmän och implementering av en jämställdhetssatsning vid Malmö Brandkår.

Med utgångspunkt i Malmö Brandkårs jämställdhetsprojekt "Kvinnlig brandman" vill vi genom denna uppsats exemplifiera hur en sådan satsning aktualiserar föreställningar om jämställdhet och kön inom organisationen. Uppfattningarna kring kön och jämställdhet var många, och resonemangen ofta paradoxala. Samtidigt fanns det en slående likhet mellan åsikterna hos en majoritet av personalen i den operativa styrkan gällande kvinnliga brandmän. Denna likhet tyder på en, motsägelserna till trots, överordnad gemensam förståelse av brandmannayrket.Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är i huvudsak två. Dels ämnar vi belysa hur de olika, både officiella och inofficiella, föreställningarna kring jämställdhet inom organisationen får betydelse för förståelsen och implementering av en jämställdhetssatsning.

Överläkare i ortopedi och kirurgi : Likvärdiga arbeten med lika löner?

This investigation is a pilot survey whose main purpose is to investigate with work evaluation and attitude analysis whether the orthopedists and surgeons work can be equaled, why the wages differences exists between women and men, and also which preventive measures the organization can use to even out the wages differences between the genders. In relation with the investigation I have applied the reflexive way of thinking to establish which difficulties come up in the work of gender-equality.The result?s from work evaluation displays that the works are equivalent but the salaries are not, which can depend on value discrimination,gender discrimination and the organization theory.Wages differences between women and men depend on, according to the informers, partly by historical explanation and partly by the old directors who was allowed to retain regular salary when theypost transformed. The common point of view is that men have a larger work experience and therefore a higher salary.The managements attitude towards gender-equality issues is of absolute importance in order to achieve and bring a change within the organization.The measure positive special treatment is proposed to be used as an improving method to achieve (gender)equality between the posts and to even out the wages difference between the sexes.To establish whether or not gender discrimination exist in the investigated organization there needs to be done a whole lot supplementary studies like a complete wage (salary) mapping which includes all supplements and more interviews among the organizations all occupation groups..

Det livslånga lärandet som tayloristisk tragedi : En ideologikritisk analys

The aim of this essay is trying to understand the ideological changing process over the last decades and the ideological meaning of the relatively new conception lifelong learning as well, and how it comes that the opportunities offered the individual pre-school child and the individual compulsory-school pupil to assimilate the so important learning, differs so dramatically all though the expressed ambition to offer each and every one equal opportunities. What are the ideological structures that are, and have been in function, that carries and have carried the perceptions of the use and value of fostering and education?In a time with the welfare ideology in a hegemonic position, it was seen important that the state took major responsibility for the education of the citizens. In our time, it appears, an economist ideology has taken the hegemonic position, and education is becoming an increasingly economic issue, and equality is decreasing along with, as in general society, the increasing of segregation within the educational system..

Att göra kön på ungdomsgårdar : en kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze how three leisure centers in Örebrocounty are working with gender issues. Our research questions are:What is Machofabriken? How do leisure centers in Örebro county work with equal treatment?In which way do leisure centers in Örebro county work with Machofabriken?s material? Howcome the recreation centers in Örebro don?t use Machofabriken?s material to any greaterextent?We have focused on masculinity oriented gender projects at three leisure centers. We didsemi-structured interviews with three recreation leaders who have all been educated inMachofabriken. The interviews were analyzed based on terms that are central in genderequality and masculinity research.

Kärlek eller plågeri? Konstruering av diskurser kring tidelagskriminalisering

This study is a discourse analyse of texts concerning the criminalizing of bestiality andonthological questions around it. This essay has been written as an qualitative analyse of three media texts: Swedish and Danish animal protection laws, interpellation of criminalizing bestiality in Swedish Parliament as well as the discussion forum, "Nordisk Zoofil Forum".The study indicates that bestiality can be understood as inacceptable through discourses about normality, naturalness, moral, sexual pleasure or discourses which comprehend sexual abnormalities as a consequence of each other. On the other side bestiality can be understood as unaccebtable through discourses about sexual needs, sexual identities, love or sexual pleasure. Also the idea about one practising bestiality seems to be gendered as a male person..

Feminist eller för Jämställdhet? En diskussion angående högerns avståndstagande till att använda begreppet feminism.

SammanfattningJag har valt att problematisera varför vissa grupper och aktörer inte vill kalla sig för feminister och istället säger att de är för jämställdhet. Jag påstår därmed att på grund av det avståndstagandet har antifeminismen vuxit fram.Ordet feminist kopplas ofta samman med en vänsterpolitik, därför har jag valt att belysa högerns åsikter angående feminismen och jämställdhetsbegreppet. Jag har alltså utsett att undersöka en offentlig tyckare; Susanna Popova och det politiska fältet med Moderaterna och Kristdemokraterna. Orsaker till deras avståndstagande är feminismens starka koppling till vänsterpolitiken, att den är för generaliserande och fokuserande på endast kvinnan och hennes behov i samhället samt att feminismen endast tycks se till det kollektiva agerandet.Genom att ha belyst högersidans åsikter har jag visat på att jämställdhetsmålet inte behöver se likadant ut, liksom vägen till att uppnå jämställdhet i samhället.NyckelordAntifeminism, Feminism, Jämställdhet, Backlash, Popova, Moderaterna, KristdemokraternaAbstraktI have decided to problemize why people do not call them self feminists and instead say that they are ?for equality?.

Förekomst av kutana födoämnesreaktioner hos hund med atopisk dermatit :

There is no clear connection between cutaneous adverse reactions and atopic dermatitis in dogs, however, reports show a prevalence of cutaneous adverse reactions in 2-30% of atopic dogs. The purpose of this study was to record how many atopic dogs that also were diagnosed with cutaneous adverse reactions. Journals of atopic dogs in two Swedish animal hospitals, diagnosed between 1995 and June 2003, were examined. In the two animal hospitals, 188 journals were selected to match the criteria of atopic dermatitis according to this study. Of these dogs, 86 were put on a strict food elimination dietary trial.

Nyanimism i Sverige : En studie om förmänskligande av hunden i samband med dennes död

This study focusses on how people in Sweden commemorate their dogs and handle their demise. By examining memorial texts for dogs that are presented by their owners on internet forums, memorial texts that are used on gravestones on an animal cemetery as well as an interview with an animal nurse, the study examines how dogs are humanized and treated in human-like ways. With theories about new animism, social acceptance (nomos) and ontology as the theoretical framework, the study provides an analysis of strategies by which people tend to humanize dogs in ways that are often similar to the handling and mourning of human deceased.                                               The empirical data illustrate how dog owners in Swedish society who have lost their beloved pet express themselves in terms of religious terminology. According to memorial texts, the dogs go to heaven, where they may be reunited with their owners, become free from their diseases, and in some cases they are buried in separate graves in animal cemeteries. The study also illustrates how dogs in Sweden today have almost equal opportunities and access to medical care as human beings.

Kastrering av frisk tik

In this work we have compiled results from various studies concerning medical conditions that may possibly be avoided by castration and the effects that may occur after castration of the healthy bitch. The work is a literature review but it also includes a summary on the age recommendations for castration of the healthy bitch, castration before or after the first heat and the castration method most commonly used of ovariohysterectomy and ovariectomy. The summary is based on a questionnaire answered by personnel from 20 veterinary clinics and animal hospitals evenly distributed throughout Sweden.The summary showed that ovariohysterectomy was the most common method of castration and the recommendation in age ranged from 6-12 months. Regarding castration before or after the first heat 75% of the veterinary clinics and animal hospitals answered that they recommended castration after the first heat. Literature study shows that there are both advantages and disadvantages of castration of the healthy bitch and that it therefore is important that each bitch get a personal and individual evaluation before a decision is taken concerning a castration..

Djur som en del i omvårdnad : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Äldre på boende idag kan känna att de saknar sociala interaktioner med vårdpersonal, familj eller vänner. För att uppleva god livskvalitet krävs bland annat trygghet, sociala interaktioner och aktiviteter. Djur kan användas som behandlingsmetod i vården i form av Animal-Assisted Activity (AAA) och Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT). Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa sällskapsdjurs betydelse för äldres livskvalitet på äldreboende. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en allmän litteraturstudie.

Hundens roll i omvårdnaden av personer med demenssjukdom

Bakgrund: Idag lever minst 150 000 personer med demens i Sverige, år 2050 beräknas antalet ha fyrdubblats. Insatserna för personer med demens ska ge dem den hjälp de behöver i det sociala samspelet och ge dem en känsla av trygghet. Att som människa bli sedd och bekräftad ökar chansen för god hälsa, och eftersom hunden är expert på att tolka kroppsspråk och subtila signaler som människor lätt missar erbjuder den ett speciellt sällskap.Syfte: Beskriva hundens roll inom demenssjukvård.Frågeställningar: Hur kan hunden användas i omvårdnaden av personer med demenssjukdom? Vilka effekter har interventioner med hund på personer med demenssjukdom?Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie.Resultat: Det finns i huvudsak två olika sätt att använda intervention med hund inom demenssjukvård, Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) och Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). AAA fokuserar på trivsel och social samvaro medan AAT har fokus på individuell behandling.

En studie kring välfärdsindikatorer i mjölkproduktionen : förslag till hur Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB kan arbeta för en god djurvälfärd på certifierade gårdar

In this final thesis a study about welfare indicators in the Swedish milk production has been carried out. The system Swedish Animal Welfare Monitoring Scheme developed by the Swedish Dairy Association has been used as a base and the EU project WELFARE QUALITY® has also been used as a source of information. Focus groups have been used as a qualitative investigating method. This included four focus groups, two with farm auditors from the two different dairies and two with dairy farmers. This method was chosen because in this way one can study how a conversation about a given subject takes form in a respectable way.

Från rollspel till roman : En inblick i den intermediala dialogiken mellan Dungeons & Dragons och The Crystal Shard

The aim of this paper is to elucidate and analyze history teacher's didactic choices in the conflict between unequal educational materials and the requirements of equality in the curriculum of Swedish secondary school. The empirical data consists of interviews with five secondary school history teachers, observations of their lessons as well as analysis of their tests. The starting point was to investigate teachers' didactic work in the role as a bridge between the non-equal historiography presented in textbooks in history and the curriculum?s demands for equality. Three different approaches have been observed in the teachers' didactic work when considering gender perspective into their teaching: that women become extensions in a male-dominated historiography; that another part of the story is presented when a gender perspective is considered; and that the gender perspective is included in history teaching and becomes an integral part of all the content of the subject.Several of the teachers acknowledged that gender equality is less prioritized than the courses core content and related assessment criteria.

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