

381 Uppsatser om American - Sida 10 av 26

Äldre patienter med höftfraktur - riskfaktorer och omvårdnadsåtgärder för att förebygga trycksår

Äldre patienter med höftfraktur har stor risk för att utveckla trycksår under vårdtiden. Trycksår är en vårdskada som med rätt åtgärder kan förebyggas i de allra flesta fall. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt har varit att beskriva patientrelaterade riskfaktorer samt förebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder för trycksår hos äldre patienter med höftfraktur. Sexton potentiella riskfaktorer hittades, däribland hög ålder, nedsatt nutritionsstatus, nedsatt kognitiv förmåga, hög ASA klass (American Society of Anesthesiologists) och trokantär höftfraktur. Fem olika områden med förebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder identifierades, däribland vikten av nutritionsstöd och olika tryckavlastande madrassers effekt.

"Är ditt pass köpt i Botkyrka?" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Public Service digitala nyhetsrapportering om "Jakten pa? papperslo?sa"

The study examines medias impact on every day racism through Agenda Setting and Framing. Prior studies on the subject are either conducted from an American perspective, or are several years of age. In this study we highlight how todays media depicts our society and how it affects the concept of the world on an individual level. The study is a content analysis of the case study on the news stories ?The hunt for the unregistered immigrants?, which have been analyzed through critical discourse analysis.

En inventering av hälsoläget hos amerikansk bison (Bison bison bison) : i svenska besättningar

American bison (Bison bison bison) is a new species in Sweden and was introduced in the year 2000. In this study the result of an interview and a field investigation is presented. The aim was to investigate the health and parasite status in Swedish bison herds. The most common reason to begin with bison breeding was meat production and/or sale of breeding animals and tourism. The Swedish breeder?s experience of bison is that they in general are healthy.

Serum Amyloid A as a possible marker of health and disease in non-domesticated mammals : a retrospective pilot study of SAA levels in dolphins, elephants and tapirs at Kolmården Wildlife Park

The veterinary handling of wildlife, both in zoos and in the wild, commonly requires that the patients need to be captured and immobilized for examination or treatment. This emphasises the need for quick, on-site, laboratory equipment, in order to minimize the analysis time and thus the stress for the animal and also in order to increase the possibility of starting relevant treatment early on. The aim of this pilot study was to determine whether Serum Amyloid A (SAA) could be a measured in blood samples from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and South American tapirs (Tapirus terrestris). SAA rises to its maximum about 24 hours after the introduction of an inflammatory agent in companion animals. This also correlates with the estimated time it takes for animals at Kolmården Wildlife Park to be examined and having blood samples collected after being observed as sick. The study also evaluated whether the Eurolyser SOLO, using a turbidometric immunoassay (TIA) developed for human diagnostics, could be used for such analysis. This pilot study was a retrospective analysis of SAA in convenience sampled frozen serum, collected from dolphins, elephants and tapirs.

Viktigt att lyfta fram vad man klarar av : Inkludering av personer med ADHD i samhället genom att informera om diagnosen, styrkor och hjälpmedel med avgränsning mot arbetslivet.

ADHD has for a long time been perceived as something that affects children and grows away with time. American psychiatric association state that ADHD may appear differently with adolescences and adults than with children. That could lead to misunderstandings and exclusion by adults and adolescences with ADHD at work life amongst other situations. This report investigates that exclusion and tries to find what information that needs to reach certain target groups to prevent it from happen.The works focus is text design, a part of information design, and looks firstly at the factors that make good information material. Then I investigate if there is a need for more information about ADHD within working life and if so what it would contain.

En religiös historia : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om indiska lärares beskrivningar av dess undervisning kring religion i historieämnet

Since 2007 the American sitcom the Big Bang Theory has spread throughout the world. With its twenty million watchers it is one of the most popular sitcoms of our time. The starting point for this essay is that the humourus series with the more or less geeky main characters is more than just entertainment - it is a part of the mediatization of religion. This means that media is affecting the recipients? view on religion in general and the personal religion.

Riskens förändring för svenska aktier och obligationer: 1919-2003

Purpose The purpose of our study was to investigate the changing nature of volatility during the last 80 years. Like in an American study, we tried to find some trends in the risk of stocks and bonds that would have an impact on the balance of a portfolio of stocks and bonds. At the same time we investigated the influence of inflation on the choice of portfolio. Methods We have used standard statistic tools and formulas to obtain our results. In most cases it was a matter of calculating average and standard deviation.

Polisens utvärdering av farliga hundar enligt lag (2007:1150) om tillsyn över hundar och katter

Aggression is a normal part of a dog?s behaviour repertoire and has always been an evolutionary relevant behaviour. Even if aggression in some contexts is relevant, it is one of the most common problem behaviour reported by dog owners. It has been discussed if some breeds are more likely to show aggression and therefore should be banned. On the 1st of January 2008 a new act was enforced by the Swedish government giving the police force greater authority in decisions to apprehend and euthanize dogs if they after an appropriate evaluation of the dog?s temperament think it is necessary.

American Psycho ? En analys av Patrick Bateman som berättare

In order to be a good teacher according to preferences from outside the school area, there are many different voices to listen to. The different roles that are assigned for teachers are colliding with the latest research from the pedagogical institutions and therefore the role as a teacher of today is in a complex state of mind. Somewhere, between the traditional role of teaching and the moderating ideal image, reality is revealed in the ambivalent role of the teacher of today. In this pedagogical essay on advanced level we are focusing on obstacles that are hindering the moderating teacher?s role, to be fully developed in the classroom.

Experimentell undersökning av provkroppar för trälimfogar

This thesis engages the topic of test methods for wood adhesives. Two test methods were evaluated, EN 302-1, a European standard, and ASTM D905, an American standard. The total amount of specimens manufactured and tested was more than 500. The adhesive bonds were tested in shear with an increasing load on the specimen until failure.The adhesives used were epoxy-resin, phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde and a 2-K polyurethane. The test programme included five different types of intentional errors per method, in order to investigate the sensitivity of the test methods.

Var är svänget? - En undersökning av hur afrokubanska musiktraditioner kommer till uttryck i Ñico Rojas musik

The purpose of this study has been to examine how Afro-Cuban musical traditions and concepts are integrated in compositions for solo guitar by the Cuban guitarist and composer Ñico Rojas and how this can be expressed in the performance of his music by a classical guitarist. For this purpose a guide to Rojas music, which is included in this report, was written based on literature about Afro-Cuban music. Then a classical guitarist learned to play a piece by Rojas with help from the written guide. The result was examined using recordings of the guitarist's interpretations and an interview with him. The conclusion is that different aspects of the Afro Cuban musical tradition are present in Rojas? music, but that the concept of the clave was the most useful aspect for the classical guitarist that interpreted the music of Ñico Rojas in this study..

Finansiell analys med avseende på risk: En studie av svenska fastighetsbolag

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the status of Swedish real estate companies in terms of financial health and risk of financial distress. The background is the ongoing financial crisis, which partly can be derived from the American real estate sector. Publicly available accounting information from 16 listed real estate companies has been analyzed for a period of one year using financial ratios covering both the operational and financial activities. We find that the deceleration in the economy and in the real estate sector have forced the real estate companies to make large write downs, in line with the relatively new accounting rules, IFRS. Write downs are likely to reoccur during the following periods and real estate companies will therefore probably be forced to continue to show negative results.

Forskningsfronten och forskningsbasen inom informationsvetenskap ? en bibliometrisk undersökning

The purpose with this study is to map the research front and the research base in information science, by using the bibliometric methods bibliographic coupling and author-co citation analysis. The research questions are: 1. What is the nature of the research front in information science, regarding which areas that are being studied? 2. What is the nature of the research base in information science, regarding which authors who are most cited, and how they can be grouped? The data used in the study were gathered from articles published in the journal Journal of the American society for information science and technology, published between 2004-2006, respectively 1986-2006.

Can we do it in Sweden? Yes we can! : En studie om politisk kommunikation i de sociala medierna inför riksdagsvalet 2010

Purpose The purpose is to analyze the parliamentary parties political communication in the social media channels before the election 2010.Methodology This essay is a descriptive study from nine interviews of the responsible people in the parliamentary parties. In addition to that two more interviews were done with social media expertsTheoretical perspective This essay is based on two-way communication and communication strategiesConclusions The parliamentary parties use social media as a complement to traditional media. The purpose is to create dialog and to minimize the gap to the voters, but in many ways it is being used as a one-way communication channel.  The parliamentary parties are trying to use the social media channels in Swedish conditions, but in many ways they try to imitate an American used strategy..

Den uppklädda människan : en diskussion kring den gropkeramiska klädesstilen

This thesis discusses the dress code during the Pitted Ware culture on the Swedish island of Gotland. Eight Pitted Ware grave-fields have been analyzed; only 74 skeletons have been identified with some sort of ornament that could have been attached to clothes. The grave-fields are rich in finds and in people nearly every age group is present. The analysis has shown that there are clear differences between the genders. The female always has some sort of seal tooth ornament around her waist and thighs.

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