

108 Uppsatser om Alienation - Sida 3 av 8

Blattar, Svennar och Kommunalråd : En kulturanalytisk studie för Södertälje kommun om Offer, Förövare och situationella identiteter

I min uppsats diskuterar jag identiteter som situationella. Specifikt problematiserar jag användandet av kategoriseringar som grundar sig på etnicitet. Jag diskuterar även de Offer- och Förövaridentiteter jag kunnat finna i mina informanters berättelser om deras liv och livssituation.Först kommer det inledande kapitel där jag presenterar mitt syfte med uppsatsen och beskriver mina teoretiska utgångspunkter, vilka är; etnicitet, Vi och De andra, maktperspektiv, kategoriseringars konsekvenser, ?hen?, Förövar- och Offeridentitet och subjektskonstruktioner. I det första kapitlet beskriver jag även mina metodiska utgångspunkter och tillvägagångssätt.

"Alla är vi olika" : Fem personers upplevelser av en exkluderande specialpedagogisk undervisning

The study aims to examine how the people who have received special needs education during their schooling have experienced it.Since I wanted to take advantage of people's experiences of special needs education, I chose to conduct qualitative research interviews. Five people in the ages of 21-26 years old participated in the study.A summary of the work says that special needs education creates mixed feelings, feelings of joy and Alienation. The positive as described in the work is that the special education teaching has created a classroom that is aligned along the pupil's needs and circumstances. All informants have expressed that their negative experiences is about them having to leave the common classroom.Keywords: exclusion, inclusion, special needs education, student needs.

Främling, Paprika och Alienation : en studie om den offentliga skulpturens betydelse för miljön i Borlänges stadskärna

Offentlig skulptur är en viktig del av ett samhälles/en stads offentliga miljö. Tillsammans med arkitekturen blir det samhället/stadens ansikte. 1960-talet var en brytningstid, konstdebatten tog fart i Sverige en ny generation konstnärer var på väg. De var gränsöverskridande både i fråga om uttrycksmedel och tekniker. Konsten fick en ny funktion, den skulle förmedla ett budskap den skulle ta ställning i samhällsdebatten.

En studie om individers upplevelser av arbetslöshet, mindfulness och stress

The aim of the study was to examine individuals' experiences of participating in 5 week mindfulness program as a tool for job seekers. Qualitative methods were used to inter­view three students and two mindfulness educators. The informants were asked to an­swer questions about their experiences of having participated or practiced mindfulness in the project. The results showed that all respondents experienced the project as positive. The partici­pants describe that the project helped them to get out and meet other people and with routines in their life. The par­ticipants also said that unemployment caused Alienation and they felt themselves to have poorer health when they were unemployed.

Svensk Ungdomsfilm och ?Den Andre? : Analys av gestaltningen av invandrare i svensk ungdomsfilm

Utgångspunkten för denna uppsats var att analysera gestaltningen av invandrare och utom-svensk kultur i svensk ungdomsfilm med syftet att uppmärksamma en eventuell bristande mångfald. Tillsammans med teorierna postkolonial teori och sociologi har sex utvalda filmer inom mellan åren 2006-2012 analyserats med problemställningar som ska lyfta fram den tänkbara frånvaron. Anledningen till problematiseringen av svensk ungdomsfilm kommer från kännedomen att ungdomsfilmens målgrupp är lättpåverkad och därför anser jag att denna genre har ett större ansvar när det gäller förmedling av ideologier och människosyn. Det samlade undersökningsmaterialet tyder på en omfattande avsaknad av icke-svensk etnicitet i filmer med svenska huvudkaraktärer, samt att de filmer som innefattar andra kulturer ofta skapar en intrig kring huvudkaraktärens etnicitet.  .

Läslust hos elever med svenska som andraspråk. En fenomenografisk studie

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how pupils with Swedish as a second language and school librarians perceive the concept of pleasure of reading and the feeling of being a part of society. Our research is based on qualitative interviews with eight students in grades 6-9 and from two different schools. We have also interviewed two school librarians in these two libraries. As a method of analysis, we used phenomenography because it is the informants' perceptions of the phenomenon of pleasure of reading that we investigate.

I skuggan av pojkarna : En kvalitativ studie om flickor med ADHD

Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to illuminate and analyze what girls with ADHD say they experienced during their school time. The study will also answer the questions of issues; how did the girls say they were treated by their teachers and classmates and which pedagogical experiences can we learn from their statements?Method: In order to investigate this, six semi structured interviews were carried out. I decided not to interview girls in their school age, but women with ADHD who has already graduated, since I believe it can be very sensitive for young girls to talk about the subject and they are not able to give the overall perspective on their school time that I was looking for.Result: The results of the interviews shows that all of the women felt misunderstood during their childhood and they all had bad experiences from school.Conclusion: One of the conclusions of this study is that there are not sufficiently knowledge about girls with ADHD and many of them are not diagnosed until they are grown up which leads to that the girls does not get the support they need in school..

Måltidsmönster och livsmedelsval i södra Indien : En fallstudie med fem deltagande familjer

This is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic and partially inductive approach. The study?s purpose is to enhance the understanding of young adults experiences of unemployment and the importance of being employed. In this study, eight young adults participate in the project Framtid Kronoberg. The youths are 19-25 years of age.

Patienters upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar vid diabetes typ 2 : en systematisk litteraturstudie

Diabetes type 2 is a fast growing illness and a global health problem, often a result from less appropriate standard of living. Lifestyle changes related to diet and physical activity are important lifestyle changes regarding to get control of the self-management and to avoid vascular complications.AimThe aim of this study was to describe patient's experiences of lifestyle changes in diabetes type 2.MethodA literature study was carried through based on 12 qualitative scientific articles.ResultsThe analysis result into two main themes and eight subthemes. Main themes where barriers and motivators for lifestyle changes and the subthemes where struggle, denial, lack of knowledge, Alienation, support, motivation, acceptance and knowledge.ConclusionThis study shows that lifestyle changes are experienced different by patient with diabetes and nurses should therefore be aware of the unique and specific demands these patients require. This is important for providing a good diabetic healthcare and to help patients with their self-management.

Från land till land : svenska kvinnors erfarenheter av att transmigrera mellan Sverige och USA

I debatter om invandring fokuseras ofta på problemrelaterade områden som flyktingskap och konflikter mellan etniska grupper. Ett mindre uppmärksammat område inom både mediedebatt och forskning är migration mellan västerländska länder. Denna uppsats utforskar svenska kvinnors erfarenheter av att vara invandrare i USA. Den undersöker också vilka utmaningar och problem som svenska invandrare kan stöta på om de återvänder till Sverige efter många år utomlands. Teman som platsanknytning, etnisk och kulturell gruppgemenskap, främlingskap, tradition och symbolism diskuteras i uppsatsen.

Från land till land : svenska kvinnors erfarenheter av att transmigrera mellan Sverige och USA

I debatter om invandring fokuseras ofta på problemrelaterade områden som flyktingskap och konflikter mellan etniska grupper. Ett mindre uppmärksammat område inom både mediedebatt och forskning är migration mellan västerländska länder. Denna uppsats utforskar svenska kvinnors erfarenheter av att vara invandrare i USA. Den undersöker också vilka utmaningar och problem som svenska invandrare kan stöta på om de återvänder till Sverige efter många år utomlands. Teman som platsanknytning, etnisk och kulturell gruppgemenskap, främlingskap, tradition och symbolism diskuteras i uppsatsen.

Barns fria lek : En socialpsykologisk studie

AbstractGroup processes within the free play- in a socialpsychology perspective In our socialpsychology study we have demonstrated how children?s free play is by observing 2-5 years old children in preschool. We have also interviewed two preschool teachers. The major subject in this study is how children?s group processes expresses in their free play.

"Dom kallar oss invandrare!" : En undersökning som bygger på hur ungdomar av "andra generationens invandrare" identifierar sig själva.

This investigation is aimed to analyze and gain insight into how young people of the "second generation immigrants" identify themselves in a society where they are seen as immigrants of the environment in view of the name. Also, how they identify themselves during trips to their home/country of origin are of relevance to see if they are affected in their own identification, depending on how they believe they are seen from the outside.Through a survey, the statistics were produced, which serves as a preliminary to the larger part of the investigation where six individuals were interviewed in order to give deeper answers to the questions sought. The answers that emerged were then analyzed in relation to selected theories.In connection with the investigation it has emerged that the young people in question often identify themselves in such a way that they think that the surroundings look at them. It is in relation to how others see them as they see themselves, which creates a distance between the surroundings and themselves. With increased knowledge on both sides, this distance between the environment and the young people in this investigation maybe could reduce..

Att drabbas av stroke : Patienters upplevelse i arbetsför ålder

Stroke are a common disease and it comes with big chances of disability after rehabilitation. Life after stroke can bring a different lifestyle and lots of feelings around this situation. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze how people feel after being injured with stroke. Method: We have assumed that studying qualitative research articles according to Evans description of content analysis. Information has been sought in the databases Cinahl, PubMed and Discovery Results: The study results in four themes; Loneliness, trust, Despair and obstacles to health.

En skola för alla? : en essä om hur vi förhåller oss gentemot barn som saknar de förutsättningar som den svenska skolan förväntar sig

In my essay the dilemmas originate from what I have experienced. I have observed myself and some of my colleagues, how we meet children who are lacking the qualifications which school and most pedagogues expect them to have. Focus, in my written experiences, is on children who live in poverty, but how we meet and act toward them is often quite the same independent of what qualifications they are lacking. With the support from literature and theories I reflect and analyse the dilemmas. Through essaywriting I investigate my practical knowledge and I examine how we as pedagogues handle the complex situations encounter when in school and how it is possible to understand why we act the way we do.I think that the knowledge which essaywriting gives me will strengthen me as a person and in my work as a teacher for after-school-center.

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