

369 Uppsatser om Agriculture value - Sida 15 av 25

Nelson Garden AB : analys och förslag baserat på Service Management Systemet

Title: Nelson Garden AB ? Analysis and recommendations based upon the Service Management System Course: Business Leadership within horticulture and agriculture. Author: Annika Kirilov Tutor: Carl-Johan Asplund Examiner: Anders Kristoffersson, lecturer within business economics, LTJ- faculty, SLU Alnarp Keywords: Bröderna Nelson, Nelson Garden, Service Management System, marketing, customer service, retailer Aim: Explore how Nelson Garden AB manages to reach out to customers through positioning of their own labels, when they as a manufacturer are partly dependent on the competence and sales skill of retailers. Methodology: E-mails were sent out to 6 different companies with a proposition for participation. Of those companies that gave a positive answer the most suited company for the diploma work was selected. Thereafter, a contact was established through telephone with the CEO of the chosen company and relevant questions to him were formulated. The second time of contact the first interview was held and half of the questions were answered.

Förändringar i markanvändning över tid och dess påverkan på vattenkvalitet

The EU Water Framework Directive has led that management follows the boundaries of natural catchments.The Swedish waters suffer from a nutrient overload that originates mainly from diffuse sources such as agriculture and the subcatchment of Hackstabäcken in Vallentuna Kommun, just north of Stockholm, has been chosen for this study because of its high nutrient load and because it has undergone obvious changes in land use through the years.In this study, the land use in 1902 is compared with the land use in 2011 in order to investigate if it has influenced the ability of the landscape to produce ecosystem services related to nutrient removal. These services will continue to be produced as long as the system is stable and resilient, but when landuse changes and manure from horses increases it will lead to disturbances that can convert a system from one regime in to a completely different one. That will result in loss, or degradation, of ecosystem services such as denitrification, phosphor sedimentation and adsorption, vegetation uptake and infiltration.The results of this study are based upon area calculations of landuse from old maps from 1902 and 2011. Through these maps it becomes clear that the forests in Hackstabäcken, has increased with 170 ha together with an urbanization of 311 ha, at the same time as wetlands and arable land has diminished and lakes has suffered from reductions. Wetlands have been reduced with 76 ha and the ones remaining are of insufficient quality from a nutrient removal perspective.Data from 1902 and 2011 regarding number of horses and bovines indicated a decrease in bovines and an increase in horses.

Underhållskostnader för tröskor :

Costs of maintenance on combines are a subject of interest thus it constitute a large investment and cost for the individual farmer. Therefore it is important to have up to date knowledge and the right facts to be able to do reliable calculations on one of the largest investments for a farmer. The aim of this study was to compare costs of maintenance on combine/threshingmachine with the computer program for advising environmental issues in agriculture, STANK. Interviews took place and data were collected by handing out questionnaires to 20 farmers. A similar study conducted by Neuman (2003) investigated costs of maintenance and compared these with STANK. The results of this study have also been compared and examined related to data from SLA - Skogs och Lantarbetsgivarförbundet. The result shows that 18 out of 20 combines were given a higher cost of maintenance when using STANK compared to the numbers in this study.

En ekonomisk hållbar växtodling i sörmländsk mellanbygd :

We have been looking at three different types of agriculture in Södermanland, in the middle east of Sweden. We call the different types for Intensive, Extensive and Mix. The purpose is to get an economic defensible plan for how to run different farm sizes. We also have been looking at the working hours and how many hours the different types will give. We have a farm called Taxinge Gods as our pilot farm. Taxinge Gods grow 407 ha land and is located 60 km southwest from Stockholm.

Utvärdering av sjökalkningens eventuella effekter på öring och röding i jämtländska fjällsjöar

Enligt rapporter från Arbetsmiljöverket är arbetsrelaterade besvär som inte beror på arbetsplatsolycka vanliga inom trädgårdsnäringen. Orsakerna till besvären är huvudsakligen en följd av påfrestande arbetsställningar, korta upprepade arbetsmoment och tung manuell hantering. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vad trädgårdsmästare bör tänka på vad gäller belastningsergonomi för att minska risken för skador i sitt arbete. Sökningar gjordes i databaserna Medline via PubMed, ScienceDirect och Academic Search Elite med sökorden horticulture, gardening, agriculture, ergonomics, pruning, shoveling, stoop, lifting technique and musculoskeletal injuries.Resultatet visade att när det gäller lyftteknik och arbetsställningar bör man i möjligaste mån undvika att utföra dessa med en framåtböjd överkropp och raka ben. Denna kroppshållning visade sig vara sämre i jämförelse med andra tekniker och kroppspositioner med hänsyn taget till påfrestningsgraden av ländryggen.Även vid grävning finns per automatik ett starkt inslag av att luta sig fram med böjd överkropp med den följden att ryggen utsätts för krafter som kan vara skadliga.

Flygteknik : Konceptstudie av ett obemannat flygplan

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV?s) are nowadays greatly appreciated. The advantage over manned airplanes are great since UAV?s can be much smaller and therefore lighter. The goal of this project is to evaluate the performance of an environmentally friendly UAV using only lithium-ion batteries.

Survey of regulations concerning pesticides in Sweden and the EU : cultivation techniques and competition aspects for Swedish onion and apple producer

As a member of the EU, Sweden has, in some cases, transferred the controlling rights to the Union. This means that the rules defined by the EU must be followed in all member countries, including Sweden. The European Agricultural policy constitutes the largest part of the EU's annual budget and is in contrast to many other areas fully funded at EU level. The last decade, many new regulations on chemicals and pesticides have been introduced which brought great changes and a lot of work throughout the Union, including Sweden. Sweden has always had a strict policy on chemicals and has been at the forefront when it comes to sustainable agriculture and environmental management.

Lähäckar för minskad vinderosion och andra ekosystemtjänster

Människans näringar och kulturer har orsakat landskapsförändringar som på många håll i världen lett till flera ekologiska konsekvenser som erosion liksom övergödning av vattendrag och hav. Skogsbruk såväl som jordbruk har därutöver resulterat i stora utarmningar av den biologiska mångfalden på jorden. Sedan en tid har jordbrukets negativa konsekvenser fått alltmer uppmärksamhet inom bland annat politik, forskning och näringsliv, varav somliga människor aktivt försökt stoppa det negativa händelseförloppet som manifesterat många av världens odlingslandskap. Diskussioner som innefattar ekosystemet och dess så kallade tjänster för människans såväl som andra organismers överlevnad och välbefinnande erhåller därutöver mer och mer fokus i strävan mot miljövänligare alternativ för storskalig odling. I sökandet efter mer ekologiskt sunda odlingssystem har intresset igen väckts för agroforestrysystem, som kombinerar vedartade växter med vanligt förekommande grödor. Etableringen av lähäckar på respektive intill odlingarealer i Skåne kan bidra med flertalet ekosysystemtjänster vilka bevisats stoppa ex.

Effekt på mark och gröda av olika bearbetningssystem, med och utan CTF

Swedish agriculture has gone through big changes in the latest 60 years. The farm sizes have increased, which has led to raised tractor and machinery sizes and therefore increasing problems with soil compaction. A method to reduce these problems is to implement controlled traffic farming, CTF. All field operations are then concentrated to specific tracks by using GPS guidance. The aim of this work was to study how the tillage regime, with or without CTF, affects the soil, with the main focus on macroporosity. In Säby close to Uppsala, and Alnarp close to Malmö, randomized block trials has been carried out, and the data has mainly been taken from these trials.

Hur skall skogen skötas? ? en analys av skogsfastigheten Fagerdal 2:10 i Jämtland

The forest property Fagerdal 2:10 was donated to the Swedish University of Agriculture in 1995 by Erik Rönnberg. The dominating species is Norwegian spruce (Picea Abies) and the average age is high due to selective cutting. The aim of this study has been to analyze how the forest on the property should be managed and demonstrate how a better estimated forest data affects the future management. The impact of the management on the carbon stock of the property was also examined. A forestry plan established in 2009 by Skogssällskapet was used as a basis for the analyses.

Teknisk undersökning : Rötgaskammare för småskalig biogasproduktion

Biogas mainly consists of methane and carbon dioxide, where methane is theenergy-rich gas, and is naturally created when organic matter breaks down in absenceof oxygen, also known as anaerobic digestion. A biogas plant re-creates the anaerobicconditions inside a digester where the organic substrate is fed into and digests toproduce biogas. The gas is then used to produce energy by combustion and can beseen as a completely renewable fuel.Today, energy from biogas is used primarily by major stakeholders such asmunicipalities and thus the plants become very large with high investment- andconstruction costs. There are currently few small plants in Sweden, even though thepotential for agriculture and medium-sized to smaller farms to become self-sufficientin terms of electricity and heat is great. Farms have a natural stock of digestibleorganic material in form of manure or crops for example, which are constantlyavailable.

Tungelsta med trädgårdstema :

In this project, an area in the small town Tungelsta south of Stockholm, is in focus. Tungelsta is placed in the municipality of Haninge and it is for the planning department on the municipality, this project is made. The task is to compose an arrengement of buildings and open spaces for a 50 hektar area. Today the area is consists of agriculture fields and forests. The area is placed near the railway station, in the city centre of Tungelsta, which makes it interesting and important to work with. There are different opinions about the future plans for the area.

Landsbygdsturism och dess förutsättningar : en jämförandestudie kring vilka resurser som krävs för ett framgångsrikt entreprenörskap

Many jobs in rural areas have historically been linked to the agricultural sector. The restructuring that has been implemented in agriculture has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of jobs in rural areas. A consequence of this is that many people have moved to cities to earn a living. To maintain a living countryside in Sweden, it is therefore essential to create alternative livehoods in rural areas. An industry that can have a major impact in the future is rural tourism.

Förekomst av meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus spp. på kirurgiskt behandlade hundar

Surgical site infections are a recurrent problem in veterinary medicine. A 2-5 % infection rate in clean surgery has been reported. During the last years the increase in methicillin resistant staphylococci has also taken its toll on veterinary medicine, demanding a stricter hygiene and antibiotic regime. The 2008 outbreak of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at the University animal hospital, Swedish University of Agriculture indicated that that the MRSA problem was now a real, possibly zoonotic problem.Since the first dog, in Sweden, was diagnosed as a carrier of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) in a study in 2006, the infection rate by this bacterium has increased. In 2009 (January 1st - December 2nd) the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) has identified 58 samples as MRSP positive.

Evaluation of transgenic lines of field pepperweed (Lepidium campestre L.)

The worldwide industrial demand of energy, often in form of fossil fuel, is continuously growing and at the same time these resources are coming to an end (Hamamre, 2013). The interest and focus in renewable sources are then more important than ever and plants are suggested to be a good alternative for production of raw material for industrial purposes (Nilsson et al., 1998). But the world is also facing an increasing world population which also increase the nutritional needs, plants therefore need to be suitable for both industrial and nutritional purposes. To achieve this, common plants need to be improved but it also need new potential crops to be developed and introduced (Carlsson et al., 2009). Modern technology like gene engineering is an important tool to achieve these challenges (Carlsson et al., 2011). This work focused on analyzes and evaluation of different transgenic lines of field pepperweed (Lepidium campestre L.).

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