

369 Uppsatser om Agriculture value - Sida 10 av 25

Ett vattendrags väg genom tid och landskap : Höje å

Water is a vital element and also enriches the experience of landscapes. It is naturally in constant movement and change but also exposed to the hands of man. In this paper two stretches of water is described through landscape and time in correlation between development and the experience of the watercourse Höje-å in the rural parts of southern Sweden. The intention is to investigate how Höje-å has changed over time and also how it is experienced in the surrounding landscape. With the help of literary studies the history of Höje-å have been described and through the course of field-studies the experience of two different areas along the watercourse.The biggest changes of Höje-å and its surrounding area have taken part during the last two centuries.

Odling med naturen som förebild : ett gestaltningsförslag till utställningen Staden Växer -Gröna kvarter på Wanås 2010

Vi är en grupp blivande trädgårdsingenjörer som har fått möjligheten att gestalta en ekologisk, experimentell köksträdgård vid Wanås skulpturpark i nordöstra Skåne. Detta skriftliga arbete är en del av det projektet, som är ett samarbete mellan SLU och Wanås stiftelse. Projektet bedrivs i gruppform och beskrivs närmare i arbetet. Efter inlämning av arbetet så kommer anläggning att ske vid Wanås.I mitt gestaltningsförslag har jag gjort en fri tolkning med inspiration ifrån permakultur.Begreppet kommer ifrån Permanent Agriculture eller Permanent Culture, alltså, kort sagt, hållbar odling. Information om permakultur har jag främst fått genom en litteraturstudie samt ett besök på Holma skogsträdgård.

Hur förhåller sig EU till en (o)hållbar utveckling? En studie av EU:s klimatpolitiska samhällsstyrning inom jordbruks- och klimatpolitiken

This bachelor thesis, written as a part of the European Studies at Gothenburg University, is concerned with the European Unions? (EU) climate political governance in their both climate- and agricultural policy, and in particularly the question whether it is sustainable. This thesis intends to problematize if it is possible for the EU to continue to pursue its current agricultural policies, while at the sametime maintain its role as a sustainable actor on the global arena. The framework of theEUs? climate policy governance disciplines this analysis.

Hot och risker med dricksvattenförsörjning : Förutsättningari tid och rum för bevarande av Sundsvalls och Timrås dricksvattenförsörjning

This study describes what impact activity within Wifstas, Matfors,Grönstas and Nolbys water protection areas have on the quality of the drinkingwater. It considers the use of the area, environmentally dangerous activitiesin the past and present, the geology?s part, what harm hydroelectric power damsmay cause if they break and how climate change might affect the area in thefuture. It also takes into consideration activities outside the waterprotection areas which might have a suspected impact on the water quality. Theresults of the study are that pollution from infrastructure such as roads, orwastewater from treatment plants may cause occasional contamination of thedrinking water, foremost due to flooding.

The vertical farm : varför har idén uppkommit och hur är den tänkt att fungera?

By immersion in the situation of the food production today and a historical study of how past development has led us to this point, one goal of this essay is to discuss whether the current way of farming can be applied in a sustainable future. Another objective of the essay is to study the vision Vertical farming as an alternative approach, and to focus on different aspects of this phenomenon in order to provide as comprehensive a picture as possible.The paper, thus, seeks to broaden the views for alternative approaches regarding a well-established method which we often take for granted. The aim is also to initiate a discussion around the need to also take radical ideas in regard if we want to face the future in a sustainable manner. The method is a qualitative literary study where scientific articles and papers have been used to discuss the issues: why has the idea of Vertical farming arisen, what is Vertical farming and how is the Vertical Farm meant to operate? Does Vertical farming have a place in the sustainable city of the future? For a long time us humans lived as one with nature, in a symbiotic relationship in which we gave and took as a functioning part of an ecosystem.

Olik retorik i politik? : En jämförande studie av skillnader i kommunpolitikers och riksdagspolitikers sätt att använda språket.

The purpose of this essay is to examine if there is any difference in the style of conversation between a municipal politician and a politician in parliament? In order to answer this question I have created two sub-questions that are more precise. The first question is: Are the municipal politicians more open to cooperate with politicians from other parties than the politicians from parliament? And the second question is: Is the rhetoric between the politicians in parliament different than the rhetoric between the municipal politicians?My study is a comparative case study with two different groups of politicians. With the help of a survey I have tried to examine if there are differences in the use of language in the daily work for the politicians.

Urban odling - exemplet Varvsstaden i Malmö

Detta examensarbete i landskapsarkitektur behandlar ämnet urban odling med avsikten att identifiera vilka möjligheter och begränsningar det finns med odling i staden. Målet med examensarbetet är att uppnå en större förståelse och kunskap inom detta ämne. Varvsstaden i Malmö har valts som ett exempel för att illustrera hur odlingar skulle kunna implementeras i en central stadsdel som är under utveckling.Litteraturstudier har legat till grund för en kunskapsöversikt av olika aspekter av urban odling. En kvalitativ miniundersökning har utförts för att ta reda på hur nyckelpersoner i Malmö från de tre kategorierna; politiker, tjänstemän samt brukare ser på urban odling och dess möjligheter och begränsningar. Kunskapsöversikten om urban odling i allmänhet och beskrivningarna om Varvsstaden i Malmö har fungerat som underlag till idéskisser för hur odling i Varvsstaden skulle kunna se ut.Resultatet av examensarbetet visar på att det finns många möjligheter med urban odling och att det finns mycket att vinna genom att odla i staden.

Ett liv med figurer : En utställning om minnen och föremål

This thesis is based on an exhibition at the county museum Upplandsmuseet in Uppsala, Sweden. During an internship at this museum I got a chance to produce an exhibition, with some guidance from the museum staff. This exhibition was created with the purpose of teaching about agriculture in the late 19th century and also about the magnificent workmanship of Alrik Klingberg, who have carved these wooden objects for over 50 years. Each one of the objects possesses a story and a memory. The memories that Alrik Klingberg has incorporated into the objects are mainly from his childhood at a croft in northern Uppland.

Kombinationsbruk, talltimmer och vilt?

When I began my studies at Gammelkroppa forest school I started to think about an appropriate thesis. There was much discussion about the wild grazing damage during that period. I was at that time a part of Boo property and helped at their great hunts. They had the dual uses of wildlife and forest. I decided that I want to study how big the wild grazing damages are and if we can reduce them.

Fosforläckage från växtodling - orsaker och ågärder :

Phosphorus is essential to all plants and is taken up from the soil as the ion H2PO4 - (and to some extent HPO42-). Plant availability depends on, among other factors, the soil pH. In order to provide for plant available phosphorus, it is applied as mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure. However, that causes phosphorus leaching from arable land to surrounding surface waters and lakes and contributes to the eutrofication. There are three types of soils in Sweden that are at higher risk of contributing to phosphorus leakage.

Stadsodlingen som mötesplats : odlingar på allmän platsmark i Göteborg som exempel

Stadsodling kan fungera som mötesplatser i staden för att främja en social samvaro och en socialt hållbar utveckling. Syftet med examensarbetet var att studera hur detta kan se ut på olika stadsodlingar i Göteborg, och hur deltagarna själva upplever odlingen som mötesplats och hur en gemenskap kan se ut. Bakgrunden för examensarbetet ligger i ett personligt intresse av odling i staden och hur människan tar sin stad i anspråk. Vad gör människan i sin stad? Intervjuer har genomförts med deltagare från sex olika stadsodlingar, på olika platser i Göteborg.

Behöver vi en förändring? : olika perspektiv på hållbart jordbruk

Debatten om ekologisk kontra konventionell odling har blossat upp allt mer, förespråkare från båda synsätt har sagt sitt genom slagfärdiga debattartiklar och diskussionen har sedan fortsatt vid middagsborden runt om i landet. Denna kandidatuppsats i ämnet landsbygdsutveckling syftar till att undersöka vilka drivkrafter som kan ligga bakom olika aktörers engagemang i jordbruksfrågor och hur de ser på vad som är en hållbar livsmedelsproduktion. Uppsatsen syftar även till att utforska hur informanterna framställer sig själva och andra aktörer i debatten som förts kring ekologisk kontra konventionell odling. Vem bär enligt informanterna ansvaret för jordbrukets utveckling? Behövs en radikal omställning i hela livsmedelsproduktionen för att nå mer hållbarhet eller räcker det med att enbart göra små justeringar? Det empiriska materialet består till största del av fyra informanters syn på dessa och liknande frågor. Detta material har sedan analyserats med inspiration från Erving Goffmans teori om intryckskontroll och Ulrich Becks teori om risksamhället..

Värdering av lager i lantbruk : Går det att värdera ett växande lager?

Background: The valuation of growing crops is problematic partly due to weather conditions. 2011 showed that of all cultivated crops 42% were autumn sown which makes up a significant proportion of the total arable land in Sweden. This presented an opportunity to investigate more closely the methods and options used in the inventory valuation of biological assets. Problem: What options are there in the valuation of own-produced inventory specifically in the form of growing crops? Objective: This study's aim is to create an increased understanding of an agricultural company's options for inventory valuation of biological assets. In the survey of the options this study has found two main categories: rule-and principle-based accounting. Methods: A qualitative study with an abductive approach.

Side effects of biological control agents in agriculture : does the bacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens affect the earthworm Aporrectodea longa?

Pathogenic microorganisms pose a big threat towards food production. Meanwhile, negative impacts on humans and environment are seen by the use of pesticides. Biological control agents are an alternative to the use of chemical pesticides, and plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria, such as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has been shown to have good properties as biocontrol agents. Before these bacteria can be used commercially their impact on other soil organisms has to be evaluated. This thesis looks into what biocontrol bacteria are and how they might affect earthworms.

Goat production in Laos and the potential of using Erythrina variegata as a feedstuff

Lao People?s Democratic Republic (PDR) is a country where the majority of the population works within the sector agriculture in one way or another. The number of goats are increasing and the animals can be an important income source for families. However, during the dry season, lack of feed is a great problem for the farmers. Fodder trees have shown great potential as dry season feeding, due to that the trees often hold green and fresh leaves a long time into the season, compared to grass that dry out quickly.

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