

2896 Uppsatser om Agricultural Production - Sida 10 av 194

Lantbrukare och rådgivare : tillsammans kan de främja biologisk mångfald.

With the farming methods of the past century the agricultural landscape has changed. This has led to the fact that many habitats and species have been significantly reduced. Sweden is committed to the preservation of biodiversity through various conventions and laws. In the EU's Common Agricultural Policy there are currently agro-environmental schemes, which were created as an instrument for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on nature and environment. Within this system any farmer who perform environmental measures are financially compensated for this.

Fermentation of lignocellulosic material by the alternative industrial ethanol yeast Dekkera bruxellensis

Bioethanol is one alternative energy fuel that can be produced from different types of biomass. Second generation bioethanol comes from fermentation of lignocellulosic material and can be seen as a more environmental friendly alternative as e.g. forest residues and agricultural by-products are used. To be able to use lignocellulosic biomass in ethanol production, it has to be subjected to different treatments first. In this study, aspen sawdust was used as lignocellulosic material.

Opera i Stockholm, Stadsgårdskajen

The report is about efficiency of a current production group where there is no clear production flow and there are some buffers between the operations. The efficiency is done with the help of a tool that is calledWork process of flow production which is used by Atlas Copco CTO. The most obviously results are that the lead time drops from 25 hours to 425 minutes and that the balancing loss decreases from 85 % to 8 %. The report focus on decreasing transports, decreasing buffers, more reliability in lead time and quality. And a more stimulating labour content for the workers is another result..

Ekonomiska konsekvenser av variation islaktvikt hos slaktgrisar

At present, the Swedish pig industry is in transition. Prices have been low, but feed prices have increased. Therefore, many pig producers have stopped their production. Producers that lack an integrated production may contract piglet?s producers, or may use the mediation services that slaughterhouses provide.

Spannmålsexport & exportsubventioner - hand i hand?

This thesis analyzes the effects of export subsidies on Swedish cereal export. The analyzes are based on data on cereal export from Sweden to countries outside the EU from 1990 to 2003. In 1995 Sweden became a member of the European Union. Before the membership, the Swedish agricultural policy was decoupled in a larger sense than the European CAP was, which means that the Swedish producers had decreased their production more than the European farmers. When Sweden became a member of the EU the production started to increase again to an EU level.

Är en annan värld möjlig? - En studie från urban- till world-bias

The purpose of this thesis is to explain one aspect of how and why the development in the third world is lagging behind. The precondition is that development through an agricultural revolution is necessary and that all countries benefit from trading. But these two conditions are not met today. By using the urban-bias and the world system theory I have analysed how the situation appears to be according to the precondition. It appears that both the urban-bias and the world system theory are essential to understand how and why the situation in third world still has not reached the same development phase as most other countries.

Passiva lantbrukare ? en effekt av EU:s jordbrukspolitik : en studie av ett antal faktorers påverkan på svenska passiva lantbrukares attityder till markanvändning och EU:s jordbrukspolitik

The problem with passive farmers has arised as an effect of the European Union´s common agricultural policy (CAP) and the decouplement from production-based payments. Payments to passive farmers contradict the purpose of the single payment scheme and constitute a great cost for the EU. The new contractual period after 2013 has given rise to discussions on the direction of the CAP with a purpose of increasing the efficiency of the single payment scheme, and reducing passive farming. The aim of the study is to increase the knowledge about a few factors? influence on passive farmers? attitudes towards land use and the CAP.

Optimering av monteringsavdelningen förfjädergunglekar : Med Lean mot kundorderstyrd montering

If Sweden want to be able to compete internationally with its production capacity,it is important to work actively with production development and production ofresource-and time-efficient. This report is a bachelor thesis of 15 hp conducted atthe University of Halmstad. Using the principles of continuous improvement andLean Production, the author developed a concept for HAGS Aneby AB to changeto the customer order driven assembly of spring toys.First of all, the theories of Lean Production, logistics and ergonomics are used tobuild and present a theoretical framework for further examination. Then, toachieve the target, the current assembly process is analyzed to develop some firstconceptual ideas for improvement. In order to develop the best advice, theconcepts are evaluated against the company?s requirementsThe developed action plan gives recommendations on how the company shouldrestructure their assembly process and the organization of the related departmentin order to produce spring toys in a more time efficient and lean way.

Brasil um pais para todos-en studie av MST:s tillvägagångssätt och mobiliseringsstrategi

AbstractThe struggle for land has been an issue ever since Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese Crown. The deep social inequalities that the country faces were raised then. More than 45% of the agricultural land is controlled by only 1% of the landowners. There have been many movements since then, who has fought for agrarian reforms.MST, the largest social movement in Brazil, was born in the 1980s. They managed to mobilize the peasants and the poor people.

Förbättringsarbete mot Lean Production på Tooling Support Halmstad AB

Nowdays an efficient production is critical to achieve for companies competing on the market for steel cutting tools. One of such companies is Halmstad based Tooling Support Halmstad AB that manufactures threading-taps, threading-dies and parting off tools, towards a centralized warehouse in Schiedam, Holland. The large amount of different products, approximately 2500 is a big contributor to the problem along with a new order system that creates a demand of low setup times. Previously the company was forwarded orders through quarter based prognoses which enabled planning of the production over a longer time span. Currently the newer order system ZENIT is in use and the company thereby gets their orders weekly.

Energianalys av etanolproduktion : en fallstudie av Lantmännen Agroetanols produktionssystem i Norrköping

In this thesis an energy analysis of ethanol production at the ethanol plant of Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping has been performed. The ethanol plant has been studied in combination with Händelöverket, the combined heat and power plant which provides the ethanol process with steam. The purpose of this study was to determine the energy consumption for the whole production chain from grain to ethanol. The analysis has included the energy consumption for cultivation of grain, production of chemicals, the production chain for wood chips, the steam production and the ethanol plant. The grain and wood chips are both considered raw materials there for the energy content in these are not included as energy input in the system.

Energianalys av etanolproduktion : en fallstudie av Lantmännen Agroetanols produktionssystem i Norrköping

In this thesis an energy analysis of ethanol production at the ethanol plant of Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping has been performed. The ethanol plant has been studied in combination with Händelöverket, the combined heat and power plant which provides the ethanol process with steam. The purpose of this study was to determine the energy consumption for the whole production chain from grain to ethanol. The analysis has included the energy consumption for cultivation of grain, production of chemicals, the production chain for wood chips, the steam production and the ethanol plant. The grain and wood chips are both considered raw materials there for the energy content in these are not included as energy input in the system.

Lean inom den svenska bankbranschen : En studie av svenska storbankers arbete med Lean

Lean Production har sedan länge enbart varit förknippad med tillverkningsindustrin och främst Toyota genom Toyota Production System(TPS). På senare år har Lean Production i allt högre grad introducerats och integrerats i tjänsteföretag under beteckningen Lean Service. Bankbranschen är en bransch där aktörer globalt anammat de bakomliggande filosofierna av Lean Production och Lean Service. I det här arbetet har en undersökning gjorts kring huruvida Lean Production existerar inom svenska banker och om så är fallet hur filosofierna inom Lean Production präglar bankerna. De tre bankerna som valts för undersökningen är de svenska storbanker Nordea, SEB och Handelsbanken.

Hur kredithandläggare lantbruk i sina kreditgivningsstrategier beaktar den potentiella riskfaktorn att säkerheten i form av åkermark faller i värde

The increase in farmland value in Swedens plain areas is a well known fact in today's Swedish agricultural. In connection with the fluctuating prices of crops and inputs, are increasing the risk exposure to agriculture. The increased value of agricultural land has in Sweden over the years been due to a high demand for land that has existed and exists in Sweden. The increasing demand is linked to a structural rationalization of Swedish agriculture, leading to fewer and larger farm units (www, privataaffärer, Carl Johan Jurss).The purpose of this study is to examine the potential risks associated with the farmland value falls or remains unchanged, according to a farm credit administrator's perspective. The idea is to get a picture of the main factors taken into account when lending and the problems with falling or stable land prices into account when lending.

Telekomspecialisering i Östra Europa - Integrationens betydelse för en produktionsfragmenterad industri

One of the most distinguishing features of contemporary globalisation is production fragmentation, a splitting up of the manufacturing of a good into several different stages. Production fragmentation creates new opportunities through vertical specialization; a country incapable of mastering the entire production process may specialize in the manufacturing of one separate part. The aim of this thesis is to examine to what extent international integration affects a country?s ability to engage in vertical specialization in an industry characterized by production fragmentation. The analysis focuses on the european integration process over the last decade, where countries in eastern Europe with relatively low labour costs have been integrated with more capital abundant western economies.

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