7390 Uppsatser om Agent theory - Sida 35 av 493
Implementation av ett kunskapsbas system för rough set theory med kvantitativa mätningar
This thesis presents the implementation of a knowledge base system for rough sets [Paw92]within the logic programming framework. The combination of rough set theory with logic programming is a novel approach. The presented implementation serves as a prototype system for the ideas presented in [VDM03a, VDM03b]. The system is available at "http://www.ida.liu.se/rkbs". The presented language for describing knowledge in the rough knowledge base caters for implicit definition of rough sets by combining different regions (e.g.
Sverige och smygrasismen : En retorisk analys av ämnena integration och invandring i svensk press
The purpose of this study was to investigate how three Swedish news publications writes about integration and immigrants. The news articles were analyzed with a rhetorical analysis. The method was supplemented with theories of media and ethnicity, agenda setting theory and gatekeeping theory. This study resulted in the conclusion that racist discourses are found in the three news publications, regardless of political color, writer or article genre. Many of the articles makes a clear division of "us and them", where "them" is defined by the text's "us", who are often Swedes.
Det sinnliga upplevandet av landskapet : en teoretisk undersökning av positiva emotioners roll vid utomhusrekreation
The purpose with the paper is to theoretically investigate how sensory experience and positive affect in contact with outdoor environment can promote health by 1) develop a model of the sensory and emotional processes based on multiple code theory (Bucci, 1997) and 2) examine if this model can increase understanding of the processes that takes place in outdoor recreation, the way this is described in environmental psychology research and theory.
The paper starts by introducing research and perspectives concerning outdoor recreation.
Different theories of nature?s health promoting effects are described. These include the
restoration theories of Roger Ulrich and Steven and Rachel Kaplan, theories more concerned
with outdoor activities and a theory combining these two perspectives called instorative
After this sensory and emotional information processing is examined through the works of
Wilma Bucci and Jean Ayres. Antionio Damasio?s theories of emotion and Daniel Stern?s
concept of vitalityaffects are than introduced to extend this reasoning.
Det står ?jävlig mamma? skrivet i pannan på mig" : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrar till barn med diagnos inom autismspektrumet och deras vardag
The purpose of the study isto,based on network theory, systems theory and development ecological systems theory,understand parent?sexperiences of having children with autismspectrum, as well as understand the importance of social networksfor the parents. All of the intervieweeswere mothers. The results showed that it is important to parentsto have contact with other parents who are in the same situation as them. Many of the interviewees had a small social network.
Destruktivt entreprenörskap : Fusket/missbruket med assistansersättningen
Purpose: The aim is to investigate the mechanisms behind the destructive entrepreneurship in the assistance industry.Method: To investigate the destructive entrepreneurship in the assistance industry, we conducted a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured questions. In total, we interviewed four authorities and an employer organization.Theory: Theoretical framework: The study is based on Baumol's (1990) theory of productive, unproductive and destructive entrepreneurship and rent-seeking by Murphy et al (1991), but the study's principal theory that we have chosen to apply is the routine activity theory of Cohen & Felson (1979) that describes three elements that must come together in order for a crime to be committed.Conclusions and discussion: Our study shows that it is clear that there is both fraud and abuse within the assistance allowance, which can be done in different ways. Some users simulate their illness that they exaggerate their need for assistance. Some assistance providers have abused the compensation by paying lower wages and empty false wages etc. The study showed that there also exists a type of human trafficking.
The European Emission Trading Scheme: A Market Perspective
The purpose of this thesis is to bring insight into and understanding of how the market for emission rights in Europe currently works and what problems it is currently facing. The research can be said to be based on positive theory, in the sense that it is grounded more on empirical theory on the subject than normative theory. Furthermore, a qualitative approach to generating data has been used. This has led to a pattern mode of explanation, where understanding a unique and complex field is the focus. The theoretical perspective utilized in this thesis is mainly based on empirical research on similar market-based systems for emission control.
Avkastning med ansvar : vikten av ett ansvarsfullt ägande
Traditionally, it has been argued that companies are only responsible towards their shareholders, to maximize the profits. But lately it has changed into another way of responsibilty. It has become of great importance to demonstrate sustainable long-term values for stakeholders to identify with. This thesis aims to clarify the banks? definition of responsible investment and what criteria they assume when talking about such kind of investments.
Opiatberoende och läkemedelsassisterad behandling : En kvalitativ studie om några socialarbetares syn på opiatberoende och behandling med metadon/subutex
The aim of this study is to take note of social worker´s views on opiate addiction and medication-assisted treatment. The definition of social workers in this paper, is people who are involved with individuals who have an opiate addiction and have therefore been in contact with drug assisted treatment. Data was collected through interviews with social workers. The interviews were based on an interview questionnaire on four explicit themes: Motivation, Medical Assisted Treatment (LA) Other complementary treatment and expenses and its meanings. These are analyzed and discussed through the theory of harm reduction and the theory of labeling..
I stundens hetta : ? En kvalitativ textanalys om gestaltningar av krisarbetare i samband med skogsbranden i Västmanland sommaren 2014
This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.
Neva Boyd, en lekteoretiker för dramapedagogik : En historisk fallstudie
This is a historical documentary research study across Neva Leona Boyd (1876-1963). The theoretical perspective is based on the historical perspective of knowledge from ancient Greece to the approach of modern symbolic interactionism. The study shows that Boyd, who was Viola Spolins teacher, was a proponent of the modern view of group play theory. 1909 she founded Chicago School for Playground Workers, later transformed to the Recreation Training School. Until 1927, the school entered in Hull-House initiated by Jane Addams.
Relational Theory of Contract och företagsförsäkringsavtal
Forming teacher teams is currently the standard way of organizing teachers in Swedish Compulsory Schools. This is the result of a process that started in the 1970s.Traditionally the culture of teaching has been one of isolation. Once the door to the classroom is shut, what happens behind the door is up to the teacher to decide. Over the past thirty years a lot of time has been dedicated to making fundamental changes in the way teachers interact with their colleagues. Today the idea of teachers forming teams is generally accepted but still the core of a Swedish teacher?s job is that of a lone worker.
Det optimala lo?nesystemet inom fastighetsma?klarbranschen : En studie om lo?nesystemets koppling till ma?l och motivation
AbstractTitel: The optimal salary system in the real estate industry Authors: Emma Bjo?rkman och Tere?se Emanuelsson Widstro?m Tutor: Tommy BergquistProblems background: The challenges companies face is to recruit, retain and motivate empolyees to work in a way that promotes the company. Skilled staff are difficult to recruit, more difficult to maintain and expensive for companies to lose but undeniably the most important key to success. How should the optimal salary system be composed to attract operators in a competitive market such as real estate industry, with a predominance of commission based salary?Purpose: To examine how the salary system is linked to motivation and goals in the real estate industry.
Hållbarhetsredovisning inom de statligt ägda bolagen
In recent years there have been many corporate scandals from environmental and social aspects. Corporate irresponsible behavior has led to major public discussions on responsibility and these pressures made that many companies wanting to show that they are working for a sustainable development by voluntarily reporting economic, environmental and social and social issues in the financial statement. They hope this will create credibility for the companies. In the current situation, there are a number of guidelines that companies can use to report sustainability. One of these is the GRI guidelines which is an international framework that covers many accounting areas and allows companies to compare their sustainability reports with other companies.The purpose of this study is to determine if all state-owned companies follows the government?s requirement that these companies must form a sustainability report under the GRI guidelines, and the sustainability report must be audited and certified by an outside party.
The Choice
Människors val och beslut har alltid fascinerat mig. Hur är det möjligt att vissa beslut och val kan te sig fullständigt ologiska och oförväntade medans andra val och beslut kan man nästan säga är förutsägbara? Vad är det jag känner igen och inte känner igen och varför? Är det för att jag tillhör samma kön? Eller är det för att jag är från en annan kultur med andra värderingar och normer? Har vi samma genetiska bas med identiska uttryck och förhållande? De dogmer och förklaringar som finns och existerar i vår närvaro rörande varför vi gör våra val och beslut har länge för mig känts som ett distanserat och främmande sätt att se mänskligheten. Därför har jag beslutat att försöka fördjupa mig i ämnet genom att titta på och jämföra några av de religiösa, filosofiska och naturvetenskapliga teorierna och där hitta en möjlig förklaring som kan ge mig en större insikt i varför jag väljer som jag gör och du väljer som du gör. Är det en allvetande agent som har betydelse inför våra val? Är det samhället och kulturen vi lever i som spelar roll? Är det mitt genetiska arv?.
Den informella organisationen : Jämställdhetsutredning inom bank-och finansbranschen
During the autumn of 2007 I carried out an investigation within the bank and finance Sector. The aim of the investigation was to see how informal aspects could be understood in relation to equality within Bank AB? The main question was: Which are the obstacles and opportunities for equality within Bank AB? To answer the main question I asked the following questions to the material: Are there any gender related different within the organization? How are men and women represented within the internal magazine? Which are the conceptions related to sex/gender within the organization? The investigation is based on a survey, the internal magazine was investigated and finally interviews took place. Throughout the investigation I used organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory I examined concepts as structures, leadership, symbolism and changes associated with equality.