

713 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 32 av 48

Hormonstörande ämnen och deras effekt på barns hälsa : - Hur ser kunskapen ut hos småbarnsföräldrar?

Endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs) are found in many everyday products and can cause adverse effects on human health. Small children are particularly sensitive to EDCs and they are also exposed to them in a greater extent than adults. Despite this, EDCs are only banned in a few toys and childcare products. There are many sources of exposure and if no steps are taken to reduce the incidence of EDCs we may face an increasing number of people diagnosed with obesity, diabetes type 2 or various types of cancer.The Swedish Government has set a number of environmental objectives, one of which is calleda non-toxic environment. The Swedish Chemicals Agency was instructed to produce and conduct a national action plan to achieve this goal.

Henry V - en ärans man : En dramatistisk analys av Sankt Crispiani dag-talet i Shakespeares Henry V

The purpose of this essay is to understand the rhetoric presented by Henry V in Shakespeare?s St. Crispin?s day speech. More specifically, it examines the speech from a "dramatistic" point of view, i.e.

Finansiering av små tillverkande företags tillväxtmöjligheter i revitaliseringsfasen : Finansieringsprocessen

In 2014-2015 a large-scale Ebola epidemic occurred in West Africa. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency was given the order to conduct the Swedish response. The purpose of this case study was to investigate the impact on project planning of the three factors: the nature of the crisis, political initiative and developing countries. In this case study the crisis was an epidemic, and the project was initiated by the Swedish Government and conducted in two developing countries. The results were intended to contribute to developed understanding and recommendations for future project managers in similar projects.

Bachelor nurses? experiences of working during a natural disaster: The earthquake in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 27th 2006

This is a Minor Field Study (MFS) which is a scholarship financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The study was held in 2007 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and is based upon retrospective qualitative interviews with five Bachelor nurses who experienced the disaster work during the earthquake 27th of May, 2006. The aim of the study is to explore the experiences, feelings and thoughts of Bachelor nurses who were involved in this natural disaster. The interview, transcription and analyse work were made one year after the earthquake were a qualitative content analysis method was used. Two group interviews were held at the University of Gadjah Mada.

Från dröm till verkliget: en kvalitativ studie av några socialsekreterares verkligheter och drömmar

The main purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse how social worker on a specific Social Service Agency describe their experiences. My focus has been to concentrate on social worker, whose task is related to young people. The paper is presented from three different themes; work assignments, professional roles and projects in life. The central questions are; Which are the socialworker´s main tasks? How does the social worker see himself in his professional role? Have their expectations been fulfilled? Where do they get their motivation from? Which are the reasons why the job as social worker is so strenuous? I have interviewed four social workers (semi-structured interviews), and a qualitative method is used.

Det vardagliga arbetet på ett bemanningsföretag : - samt hur dess ledare hanterar de problem som uppstår En fallstudie på Maxkompetens

The everyday work at a staffing Agency and how its leaders deal with the problems that appears: A case study at Maxkompetens.The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how leaders at a staffing company deal with the everyday problems that arise from a geographically dispersed workforce.The staffing industry has grown by 30-40 percent annually and has over the past 15 years been the fastest growing industry in Sweden. This shows that the interest and demand for the staffing industry and its activities are now rising at an increasingly faster pace. This is an industry that is operating under specific conditions and with a geographically dispersed workforce. This will make the leaders of a staffing company to an important link between the staffing leaders and the staffing personnel.The relationship between the staffing company's leaders and its personnel is important, but not completely trouble free. Difficulties arise in that the employees may be located in different places and at various client companies with the result that the leaders of the staffing company cannot have a daily personal contact with their geographically dispersed personnel.We have used a qualitative approach on our paper and our empirical methodology has been a case study with ethnography and interviews.

Sverige - guldstjärnan på polska turistens himmel : En studie i svenska turistnäringens arbete för att nå polsk marknad

This essay started with a describing of Vision2020 that aims to get incoming tourism doubled and to make global travellers choose Sweden as their destination at the first place. Furthermore, we discuss those 12 priority markets that a Swedish leading communications company in the tourism Visit Sweden puts effort and promotes. Poland was not on the list of the selected countries. With our research we aim to show that the Polish market has potential. Compelling factors point to that Sweden and Poland are neighbour countries with good transport connections and, not least, that the countries have long historical relationships with each other.

Nedskräpade återvinningsstationer - En studie om fördelning av ansvar

In Sweden, responsibility for the collection and recycling of packaging and newspapers lies with the producers. Therefore, the major producers created a jointcollection with 5800 recycling stations. The stations are the responsibility of a coordinating body, Förpacknings och Tidningsinsamlingen (FTI) which ensures Government regulations are adhered to by the producers.In 2006, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) carried out an evaluation of the collection of packaging and newspapers. EPA´s research showedthat 80 percent of households were satisfied with the collection but that there were also shortcomings, including problems with littering at the recycling stations.We have tried to approach the litter issue from different angles in order to suggestpossible measures to reduce the problem. An important aspect proved to be uncertainties regarding the concept of operators.As there are currently many parties involved in the collection process this lead to the issue of who is legally considered as the operator of the recycling stations.

Patho-anatomical studies on african swine fever in Uganda

African Swine Fever (ASF) is one of the most serious transboundary swine diseases because of its high lethality for pigs, socioeconomic consequences, rapid and international spread and the absence of either treatment or vaccine. This Sida Minor Field Study (MFS) was carried out during fall 2010, as part of a larger collaborative research project called ASFUganda, focusing on the epidemiology of the disease in Uganda. The aim with this study was to get more knowledge about the pathology in cases of ASF in Uganda, by studying macroscopic and microscopic lesions in pigs with acute and chronic ASF and to detect the ASF virus (ASFV) in tissues by immunohistochemistry. The pigs were selected from the two different geographical locations in Uganda, Mityana and Gulu district, both with on going confirmed outbreaks of ASF. Necropsies were performed in the field, and the laboratory procedures at the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, Entebbe, Uganda, and at the Department of BVF, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden. Three pigs from an outbreak of ASF in Mityana district showed both the history and the clinical symptoms typical for ASF.

Investeringar och l?nsamhet i privata n?ringslivet

Syftet med denna studie ?r att belysa om ett samband p? kort sikt finns mellan l?nsamhet och investeringsniv? i det privata n?ringslivet. ?tta industrigrenar med f?rmodat h?ga investeringsbehov har valts ut f?r huvudstudien och inkluderar stora nationer inom den Europeiska Unionen. ?tta andra industrigrenar har valts ut f?r en k?nslighetsanalys.

Examining Accuracy : Drönare och drönarangrepp: retorik, praktik och historia

The military conflicts of the early 21st century have seen the introduction and rise of a new military technology: the armed drone. With the United States acting as the driving force behind this technological advancement, the U.S Air Force and intelligence Agency CIA have madedrones their weapon of choice for pursuing suspected terrorists and insurgents in various remotelocations. American military leaders and policy makers assert that the armed drone?s high levelof accuracy make it the best available weapons platform for this task. However, new researchshows that the use of drones may result in more civilian casualties than previously thought, andmay in fact be more fallible than conventional aircraft in this respect.

Credit Risk Assessments of Swedish RealEstate Companies

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

Styrning inom franchising utifrån Simons styrmodell, samt förtroendets inverkan på denna: en fallstudie av fyra företag

Franchising är enligt flera källor ett starkt växande fenomen runt om i världen. Utformningen av ett franchisesystem är en investering som kan ge god avkastning, men som inte sköter sig självt. Det anses därför vara av stor vikt att franchisegivaren kan kontrollera att franchisetagarna utför de delegerade uppgifterna på ett önskvärt sätt. Enligt vår mening skulle Simons styrmodell kunna vara den styrning som möjliggör detta. Simons modell bygger på att styra ett företags stabilitet med hjälp av fyra olika styrningar och dessa är värderingsstyrningen, den gränsskapande, den diagnostiserande och den interaktiva styrningen.

Styrning inom franchising utifrån Simons styrmodell, samt förtroendets inverkan på denna: en fallstudie av fyra företag

Franchising är enligt flera källor ett starkt växande fenomen runt om i världen. Utformningen av ett franchisesystem är en investering som kan ge god avkastning, men som inte sköter sig självt. Det anses därför vara av stor vikt att franchisegivaren kan kontrollera att franchisetagarna utför de delegerade uppgifterna på ett önskvärt sätt. Enligt vår mening skulle Simons styrmodell kunna vara den styrning som möjliggör detta. Simons modell bygger på att styra ett företags stabilitet med hjälp av fyra olika styrningar och dessa är värderingsstyrningen, den gränsskapande, den diagnostiserande och den interaktiva styrningen.

Capital Structures and Internationalisation

Abstract The internationalisation of a company is enabled by integration of markets. New markets mean new revenues, but also demand capital to finance the expansion. To bring in new capital may offer new possibilities but also higher debt-equity ratios, which affect how external interested parties value the company. This thesis, inspired by previous and mainly US based research, researches the debt-equity ratio of Swedish multinational and domestic companies, sampled from the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The research questions have focused on the impact of certain internationalisation variables on the debt-equity ratio; how does the debt-equity ratio differ between international and domestic companies? Can a difference be explained by the degree of internationalisation? Can a difference be better explained by the presence of international ownership? By measuring the concept internationalisation as both trade and presence, the questions were operationalised into four hypotheses.

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