

713 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 26 av 48

Vilka skillnader och likheter finns mellan UNHCR:s och UNRWA:s syn på flyktingar? : En komparativ studie mellan FN:s två flyktingorgan

Research about what differences and similarities exists between UNHCR and UNRWA in the opinion of a refugee?This examination focuses on a study between The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and THE United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Both organizations are UN-related and are in charge of refugees, however they differ by the fact the UNHCR controls all of the world?s refugees with the exception of the Palestinian refugees, for which UNRWA. The aim of this work will be to examine the definition of refugees as well as their entitlements and in what way they differ depending on which organization they belong to.As theory I have, among others, used Rainer Bauböck?s book ? Transnational Citizenship?.

Kunnig för uppdraget? En studie av kunskapsöverföring åt tillfälliga bemanningskonsulter

It can be difficult for young people to find their first job; a solution to this problem may bethrough temporary work at a staffing Agency to gain their first experience. As temporary workers,individuals are often forced to frequently change their jobs, which require that the company'sprocesses for introduction are able to transfer the needed knowledge and the temporal employee´s capacity to quickly learn a new role. Knowledge management and knowledge transfer areimportant aspects to most organizations, but how are these aspects used when introducing temporarystaffing personnel to new work? The purpose of the study is to identify the process oftemporary staffing to identify possible suggestions for improvement based on principles ofknowledge transfer. The research question "How can the transfer of knowledge be developed forthe introduction of new staffing personnel?" is divided into sub questions;? ?How is the processto hire temporary staff performed??, ?What problems can occur in the process of introduction ofnew temporal staff?? and ?How can ICT be used to support the introduction of temporal staff??.The theoretical framework is based around theories of the context in which the knowledge transferred,what type of knowledge is to be transferred, the channels that are possible to use to transferknowledge through, employees function as channels to transfer knowledge with a special emphasison the role of the mentor, and the transferee's own motivation and the capacity to receivethe knowledge that is being transferred.To understand the process of hiring temporal staff, a survey was performed using open-ended interviewswith consultants at employment agencies, and with the support of the frameworkDELTA Meta Architecture.

"Man får liksom inte bli slav under nationella prov" : en undersökning om lärares reflektioner kring de nationella proven i årskurs 3

Since the beginning of 1940 there have been externally developed tests in Sweden. Their appearances have changed over the years together with the cognitive approach. Nowadays, this kind of tests is going by the name of the national tests, which was introduced in the year of 1994. When the Swedish National Agency for Education received the assignment to develop new purposes and national tests to the third grade students, debate took a bounce. The matter was well discussed; national tests in third grade or not?The national tests thus far carried out four rounds in the third grade and the purpose of my study was to find out how teachers are reasoning about the tests.

Gör om, gör rätt! Om judikalisering och migrationsdomstolens tillkomst

This thesis examines the reasons behind the Swedish migration policy reform which led to a replacement of the Aliens Appeal Board by the Migration Court. This introduced a two-party procedure, oral hearings and enhanced transparency. It was designed to guarantee the rule of law and to thwart political arbitrariness.The transfer of power from representative institutions to judiciaries is referred to as judicialization, and the Migration Courts may be considered a typical example of this phenomenon. However, this can be questioned. The straggling nature of the term implies everything and anything unless cautiously defined.

Tolkningen utav asylutredningsmetodik : Är asylhandläggares tolkning utav asylutredningar för sexuell läggning lika?

The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of the uniform way of interpretation from the Swedish asylum officers at the Swedish Migration Board, of asylum investigations for asylum seekers who claim sexual orientation as reason of refuge. The interviews with the officers were analyzed in relation to the policy document with investigation- guidelines and methodology.The results of the study showed that there was a uniform way to conduct asylum investigations and interpret the policy document, this despite that the document was found to be ambiguous in certain aspects. The uniform interpretation of the asylum officers was explained by the knowledge and understanding that exists within institutional organizations. This because the asylum officers at the Swedish Migration Board might have similar experience, knowledge and also the demands related to asylum investigations.The uniform interpretation demonstrated a strong similar common understanding of investigative work within the Agency. This suggests a certainty that the investigations are carried out in a similar way regardless of which asylum officer within the institution conducting the investigation which indicates a well-functioning ?rule of law? for the asylum seekers. .

HUR NÖJD ÄR DU I SJÄLVA VERKET? : En studie om skattehandläggares upplevelse av arbetstillfredsställelse i relation till deras syn på myndigheten.

Skatteverket är en av Sveriges viktigaste statliga myndigheter då myndigheten på något sätt berör alla individer i samhället. Studiens syfte är att skapa en djupare förståelse för varför det finns en diskrepans i svaren från Skatteverkets medarbetarundersökning 2013, gällande upplevelsen av arbetstillfredsställelse, i relation till synen på Skatteverket som en attraktiv arbetsplats samt till synen på att rekommendera arbetsplatsen till andra personer. Studien tar utgångspunkt i begreppet arbetstillfredsställelse, som betraktas som attityder människan känner gentemot sitt arbete, och tillämpar ett kvalitativt angreppssätt. Genom 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med handläggare på ett skattekontor i Västsverige, görs en ansats till att förklara diskrepansen utifrån en analys av medarbetarnas uppfattningar. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats genom fenomenologisk dataanalys och studiens slutsatser visar att det finns en viss grad av missnöje bland handläggarna gällande faktorer såsom löneutveckling, bristande karriärvägar samt upplevelsen av andra människors uppfattning om handläggarens arbete och arbetsplats. .

Europeiskt arvsintyg : En granskning av det internationella arvsintyget i EU:s arvsförordning

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the European certificate of succession, and how it affects Swedish inheritance law. The European certificate of succession is a European document that will be introduced in august 2015 in the EU regulation of succession. The certificate of succession is meant to simplify the current process of cross-border inheritance by legitimizing the concerned parties, which according to the regulation are: heirs, legatees, executors of wills and administrators of the estate. According to the regulation, the member state of which the deceased had habitual residence shall have jurisdiction to rule on the succession as a whole. Since the certificate is a European document, it will have legal effect in all member states.

Affärsänglar : En kvalitativ studie om affärsänglars förhållningssätt till risker vid investeringsbeslut

The interest for venture capital within the financial sector in Sweden has, according to earlier studies, been seen as a growing occurrence. Especially for what is known as informal venture capital. In modern times, private investors who engage themselves in small, unlisted companies, providing informal venture capital are to be known as business angels. They close equity gaps on the financial market by contribute financial capital to start-ups and are therefore an important participant on today?s market.

Hur lär vi oss av misstag? - En undersökning av inlärningsprocessen i svensk hälso- och sjukvård

In scientific investigations on how organizations can learn from their mistakes the perspective is usually that of the social engineer; the object is to prevent human errors through modeling the system in a certain way. The aim of this paper is to explore the learning process from a different standpoint than those usually applied in organizational learning and error theory. By studying the learning process in Swedish health care I seek to discover how theoretical presumptions affect the outcome in terms of what we actually learn. The theoretical framework draws on two major discussions in contemporary political science; the question of structure and Agency and the question of whether to focus on formal or informal structures when explaining organizational behavior.The investigation shows that Swedish health care tend to understand human errors as a result of formal organizational structure. Such a view leads to insufficient explanations to why errors occur but is useful in producing preventative measures.

Human Security in Serbia: A Case Study of the Economic and Personal Security of Internally Displaced Persons

The aim of this study was twofold; firstly it sought to describe the human security situation of Roma IDPs and IDPs living in collective centers, secondly it tried to create an understanding for how the human security situation can affect IDPs capabilities to develop. The findings of the study were mainly based on a field study conducted in Belgrade, Serbia for two months. The results of the study were that IDPs in collective centers have a poor human security situation regarding basic income, employment, adequate housing and experienced personal security. Roma IDPs suffer from the same insecurities, but in addition also has poor human security in basic education and personal safety. Their stagnant human security situation proved to be the result of the inability to help IDPs by the actors involved in the relief work.

Teen dating violence : Samverkar våld i relationen depressiva symptom hos ungdomar?

This paper examines dialect as a rhetorical means of persuasion. A survey containing inquires about four different Swedish dialects have been handed out mainly in Södertörn University and Stockholm University, in order to research the values and connotations of theese dialects. The four chosen dialects are as following: Göteborgska, Stockholmska, Norrländska and Skånska. The results of the survey are processed and compiled to see which attitudes these values and connotations may indicate to each dialect. These attitudes and values are then discussed in correlation with five rhetorical theories: Attitude as a means of persuation, Ethos, Persona, Rhetorical Agency and Pierre Bourdieu?s theory of Field and Habitus.

Chef över Erik men inte över Anna : påverkas företags styrning då inhyrd personal ingår i personalstyrkan?

The use of temporary workers gives companies the opportunity to be flexible, by avoiding hiring and dismissing workers because of economic conditions and trends in demand. The management control in use at the company has the purpose of influencing employees? behaviour to act in the company?s best interest and towards its goals. The management control should also influence the behaviour of the temporary worker. The companies have to create motivation and commitment among the temporary workers although they are employed by a staffing Agency.

Frivillig revision - Vad avgör rekommendationen? : En studie ur revisorns perspektiv

Aim The aim of the thesis is to explain the factors that affect the auditor's recommendation concerning audit services to customers who are not subject to mandatory auditing.Background and problem In 2010 mandatory auditing for small companies was abolished. It is common for the auditor to provide recommendations re-garding whether or not a customer should chose to retain the audit. The question is which factors can explain the auditor's recommendation.Method and empirics This thesis uses a deductive approach with inductive elements and a combination of qualitative and quantitative data is used. The qualitative data consists of a pilot study and the quantitative data consists of a questionnaire survey. The analysis of the empirical data was performed using regression analysis.Theory This thesis applies an eclectic approach where the starting point is legitimacy, institutional theory, professional theory and decision making theory to develop a model.Results and conclusions The notion of the recommendation as well as the extent of the recommendations can be explained by factors related to the auditor's Agency affiliation and the auditor's personal qualities..

Att komma tillrätta med "sinnesslöhet" : En studie på barnavårds- och fattigvårdsstyrelsens definition av ?sinnesslöa? i Växjö stad under åren 1934-1941

This study is based on the child welfare Agency and social welfare board definition in Växjö City about the people who were defined as feebleminded and which solution they choose for this ?social problem?, with focus if they used sterilization as a solution to this ?problem? during the years 1934-1941. The individuals who were regarded as feebleminded were alcoholics, unemployed, people who were feeble in their mind, people who had mental diseases, people who were vagrants and poor people. According to earlier research these people were categorized in a subclass and their behavior were not regarded as ordinary like a human who had a healthy mind, according to that period believes.The boards in Växjö defined the feebleminded people with mentally deficient minds, mental retardation, poverty and in some cases disturbed self-activity. However the most common definition of the feebleminded was mentally deficient minds and mental retardation.

Intern Marknadsföring : En fallstudie inom ett tillverkande företag

This thesis discusses taxation of benefits, which shareholders and company leaders can enjoy from close corporations. The Government said in the government bill lead- ing to the amendments regarding taxation of benefits, that it should be the possibility alone to enjoy benefits that should be the reason to impose taxes on company lead- ers. The Swedish tax Agency (Skatteverket) has agreed to that statement. In other words, it isn?t necessary that someone actually enjoys the company?s assets for pri- vate use, it is enough that they have the right of disposal of them in order to be taxed.

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