

713 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 10 av 48

Kostråd på internet : En tva?rsnittsstudie bland unga vuxna

AimThe study aims were to identify young adults? sources of nutritional advice on the Internet and how they perceive the credibility of these. The study also aimed at exploring young adults' knowledge of national recommendations issued by the National Food Agency.MethodA web-based survey was distributed on the social media platform Facebook. The questionnaire contained a total of 14 questions regarding online nutritional advice and its credibility. Finally, it requested the respondent's knowledge and credibility of the national nutritional recommendations.

Alternativa finansieringsmöjligheter av företagsfastigheter

It is essential to reuse- and recycles residues to decrease the amount of deposit materials and reach sustainable energy use. Two ways to work towards this is to recycle wood ashes to the forest as nutrient compensation and extract biogas from combustion of biomass.The aim with this study was to decide whether wood ashes that been used for biogas upgrading with accelerated carbonation also can be used as a nutrient compensation in the woods according to recommendations from the Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen).The ashes that were used in this study came from Johan Andersson who works at JTI in Uppsala, who also treated the ashes with biogas. The ashes have, in both untreated and treated condition, been analyzed in this study according to contents of elements, leaching properties, hardening properties and contents of crystalline phases, to evaluate what impact carbonation with biogas has on the ashes.The accelerated carbonation led to hardening of the ash, and decreased amount of CaO- and increased amount of CaCO3. The CO2-uptake also entails a dilution of the elements, and the content of nutrients and trace elements decreases. However the results show an indication of an uptake of S from the biogas to the ash, since the dilution had a smaller impact on S than the rest of the elements.

Ranking of key factors when a company makes their choice of advertising agency

Att demokrati är ett mångfacetterat begrepp är en utgångspunkt för denna studie. Tolkningsfriheten av demo-krati är stor ? både i samhället och inom skolväsendet. Ett intresse för studien är att undersöka vad lärare lägger för innebörd i begreppet demokratiska värderingar, men även hur förutsättningar skapas för att demokratiska värden ska genereras, hur demokratiska värden utvärderas samt varför lärarna tycker att demokratiarbetet är viktigt är aspekter som denna studie belyser.Åtta lärare deltog i studien, varav hälften arbetade inom årskurs 6 och resterande hälft i årskurs 9. Det över-gripande syftet är att söka likheter och skillnader mellan lärares syn på demokratiarbetet i dessa årskurser.

Dress for success - by using multichannel marketing

Background and problem: Corporate Governance is a well-known phenomenon which has been the focus of plenty of research where the board of directors and the CEO have been regarded as important actors. What's affecting decisions regarding these actors has been debated whereas media has been pointed out of having an impact. To decide whether or not media can affect Corporate Governance have shown to be problematic whereas it exists divergent views regarding this. At the same time this relationship is more explored in other contexts than the swedish one, although this one is considered suitable for this. Consequently there is a motive for examining medias impact on Corporate Governance in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to explain if media has an impact on Corporate Governance at an overall level.

Allmänhetens arkiv? : En studie av tre participatory archives

The aim of this study is to examine how and in what way users of the public participate and affect the archival information that is to be preserved for the future through the examination of three archival projects involving public participation. The study seeks to examine if participation of the public could lead to increased democracy and diversity of information in the archives. The study will be performed through the examination of three participatory archives all tied to traditional archival institutions.The study is based on the theoretical framework of Benn and Gaus and their notions of public and private which they discuss using the key words access, Agency and interest. The study also takes into consideration Laura Millar?s theories of social memory as a means for the public good.

Fritidspedagog eller lärare i fritids?

Syftet med vårt arbete är att belysa lärarnas uppfattningar om fritidspedagogens yrkesroll vid två skolor. Ett ytterligare syfte är att jämföra ovan med rådande uppfattningar från Skolverket samt jämföra utfallet av ovanstående med resultatet av en enkät utförd på fritidspersonalen vid dessa två skolor. Vi väljer att använda en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med förutbestämda frågor. Vi avser att intervjua fyra lärare och delar ut enkäter till fem fritidsanställda på två olika skolor. Vi intervjuar även personal på Skolverket för att jämföra beskrivningen av fritidspedagogens yrkesroll.

Skatteverkets ställningstagande om kortare avbrott : Rättskällevärdet i förhållande till legalitetspricipen och förutsebarhetens påverkan

Individuals considered as tax residents in Sweden may if they are working abroad for six months alternatively one year be granted a tax exemption concerning the income originating from the work abroad. Short intermissions (kortare avbrott) are permitted without impact on the tax exemption, however this requires that the intermission is not placed in the beginning or in the end and that the stay in Sweden does not exceed 72 days a year. A time limit regarding intermissions in a third country is however not regulated. There-fore the Swedish tax Agency (Skatteverket) has published a non binding standpoint which regulates the entire intermission allowed to a maximum of 96 days a year whereof 72 days may be spent in Sweden. The definition is more extensive than earlier and uncer-tainty occurs as to whether the extension contradicts the principle of legality.The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the value of the Swedish tax Agency?s stand-point concerning short intermissions.

Relationsmarknadsföring : En fallstudie av reklambyråer

AbstractThe development of new economies from the industrial revolution to the information society of today has led to an increase in goods, services and information technology. It has also affected the way that organizations are formed and shown that organizations transform more and more into networks. This has left an impact on the concept of marketing and an increase in the handling of internal relations within companies. The marketing concept has developed from the 4P:s, price, place, product and promotion, to relations marketing as a new perspective.This study focuses on a description of relations marketing in medium - sized advertising agencies. The advertising business has a long history of close customer relations and advertising agencies strongly depend on new customers.

?Ibland undrar man om det är någon idé att röra upp himmel eller helvete för att de är lite dyngiga här och där? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan förskola och socialtjänst

The purpose of this study is to, from the preschool teachers? point of view, deepen the knowledge about influential factors regarding a mandatory report from preschools to the Child Protective Agency (CPA) when suspecting child maltreatment and feeling uneasiness regarding the child. The purpose is also to furthermore investigate collaboration between preschools and the CPA in Hagfors municipality. The study has the following questions: How do preschools teachers handle their suspicions and uneasiness about a child being maltreated? Which factors can be influential on whether or not the suspicions are reported to the CPA? Which experiences do preschool teachers have of collaboration with the CPA?The study is based on qualitative methods in the formof individual interviews.

Klimatfaktorers inverkan på granbarkborrens svärmningsintensitet i Medelpad

The spruce bark beetle (Ips typographhus) is one of the 25 000 species of insects in Sweden, an insect of great economic importance because it can alone terminate forest of high value. During the past decade, insights of climate change received with increasing attention. If the future brings a milder climate in the north and therefore a longer growing season, one would think that it would only affect the forestry to the better? Yet in recent time, outbreaks after storm felling seems to occur more frequently. The Spruce bark beetle ruins millions of cubic meter of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Sweden alone, with more frequent storm felling and a larger amount of wind thrown threes in the forests there will also be room for an advancing reproduction.

Massmedias makt i bolagsstyrningen : Om och hur massmedial publicitet påverkar bolagsstyrningen

Background and problem: Corporate Governance is a well-known phenomenon which has been the focus of plenty of research where the board of directors and the CEO have been regarded as important actors. What's affecting decisions regarding these actors has been debated whereas media has been pointed out of having an impact. To decide whether or not media can affect Corporate Governance have shown to be problematic whereas it exists divergent views regarding this. At the same time this relationship is more explored in other contexts than the swedish one, although this one is considered suitable for this. Consequently there is a motive for examining medias impact on Corporate Governance in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to explain if media has an impact on Corporate Governance at an overall level.

Papperslöst motstånd : Om strategier och praktiker i post-välfärdens marginaler

The post-modern western city is going through two central changes in the organization of paid labour. One is the switch from production of goods to production of services, and the other is the increasing rift between well-paid labour with permanent jobs, and temporarily employed workers with low wages. Both of these processes are rasified and gendered, and strike harder against women, young persons and people of emigrant background. The flexible capitalism creates an informalization of the economy, breaking with earlier regulations of the labour markets, in which workers also need to find informal strategies in their individual and collective struggles. In this paper, I search for these ?new? experiences of living and working in late capitalist society, by doing open interviews with three women of Latin-American origin, working without official permission (without documents) in the informal economy of Stockholm.

IAS 40- värdering till verkligt värde : En studie av hur värderingsresultatet av förvaltningsfastigheter skiljer sig beroende på val av intern eller extern värdering

Swedish listed property companies report their investment properties under the standard IAS 40 that gives the opportunity to value investment properties to either historical cost or to fair value model. One problem with the fair value model is that there is no observable market price since the real estate market is far from complete which means that the price of the asset is hard to determine because of the limited information.IAS 40 gives companies the opportunity to choose between internal or external valuation and this study aims to show how the property companies? values appeared between the years 2007-2011. From the result we will study if there could be a difference in the outcome depending on if the company chose either internal or external valuation.To investigate this we observe all Swedish real estate companies listed on OMX Nordic Stockholm and their financial reports during this period of time and complement this information by interviewing people working with these matters in the property companies. The methodology for the study is therefore partly quantitative and partly qualitative since we collect data both from financial reports and from interviews.

Särbo eller sambo? En historisk analys av förändringsprocessen rörande integrationen av UD och Sidas utlandsmyndigheter, granskande förutsättningarna för politisk implementering.

On three occasions, in 1973, 1993 and 2005, Swedish parliament and government has resolved to integrate the, previously independent, foreign offices beloning to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with the Swedish embassies. The implemenation of the integrationreform has however been a lengthy process. This thesis adresses two main issues: how has the integrationreform been able to remain a viable recipe for organizational change over time and why has the integrationprocess taken so long? Lastly I assess the possibility for effective implementation following the decision 2005.Based on New Institutionalism I conducted an historical analysis of the integrationprocess to explore the conditions for reform. My results indicate that the integrationreform primarly suited the interests of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, making the Foreign Serivce more effective and clarifying the Ministry's responsibilty for Swedish development cooperation policy.

Att trivas men inte vilja stanna : Upplevelser av att vara anställd i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag, med fokus på organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd

En bemanningsanställd har sin dagliga arbetsplats ute hos ett klientföretag, och inte hos sin arbetsgivare. Detta kan göra att kontakten med arbetsgivaren försvagas, vilket kan skapa speciella förutsättningar för organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur det upplevs att vara anställd i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag, med fokus på organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd. Frågeställningarna som ligger till grund för undersökningen är hur respondenterna upplever, och vad som påverkar respondenternas upplevelser av organisationsriktad commitment, samt hur respondenterna upplever, och vad som påverkar respondenternas upplevelser av socialt stöd. För att besvara frågeställningarna genomfördes intervjuer med sju anställda i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag.

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