

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 49 av 253

Reducering av en komplex produktstruktur : - En studie av bränsletanksinstallationen på Scanias lastbilschassier

The product structure of the fuel tank installation is one of the most complex product areas at Scania. Caused by the number of parameters, which affect the fuel tank installation, a product structure is created which is very difficult to handle. Knowledge exist that the structure in a nearby future will be considerable more complex. The purpose of the study has been to understand in why this complexity exist and find ways to break the trend of a growing product structure. The goal was to achieve a more standardized fuel tank installation.A theoretical study was performed in order to bring knowledge in relevant areas both in general theory but also in documentation at Scania.

Att missa målet - en studie av kommunal målstyrning ur ett demokratiperspektiv

The aim of this study is to illuminate and discuss a case of political steering, specifically Managment-By-Objectives (MBO) in Swedish municipalities, from a democratic perspective. The essay examines a discrepancy between MBO in the Swedish municipalities and democratic theory.To fulfil the aim of the study one leading politician and one leading civil servant from five municipalities have been interviewed on this matter. This material is discussed in the light of a democratic theory constructed specifically for this essay. The democratic theory consists of three main democratic values in the democratic process: debate, transparence and the ability to demand political accountability.The main conclusion is that there is a contradiction in the use of MBO and the democratic values of debate, transparence and the ability to demand political accountability. MBO has resulted in a lack of debate and transparency and furthermore, it has made it increasingly more difficult to demand political accountability..

Culture's Affect on the Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Retailing: The Case of a European Retailer in China and the U.S.

Title: Culture?s Affect on the Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Retailing: The Case of a European Retailer in the U.S. and China Date of the Seminar: 29th of May 2007 Course: BUS 809 Master thesis in International Marketing Authors: Lisa Bustamante Chesley Norman Charlotte Valind Advisors: Johan Anselmsson Cecilia Cassinger Keywords: International Retailing, Determinants of Customer Satisfaction, Culture, United States, China Thesis purpose: Our study aims to identify the determinants of customer satisfaction of two national cultures in a global retail setting, in order to clarify what role culture has, if any, in customers? satisfaction with an international retailer. Further, this will uncover if a Western perspective of determinants of satisfaction is a universal means of capturing what satisfies customers across cultures in a retail setting.

Hur kan eleverna nå målen i svenska för skolår 5? : en studie utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

Statistik från Skolverket (2006) visar att ungefär var femte elev i Upplands-Bro Kommun inte klarar det nationella ämnesprovet i svenska för skolår 5. Då vi har vår verksamhetsförlagda utbildning i denna kommun blev vi nyfikna på att undersöka detta närmare. Vi valde att utgå från ett lärarperspektiv och en lokal bild av lärarnas uppfattningar av det nationella ämnesprovet i svenska och hur de arbetar för att komma åt problemet. För att ta reda på det använde vi oss av intervjuer med åtta behöriga lärare. Vår studie utgår från två frågeställningar: Vilka faktorer kan enligt lärarna i Upplands-Bro Kommun påverka att en elev inte når de nationella målen i svenska? Vilka målstrategier har lärarna i Upplands-Bro Kommun för att eleverna ska uppnå de nationella målen? Med hjälp av teoretisk litteratur formas vår bakgrundsdel, med utgångspunkt från Skolverkets rapport (2001), ?Utan fullständiga betyg?, Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska teori, målen i svenska, det nationella ämnesprovens bakgrund och syfte, skolans ansvar och styrdokument och delar ur dagens skoldebatt.

WHITE HOUSE/GREEN HOUSE - En processpårande undersökning av klimatfrågan i USA

This thesis examines the process of securitization of the environmental issue in the United States. By using the theories of sectoral security and securitization by Barry Buzan and Ole Waever, commonly known as the Copenhagen school we go beyond the traditional security frames and examine where the environmental issue in the United States stand today within the securitization spectrum. The securitizing spectrum includes three levels in which an issue can be place: non-politicised, politicised and securitized.The problem, which we wish to address, is if there is a movement of the environmental issue in the United States towards becoming a securitized issue. In the light of these circumstances we also wish to explore who is behind the movement and also find out where the issue stand today. We do believe that Al Gore is a securitizing actor and examine his role in the movement of the environmental issueWe have come to the conclusion that there is an ongoing process of securitization in which the environmental issue have moved from being politicised to becoming securitized..

Kylkedjan för snittblommor - en kartläggning av distributionen

Title:Chillchain for cut flowers ? how the distribution works.Author:Anna-Maja Svarén, student at Lund Institute of Technology, mechanical engineering.Supervisors:Annika Olsson, Department of Design Sciences.Bengt Sahlberg, Bioett AB.Problem:How does the distribution of cut flower works regarding temperature, losses, responsibility, complaints, packaging and weak points?Purpose:The purpose is to map the distribution of cut flowers, with focus on losses in the temperature, from farm to store. The goal is to identify weak points in the chillchain and to se how wrong temperatures affect the flowers. The results can be a help to secure the chillchain.Method:The work started with a problem; map the distribution of cut flowers with focus on temperature losses. Data was collected on the basis of this problem, then analysed, and finally conclusions were drawn.Conclusions:The affect handling and distribution has on a cut flower is very complex.

Vävtapeter i ny dräkt

Pattern design is a territory which has been widely explored by many during a long period of time. With this project I hope to shine a new light on wallpaper design, the area on which I?ve applied my patterns to.The inspiration for this wallpaper collection originated in a past project in which I experimented with weaving strips of paper together in different ways. During this time I found myself curious to investigate how this kind of weaving could be applied to textiles, wallpapers, etc.My main focus in this project has been about creating interesting patterns in which unexpected motifs are woven together. I?ve also touched on the subject of creating a kind of conceptual wallpaper constructed by weaving strips of wallpaper together.I based my patterns on a series of drawings that I created during the course leading up to this project.

Med syfte att visa verkligheten : om kön och etnicitet i dokumentära berättelser

From a postcolonial and feminist perspective this paper examines how gender, ethnicity and the Other is being created in documentary films about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. When and in what way are gendered metaphors and subtexts used? Are stereotypes of gender and ethnicity being empowered or enforced? When and in what way are boundaries created between Israel and Palestine and against Sweden? The aim of this study is to point at how postcolonial imaginations affect stories about the Other..

Health Choice, a concept of the future - Guiding customers towards healthier alternatives

Purpose: To find out in what ways signs of healthier varieties in store, affect and possible change, customer behaviour. Methodology: The study has a positivistic view on the world. The research is conducted by an abductive approach using theory and empirical data alternately. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been adopted in order to see changes in customer behaviour as well as explain it. Theoretical perspective: The study is based upon theories in the areas of customer behaviour (buying behaviour and decision making) and the store environment that could affect that behaviour (total merchandise process and point of purchase communication).

Vi bygger en medborgare : En studie av  införandet av medborgarkunskap i den svenska folkskolan 1909-1919

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to examine the organizational culture at a specific hotel. To do this we have chosen to use interviews with both managers and employees. We have also done some minor observations and also studied written documents. The questions are as follow:? How is the organizational culture seen by managers and employees?? In which way is the organizational culture described in documents?? What differences and similarities are visible when comparing the opinions of employees and managers and the description in documents?It is mainly Edgar H.

Bilden av Machiavelli ? och motbilden. : En analys av Fursten och Republiken

This essay examines wether the prevailing opinion of Machiavelli as a prominent figure in political realism is correct or if the author is misinterpreted and can be said to represent something more. Thus, the puropse of this essay is to revise the description of Machiavelli given in widely used Swedish textbooks. This is done on the basis of a thesis saying that Machiavelli, judged not by his renowned book ?The Prince? (Fursten), but in the light of his extensive work ?Discourses? (Republiken), does not advocate a sovereign power but rather promote a pluralistic society. The method used in this essay is a qualitative textanalysis, which is done on the two books in purpose to examine three central themes in Machiavelli?s writing; the morality, the view on humanity and the state and citizen.

Informationskällor under internationalisering : Svenska små företags tillvägagångssätt för att tillägna sig kunskap och information

There is an ongoing process where the free market within the European Union is expanding, partly through the incorporation of new member states, partly through the signing of association agreements with nearby countries and regions. When trade barriers are removed in different ways more companies consider an internationalization of the company. However, the procedure of the internationalization of companies is a rather new and unexplored area in the context of research. The focus of this study is therefore to examine how a few companies situated in Sweden, has proceeded while searching for knowledge during the internationalization process. Data has been collected through interviews that have been balanced with information from Internet and other sources.

Riktvärden för förorenad mark : En undersökning av hur riktvärden för förorenad mark har förändrats gentemot tidigare riktvärden samt hur de påverkas av variationer i geologiska och hydrogeologiska parametrar

Risk assessment is made to determine risks with contaminated areas and to determine which treatment the area requires. In Sweden, risk assessment is divided into three levels: risk analysis, facilitated risk assessment and detailed risk assessment. In detailed risk assessment site-specific guideline values are developed to compare with values of contaminants that are measured in the area.Site-specific guideline values vary with geological and hydrogeological parameters. The purpose of this report is to examine which of these parameters that affect the guideline values. The examination was done using a calculating program for consideration from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency from the year of 1997.

Kvalitetssäkringsproblematik i den privatiserade svenska familjerådgivningen

The purpose of this article is to examine issues concerning quality assurance in the Swedish family counselling. To obtain the purpose following factors have been analysed: what kind of requirements/criteria are put on the companies/practitioners, what the respondents think about the lack of common standards and criteria and their opinions concerning ?Lagen om valfrihetssystemet?. Monitoring of criteria, privatisation and increased competition are other factors that have been analyzed. The material was obtained from the family counsellors own association and was analyzed in the light of previous research and theories regarding the quality of family counselling however we also considered theories about quality within social work in general.

Det kulturella arvet- en resurs i omsorgen av de äldre

The essay depicts the opposite views of the director and an actor during the filming of a specific scene in a feature film. The actor feels that he is not being listened to. This leads to unforeseen consequences for the director, as the actor no longer wishes to take part in the marketing of the film prior to its opening night. Everything is seen from the director?s point of view, she is working in a film world dominated by men.Questions are being asked if the director?s instructions are clear enough or if the actor, fearing getting lost, is mixing up his own feelings with those of the character he is portraying? What happens to the collaboration and how does it affect the rest of the team and the completion of the production? The director is also the producer.

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