

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 27 av 253

Personlighet, hälsobeteende och attityder till friskvård : Hos personal på Försäkringskassa i en medelstor stad i södra Sverige

Objectives. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the personality variables Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC), Negativ affect and Social inhibition (the D-personality), and health behavior and attitudes toward keep-fit measures.Methods. The participants in this study were 170 embloyees at a regional social insurance office in a midsize town in the south of Sweden. Scales concerning health behavior and attitudes toward keep-fit measures were constructed and the participants completed these scales as well as those of MHLC and D-personality.Results. Participants with strong beliefs that other people, such as doctors or family-members, are responsible for their health, showed a more positive attitude as to keep-fit measures than those with a belief that health is controlled by themselves.

Kundnöjdhet trots minskad fysisk interaktion

Problem: Which factors affect customer satisfaction in a non-physical bank relation? Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to study what creates customer satisfaction in a non-physical bank relation. We look at this by conducting a case study in which we studied the opinion of customers who uses the e-bank at FöreningsSparbanken. Method: We have used a qualitative data method through which we have received answers from our respondents, these we have interpreted to form information, which we have used in our analysis. In our empirical study we have used a case study in which we have chosen to interview both customers and co-workers to get an answer to our problem.

Duke Ellington's Second Sacred Concert. : En verkstudie.

The aim of this work is to give an example of how archaeoacoustics can broaden our understanding of archaeological remains and to further contribute to the almost non-existing research of ringing stones. With a theoretical discussion about sound from three different perspectives and by means of using different kinds of analysis, this essay will show that there are unknown relations between the three known ölandic ringing stones and the cultural landscape of Öland. Possible patterns in the placement of the stones and the possibility of the sound in this soundscape will be investigated. The essay will also suggest a resonant stone typology and discuss the necessity of one. Finally, the intention is also to shed new light upon the discussion on what the uses of the ringing stones might have been..

Att få vara med : fem undersköterskor berättar om sina upplevelser av delaktighet och inflytande i arbetet

The aim of the study has been to gain an increased understanding of the sense of participation and influence that the enrolled nurses, working with home-help services within the purchaser ? provider model, feel and how this participation and influence affect them. Five enrolled nurses in three of Stockholm's districts related their experiences of participation and influence at work in the qualitative interviews that were conducted. The result was then analyzed with the help of two theories, Karasek's and Theorell´s Demand- Control Model and Antonovsky's theory regarding ?a Sense of Coherence (SOC)?.

Komponentbaserade ramverk : vilka faktorerpåverkar företag vid valet av ramverk?

An information system is something that evolves over time to enhance the company that is using it. The technology for building an information system is also evolving. New methods and new programming languages make system development easier. As new technology breaks ground and the demands of a company?s information system grow, the company will sooner or later get to a point where a change in the base of the system is necessary.

Mellanlitteratur på bibliotek och i recensioner

This thesis investigates the reception of middle literature novels among critics in Swedish newspapers and at Swedish libraries. Works by three authors were chosen as representatives for middle literature: Helen Fielding, Nick Hornby and Tony Parsons. The investigation is based on interviews with librarians at the Gothenburg City Library, the total purchased number of books at public libraries in Sweden and analysis of Swedish newspaper reviews. The result is compared with theories by literary sociologists as Jofrid Karner Smidt, Janice Radway, Erland Munch-Petersen and Staffan Bergsten among others. It was found out that literary scientists and critics had a different way of looking at middle literature.

De spelberoendes barn : En kvalitativ studie av nio personers upplevelser av att vara barn till en spelberoende

The aim of this essay was to examine children's experiences of having a pathological gambler as a parent, which consequences this led to socially, economically and emotionally, if those children got any help and in that case where and what kind of help.Central questions asked where:* In what way did the child experience consequences from the parent's gambling?* How did the child experience the gambling parent during the gambling period?* In what way did the gambling affect the relationship between the parent and the child?* How did the parent's gambling affect the child socially, emotionally and economically?* How did the child handle this?* What help did the child itself think it required?* Where did the child got help?This is a qualitative study of nine today adult persons that grown up with a pathological gambler as a parent. The method is qualitative semi structured interviews.The results of the study are that all of them experienced large consequences socially, emotionally and economically. The consequences varied depending on the total situation in the family. The result shows that all of them have got coping abilities and they have applied more to emotion-focused forms of coping than to problem-focused coping..

Om framtiden vet vi intet ? en undersökning av hur Bibliotek 2.0 påverkar folkbibliotek och bibliotekarier

The point of departure for this thesis was an article written by Christer Hermansson (2008). He thinks that librarians, following the development of Library 2.0 and the change of public libraries, have strayed away from what he believes should be the focus of the library: Literature. The aim of this thesis is to study how librarians in six Swedish libraries perceive their occupational roles. How does the increased user control, which is seen as part of Library 2.0, affect the tasks of libraries and librarians? The material used in this study was acquired using a qualitative interview technique in which six librarians working in public libraries with experience of IT, mediation and purchase of literature partook.

Value Investing ur ett Genusperspektiv

In light of the current debate on gender equality and behavioral finance, the study aims to describe whether gender differences in financial stock picking can be explained by the different multiples found within the Value Investing Theory. Furthermore, the study aims to determine which of the four portfolios, value, growth, male or female, that has had the strongest return. The results suggest that there is an association between female and value stocks as well as between male and growth stocks. Out of the four portfolios, the value and female portfolio were on average the best performers with abnormal returns..

Chick Lit och Existentialismen. : En undersökning kring Chick Lit -hjältinnan

The purpose of this essay is to try and bring clarity to the question, what is Chick Lit and which factors make it so popular. My thesis  endeavors to explain that it is not only the promise of light entertainment that draws the reader, but also the possibility that in an easy way they can read about existential questions such as self-development  and life -choices.As well as mapping out Chick Lit´s specific characteristics, followed by previous research on the subject and the litterateur?s history, I have found it interesting to discuss the female characters, their personalities and life choice?s against a backdrop of existentialistic philosophy.In my research of this form of literateur I have discovered that chick lit often deals with existential universal problems, and that in order to be entertaining these books must contain a serious element..

Sambandet mellan revisionskvalitet och längden på revisionsuppdraget : empirisk undersökning av Going Concern varning

That an auditor brings good quality to the work he is performing is of great importance, not only for the company in question but also for its stakeholders. The information that the company disclose gets more credibility because of the auditor quality assurance. That the auditor tenure would affect the quality has been researched with different results, dependent on the legislation in the current country or region. In this paper we study how audit quality is affected of the audit tenure in Sweden. Based on research made in Belgium we have formulated hypothesis with factors that can affect the audit quality.

Upplyst trapphus

The purpose of this thesis was to increase the understanding and discuss safety aspects in two stairwells on Nyforsgatan in Eskilstuna, where the buildings were built during the years 1965-1975. I have presented a proposal for improvement through lighting. I have through different methods, such as surveys, interviews, literature studies and observations, come to a conclusion: that there are opportunities for improvement through better lighting that allows orientation in space and creates a nice atmosphere which will remove the feeling of not being safe, e.g. dark corners and shadows. It has been an exciting process to gather enough of facts to rely on and to develop the lighting design for the environments.

Avvikelser i energiprestanda

Calculated and measured energy in residential buildings is going to differ. The reason to this may be due to many factors. In this study there is a study on how these factors affect the energy use in a building. To get an insight in what defines energy, there is first a description of energy supply both worldwide and used in Sweden, followed by a description of the energy balance. In this study energy will be studied in residential buildings only.

På vilket sätt förbereder sig kreditinstituten inför avskaffandet av revisionsplikten?

Sedan 2003 har Bokföringsnämnden (BFN) arbetat med ett projekt innehållande redovisningsförenklingar. 11 juni 2008 beslutade BFN att ge ut allmänna råd och vägledning för mindre företag, K2. (BFNAR 2008:1) De företag som innefattas i K2 är en stor grupp med 96 % av alla svenska aktiebolag. Kritik som BFN har fått är att enheten jobbar under knappa resurser och att de största företagen inom K2 kommer att ha svårt att redovisa med en rättvisande bild.Hur är kunskapen om och behovet av BFNAR 2008:1 för det övre segmentet inom kategorin K2 i dagsläget?Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka behovet hos företag i det övre segmentet inom kategorin K2 samt att se hur kunskapen och attityden är till BFNAR 2008:1.

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