

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 18 av 253

Hereditär nefrit hos bullterrier i Sverige :

Bull terrier hereditary nephritis is caused by a mutation that leads to an inadequate synthesis of collagen type IV, which is an important component in the basement membranes. The inheritance of the mutation is autosomal dominant in bull terriers and progression to renal failure takes variable time, from several months to ten years. Proteinuria is the first clinical sign of the disease and the diagnosis is confirmed by transmission electron microscopy of renal tissue where typical ultrastructural changes in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), thickening and multilaminar splitting are found. This study was performed in order to find out the occurrence of hereditary nephritis in bull terriers in Sweden through examination of urine samples and renal tissue and comparisons with how the disease is described in the literature. Urine samples from 76 Swedish bull terriers were collected and examined for proteinuria.

Indirekta effekter på marklavars abundans och diversitet vid ökad kvävehalt i marken : en jämförelse mellan opåverkad och lågintensivt brukad mark

Lichens are adapted to bright and sparse forests on oligotrophic ground. Due to a slow growth rate and high light demand lichens will suffer from competition in eutrophic environments. Therefore, lichens have disappeared from managed forests where the forest industry has increased the productivity. A reduced abundance of lichens will affect both biodiversity of the forest and the reindeer winter graze lands. It is important to understand how and for how long fertilization affects the abundance and diversity of lichens in order to protect lichen rich ecosystems. We have registered the biomass and number of lichen species in eight plots (four nitrogen rich and four nitrogen deficient) and compared fertilized Sami settlements with their oligotrophic surroundings in the nature reserves of Tjeggelvas.

Mellanchefers ledarskap ur ett förändringsperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers arbete med patientsäkerhet under besparingstider

No accidents or injuries should occur because of our public health care. It should be a place with high security and good quality in order to avoid this type of accidents. This is a tough situation when the public health care organization should have as good quality as possible despite savings. It is difficult for middle managers to improve patient safety in the absence of money.The purpose of this study is to explain the work with patient safety that middle manager perform during saving times. The perspective we will look into is how they work with patient safety as an ongoing change.

En kartl?ggning av inv?ndiga f?nsterluckors utbredning och konstruktion

Interior window shutters can be found in historical buildings, but they are an uncommon occurrence in modern buildings. In modern contemporary construction, large glass panels are often the ideal because of increased light inflow and for architectural purposes. However, this can generate several negative effects, such as increased energy loss, lack of privacy and high sunlight penetration. Problems that window shutters could have accommodated historically. This thesis identifies a lack of knowledge about interior window shutters in the Swedish building stock.

Kontrollerad gjutprocess för renare stål

In a multi-year project at Swerea Swecast AB studies on influence of dissolved gas on inclusions have been made. The knowledge about these parameters could be used to increase the quality of the final steel casting. The purpose of this thesis was to closer examine the impact of the oxygen level on inclusions.The questions asked were:? What was the amount of inclusions at different levels of oxygen?? What was the size of these inclusions at different levels of oxygen?? What does the inclusions consist of at different levels of oxygen?This was studied by measuring and sampling, sample preparation and microscopic analysis using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Measurements and sampling was performed at Smålands Stålgjuteri AB in Eksjö and at Swerea Swecast AB in Jönköping.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : vilka faktorer påverkar företagens val av revision

On November 1st 2010 the obligatory audit was removed in Sweden for small companies. What factors influence such companies to have their financial reports audited, and what factors exert the strongest influence. Purpose: The authors would like to investigate factors that affect companies with voluntary audits in Skåne län to continue with the audit. The authors also wish to examine the factors that have the strongest impact on the choice to adopt auditing. Method: A quantitative study has been conducted in which aquestionnaire was sent to companies in Skåne Län Conclusion: The factors that affect smaller companies to continue with audit are as follows: Accounting quality, cost, creditors (loans), suppliers / customers, the tax office and distort competition.

"Tänk så bodde man kvar hela livet" : Tankar kring eget boende hos ungdomar i gymnasiesärskolan

The last 1½ decade young people with intellectual disabilities have been a part of my life. My now 13 year old son and several pupils I have taught as a teacher in the compulsory school. Their future and what will affect their lives has always been interesting to me. How do I affect them, why do I do the things I do and think the way I think? This study springs out of that curiosity.

Should I Stay or Should I Go : En studie av relationen mellan de anställdas möjligheter till kompetensutveckling och deras intention att stanna på företaget

The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.

Night Light 3 ? kokong, livet, hemligheter

Jag har skapat ett material i vävstolen och format det till en stor kokong. För att föra min arbetsprocess ännu ett steg har jag använt och experimenterat med färg som aktiveras i ljus och lyser i mörkret, After glow *.Temat och ord jag arbetade mest omkring under projekttiden var bl.a. kokong, livet och hemligheter..

Internal Control - Efficiency in the Audit Process

The purpose of this research is to examine the implications of the provisions in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code) concerning auditor attestation of the internal control report. We will focus on how the auditors? augmented responsibilities will affect the efficiency in the audit process.Our research indicates that the main benefit from reviewing the internal control report is achieving more reliable internal controls, which results in greater prevention of misstatements in the financial statements. This will affect the efficiency in the audit process since the auditor can place more reliance on internal controls when performing audit procedures. This implies that the benefits of preventing misstatements could outweigh the efforts and resources spent on reviewing the internal control report..

Nedskrivning av goodwill

The purpose of this study has been to examine how customers, by interacting with each other, can communicate and create the image of a brand. We find this topic to be relevant since there are no previous studies conducted concerning the customers influence on the brand image. Our ambition has been to describe in what ways and to what extent the customer can affect and influence the brand image by communicating with other customers. To fulfill our purposed we have targeted three important questions which are:? In which ways can the customer affect the communicated image of a brand?? To what extent can the customer influence the brand image and the perceived value?? Who has control over the brand, the customer or the company?For this study we have used a qualitative approach in which we have conducted eight personal interviews with brand consultants and the editor of the magazine Dagens Media which has given us the foundation for our analysis.

Chefsförsörjning: Rekryteringsproblem vid tillsättning av mellanchefer

Human Resource Management (HRM) has an increasingly strategic role in today?s organizations as the supply of managers is an integral part of the strategic work. In order to retain competence and knowledge, firms are usually designed so that the employees can develop their careers within the firm. Company X is a company in the financial sector and is an example of such firm. However, at Company X: Department Y, very few employees apply for the management positions when they are announced.

Revisorns påverkan på skatterapportering i små aktiebolag

This study investigates whether auditors affect the tendency to report correct taxes for small companies. Since November 2010 the smallest companies in Sweden are no longer obliged by law to have an appointed auditor to perform the former yearly audit. The auditor shall during the audit, amongst other tasks, investigate whether the audited companies follow Swedish law, and report them if they do not. The presence of the auditor might influence the actions of companies to act according to law, and reduce errors in the reporting. Errors regarding tax reporting will result in a revised tax decision if detected by The Swedish Tax Agency.

"Brandman är mitt första mål" : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om ungdomars framtida studie- och yrkesval utifrån ett sociokulturellt och könstillhörande perspektiv

Sweden is a country based on democracy and equality. As a result, both men and women areencouraged to aspire equal career opportunities.The aim of this study is to explore how social and cultural contexts, as well as gender aspects,affect Swedish Upper Secondary Class pupils when they choose career. The study focuses onstudents who have chosen an ambitious school curriculum.As method, the study uses both qualitative interviews with students and a quantitative survey.The theoretical framework is based on gender theory and on the social and cultural contexttheory of Bourdieu.The result of the study shows that gender and social as well as cultural context affect students?ambitions and career choices..

Att bibehålla bestående kundrelationer : Hur kan inre och yttre faktorer påverka dessa?

This thesis treats how accountancy companies works to maintain customer relations. This is getting more important in the accounting business because there are several inner and outer factors available that may affect customer relations in this business area. The main question with the thesis is: How works accountancy companies with keeping customers?The purpose with the research was to investigate and identify which inner and outer factors that may be important from a company perspective to keep customers. Another purpose was to investigate if there existed any differences between the companies in how they are handling different factors like for example a law change and how it could affect customer relations.

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