

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 16 av 253

Muay thai: barn som utövar Thailands nationalsport

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse the living situation of children who practiced Muay thai at two different Muay thai schools in Thailand. The metod I chose was participation studies with the compliment of open interviews. My main questions were to see if and how the children were affected physically and mentally by the training and possible matches. I also wanted to see if Muay thai practiced by children could be considered child labour, reasons why the children did Muay thai and what opportunities Muay thai gave the children in other parts of their lives.My conclusions were that the training gave the children an overall god physical status, and did not affect the children in any direct negative physical way. Mentally the main affect on the children in training were the stress of not being allowed to eat before matches.

Helsingborg - en delad stad. Påverkar hyressättningen bostadssegregationen?

Helsingborg ? A divided city. Affect the level of rent the segregation of living?.

Den totala tystnaden: En fallstudie över identiteters respektive kommunikationens påverkan på fusionen mellan Företagshälsovården AB och Managementkonsulterna AB

This study aims to build a deeper understanding of how differences in identities and communication can affect the possibilities of achieving a successful merger between companies from different type of industries. Our study is of qualitative nature and looks into the specific merger between Företagshälsovården AB and Managementkonsulterna AB. The study builds upon 16 semi structured interviews which are carried out with employees from both parts of the organization and with management personnel. Firstly our study shows that the different identities existing within the different parts of the organization, highly affect the integration process after a merger. Secondly we show that the level of communication transmitted from the management, but also between the different parts of the organization, affects the possibilities of creating a successful merger.

Jämförande studie av normal ERG-svar hos tre olika hundraser :

The purpose of this study was to compare normal electroretinographies (ERGs) from three different canine breeds in order to evaluate if there were any marked similarities or differences between these breeds as to ERG responses. It is known that healthy dogs from different breeds but also dogs within the same breed but in different age categories may have different appearances of their ERG responses. This may be a problem when evaluating if an ERG is normal or not from a dog within a breed not previously examined. Because of this it is important to obtain normal values for each breed and age group in order to be able to use these for later comparisons of ERGs obtained from individuals affected with various retinal diseases. In this study we have chosen to examine dogs within the three breeds: Labrador Retriever (LR), English Springer Spaniel (ESS) and Chinese Crested Dog (CCD). All of these breeds may be affected with hereditary retinal diseases such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). It is possible that ERG-responses vary due to a number of different factors.

Muskuloskeletala besvär bland kvinnlig tandvårdspersonal : En kvantitativ studie

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cannabis use can affect cognitive functions. The method that was chosen to answer the purpose of the study was a general literature review. Article search occurred in the databases PsycINFO and PubMed. Nine articles were selected based on the study?s inclusion criteria.

Vilka faktorer påverkar att en avvikelse rapporteras eller ej? : - en intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor

What affect if an incident is reported?- an interview study with nursesABSTRACTEveryday in health care, there are incidents which can harm patients. However, reporting these incidents is not always a positive experience. The number of incident reports which are documented are a lot fewer than the number of incidents that actually occur. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that affect nurses? decisions on whether to report an incident or not.

Oetiskt handlande i skuggan av pengar: Oetiska handlingars påverkan på aktiekursen

Many studies have shown that unethical acting can affect the share price of the company negatively. However, this is not always the case. The aim of this thesis is therefore to examine what it is that can cause the share price to be affected negatively by unethical acting exposed in media. This qualitative study is primarily based on interviews with institutional investors, but also with economic journalists and investor relations managers. Our conclusion is that there are three main reasons why the share price can be affected by unethical acting, namely economic consequences, the management's behaviour and psychological factors.

Business intelligence : Framgångsfaktorer vid användningen av ett BI system

The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.

Trädgårdar på tak- och gårdsbjälklag :

The purpose of this thesis is to collect knowledge of techniques and materials for planning roofgardens. Gardens built on top of buildings is not a new phenomenon, already in the beginning of the century architects were experimenting with roofgardens. During the Modern Era roofgardens appeared as a part of the design and worked well together with flat roofs and the ideas of light, air and greenery. Today the most common kind of roofgarden is on a ground-level joist that hides parking or other underground functions. The most important difference between planning a roofgarden and a garden on the ground is the limitation of the load of the roofgarden. Plants, paving-material and equipment must be chosen with this in mind. A light and thin layer of soil demands plants with small needs for water and nutrition.

Kriskommunikation i ett senmodernt samhälle ? exemplet Svenska Röda Korset

The purpose of this study is to examine how an organization communicates during a crisis and how a crisis can affect an organization's reputation/credibility in late modernity. The focus is on how the Swedish Red Cross handled crises from summer 2009 until spring 2010, and how the organization's reputation/credibility was affected by the fact that society has changed. The methodology used is a quantitative and qualitative text analysis. The results show that crises affect organizations, how much depends on how open they appear to be and how much credibility they have with them when the crisis begins. Getting to know the late modern society, to understand how it works, can bring benefits to an organization during a crisis.

Renens fejskador på tall- och contortaplanteringar inom Malå samebys höst- och vinterbetesområden :

The effects of Reindeer mechanical damages on the planted regeneration of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta. Semi-domesticated reindeer can damage young trees. In late winter reindeer rub their antlers against young trees. The aim of this study was to quantify those damages. This study covered planted objects from three different areas in northeastern Sweden.

Ungdomars kännedom om sina föräldrars livsvärden

Do youths know what life values their parents have? Does this knowledge have a connection with the youth?s attachment to their parents? Do the youth?s life values differ from their parents? And could the youth?s life values affect how they estimate their parent?s life values? To answer these questions data from a survey were used. The respondents were 13-15 years old youths and their parents. The results show that youths do not know what life values their parents have, irrespective of if the attachment to them is good or bad. The results also show that the youth?s own life values to a high extend affect how they estimate their parent?s life values.

Röhnisch : En marknadsundersökning gällande klädval,  lojalitet och positionering.

 In light of the resent surge in globalization, and the heightened competition that follows as a result of this, there has been an increase in the importance that is placed into understanding buyer behaviour. This increase has been seen since the realization that by building strong customer relationships it is much easier to reach these through the marketing communications that are put in effect. There are also a number of upsides to enlisting the customers at an early stage in product development, such as creating greater value and a stronger sense of involvement.Röhnisch is therefore trying to show a genuine interest in supplying the costumers needs as they adapt and evolve. In order to accomplish this strive towards gaining a deeper understanding into the thoughts and attitudes that precedes the buying behaviour they conduct regular surveys. To complement this, the purpose of this paper will be to determine the actual preferences and buying behaviour of the market segment that Röhnisch has chosen for themselves, and while doing so, keeping an emphasis on loyalty.

Cannabis påverkan på kognitiva funktioner : ? en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cannabis use can affect cognitive functions. The method that was chosen to answer the purpose of the study was a general literature review. Article search occurred in the databases PsycINFO and PubMed. Nine articles were selected based on the study?s inclusion criteria.

WIKILEAKS; en spark i rumpan för journalistiken? : Svenska journalister och Wikileaks

Wikileaks is using the new technical solutions to mount big leaks, consisting of secret or sensitive information from the government, institutions and business. This might profoundly change the media reality and it certainly means both new opportunities and new challenges for traditional media; the conditions for the journalists, the sources and the news reporting are changing. In this thesis the relationship between Swedish journalists and Wikileaks has been the focus; they both affect each other but the conditions for this relationship is not yet clear. Clearly there is an interdependence, but who really is dependent on the other and to which degree they are dependent on each other is still a question without a given answer.The aim of this thesis has been to discern a new journalism, and how this responds to the theories of Public Journalism and Journalistik 3.0. The main aim has been to examine what Swedish journalist thinks about Wikileaks, what their attitude towards Wikileaks are,  if and how they think that Wikileaks have affected the Swedish journalism.

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