

2428 Uppsatser om Aesthetic learning - Sida 43 av 162

Ger det fria arbetet frihet : En studie om balans mellan arbete och privatliv

This qualitative study treats the construction and maintenance of balance between work and private life and how flexibility in the workplace is perceived. The study was conducted using semi-structured interviews and these have been conducted in five large companies around Gothenburg. The analysis and results are based on the phenomenographic method approach and the final results were four themes: Balance, Flexibility, Combining family and work and lifelong learning with related subcategories. The result shows that the construction and maintenance of balance between work and personal life is something that is tied to the indi-viduals and the current situation in life. Two of the most common strategies to maintain a dis-tinction proved to be planning as well as other activities, in order to move the focus away from the work.

Lärstilar, ett steg mot en skola för alla

Att alla människor har olika sätt att lära in ny kunskap är något de flesta av dagens lärare är medvetna om. Det inte alla vet, är att det finns sätt att ta reda på vilken ?kanal? som fungerar bäst för varje enskild individ. På en av våra skolor har man vetskapen om inlärningsstilsanalyser som ett instrument. På den andra finns inte denna kunskap hos mer än en tredjedel av lärarkollegiet.

Elevernas naturvetenskapliga lärande och undervisningen : En variationsteoretisk studie i grundskolans årskurs 2 och 3

Syftet med denna studie är att studera relationen mellan elevernas lärande och de lärandemöjligheter som erbjudits i undervisningen. Sju elever i grundskolans årskurs 2 och årskurs 3 ingick i studien. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en lektionsserie inspirerad av learning study med en teoretisk förankring i variationsteorin, där det är centralt hur individer förstår och uppfattar det som ska läras (Carlsson, 2002). För att kunna analysera relationen mellan elevernas lärande och de lärandemöjligheter som erbjudits i undervisningen bearbetades data från inspelade strukturerade samtal, elevtexter (texter producerade av elever) och observation. Målet med undervisningen var att utveckla en förståelse för: varför atmosfären och de gröna växterna är förutsättningar för liv.

Lärande i andra vågen : En studie om lärande inom företag efter implementering av nytt affärssystem

Introducing a new type of IT-structure means a change that employees within an organization must adapt to. Today, many companies have implemented information technology in the form of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and find themselves in th so-called Second Wave stage where an after work is ongoing with continual improvement that involves changes that employees need to understand and act upon. To learn how to work with these recurrent misadventures is of importance because it is seen as a critical factor in order to take advantage of the ERP system and its benefits. To study this a study was conducted through personal interviews at Apoteksgruppen AB which a few years ago introduced a new ERP system. There the authors saw that employees learned in different ways depending on the position, and that the more responsibility this person had the greater freedom this person had to resolve their problems and therefore learned more effectively.

Med små steg in i kommunalpolitiken : Kvinnors politiska intåg i Katrineholm 1922-1994

This essay is about literature instruction in the last three years of Sweden?s compulsory school from one teacher?s and six of his pupils? perspective. The research is analysed from a socio-cultural perspective on learning and literature reception.The empiric material is based on interviews with the teacher and six of his students.The research shows that there is a difference between what the pupils read on their spare time and what they read during Swedish instruction. It also shows that the pupils wants literature full of action where descriptions of people and the setting don?t slow down the reading experience.The teacher is successful in finding literature the pupils appreciate but sees the value of literature on another level ? in the processing of the reading experience.

Barns delaktighet och inflytande : i arbetet med hållbar utveckling i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to compare the conditions for teaching and learning Sami at primary level in three different types of schools. The study focuses on teachers' views on multilingualism and characteristics of good mother tongue education as well as factors inside and outside school affecting teaching. The classroom environment is also discussed. Six qualitative interviews with practicing teachers in the three school forms were carried out: Sami school, integrated teaching and mother-tongue education. The results showed that the teachers are in favour of multilingualism and feel a responsibility to help more children develop their ability to speak Sami.

Gymnasieelevers informationskompetens : En studie i sju klasser i gymnasiets år 3

This master's thesis examines information literacy and students in secondary education. The study is framed within a sociocultural perspective of learning and the method used is questionnaires. The major question posed is how and where students seek information. Other questions are if the students critically evaluate and analyse in­formation sources and if teachers and school librarians cooperate with each other in order to help the students with their assignments.The findings indicate that most students regard information seeking as fact-finding or finding the right an­swers to the question. Only one third of students experienced information seeking as seeking and using informa­tion for understanding a topic.

Uttryck, intryck : Förskollärares tankar om estetiska uttrycksformer i förskolor med tre olika pedagogiska inriktningar

The purpose of this study is to examine how preschool teachers think about their work with aestetic expression with children. In my study, I have chosen qualitative interviewes to take part of the preschool teachers´stories in three different educanational approaches. The prescools that have chosen are Waldorf, Reggio Emilia and a traditonal preschool. To achive this purpose I have used following questions: Which view have preschool teahers about the inportance of aestetic forms of expression for children? How do preschool teacher describe their work with aesthetic expression and what similarities and differences exist between the different pedagogical approaches? The result shows that there are both similarities an differences between the preschools, mainly how they work with aestetic forms of expression.

Hälsovägledares strategier och underliggandeantaganden vid motivationsarbete till viktnedgång : en intervjustudie om motivation

Syftet var att undersöka fyra hälsovägledares uppfattningar och strategier för att motivera individer till viktminskning. Avsikten var även att utreda vad de bygger sina uppfattningar och strategier på, samt att jämföra deras strategier med befintliga teorier om beteendeförändring såsom Motiverande samtal, Stages of change, Social learning theory och Health belief model. Teorierna valdes då de belyser hur en beteendeförändring kan gå till samt att de varit fram­gångsrika i tidigare forskning. Studien är kvalitativ och genomfördes med ostrukturerade intervjuer där respondenterna valdes genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. De fyra hälsovägledarna arbetade med att motivera individer till viktnedgång, alla hade utbildning inom hälso­främjande arbete som varierade mellan en vecka till flera år.

Flickan eller tjejen? : En studie om hur översättarens ordval påverkar läsaren med fokus på nyöversättning.

The need for second language learning is increasing in today?s multicultural and globalized society, and adult studies are becoming more common. Teachers must encourage all students, and all schools need to promote equality. Motivation is one of the most important factors for positive learning and progress, and it can be helpful for second language teachers to know more about this subject. The aim of this study was to examine which motivational factors that influence adult immigrants to learn Swedish through SFI education in Sweden.


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this essay is to investigate possible questions generated by theperformance/installation Har hon inget vettigare att göra? Du då. Har du inget annat att hitta på än att ståoch glo på henne? by the artist Elin Wikström. The Constructed Situation invites the spectator to be apart of a continuing process of thought.The subjective feeling makes an important insight to the work through methods of the aestheticsand the performative., mainly from Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf.

Om eleverna själva får välja : En studie av högstadieelevers attityder till litteraturläsning

This essay examines the decline of reading comprehension in Swedish schools, and also aims to provide insight into the debate concerning a literary canon and its usage in schools. While some claim that the literary canon is only a list of irrelevant white dead men which only serves to perpetuate feelings of alienation in, for example, female students, others see it as a means to bring society together using the only literature that stood the test of time. This essay will look to studies concerning reading comprehension, and questions regarding reading habits which our own students answered. It will also explain the different viewpoints of both sides of the canon debate.There are several studies that show this decline in reading comprehension, PISA and PIRLS being the foremost of them. They point to a trend where the reading skills of boys are much worse than those of girls, a trend which still has not panned out.Bloom and the different researchers who are the basis for Verhaest's thesis are of the opinion that canonical literature serves a purpose in that it teaches students aesthetic literary values.

Under parasollen : En komparativ studie utifrån whole language-teorin och LTG-metoden

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to analyse the reading- and writing-approaches: the LTG-method and the whole language-theory. The attention is to perform a comparative literate-study to distinguish their similarities and differences, and examine which one of the approaches that is most clearly anchored in the syllabus of the subject Swedish. The starting-point of the study is the questions: Which similarities respectively differences have the LTG-method and the whole language-theory? Which one of these theories is most clearly anchored in the syllabus of the subject Swedish? The study has shown that both the whole language-theory and the LTG-method can anchor in the syllabus for Swedish. However the whole language-theory has stronger hold in the syllabus, as the whole language emphasises the meaning of literature for reading- and writing-learning, and considers the pupils reflection during their learning-process and conquered knowledge-goal.

Svenska som andraspråk : En kvalitativ studie av utformningen av undervisningen inom andraspråksinlärning

The purpose of this qualitative study is to understand and examine the problem andreason why second language pupils have difficulties reaching the goals of thecurriculum in ?Swedish as a second language?. The study is based on interviews withtwo second language teachers and Vygotskijs and Antonovskys theories. The interviewswith teachers gave a broader view on why these difficulties exist and whatconsequences might occur. This analysis shows that there can be different reasons as towhy pupils can not reach the goals in their second language that are set for them.

Gränsöverskridande uttryck i textilkonst - En jämförande studie av två feministiska textilkonstnärer från skilda tidsperioder

Similar to work of the feminist movement in the seventies, you nowadays can see an increased level of textile art expressions with feminist standpoints. In this thesis I compare two textile artists from each time period. These are Maria Adlercreutz with her composition I hennes ögon bevaras folkets ljus from 1972, and Lisa Anne Auerbach?s exhibition Chicken Strikken from 2012. The aim is to put the two artists in a contemporary context and explore their feministic approaches in the textile field.

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