

274 Uppsatser om Aesthetic judgment - Sida 5 av 19

Konsten att skapa sitt eget kunnande : En uppsats om estetiska läroprocesser och estetiska arbetssätt

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att få en klarare bild över vad begreppet estetiska läroprocesser innebär, varför ett estetiskt arbetssätt kan vara bra för inlärningen, vad som förväntas av mig som lärare och vad lärarens roll är i en undervisning med ett estetetiskt arbetssätt samt hur en undervisning med ett estetiskt förhållningssätt kan se ut. Jag gick in i denna undersökning med ett grundantagande om att ett estetiskt arbetssätt påverkar elevers inlärning på ett positivt sätt. Mitt examensarbete grundar sig på en litteraturundersökning och ett antal intervjuer gjorda med relativt nyexaminerade yrkesverksamma lärare, som alla gått en estetisk inriktning under sin lärarutbildning.Det finns olika sätt att inkludera de estetiska ämnena i undervisningen, ett av dem är att arbeta med tema. Under ett temaarbete skapas många möjligheter för eleverna att använda sig av de estetiska uttryckssätten för att skapa, få syn på och utveckla sin kunskap.Resultatet av min undersökning visar att estetiska läroprocesser och ett estetiskt arbetssätt kan påverka elevers inlärning på ett positivt sätt, under förutsättningarna att läraren har stor kunskap kring de estetiska ämnena och ett estetiskt arbetssätt. Under min litteraturundersökning och under mina intervjuer visar det sig att både de intervjuade lärarna och författarna har liknande åsikter kring och syn på lärarens roll i undervisningen.

Luova. En föränderlig sittmöbel för det offentliga rummet

The aim of this project was to design a furniture that raises thoughts and curiosity about how to relate to people you share furniture with. Luova, a changing piece of furniture for public spaces is a bench where the user can choose the degree of social interaction. Furniture for public spaces has a diverse audience ranging from children to adults. Some come alone, others in group. Some are sitting down for a short time while others stay for longer.

Borgarklassens diskreta stil : Smak och samhällsklass i heminredningstidskriften "Sköna Hem"

Within media and communications studies, questions of taste have often been associated with the dichotomy of high versus popular culture. The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has also used mass media products in his studies of class determined tastes and dispositions. In this paper the author uses the theoretical framwork of Bourdieu to examine aspects of social class and legitimate taste in the interior design magazine "Sköna Hem", a market leading magazine within it's genre of lifestyle magazines in Sweden. A specific type of feature article, where a real-life home is portrayed, is studied using the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough. The homes portrayed are predominantly affluent and display elements of conspicuous consumtion as mediated through legitimate taste and cultural capital.

Unga Bestånd - en tillgång i park- och landskap : woodlandkvarter från Alnarp till Jönköping

This is a thesis about design of young stands of trees. A big source of inspiration has been Västerskog and Tor Nitzelius Park in Alnarp which both consists of a structure of squares. I wanted to examine if this type of planting could be valuable from an aesthetic and recreational point of view. One problem today is that many people believe that we have to wait for decades for a planting to grow up so that we can enjoy the ?ready result?.

LEDA - Stolen som representation ett utforskade arbete om mervärde genom estetik och funktion

LEDAthe chair as representativean exploring work on added value throughaesthetics and function.The project deals with portraying a chair. A chair thatwill raise questions regarding added value, questioning oursurroundings and not taking things for granted. Through anumber of properly selected words, I have built a collectionof objects that possess the basis of a chair. The words arebased on sources of inspiration; I picked up over the yearsand can be seen as a part of me and my inner self. QuestionsI asked myself concerns the impact of aesthetic and how itrelates to the function.

Fiktiv dokumentärfilm : en konstruktion av verklighet

This Bachelor thesis deals with fictional documentaries, and the aim is to show the aesthetics and the problems with the constructed reality that these films contain. The main focus is how this reality is constructed, which documentary aesthetic methods can be found and in what way you can see that it is a fictional movie and not a documentary. The analysis deals with the three movies, Rampljus, The Blair Witch Project and Påtryckaren. The movies are analysed from a documentary perspective and the method beeing used is constructed for this thesis to find some answers behind the fictional ocumentaries..

Yrkeskunnandets styrka och skörhet : En essä om erfarenheter inom vården

In this thesis the core of the nursing professional skill will be portrayed through the opportunities of the essay writing. Thus the tacit knowledge, which is at the verge of erosion in a zeitgeist where medical care shall be cost-efficient and where development is mainly based on scientific research, will be articulated. Scientific articulation of knowledge has gained increasing importance on the expense of the practical knowledge. Healthcare professional skill requires a refind ability of judgment, which absorbs its nourishment from both scientific knowledge and the proven proficiency expertise.Professional skill expresses itselfs through action, especially through the acting in unexpected incident. Experience is developed into knowledge through reflection.

Obalans mellan rot och krona skapar omplanteringschock i Prunus avium :

In this investigation has an attempt to find out whether so called transplanting shock depends on the moving and transplanting of trees, to other conditions, or if it is due to the imbalance between the root to shoot ratio. Seventy trees of Prunus avium have been part of the investigation and these trees have been divided into four different groups depending on methods of production, untouched on the field, trees still on the field but with root pruning, trees moved and planted into Root-Control-Bag, trees moved and planted into Spring-rings. To be able to answer the question, measurements of the length of the terminal shoots and the lateral shoots and the dimension of the stem growth have been done and also has a visual judgment of the trees vitality been performed. The result shows that it is not only the move of the trees that gives them transplanting shock, but rather the loss of roots which gives an imbalance between the root and crown..

LVU i ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om tillämpningen av LVU 3§ Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga

The aim of the study learn about if the court assesses boys and girls on an equal basis, or if there are norms of gender constructed in society that appears in the Administrative Court of Appeal. And we want to find out how norms, in this field, are different between boys and girls. We used the judgments of the Administrative Court of Appeal and went through the descriptions of the girls and boys. What basis was used in the judgment of LVU, to do this, we used discourse analysis. We summarized all judgments and then described the outcome of each requirement in LVU, we categorized the results for three requirements, other socially destructive behavior, criminal activity and abuse.

Framtagning av ny lager layout hos Allied Motion Stockholm AB - En studie om effektivisering av lager och intern materialflöde

This report is about the shear force design of reinforced concrete according to Europe?s common dimension rules, Eurocode. The purpose is to describe the calculation procedure and the background to the formulas and expressions that occurs. Furthermore results from different calculation methods (hand calculations and computer calculations) will be compared to see how they differ.The goal with this is to go through the parts of Eurocode dealing with shear force and that this will lead to a clear review of these. You should also be able to see how results and the calculation procedure differ between different calculation methods.

Vinnarskallar och träningsnarkomaner : Kroppsideal, drivkrafter för träning och social positionering bland högaktiva idrottare

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to discover the driving forces in top athletes, concerning training, body image and social positioning. Furthermore the object is to study how important being fit is for social reasons in today?s society. The athletes have been interviewed face-to-face and described their personal drive regarding training, their goals and the significance of the sport. They have also described how they see the image of the ideal body that currently exists within the field of sport and society and how training affects their own body image.

Banbrytande formgivning i Sveriges textilindustri En studie om Astrid Sampes m?nsterproduktion

The main focus of this study are the textile prints created by Astrid Sampe (1909-2002). Her fabrics can tell us more about her than a biography ever could. They can reveal how we experience patterns, why we are attracted to them and how our preferences can evolve over time. This study examines four different patterns, and the thesis aims to define Sampe and her textile prints using three different theories and a formal aesthetic analysis. Modernistic and postmodernism theories are relevant when explaining the period where the fabrics were created and how Sampe's ideas were conceived during her lifetime.

Tvärkraftsdimensionering av armerad betong : En utredning av beräkningsförfarandet

This report is about the shear force design of reinforced concrete according to Europe?s common dimension rules, Eurocode. The purpose is to describe the calculation procedure and the background to the formulas and expressions that occurs. Furthermore results from different calculation methods (hand calculations and computer calculations) will be compared to see how they differ.The goal with this is to go through the parts of Eurocode dealing with shear force and that this will lead to a clear review of these. You should also be able to see how results and the calculation procedure differ between different calculation methods.

Värdering av tillgångar : En branschpraxis för klädbranschen och byggbranschen

The valuation of an asset is one of the most important thing with accounting, though one of the most difficult thing as well. However, in deciding useful service life for an intangible asset and property, plant and equipment, there are quite a margin for the companies, which creates a difference between companies and industries. When computing the value of the inventories there are a few possibilities available for the companies, which also can generate differencesbetween companies and industries. Although these differences can occur, there might be some similarities in the companies? estimates.

Upplevda effekter av hörapparatanvändande hos hörapparatanvändare och hos närstående

The purpose of this study was to examine effects of hearing aid use and to do a judgment of the provement. The investigation was a pilot study and may be used in the clinic.The international form ?International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids? (IOI-HA) was used for data collection. Four questions were chosen from the form. These questions were answered by hearing aid users and their significant others.

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