

588 Uppsatser om Aerial units - Sida 27 av 40

Design av en användarvänlig Androidapplikation för trådlös kommunikation med Electronic Control Unit för bil eller testmiljö

Det här examensarbetet har utförts inom programmet högskoleingenjör datateknik vid Linköpings Universitet under våren 2015 och utförts på begäran av ArcCore i Linköping. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att skapa och designa en användarvänlig Androidapplikation som trådlöst kan kommunicera med electronic control units i bil eller testmiljö.Androidapplikationen består av fem huvudskärmar, fyra vars uppgift är att skriva ut informationen som åker över CAN bussen. De fem skärmarna är start, felkoder, sensorer, ECU extract och overview. Start tar dig vidare till de andra skärmarna, felkoder skriver ut alla felkoder, sensorer skriver ut alla sensorvärden, ECU extract skriver ut all information och overview visar en virtuell instrumentbräda. Användarutvärderingar har utförts för att ta fram både designen och layouten på applikationen.

Implementation of a Data Handling System for a Scientific  Magnetometer on a CubeSat

Since their invention in 1999, CubeSats have become a widespread standard for small picosatellite missions. CubeSats allow for quick development of satellite payloads and launch in space without the high costs of a normal satellite. Emphasis during the CubeSat design process is placed on use of commercialoff- the-shelf (COTS) components and reuse of previously-designed units.This report describes the interfacing of a scientific magnetometer, the Small Magnetometer in Low-Mass Experiment (SMILE) to such a CubeSat mission, the Space Weather using Ion spectrometers and Magnetometers (SWIM). Design of a complete platform for use in multiple such missions is presented here.Modularity is one of the key aspects followed in the course of the work. A new board containing the analog pick-up and compensation circuitry for SMILE has been designed to fit inside a CubeSat frame.

Att uppfylla miljökvalitetsmålen, ett omöjligt mål? : Styrmedel och hinder på vägen för att nå målen Begränsad klimatpåverkan, Bara naturlig försurning, och Skyddande ozonskikt

Purpose: The purpose is to examine more closely why the achievement of the environmental goals is so low. To within the thesis work to make this as interesting and with as good quality as possible, especially the environmental quality goal Reduced climate impact, but also Natural acidification and Protective ozone layer, has been chosen to be studied further. Method: A qualitative method and text analysis has been applied. Intervention theory, as Vedung 2009 describes, is used as an intellectual backbone and as a help to structure the essay. The three environmental quality goals correspond cases, or units of analysis. Analysis: The fulfillment of the respective environmental quality goals is analyzed according to its goal, policy instruments, implementation and its effects. To this some of the problems are analyzed that exist on the path to achieve the goals.

Energy analysis of a fruit drying plant in Adeiso, Ghana

The purpose of the project has been to work out recommendations that reduce the energy-related costs and environmental impact of HPW Fresh & Dry Ltd., a fruit drying factory in Ghana. The factory produces electricity with diesel and biogas but also purchases electricity from the national electricity company. Heat for the drying process is produced from biogas, kerosene and solar panels. In the project the energy system was analyzed by measuring production and consumption of heat and electricity. The project results show that the factory can become self-sufficient on heat if the available energy is used more efficient. The production units for both electricity and heat have low efficiencies.

Miljöutredning för Bräcke Diakoni

The environmental work in Sweden has developed a lot over the past fifty years. Today, most companies have some kind of environmental work. Environmental activities are regulated by the Environmental Code, which applies in parallel with other laws. This report is an environmental review for Bräcke Diakoni. The report aims to find out how much environmental impact Bräcke Diakoni has.

Reducering av effektförbrukning i inbyggda system med Linux

Linux is a growing operating system in embedded systems. Today, Linux is not only in heavy servers but also in cell phones, PDAs, cameras and other devices running on battery power. While current technology is more energy efficient, more and more technologies are implemented into a single unit resulting in an overall increase of power consumption.Low power consumption is an increasingly important feature of a system today. Lower power consumption means lower costs, less environmental impact, and longer life for applications that runs on batteries.This work compiles methods to reduce power consumption of Linux systems. The work includes examining whether the available opportunities are platform-specific or of a more general nature.

Möjligheter och hinder för aggregerad förbrukningsflexibilitet som en produkt på reglerkraftmarknaden

Electricity production from renewable energy resources such as wind energy and photovoltaics is variable. Integration of these intermittent resources into the electricity system leads to new challenges in how to manage imbalance between supply and demand on the grid.One way to meet these challenges is to develop so-called smart grid solutions. One idea, called demand response, is to adjust the amount or timing of energy consumption, e.g. by control of household appliances, to provide flexibility that could be used to balance the grid. In aggregate, when applied to many units across the system, large volumes of energy could be made available when needed and this grid flexibility can be used as a product on the electricity regulation market.Despite the potential benefits, the number of demand response bids is currently low.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans samspel med patientens närstående

En intensivvårdssjuksköterska kommer i sin yrkesutövning ofta att möta närstående till svårt sjuka patienter. Tidigare studier har påvisat närståendes betydelse inom intensivvården och hur komplicerat samspelet med närstående kan vara, under de speciella omständigheter som råder på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av aspekter som bidrar till att främja ett gott samspel med patientens närstående. En kvalitativ ansats har använts i studien. Datainsamling utfördes via halvstrukturerade intervjuer, styrda av en intervjuguide.

Fastighetsunderhåll : Arbete med underhållsplaner i stora fastighetsbolag

Background: The standard of living should be the same for everyone, whether the apartment is placed in an old or new building. The residential properties that were built from 1965 until 1974 is now beginning to become old and in need of restoration. The financial crisis during the nineties contributed to the lack of maintenance on the buildings in Sweden. As the public buildings gets older more and more defects occurs. The coordination and maintenance will therefore have a more significant role in the housing company ?s work.The increasing interest about how old a building can be, attract much attention.

Gallring med vinkelkran : en jämförande studie av skördarkran med och utan horisontellt ledad vipparm

One of the most important components of a harvester is the crane. Most harvester cranes are only possible to pivot (or horizontally rotate) at the crane pillar. Cranab in Vindeln, Sweden, has developed a new type of harvester crane which has an extra pivot point on the outer boom. This makes it possible to reach around residual trees, easing thinning work in dense stands. The aim of the study was to analyze if the use of a pivoting outer boom (POB) crane gave an increase in thinning production and if there were any differences in time consumption between the work elements for the POB crane and a conventional crane. A Valmet 911.3 equipped with a POB crane was used in the study.

Föräldrars upplevelse att bo i familjerum på neonatalavdelning

Introduction: Today caring for newborn, sick babies or premature infants is in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). There is an opportunity in NICUs for advanced critical care and skilled nursing care of the child, conducted by health professionals in an active partnership with parents. To encourage parental participation in the care of their children parents are offered accommodation in a family room in the NICU. Objective: The aim is to describe parents' experience to stay in a family room in the NICU when their child is cared for there. Method: This is a research plan for a qualitative study with an inductive, descriptive approach.

Den ultimata träningsmetoden?

Crossfit is a recently developed form of training which is based on a number of functional resistance exercises performed at high intensity, often to the point of muscular failure. Crossfit has since its introduction 30 years ago, reached vast popularity all around the world, including Sweden. Its practitioners considers Crossfit to be an effective training method for achieving a functional and total trained physique thru improvements in VO2max, muscle strength, endurance, balance and speed. Few scientific studies has been published in the subject which is why this study sets out to examine the effect of Crossfit on VO2max (measured with Åstrands submaximal cyclingtest), maximal strength capacity in lower- and upper body muscles (measured with 1 RM tests in bench press and leg press), rapid strength capacity and strength endurance capacity in upper body muscles (measured with push-up test in 30 seconds) and explosive strength capacity in lower body muscles (measured with sergeant jump test). Five women with an average of 33(±5) years of age all new to Crossfit, performed these tests at two separate occasions with a training period of four weeks consisting of 12(±3,67) Crossfit sessions in between.The result showed a significant improvement in the maximal strength capacity of the leg extension muscles (p=0,025).

När LSS krockar med AML : Enhetschefers upplevelser av åtskilda rättighetslagstiftningar som möts inom utförandet av personlig assistans

The aim of this study was to examine how heads of unit in charge of personal assistance (PA)for the disabled experience and handle ethical dilemmas and situations within theirworkgroups when The Work Environment Act and The Swedish Act Concerning Support andService for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments collide with each other. The methodof the study was to use semi-structured interviews based around three main topics; the head ofunits opinions about the value and purpose of The Work Environment Act in theadministering and implementation of personal assistance services, the problem solvingprocess and the head of units own individual experiences of ethical dilemmas or workenvironment-related conflicts or situations within their workgroups. Four heads of unit wereinterviewed for this study. The results of this study showed that the interviewed heads of unitexperienced a lack of clear and factual information about how they were meant to solvedilemmas emerging from the two laws conflicting with each other regarding the rights of thecare recipient to layout their personal assistance to their liking, versus the rights of thepersonal assistant to have acceptable working conditions. The heads of unit could not rely onlegislation and/or other specific directive documents when work environment-relatedproblems arose.

Underlag för BREEAM-certifiering : Kristianstad Nya Galleria

The company Olofsfors AB manufactures drive belts for forest machinery, known as ECO-Tracks, and abrasion-resistant steel and cutting edges for graders, excavators and tractors, known as Bruxite and SharqEdges. Manufacturing these products requires the steel to be heated and molded, then submerged in water and hardened. The water used in the hardening of steel is pumped to the process from pits below the floor and then pumped back to the pit after it?s been used. Since the temperature of this water rises after being used to harden the steel the temperature of the pumping pit needs to be adjusted to maintain its setpoint of 21°C.

Värmeförluster vid utvändigt placerade ventilationssystem

To be able to handle tomorrows need for limited energy consumption we need to reduce our use of energy. The building sector stands for around 40 % of all energy consumption in the society. The government has put up a goal to reduce the energy consumption in our buildings with 20 % by year 2020 and 50 % by year 2050 compared with year 1995. To be able to do reach that goal we need a more energy efficient building stock.The main part of the energy used in our buildings is used for space heating. By installing ventilation systems with heat recovery on the exhaust air it is possible to use the heat-energy in the exhaust air to warm up the incoming air.

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