

2 Uppsatser om Advertorial - Sida 1 av 1

"Jag litar inte på ett ord de skriver. Det är bara dumheter." : En studie om läsares reaktioner på smygreklam och hur det påverkar tidningarnas trovärdighet.

Problemformulering och syfte: I flera magasin har en viss typ av annons blivit allt vanligare. Inbäddad bland redaktionellt material och vanliga helsidesannonser kan man ibland se en annons som vid första anblicken ser ut som redaktionellt material men som i själva verket är en annons. Denna typ kallas för ?Advertorial?. Även i dagspress finns reklam bland redaktionellt material.

Uppdrag gränser - en kvalitativ analys av textreklam i en kommesialiserad verklighet

This study was made with the incentive to find out the view on Advertorials in Swedish press today. Our exploration of Advertorials refers not only to adverts that look like editorial texts, as per the definition in the oxford dictionaries, but also to ways that editorial texts use an Advertorial style or language similar to adverts. We explored both these sides because we recognized that the existence of Advertorials in press today has to do with material which is indistinctive in several ways, and to find out the views on this, we interviewed chief editors and publishers on six local daily newspapers in Västra Götaland, Sweden.Our theories were based in the fact that the press finds itself working in a commercialized landscape, at the same time as journalism has a democratic role to uphold in society.We also considered that there used to be a committee against Advertorials in Sweden called Textreklamkommittén, which was disbanded in 2005. That committee had a mandate to govern and try cases of Advertorials in the press, but today, the only thing that journalists have to consider is a guideline of publishing matters. The central part of our study was therefore to find out what actual issues journalists have to consider in their daily work, as they are exposed to various forms of Advertorials.After conducting the interviews, we asked four analytical questions to our material using the ECA-method of analysis.