

2031 Uppsatser om Advertising strategies - Sida 18 av 136

Strategier för positionering av kontorslokaler

The report aims to examine how property owners position themselves to reach their targetmarket, and which strategies they use when positioning their product. The investigation has beencarried out mainly in the form of a case study in which a number of interviews with Stockholmreal estate companies has been conducted, focusing on commercial property market segment.The interviews have resulted in identification of common and specific strategies among thecompanies. These strategies have been analyzed in the light of the theory by Philip Kotler andKevin Lane Keller, focusing on how an offer should be designed to reach a competitive position.It can be concluded that positioning is a key activity for successfully addressing the targetmarket. Successful positioning mandates three key requirements to be met; determining thecategory to which the offer belongs, identifying similarities and differences compared to thecompetitors and developing a brand mantra. The result of the case study concludes that theproperty companies work similar in many ways.

Betydelsen av IT-stöd i problemlösning : Analysverktyg för att studera hur IT-system stödjer problemlösningsstrategier hos servicetekniker

Scania Top Team is a competition where the best mechanics in the world are competing against each other. In 2011, the world final was recorded and this material is now used to see which problem solving strategies these top of the line teams are using to solve the realistic problems assembled in front of them. To help them, the mechanics are allowed to use two of Scanias IT-systems: Scania Multi and Scania Diagnose and Programmer 3. This report consists of two parts. The first part is the development of a method to analyze the recorded material.

Habilitering av barn och ungdomar med dövblindhet

Aim: The aim of this study was to study through papers if early intervention of children and adolescents with deaf-blindness can be facilitated through early intervention programs, cochlear implants (CI) and communication strategies.Method: The method that we used was a literature study of scientific articles through Pubmed and Cinahl databases. The articles reference lists were also studied which lead to that more papers were found.Results: Children and adolescents with deaf-blindness can benefit from early intervention programs, when their caregivers were educated to give appropriate response to the children?s behavior. The interaction between children and their caregivers can improve through an early intervention model. Children and adolescents with Deafblindness have variable results from CI.

Nordisk valretorik. En jämförelse av politisk tv-reklam i Finland och Sverige.

Aim: The aim of this study is to describe which messages and by which rhetorical means were communicated in political TV-advertisement in Finland and Sweden. The study also aims to analyze how the rhetorical choices were influenced by the political and social context in these countries.Material: Two TV-commercials from the latest parliamentary elections in each country were chosen. The leading left-wing and right-wing parties were chosen from each country.Theoretical perspective: This study is based on theories on political parties? vote maximization and the development of the modern electoral campaign.Methodology: The method used in this study is rhetorical analysis.Results: All commercials had similar themes and were characterized by a low level of conflict. This is related to the common Nordic context in the two countries.

Faktorer som orsakar stress bland sjuksköterskor : En litteraturstudie

Dementia may cause difficulties in communicating. People suffering from dementia are therefore often described as being unable to take part in meaningful conversation. The responsibility to create understanding in a conversation is shared by all participants. By means of different strategies, participants in conversation can construct understanding through collaboration. How these strategies are utilized in conversation where one or more of the participants suffer from dementia is relatively unknown.

Känslomässiga utmaningar i socialt arbete ? vad betyder strategier och yrkeserfarenhet?

The aim of this study was to gain a greater understanding of what social workers perceive to be mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work, and which strategies they use to handle it. I chose to interview six social workers, three of them had long experience of social work, and three of them had worked for less than a year. The justification for this choice wasthat I wanted to interview people with different experience of social work over time, to be able to see possible differences in what was perceived as mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work, and how it was handled. The social workers were interviewed with a semi structured interview manual.The results showed that the organization of the social service is not fitted to the work that social workers execute. This means that what is perceived as mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work largely depends on this.

Publika private equity-bolags påverkan på styrningen av sina portföljföretag. En fallstudie av styrmekanismernas utveckling under ägarperioden.

Recent years have been very turbulent for most private equity firms. Especially the financial meltdown in global economy has affected the industry, but also the public pressure has made private equity houses change their control strategies towards more conventional methods used in public companies. This thesis aims to put light on the control methods used in listed private equity houses which use a buyout strategy. The paper describes how the control methods change over the different phases the asset experience and how different value generating strategies use altered control methods. Using Merchant's (2003) framework for management control systems and Berg and Gottschalg's (2004) research on value generating strategies in buyouts the thesis shows that action controls as designing instructions for the board and a business plan, together with goal alignment is the commonly used control strategy directly after the acquisition.

?Auf Deutsch bitte? : Högstadielärare om undervisningsmetoder som främjar muntlig kommunikativ förmåga inom tyska som andraspråk

Title: How do you get a pupil from Year 7-9 in secondary school to communicate in German?  Five high school teachers views on how to develop pupils oral communicative skill within the German language The aim of this essay is to explore Swedish secondary school teachers, from Year 7-9 in the German language, opinions regarding which work models and verbal strategies that are used and taught in order to foster the pupils oral communicative skill in the classroom. To achieve this aim, semi-structured interviews with five teachers are used.The results show that the teachers find that they encourage the pupils to speak German through creating possibilities for them to practise their oral language skills. The teachers also emphasize that they believe that alternating assignments in groups or pairs, where the students get the chance to be creative, activates the pupils to speak German the most. They also express an awareness for the fact that open or information questions encourage the pupils to use their creativity and speak more German.


The purpose of this study was to identify exerciser athlete?s motivational orientation, coping strategies used and stressors that primarily is perceived in gym training. The study also studied gender differences in relation to motivation orientation, coping strategies and stressors. A survey was conducted with a quantitative design. The study included 118 participants (43 women and 75 men) aged 18 - 42.

Sociala medier för marknadsföring : En fallstudie om vilka strategier som finns för marknadsföring via Facebook hos svenska researrangörer

In this study, we have examined how Swedish tour operators are using social media as part of their marketing plan. Our purpose was to find out which strategies they use in the area of social marketing. The companies that were examined were Ving, Fritidsresor and Jambo tours, and the social network site that the research focused on was Facebook. The examination was conducted with a content analysis of the companies' Facebook pages and qualitative, structured interviews with the companies. The aim was to compare the various tour operators Facebook pages in order to get a broader overview of the companies marketing strategies.

Den utan socker : En undersökning om skillnader mellan generationer då det gäller inställning, tillförlitlighet och påverkan av tv-reklam

The first company to send TV-commercial was the American company NBC, it was in the year of 1941. In Sweden, TV-commercials were first shown in 1987/88. TV 4 was the first channel to send commercial in Swedish television.TV has the advantage of showing both sound and picture, which makes TV the strongest channel of communication to mediate a message between a company and the consumer. Although TV-commercial is the most expensive choice to mediate a message, it is also the most effective one. (Persson, 1993)Almost everyone is exposed to TV-commercial daily.

"Om motorn är trasig spelar det ingen roll hur mycket bensin man fyller på" En studie av biståndets effekter på det civila samhället i Tanzania

Tanzania is today one of the greatest aid recipients in the world, but still - after over 45 years of huge amounts of aid - one of the poorest and least developed countries. How can that be? Civil society is said to benefit the democratization process, but has not succeed in Tanzania. Has the extensive aid had any impact? Our purpose is to investigate this set of problems.We are using theories concerning civil society and aid in general, and the theoretical framework developed by Hadenius and Uggla ?Making Civil Society Work, Promoting Democratic Development: What Can States and Donors Do??, in particular.

I berättarens grepp : En narratologisk studie av feministiskt medvetandehöjande romaner från 1970-talet

This thesis concerns the feminist consciousness-raising novel of the 1970s. The aim of the thesis is to examine narrative strategies which, according to the consciousness-raising practice, are adapted to enlighten the political aspects of the personal. The focus is both on strategies that address the protagonist and on those that address the reader. I also examine in which way the use of these strategies is dependent upon ideas of class and gender.I find that the narrative situation, in this case the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator, is central to the use of the consciousness-raising narrative strategies. In Anna-Lisa Bäckmans Fia i folkhemmet och Fia med manifestet, the protagonist Fia is positioned as an oppressed working-class woman, which results in a narrative situation that gives the protagonist a limited space of action and that gives the narrator the power to interpret the experiences of the protagonist.

Livet efter döden : Svenska tidningar anpassar sig till en digital framtid

The media industry in general and the newspaper in particular is going through major changes ? technological, logistical, economical ? due to the dropping sales and width of the printed daily newspaper. Few organisations have been spared the necessary rationalizations and cut-downs in staff. All of them are expected to produce more and better content, in more and new channels and platforms, with less resources. Some have been preparing for this a long time, others have never entered the digital world of news.

Svenska idrottsprofiler i reklam: älskar, älskar inte..Älskar!

The aim of this paper is to examine, by means of a quantitative method, whether using a Swedish athlete endorser in a sports advertisement will increase its effectiveness. We examine which characteristics an athlete endorser needs to be able to make people form a positive attitude towards the athlete endorser and thereby make him or her successful in advertising. We also look into whether an interest in sports can affect the advertisement effectiveness when using a Swedish athlete endorser. The results show that a well-liked Swedish athlete endorser generates highest ad effectiveness and that the most important characteristics that contribute to form a positive attitude towards an athlete endorser are trustworthy, physical attractiveness, success in sports and ?successful in respondent?s mind?.

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