

2031 Uppsatser om Advertising strategies - Sida 16 av 136

Sjuksköterskans möte med Anorexia Nervosapatienter : vägen till en relation. En litteraturstudie

Anorexia nervosa is a severe and multifaceted eating disorder generally found in the female population. Throughout anorectic starvation relationship related conflicts revolving round power and autonomy are bound to happen. For that reason the most crucial part of treatment should be to build a trusting relationship.The aim of this study was to describe relationship promoting strategies a nurse can use during care of anorexia nervosa patients. This literature study derives from a qualitative analysis of scientific articles. The findings indicate on five different strategies a nurse can use during care of anorexia nervosa patients.

Användarspridd reklam på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie om hur användarspridd information på Facebook uppfattas av användarna

In this Bachelor?s essay we discuss whether eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) is perceived as advertisement or as normal information, which is not influenced by any company, on the platform Facebook. The information which we were interested in is the one spread by normal users, and user?s perception of it. To find our results we have conducted a study in which we have used the method interview, which gives qualitative results.

Svenska hedgefonders investeringsstrategier och deras riskexponering

In this paper Swedish hedge funds and strategies are discussed and analysed. These new financial forms seem to draw recently a huge attention both in media, press and the academic world. The fact is that hedge funds have existed already for a long time but it is still known too little about them. After the introduction of hedge funds, different asset pricing models are discussed including the most basic of all ? CAPM and further Fama and French three factor model as well as the expanding model with conditioning approach.

Några elevers tankar kring ett klassiskt matematiskt problem. : Om problemlösningsförmåga och argumentationsförmåga ? två matematiska kompetenser.

In this thesis we study four groups of students in grade 8, 9 and 10 when they try to solve a classical mathematical problem: Which rectangle with given circumference has the largest area? The aim of the study was too see how the students did to solve a mathematichal problem?The survey shows that students have rather poor strategies to solve mathematical problems. The most common mistake is that students don?t put much energy to understand the problem before trying to solve it. They have no strategies.

Kommer produktplacering att ersätta traditionell TV-reklam?

The reason for this essay is to investigate if productplacement will replace the traditionall advertising on TV..

Blodtryck hos förskolebarn korrelerar med BMI redan från 12 månaders ålder

The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent?s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects.

Marknadsföring av folkbibliotek i teori och praktik ? En studie av marknadsföringsarbetet på två folkbibliotek

The competition for people´s attention becomes harder and harder. If the libraries want to continue to attract visitors it´s important that their business is promoted. The purpose of this thesis is to in-vestigate how two public libraries work with marketing. The study is based on a marketing model, introduced by Philip Kotler and further developed by Eileen Elliott de Sáez. Kotler believes that marketing is a social process and that everything can be promoted.

Profitability of Momentum Strategies on the Nordic stock market

Purpose: The main purpose of the thesis is to examine the profitability of Momentum Strategies on the Nordic stock markets. This will provide insight and contribute to the debate on efficient markets. Finding profitable Momentum Strategies will provide strong evidence of inefficiency in the market. A secondary purpose is to examine factors which might cause or impact the profitability of the Momentum Strategy. We will look closely at the relationship between the profitability and factors such as risk (CAPM-beta), market capitalization, trading volume and seasonality.

Sociala medier och integrerad marknadskommunikation : En fallstudie av Facebook-kampanjen Sambotestet

The evolution of the media landscape and the introduction of social media have increased thenumber of communication channels tremendously during the last decade. These new channels have also made an impact on the information control, which has shifted focus from organisations to consumers. In order to communicate one coherent image in the numerous existing channels, organisations need to create strategies that take this into account and makes sure the same messages are communicated through all channels. One way to do this is to use integrated marketing communication (IMC). Since the social media is a relatively new phenomenon, there is no clear way of how to include social media into an IMC strategy.

Musik i reklamfilm : Synkroniseringsprocessen och dess effekter

The purpose of this paper is to analyse, identify and clarify:- The integration of music and brands in commercials that are created for television, cinema or internet,- The effects that this integration has for the involved parties and the movie that is being created.Music is a big part of today's society and advertising is a big part of people's everyday lives. It is therefore natural that music in advertising can have the power to affect, attract, influence and interest human beings. We think that the music in commercials is a fascinating subject to study because the phenomenon is relatively unexplored in the academic sphere. The knowledge of the synchronization process of music and commercials is also becoming increasingly important for involved parties to understand and manage. The essay is developed through a qualitative methodology.  We have conducted six interviews, with different players who all have extensive experience and knowledge about the chosen topic.

?Jag tyckte det var la?skigt sa? jag blockerade honom? : Teknikens betydelse fo?r tilla?mpning av motstrategier vid bemo?tande av kra?nkningar pa? na?tet

Instagram is one of the most common used social media platforms among teenagers today. It is not only one of the most common used social media platforms, but as well one of the most common places where cyber bullying takes action. By using focus groups, netnographic studies and a questionnary we investigate the meaning of technology regarding how the bullying on Instagram takes shape and the strategies used by teenagers to handle cyber bullying.Our research shows five different ways that cyber bullying takes shape and ten different strategies implemented to handle those. The findings are compared with previous research. The ten different strategies are then discussed from aspects that are found to have a big influence on how those are implemented: gender, knowledge, experience and awareness, presence of parents and other relatives, personal experience, trust in the technical solutions and the weaknesses of those. .

"Du måste helt enkelt äga ditt klassrum" : En studie om lärares ledarskap och strategier i mötet med störande elever

The title, ?You simply must own your classroom?, is taken from a quote from one of my informants.After review of earlier research on how teachers handle their leadership in the meeting with disturbing pupils and which strategies they use to solve problems in the classroom, interesting questions developed. What experiences do teachers have of disturbing situations in the classroom? Which strategies do they use to solve the problems? What kind of support do the teachers consider necessary in teaching? Are there any differences in teachers? experiences and strategies between the two selected schools? The study is supported by earlier research that deals with pupils? and teachers? perspective and strategies in different classroom cultures in terms of norm-breaking behaviour of pupils. The study is also supported by three different theoretical perspectives such as power structure, social order/disorder and support strategies.I conducted the study through interviews with sex teachers who work in the same municipality but in two separate schools.

Burtenshaw med fleras arbetsprocess - en empirisk prövning

Det här examensarbetet är utfört på programmet Grafisk design och kommunikation vid Linköpings Universitet under vårterminen 2009. Syftet var att ta reda på hur väl de olika delarna i en processmodell från boken The Fundamentals of Creative Advertising av Ken Burtenshaw, Nik Mahon och Caroline Barfoot kunde appliceras på ett projekt, vilka delar som inte fungerade i praktiken och vilka för- och nackdelar som fanns.För att pröva processmodellen valde vi att genomföra en fallstudie i form av ett skarpt projekt på reklambyrån Acne Advertising. Genom att tillämpa modellen under arbetets gång fick vi en bra bild av hur modellen fungerar i praktiken.Våra slutsatser är att Burtenshaw med fleras processmodell är en välfungerade modell som går att applicera på ett typiskt projekt inom reklam. Alla steg i processen är genomtänkta och hakar i varandra på ett naturligt sätt. Där den ena tar slut tar den andra vid genom att utveckla den framtagna informationen i föregånde steg.

En klasslärares och en svenska som andraspråkslärares kommunikationsstrategier i ett flerspråkigt klassrum : En jämförande studie

The purpose of this essay is to illuminate two teachers? communication strategies when dealing with pupils with another first language than Swedish. One of the teachers teaches Swedish as a second language and the other teacher educates one class in most of the subjects such as mathematic, Swedish and social studies. I make an ethnographic study where I make non-participating observations and shorter interviews with the teachers. The observations lie in focus of my study and were made at eight occasions, four lessons with each teacher.My result shows that they have a lot of communication strategies in common, but not all.

Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix

Sammanfattning Abstract Titel: Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix Title: The Company Karlskrona Musikfest´s efforts to reach maximum attendance ? An analysis of the New Years review DNA 2003/04 and their promotion mix. Författare/Authors: Carina Assarsson & Ing-Marie Åkesson-Blomberg Handledare/Supervisor: Tom Michel Institution: Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Department: Department of Business Administration, Blekinge Institute of Technology Kurs: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur Karlskrona Musikfest har marknadsfört Nyårsrevyn och om den valda promotionmixen var bra. Undersökningen svarar även på frågan om vilken ålderskategori som främst tilltalas av Nyårsrevyn.

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