

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 56 av 85

Skönhet kommer från Photoshop - En studie om effekter av retuscherade modeller i reklam

There are widespread discussions about the use of retouched models in media, ranging from bloggers to legal decision-makers. Research shows that there are negative psychological effects on especially females being exposed to idealized, retouched model images. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of using retouched models in advertising from a marketing perspective, based on attitudes, perceived quality and purchase intentions.Based on theories about attractiveness, halo-effects and social comparison, an experimental study was done, investigating the different responses on above mentioned parameters to advertisements showing either retouched model images or non-retouched model images. Initially it was also tested if the retouched models were seen as more attractive than the non-retouched models. The results showed almost no differences between the reactions to the advertisements with retouched models compared to the advertisements with non-retouched models, when all respondent groups were analyzed together.

Apparently obscure

Through wing pattern, posture and movement, a harmless moth of the family Brenthia imitates an eight-eyed jumping spider. When an octopus of the species Thaumoctopus mimicus sense danger it can alter its appearance to that of a venomous sea snake. They are both drawing attention to themselves. Nevertheless, and because of this, they are protected. The mechanism is called mimicry.

Syns du inte så finns du inte : En vetenskaplig studie om artister som varumärken

The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.

"För man lär genom leken" : En studie kring förskollärares syn på leken som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i barnens lärande.

The purpose of this study was to analyze recent appropriations of works of art in advertising. Why was art infused into magazine advertisements, how were the works of art tampered with to achieve commercial goals, how well did they function together with the ad copy? What did these advertisements want? What did the artwork contribute to the commercial message? These were some of the questions asked in the study that involved a closer look at four appropriations: one based on a battle painting by the Swedish 1900th century artist Carl Wahlbom, with a commercial message printed on top;  one a collage including an 18th century portrait of Marie Antoinettte by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun; one advertisement was influenced by Dutch 1700th century still lifes, and, finally, one paraphrased Velázquez?s famous painting Las Meninas from 1655. Companies behind the advertisements featured a Swedish trade journal, a fashion exhibition in Paris, a shop for kitchen utensils in Stockholm, and an up-scale department store in Madrid.The ads, in different ways based on works of art, were evaluated as reasonably successful commercial messages. These ads, however, hardly qualified as works of art in their own right ? if that was the intention.

Samhällskunskapsläraren och den interkulturella kompetensen : En deskriptiv studie av fem verksamma lärares interkulturella kompetens i det mångkulturella klassrummet

There are different ways of developing a second language. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate whether and possibly how music, focused on singing, can improve the development of Swedish as a second language. Through interviews with three vocal teachers, from three different schools in Sweden, and observations of one of the vocal teachers, information about how they work and think about the subject has been collected. The vocal teachers teach groups of second language learners by singing songs made especially for second language learning. The vocal teachers consider singing beneficial in the development of the pronunciation and improvement of the prosody, which affects the students? capacity to sound like a native Swedish speaker.

Brain Gym® - En väg till ökad självkännedom i lärandesituationer? En studie vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö utifrån ett lärar- och studentperspektiv

Title: Brain Gym®? An approach to increase self-knowledge in situations of learning?- A study at the Malmö Academy of Music from a teacher and student perspective. Brain Gym® is a method developed by Paul Dennison in his studies of physiology and aims to eliminate potential blockages during the process of learning. During the influence of stress, as in learning, we do not possess a total access to our perceptive ability. Instead we are limited to our so called dominance profile.

Att inte följa strömmen : En studie om differentiering bland musikstreamingtjänster

Titel: Att inte följa strömmen ? en studie om differentiering bland musikstreamingtjänsterFörfattare: Riccardo Furrer, Matilda Johansson och My LarssonHandledare: Kaisa LundKurs: Kandidatuppsats 15hp i Företagsekonomi inriktning Marknadsföring, Music & Event Managementprogrammet, Linnéuniversitetet, Höstterminen 2013SyfteSyftet med denna uppsats är att analysera de sätt digitala prenumerationstjänster inom musiksektorn kan differentiera sig på marknaden. Vi vill även undersöka vad det är konsumenten anser vara viktigt i valet av en digital musiktjänst.Vi har också arbetat kring en forskningsfråga:Hur kan företag bakom digitala prenumerationstjänster inom musiksektorn positionera sig på den svenska marknaden?MetodVi har valt att göra en kvalitativ studie som tillslut antog en abduktiv ansats. Kvalitativ metod passade oss bäst då vårt mål var att gå in på djupet i vårt ämne och inte gå på kvantitet i våra empiriska undersökningar.

På jakt efter den produkt som flytt - en studie om uppskjuten produktlansering och dess effekter

Many product launches are postponed today, however very little research regarding to customer responses to such events has been carried out. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people react to a postponed product launch. An experimental study of responses to a postponed launch of a mobile phone, a mineral water and a music album is used to investigate customer reactions. The respondents exposed to the postponed launch showed a higher value of reactance. This reactance affects the attitude, purchase intention and perceived quality of the product in a negative way.

Porträttering av förorten Tensta

The purpose of this study was to investigate hove some suburban areas image is shown to the public in the media coverage of suburban areas, and this is why I in this paper want to look more closely at the image of Tensta in the news media and how people in Tensta perceive themselves. News media has a very important role in the creation of human worldview. It influences our own identity and affects what a person believes is the difference in us and them. In the post-colonial theory, identity creation is a central role in philosophy, us and them. Based on the above purpose, I formulated an overall main question that this essay should answer.

Kommunikation - vad är det? : En studie av musikalisk kommunikation i ensemblesammanhang

Föreliggande arbete inriktar sig på kommunikation mellan sångare och medmusiker i ensemblesammanhang utifrån det multimodala och designteoretiska perspektivets syn på kommunikation och lärandeförutsättningar. Med hjälp av videoobservationer av min egen kommunikation i en ensemble på högskolenivå har jag analyserat fram vilka olika semiotiska resurser som används samt intentionerna bakom dem. Resultatet visar att kommunikationen ensemblemedlemmarna emellan tillkommer först efter en tid in i lärandeprocessen och att det, för egen del, är sången som verkar som den främsta kommunikatören i det här sammanhanget.  Dynamik, tydlighet och lekfullhet skvallrar om säkerhet eller osäkerhet i form och melodi samt fungerar som en vägledning om var jag befinner mig i lärandeprocessen. I diskussionen tar jag bland annat upp hur den första ensemblelektionen byggs upp i enighet med det multimodala perspektivets syn på bra lärandeförutsättningar samt vad kroppsspråk har för betydelse för kommunikation i ensemblesammanhang. .

En helt vanlig Idol : Identitetsskapande processer i Aftonbladet och Expressen

The aim of the study was to examine how Swedish tabloid journalism presented the contestants in the Swedish version of the reality show Idol 2009. We wanted to see which approaches tabloid news papers use when constructing the public identities of them. We have used text analysis to examine 37 articles and nine front pages with focus on the words, propositions, comparisons and parables that describe four of the contestants. In addition we have looked at myths and connotations shown in the pictures by using a semiotic analysis. The results show that the Swedish tabloids tend to describe the contestants in relation to their performances and personalities.

Bära lin - ett utforskande möte mellan tråd och visa

Simplicity, intimacy, freedom and one single threadcharacterize the knitting technique.In my project, I have studied ways of creating three-dimensional shape and structure using single threads and various knitting techniques. I applied my ideas in a collaboration with the singer Sofia Karlsson. The focus has been to design a portable object that can be used in pictures for the cover and promotion of her upcoming album.The material I studied, processed and used in creating the three-part object was linen. In the center stands a collar, that changes expression depending on how it is worn and which side is turned towards the outside. The collar interacts with a cylinder for her hands and a hairnet.

Social musiksmak?: Social påverkan på musiksmak via anonyma räkneverk

The purpose with this paper is to examine whether other peoples opinions of a song and an artist influences an individuals own opinions of the song and artist. Through a quantitative study we seek to study whether such an influence exists and if it does, how strong that influence is. The study began with a pretest to examine whether differences existed when we manipulated our independent variable, how many times the song has been played at Myspace.com. Subsequently we performed a quantitative study by handing out surveys to students at Stockholm School of Economics on two different occasions. Our results show no significant differences in attitude or intentions when the amount of times the song has been played at Myspace.com is manipulated.

Modifierad GIM : i stabiliseringsgrupp för flyktingkvinnor

AbstractBruzelius, E. (2010). Adolescents and sexuality ? Attitudes among employees at Juvenile receptions in Gävleborgs län. Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv.The aim of the current study was to examine and describe what perceptions and values of em-ployees at Juvenile receptions in the county of Gävleborg have about adolescents? sexual and general health.

Omplacering av hundar : situationen i Sverige

I the year of 2008 there were more than 60 000 purebred dogs newly registered in theSwedish Kennel Club. In addition there are a lot of mixed breed dogs and in the year of2006 it was estimated that there were over 700 000 dogs in Sweden. In today?s society it isnot unusual that people change their life situation by moving, getting a new job or startinga family. Because of this there is a risk of rehoming for dogs owned by these people.In Sweden dogs are among others rehomed by advertising or by rehoming organisations.

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