

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 19 av 85

En kulturskola för några?

Is culture accessible to all in Sweden or do challenges in accessibility begin in childhood? During the academic year of 2010/2011 the Schools for Music and Arts in Göteborg participated in a project entitled En kulturskola för alla (A School for Music and Arts for All). This thesis' objective is to describe the project as well as examine the method the Schools of Music and Arts use to include children with disabilities and what suggestions can be made to further develop the project. Through En kulturskolla för alla, approximately 200 children with disabilities now haave better teachers. The project included 18 music and arts teachers from eight schools.

Sjung för, sjung med och sjung till barn : En studie om hur musicerande situationer förekommer på tre olika förskolora ur ett språkutvecklingsperspektiv

In 1998 years' curriculum for the preschool stands it those children under school age will get possibility that? communicate with the aid of differently expression shapes? and an example that is mentioned in the governing document is song and musical.  The purpose with this study is to examine how the song and the music are used from a language development perspective in three different preschools' activities. In the essay, I review to earlier research around the music?s' and the song's possibilities for the child's linguistic development. In the essay, it is discussed about some important factors that obstruct music situations in the preschool that the curriculum for the preschool (Lpfö98) not specific describes what expression shapes as song and music will contain and that deficiency on musical education at pedagogues.  The method for the study was to collect empirical materials through observations on three different preschools.

Musiken ler, bilden skriker : En analys av ?anempathetic music? i film

Denna kandidatuppsats avhandlar tre stycken analyser av tre stycken filmscener frånfilmerna A Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs och Watchmen, tre stycken exempel påscener där så kallad anempathetic music används. Denna form av musik kan beskrivassom att den distanserar sig från vad som händer i den rörliga bilden genom att förmedladen motsatta känslan, till exempel om musiken är glad och lättsam medan en våldtäktsker i bild. Denna uppsats analyserar i dessa tre analysexempel vad sådan filmmusikkan bidra med för berättarfunktioner och meningspotential i filmexemplens narrativ.Resultaten från analysen visade på att musiken i de tre valda analysexemplen bidrar tillökad reflektion hos publiken och hur detta möjliggör för att anempathetic music kan sessom empathetic mot publiken och deras tolkning av filmscenernas narrativ..

Musik som hjälpmedel för att öka aptiten hos äldre

It has long been discussed how to use music in a new way in the field of food and elderly, and in this study, the authors wanted to test this. Music is the language of emotions. It?s a powerful tool, but its effects are difficult to predict (Theorell, 2009). Malnutrition in the elderly is a serious condition that often gets overlooked (Edfors & Westergren, 2012).

Marknadsföring i podcast

Podcast is a new audio media in Sweden and has become larger and increasingly more popular in the past few years. In line with this, companies have seen the opportunity to use this type of marketing in the new coveted media and have created a new marketing tool in the form of sponsorship. Previous studies in this field indicate that this is a very effective method to reach a broad audience, but it still is a relatively new area with very little research in existence today. This study is an analysis of how receptive listeners are to marketing through podcasts and the ability companies have to create a sustainable and effective strategy for successful marketing through this type of medium. The collection of data for this study consists of two different qualitative interviews, the first one with listeners that were chosen, and the second with the sponsor company for two of the largest podcasts in Sweden. The essay´s empirical evidence shows how receptive listeners are to marketing via podcasts, what their podcast habits look like, what form of approach in marketing they prefer, and how often they take part in different offers. From the interviews with listeners and sponsoring companies in the study, it is concluded that the best and most effective strategy for marketing through podcasts is to weave advertising in the conversation and therefore increase the credibility and disturb the listener as little as possible.

"Nivea - för skönhet är lycka" : En studie om skönhetsreklam i konsumtionssamhället

The overall purpose of this study has its starting point in theories about the consuming society and its advertising. I have examined what kinds of methods that are being used in TV-commercials for beauty products, to influence the consumers. To study advertising, a semiotic method, symbolic interactionism and other theories which discuss symbols and influences, have been used. Six different TV-commercials for beauty products have been examined.The results from this study indicate that the advertiser apply to feelings such as, happiness, a sense of satisfaction, status and success, to affect the consumers behaviour. The findings in this research are discussed in the light of different theories which deal with the significance and the meaning of symbols..

Musik på Internet framtiden för bibliotekens musikavdelningar?

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the possibilities of, and interest in, a digital download service at the music departments of the libraries. I chose to conduct my study at the city library of Gothenburg. I studied the legal download services that exist today and I did a statistical survey among the users of the music department, followed up by interviews to see how they took to the idea. From the inquiry I learned that a majority of the users was negative to having a digital service replacing the physical department, although a majority was positive to try a digital service. I also used the inquiry to compare the reasons for downloading music to the reasons for borrowing records from the library, but there was no significant difference.

Sociala interaktionsvärden för ökat köpflöde

AbstractSpotify is currently the largest and fastest growing online music service. They started in 2006 and has since established itself in several European countries. Their financial revenue comes from advertising spots on the client and registered paid subscribers. Together with Spotify, we have come to a certain focus area where Spotify themselves feel that there is potential for improvement. This area of focus concerns the conversion from using Spotify's free "Open" to the payment options Unlimited and Premium.Objective: We will use an innovation process to achieve an innovation grant that will create more attraction to the payment services.

"Någonting annat" - estestiska musikämnen och körsång i gymnasieskolan 2014: förekomst och förutsättningar

The purpose of this paper is to study and describe the occurrence and conditions of aesthetic subjects and choral singing in Swedish upper secondary schools 2014. The paper is based on seven recorded individual interviews with three music teachers, four principals and one director of education in three upper secondary schools in Sweden. The study uses discursive psychology and the interviews were analysed with focus on music teachers and school leaders interpretative repertoires and rhetorical strategies and how they use the language to legitimate aesthetic subjects in an upper secondary school context. In the most recent upper secondary school reform of 2011 the aesthetic subjects are no longer mandatory. Today there are different ways to provide opportunities for the students to participate in music activities but since the government no longer decides how it shall be implemented it is up to the management of each school to determine the activities.The statement made by the informants are interesting in relation to the status of music subjects, but due to the limited scope of the paper, no general conclusions can be drawn.

Digitala verktyg - Hjälp eller stjälp: Fyra lärares tankar om digitala verktyg i musikundervisningen i åk 6-9

This study shows the thoughts, hopes and wishes of two male and two female music teachers, in grades 6 ? 9 from four different cities of Sweden. The emphasis lays on usage of digital tools. As the schools now stand before lots of changes in its curriculums; the use of digital tools was the main thing that caught my interest. How has the schools interpreted what this means? What does this mean in terms of purchases for the schools? We already know that many schools are lacking proper facilities to conduct music lessons so this ads on even larger needs.

Internet and the digitalization of products: A potent mix or recipe for disaster? A case study of the music industry

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the ongoing controversy surrounding the Internet, the phenomena of digitalization and file sharing will affect the music industry in the form of the ?big five? labels. Furthermore the thesis aims to present a recipe of strategies for the companies? survival by studying their situation through a theoretical perspective in conjunction with a comparative analysis with industries facing the digitalization challenge. The theoretical contribution lies in the strategic perspective at an industry level.

Tidskriftens väg till framgång : framgångsfaktorer för specialtidskrifter ur ett marknadsorienterat perspektiv

Our main purpose with this paper was to figure out what makes a magazine successful. We wanted to analyze and examine factors of success for magazines, with a focus on music magazines, from a marketing perspective. Also, we wanted to see specific factors of success for the music magazine Groove. To do this, we interviewed seven people from different areas within the business with different kinds of expertise. We interviewed two people from Groove Magazine, two people from other music magazines and in addition to this, two people from a grand publishing company and also one person from a soccer magazine.

Instuderandet av notläsning på gitarr - en analys av olika gitarrskolor på marknaden med kompletterande egna exempel.

Title: Learning to read music notation on the guitar ? an analysis of various guitar schools on the market with added own examples. Purpose: To analyse currently available teaching materials on the subject of guitar notation on the market. A comparative analysis is made of five chosen books on the topic. Four criteria for the analysis of these five books are stated: 1) Structure and progression of the study of reading music on the guitar.

En tung historia : En undersökning om metalbandet Sabatons historiebruk.

The purpose of this paper has been to examine the heavy metal band Sabatons use of history and to relate it to societal trends in today?s Sweden. I have examined Sabatons music, album covers and music videos in order to define a certain use of history. To do this I have used a use of history theory and a heavy metal theory. My results showed that some of Sabatons use of history could be defined as commercial and that the societal trends in today`s Sweden have in some cases affected the selection and presentation of events and characters that`s been portrayed by Sabaton.

"I don't wanna hear about your band!" : tre feminister om musik, feminism och motstånd

This thesis sets out to examine how feminist struggle can be negotiated, defined and motivated. By using Oral history as a theoretical and methodological framework, three persons narrative are being constructed, explored and discussed throughout the thesis. All the interviewees define themselves as women and feminists and have all practised music in different separatist rock and pop-groups from 1970 to present. Themes as music as political action, and separatism for persons who define themselves as women are discussed. The tree informants agree about some feministic goals such as equality and the right to be able to play and perform music regardless of gender identity, although the means to reach these goals are formulated differently. .

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