621 Uppsatser om Advertising creativity - Sida 42 av 42
?Advertising Nouveau? ? en studie om okonventionell marknadsföring.
Företag inom modebranschen står i dag inför en ökande konkurrenssituation. På grund av globaliseringen och interaktionen mellan kunder över internet, är konsumenterna idag mer medvetna än tidigare. Den största faktorn bakom den nya medvetenheten är den generation av unga människor som växt upp i en digitaliserad värld, benämnd som Generation Y. Företag får kämpa för att få konsumenternas uppmärksamhet och situationen beskrivs som ett marknadsföringskrig. Många marknadsförare misslyckas med att nå fram till konsumenterna med traditionella marknadsföringsverktyg som; reklam, PR, direktmarknadsföring och personlig försäljning.
Sagt & gjort : förhållningssätt & arbetsmetoder inom arkitektur
This thesis was written during the autumn 2007. I wanted to
understand the situation of the contemporary architecture in a
perspective broader than merely the Swedish. I asked myself
what remained of architecture if one would eliminate purely
functional, aesthetical and ecological aspects. With help from
literature I interviewed theorists in architecture, practitioners
and a philosopher to hear their thoughts regarding what architecture
can or should be about. The result of the interviews
and the literature studies constitute the two initial parts of the
Identitet på marknaden, Varumärkesbyggande marknadskommunikation - En studie av företaget LL1903 ?
Dagens konsument exponeras dagligen av en stor mängd reklambudskap. Här spelar företags varumärke en viktig roll. Varumärket fungerar som en identitetsbärare och ger företaget en möjlighet att sticka ut på marknaden. Lyckad marknadskommunikation skapar konkurrensfördelar och resulterar i goda relationer till kunden. Varumärket är en samling tankar, känslor och åsikter som kanaliseras i en både medveten och omedveten förväntan på en produkt eller tjänst.
Att kommunicera hållbarhet : en undersökning av hållbarhetsdebatten via internet
This master thesis is about sustainable city planning and its debate. It is also concerned with networking, communication and web-based communication. Theories of sustainable development are discussed, along with the importance of communication for sustainable development. The report is directed towards landscape architects, architects, town planners, other designers and other interested readers.MotivationI believe that there is a need for an increased discussion concerning sustainability. Sustainable development is an important issue for city planners.
Utsikt från höghastighetståg : om reseupplevelsens krav på landskapet
As we travel more and more by train it becomes increasingly important
that the time we spend traveling, is of great quality. This has been the foundation of this master thesis and has shaped the outcome of it. The traveling experience, that is, the experience of the landscape that flashes by outside the train window, is an important aspect in railway planning and an aspect that should be taken into greater consideration. The purpose of this master thesis has been to examine how to compose or improve the travel experience for an already planned high speed railway and how the travel experience can be combined with other aspects, which have claims on the landscape. This thesis is based on a literature study and a case study of Ostlänken.
The work describes Ostlänken, a planned high speed railway in Sweden between Järna and Linköping, with top speeds at 300-320 kilometers per hour.
Transit Objekt
Transit Objects In the Master Essay I argue around two existing levels in the works presented at the graduation exhibition. On the one hand, it is about influence; on the other hand it is about the phenotypes of purpose-ness. In the introduction, I describe the relationship between the shapes that I have come to call Transit objects, and their on the one hand ideological superstructure; on the other hand, the different aspects of their shapes regarding the imitation I, in creating the objects, performed. In the case with the objects shape-aspects, I stand on the thoughts that I found during my bachelor's work, that is, to express the phenotypes of purpose-ness.When it comes to influence, I speculate about how linguistics, and particularly a branch called neuro-linguistics, illustrates how the arguments that make up our world can be transformed. I use a meta-model and a conversation model as a tool to illustrate this. When I, like that, illustrate the plasticity of meaning, and cognition, I note Catherine Malabous taught (in her book What Should we do with our brain?) on the plasticity of the brain in relation to the neo-liberal systems of capitalism. She argues for how the brain has come to stand model for the organization of different types of networks. I hint the link to a future scenario where the desire to influence takes new forms and uses the latest brain research challenges, more specifically the use of ultrasound for the treatment of pain and other similar conditions. This also can be used as generating various types of seizures, pleasant or unpleasant.