621 Uppsatser om Advertising creativity - Sida 22 av 42
Jag är annorstädes - den unika rösten : Skapande av en subjektsposition i Unica Zürns Jasminmannen
This study analyses the german writer and artist Unica Zürn´s novel, The Man of Jasmine,1970 (Jasminmannen). Zürn was mostly active in the surrealist avantgarde in Paris during the 1950ies - and 60ies. The male surrealist images of women was polarised in to the godlike, child and the erotic, convulsive object. The mythologizied woman was the muse of men´s creativity. But still there were many women artists who participated in the movement, so clearly there was something in surrealism that attracted women.
Kan du bevisa det? : En enkätstudie av gymnasielärarens förhållningssätt till matematiska bevis
Practice of mathematical proof increase the understanding of mathematics anddevelop creativity skills, problem solving, communication, logical thinking andreasoning which are all important tools not only within the subject of mathematicsbut also important tools for the society in which we are living. The aim of this projectwas to investigate whether it is accurate that proof and proving has a subordinate rolein mathematic education in the upper secondary school in Sweden. This was done byconstructing of a digital survey that was sent to approximately 100 practicingmathematics teachers in a normal size city located in the middle of Sweden. Theresults of the survey show that the teachers consider themselves comfortable withtheir own skills in teaching proof. Paradoxically, the results also show that there is alack of teaching of proof and proving in the upper secondary school, although the newcurriculum puts more focus on proof and proving..
Simulerat kreativt resonemang i matematikföreläsningar
Empirical research shows that a possible reason why Swedish students mathematical knowledge deteriorates can be a too big focus on imitative reasoning, i.e. recalling solutions or follow algorithms, and a lack of creative mathematical reasoning, i.e. when a student construct his/her own solution and motivates its plausibility with mathematically well-founded arguments. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine if, and in what way, lecturers can provide students an opportunity to learn creative reasoning by simulating creativity in their presentations of examples. Six lectures were observed and 22 task situations were analyzed with respect to three aspects; reflection, plausibility and mathematical foundation, which are to be present in the situation if the reasoning will be seen as simulated creative.
Förskollärares syn på drama som pedagogiskt verktyg i förskolan
My goal in this study was to research how teachers with education in pedagogical drama think about drama and how to use it as an educational tool. The method I used to acquire the results was by interviews. In total I interviewed six different teachers which had some kind of education in pedagogical drama. This study revealed that all the teachers in some way used educational drama in preschool. The purpose with educational drama is to improve the children's fantasy, creativity, empathy, self-awareness and also their ability to co-operate with other children.
En bild säger mer än tusen ord, eller?: en studie om inferens
Without being aware of it, cognitive processes continuously take place in our heads. We are forced to fill in the information gaps that we meet in our everyday life in order to create an understanding and to form a whole, and that?s where the importance of inference comes in. To create inference implies creating meaning from something that is not explicitly given. Having knowledge about this process offers great possibilities, while not taking it into account may involve risks.
Skönlitteratur i undervisningen : Vilken roll har skönlitteraturen i undervisningen?
The purpose of my study is to investigate the wideness of working with fiction in education during the early years in primary school. I want to see in what way fiction is involved and why the teachers choose to work the way they are with fiction. I also want to see what kind of effects this work could have on the development of the pupils. I've done interviews with four teachers to find out about their opinions when it comes to involve fiction into the education. The teachers are all working with pupils between nine and eleven years old.
Gerillamarknadsföring -Konsten att sprida ett budskap med knappa resurser
I genomsnitt utsätts vi för 3000 reklambudskap under en dag, men bara cirka 14 % av de okonventionella kampanjerna har någon effekt. Vi har blivit för medvetna om hur reklam påverkar oss och för kritiska mot media för att köpa dessa budskap. Jay Conrad Levinsons grundade för cirka 30 år sedan begreppet gerilla marknadsföring. Den här kreativa marknadsföringsmetoden var till en början tänkt för de företag som hade begränsade resurser. Metoden kan vara väldigt kostnadseffektiv och används idag flitigt bland både stora som små företag.
Samhällets kropp
The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.
Kreativitet ur individuell synvinkel : En fenomenologisk självstudie
Temat för arbetet är musikskapande och har som syfte att undersöka min individuella kreativitet och dess kännetecken. Men syftet består också i att avgöra användbarheten av detta. Det rör sig om en psykologisk självstudie med ett fenomenologiskt angreppssätt. I mitt fall har detta inneburit att jag, efter att ha arrangerat en i mitt tycke kreativ upplevelse, beskrev denna händelse för att sedan analysera texten på fenomenologiskt vis. P.g.a.
Lägerelden : Betydelsen av känslor och emotioner för reklamvärldens skapelser. En studie i kreativitet hos en reklambyrå.
Denna studie är grundad i intervjuer som ägde rum på en reklambyrå. Studiens syfte är att utforska innebörden av 'kreativitet' i reklamvärlden. I intervjuerna betonade informanterna i synnerhet vikten av att reklam kommunicerar genom känslor och emotioner. I denna uppsats ges en närmare inblick i vad informanterna anser att känslor och emotioner har för innebörd för reklamskapande.Detta görs genom att tillämpa fenomenologisk teori. Den fenomenologiska analysen förser oss med en djupare och mer vidsträckt förståelse för den intuitiva kunskap informanterna förmedlar.
Agila metoder utanför IT-sfären : Att skapa en ny agil arbetsmetod
Under denna studie så hade författarna ett uppdrag från en uppdragsgivare som var att skapa en ny agil projektmetod åt denna, för att främja deras arbete med ett projekt som de genomför årligen, som heter Jobb Shop. Projektet hade under det senaste genomförandet inte genomförts med hjälp av någon särskild projektmetod. Författarna till denna studie skapade under arbetets gång en specifik agil metod åt uppdragsgivaren som de kan använda under kommande år vid genomförandet av Jobb Shop. Vid sidan av detta så gjorde författarna även en metaanalys av den nya metoden där de studerade hur den nya agila arbetsmetoden, rent teoretiskt, kan främja kreativitet och innovation. Resultatet av studien visade att den teoretiska grunden för ovanstående fråga var god, och de drog slutsatsen att agila metoder, teoretiskt sett, mycket väl kan främja kreativitet och innovation..
NNN... Nostalgi: Om effekterna av nostalgi vid konsumtion
The presence of nostalgic emotions during consumption is often seen as something purely positive to a product. To evoke these emotions has become a very common tool in marketing and advertising. Paradoxically very few studies have focused on the effects of nostalgia. The purpose of the thesis has been to understand how the presence of nostalgic emotions during consumption effect consumers. The research model used is a quantitative study with testing of hypotheses generated from theory.
Den oretuscherade sanningen - En oretuscherad modells påverkan på konsumenters CSR-uppfattning, attityder och köpintention
Within the subject of retouching there is an ongoing debate about whether fashion retailers should retouch their ads or not. There has been a large amount of criticism to the communication of stereotyped beauty ideals that is used by companies in their marketing. The stereotyped ideals also contribute to negative psychological effects among people. As a response to the criticism, or as a way to differentiate one-self from competitors, retailers are starting to use unretouched models in their advertising. How this affects the consumer's perception of CSR along with the attitudes and behaviors is still unknown.
En ny Upplevelse - En studie i formgivande av interaktioner på webben och effektivisering av arbetsflöden
We?re all aware that technology progresses forward with giant leaps on a daily basis. In
one-way or another this affects us in our everyday life. It can affect us in the way we?re shopping, communicating, researching, planning future events or how we choose to
be entertained.
That the web is an increasingly stronger tool for communicating in more or less every
type of business is becoming more evident for people.
Produktplacering i svensk film i jämförande internationellt perspektiv
I will write about product placement in film from a Swedish point of view. This entails writing about Swedish films with different types of product placements, not only how they are done but also discuss how they succeed from a sales perspective. In my earlier work I have written about the product placement of watches. In this thesis I focus on the film series about the Swedish agent Carl Hamilton, since here you can see how Swedish film has developed during the past 30 years with regard to product placements. Both world politics and the concrete placements are illustrated in a clear way.