

206 Uppsatser om Adoption - Sida 3 av 14

Barnets bästa och lämpligt föräldraskap : en studie om hur barnets bästa kan konstrueras i förhållande till lämpligt föräldraskap i medgivandeutredningar vid internationell adoption

Studiens syfte var att beskriva hur barnets bästa kan konstrueras i förhållande till lämpligt föräldraskap vid medgivandeutredningar för internationell Adoption. Som metod användes kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Sju utredare från sex olika stadsdelar i Stockholm stad intervjuades. Materialet analyserades utifrån ett rättsociologiskt perspektiv och socialkonstruktivistisk teori.Resultatet visade att lämpligt föräldraskap är en förutsättning för barnets bästa. Lämpligt föräldraskap preciseras som förälderns egenskaper och möjligheter att ta hand om ett adoptivbarn.

Nationella adoptioner i Sverige

The purpose of this study was to examine domestic Adoptions in Sweden, and also compare the Swedish Adoption system to the Canadian Adoption system. I wanted to find out why there are so few domestic Adoptions in Sweden, and how it has changed over the years. I also wanted to know why there is such a large difference between Sweden and Canada regarding Adoptions.I interviewed five social workers to find out what attitudes the social services have regarding Adoptions. My other questions were how the childs best interest is considered when a parent wants to place a child in an adoptivefamily, and which parents decide to place their child instead of keeping it.I found that the social services are reluctant to place children in adoptivefamilies because their main goal is to keep biological families intact. In Canada the social services goal is to provide the child with a safe and stable home.There is no longer any stigma surrounding single mothers and well developed welfaresystems enable most to keep their children.

"Jaha, det gick ju bra den här gången också" : En kvalitativ undersökning av seniorers förhållande till e-handel

In this paper we have examined why seniors do not use e-business to the same extent as other age groups. Seniors belong to the age group that, according to statistics from Statistics Sweden (SCB) in 2011, utilizes e-business the least in relation to the number who use the internet. To understand how seniors reason and perceive the possibility to shop on the internet, we have conducted four interviews with people from 65 years and older. We have let the respondents answer questions regarding utility aspects, e-business interfaces, general shopping habits, risks, and whether or not they usually shop online. We also found out how seniors reason when they sell products and services.

Innebörden av att vara internationellt adopterad. Två identitetsaspekter: svenskhet och etniskt ursprung.

The aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about the meaning of being internationally adopted for individuals living in Sweden. Through group discussions with young adults data was retrieved, and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological approach. The study revealed three main themes: 1) experiences of being Swedish, 2) experiences of ethnic origin, and 3) the interaction between the two aspects of the identity, how the internationally adopted individual integrate's his/her ethnical origin with his/her Swedish identity. With regards to previous studies about Adoption and psychological theories the meaning of being internationally adopted in Sweden is discussed..

Förmånsbeskattning av företagsledare i FÅAB : Värderingsmetoder vid dispositionsrätt

Adoptive parents need to be able to reflect on the interaction with the child, both from the perspective of their own relational experience with the child and from the perspective of the previous experience of the child. This essay explores five adoptive parent´s thoughts and feelings about their children?s background. It also looks into how they think that the children?s background influences their way of expressing their needs and how this makes the parents feel.

Taggade bibliotek ? en studie av adoptionen av RFID på svenska folkbibliotek

The purpose of our research was to examine whether the acceptance and diffusion of RFID technology among the employees at public libraries in Sweden, follow the classic diffusion of innovation model. RFID or Radio Frequency Identification, is a technology that uses radio frequency and microchip technology to track items, in our case, library books and other library materials. Diffusion is the process by which, in our case, the RFID technology is adopted by the library staff. The purpose of this study was to examine what factors influenced the acceptance and Adoption of RFID among the library staff. We used Everett Rogers' Diffusion of innovation theory as our framework.

E-boken 5 år senare : En studie om läsvanor och uppfattningar kring e-boken

This paper attempts to replicate a study from 2009 about users reading habits and the future of e?books. Due to the increased use of smartphones and tablets since 2009, there is a reason to reasearch if the perception and use of e?books has changed. The methods used is qualitative interviews complemented with an online questionnaire.

Utredning och uppföljning av adoptionshundars situation

There are some hazards associated with mediating dogs for Adoption to Sweden from foreigncountries. Contagion is considered to be one of them, but this report focuses solely on what Adoptionsmay signify to the dogs concerning animal welfare. The aim of this study is to investigate how thebusiness in Sweden is run and what this can imply to the adopted dogs. Websites of the organizationswhich perform mediation of dogs, has been examined to show which information is available. A webquestionnaire was sent to these organizations to learn more about their standard procedure.

"... så här är det bara" : Adoptivföräldrars tankar och känslor om barnets bakgrund

Adoptive parents need to be able to reflect on the interaction with the child, both from the perspective of their own relational experience with the child and from the perspective of the previous experience of the child. This essay explores five adoptive parent´s thoughts and feelings about their children?s background. It also looks into how they think that the children?s background influences their way of expressing their needs and how this makes the parents feel.

När jämställdhet blir problemet : Adoptionshandläggning för samkönade par

This study shows how social workers reason about the concepts of gender, gender roles and equality and if these arguments reinforce heteronormativity that could affect the ability of same-sex couples to adopt children. The reasoning regarding equality indicates a difference between heterosexual couples and same-sex couples. What emerges in the study is that the social workers reasoning can be explained with that they have been imbued by heteronormativity. Heteronormativity becomes a contributing part of how same-sex couples are seen in the Adoption process. Arguments for equality, which erase stereotypes, do not apply in the same way for same-sex couples as for heterosexual couples.

Hur tolkar 5 grundskolelärare styrdokumenten i religionskunskap : En kvalitativ studie av SO ? lärare i grundskolan

År 1961 publicerades en notis i tidningen DN, där Medicinalstyrelsen avrådde från internationell Adoption i större omfattning. I synnerhet om det gällde från adoptivföräldrarna starkt skilda rasgrupper. Detta uttalande väckte stark mediedebatt i Sverige under de följande åren. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur de olika tidningsdebattörerna ställde sig i Adoptionsfrågan när det gällde utländska barn med annan ras eller etnicitet,samt få en ökad förståelse för varifrån dessa åsikter kan ha fått sin grund.Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av artiklar som berör internationell Adoption från 1961-1964. Syfte och frågeställningar diskuteras utifrån olika perspektiv på ras- och etnicitet, som kopplas till en socialkonstruvistisk bakgrund.Resultatet av studien visar att de parter som uttalade sig i artiklarna representerades av människor med olika förhållande till internationell Adoption men att det ändå var journalisterna som dominerade antalet uttalande.

Unga som begår sexuella övergrepp utifrån ett professionellt personalperspektiv

Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet Adoption utifrån etnicitet, identitet och anknytning ur ett livsbiografiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur internationellt adopterade vuxna upplever sin livssituation samt hur livssituationen påverkas i relation till etnisk bakgrund, identitetskapande och anknytningsmönster. Forskning visar att adopterades livssituation kan påverkas negativt av Adoptionen. Vårt empiriska material är insamlat genom fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer, som analyserats med inspiration från en tematisk analysmetod. I vårt resultat uppger ingen av våra respondenter att de själva upplevt några problem med sin Adoption.

The parenthood of adoptive mothers ? a qualitative study about self experiences and motives of single adoptions

The primary purpose of this essay is to study and describe what single adoptive mothers believe to be significant motives when considering Adoption. This essay also describes how single adoptive mothers experience parenthood in relation to their expectations. The theoretical perspectives applied to analyse the empirical data are existentialism, the identity making process, and social constructionism. The method of this study is qualitative based on seven interviews. The material has been analysed by condensed meaning units and themes with a phenomenological approach.

Sexualitet och föräldraskap : En litteraturstudie om homosexuellas möjligheter att bli adoptivföräldrar

I denna uppsats sammanställs och granskas forskning som handlar om sexualitet och föräldraskap. Metoden som använts är systematisk litteraturstudie. Teoretisk ansats är intersektionalitet med fokus på maktdimensioner som klass, genus och sexualitet. Resultatet visar att den granskade forskningen ofta utgår från heteronormativa föreställningar och sociala konstruktioner som referensramar. Bedömningar som socialarbetare gör kring homosexuella par som ansöker om Adoption utgår från heteronormativa och socialt konstruerade föreställningar om homosexualitet och föräldraskap.

I väntan på vårt barn - En studie kring kraven och förväntningarna på blivande adoptivföräldrar : Expect an addition to family - A study about the demands and expectations on the future adoptive parents.

To be able to adopt, the future adoptive parents must participate in parental education and have a home investigation done. The home investigation is extensive and great demands are made on the parents. The purpose with this study was to get an insight and understanding in the parents? thoughts and feelings about the demands and expectations that are made on them during an international Adoption. To answer this, we used these questions: Which demands and expectations are made on the future adoptive parents by the home investigator and the parental educator? How do the future adoptive parents experience the demands and expectations that are made on them before an Adoption? Does the apprehension about the demands and expectations differ between the future adoptive parents and the home investigator contrary the parental educator? We used a qualitative method, interviewing four couples of parents, one home investigator and one parental educator.

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