352 Uppsatser om Adaptation of tactics - Sida 6 av 24
Socialization and Identification of New Recruits in Knowledge Intensive Firms: A Case Study
Using the models from van Maanen and Schein (1977) and Dutton et al. (1994), we have been able to investigate the socialization process and organizational identification both from the organizational as well as the individual?s perspective. The link between these two perspectives establishes a better insight into the company?s actual socialization intentions and the individual?s identification with the firm.
Klimatförändringars påverkan på kulturmiljöer i Uppsala stad ur ett geovetenskapligt perspektiv
Cultural heritages are environments created by humans that are considered to have a conservation value for the posterity. They can be seen as one of society's non renewable resources. It is important to have knowledge of how cultural heritages are affected by future climate changes.The water flow in Uppsala is estimated to increase during winter and decrease during spring and summer. Precipitation will gradually increase as well as the intense short period precipitation. The average temperature is estimated to increase as well.
Är du privat eller offentlig? : En studie om vad som utmärker marknadskommunikationen i en privat respektive offentlig organisation.
The market communication in organisations is vital to manage the competition. Studies have shown the importance of market communication in both private and public organisations.Since the past decade market communication has been acknowledged as an instrument to provide the organisations target group with valid information.This thesis is a study about the differences in market communication between private and public organisations. To manage this we asked ourselves the question:?- What distinguish the market communication in a private respective a public organisation??We have done qualitative interviews to get the best result for our study. We have interviewed both types of organisations and our respondents have leading strategic position in their organisations.Our research highlights important differences between private and public organisations in matter of tactics in market communication.In conclusion the result shows a great difference in how an organization is managing their communicative strategies all depending on if it is a private owned company or a public organisation..
Äldre militärteoriers giltlighet imodern sjökrigföring
The amounts of theories that deal with naval warfare are many. Several of those are developed under the previous century when tactics and technology were in the eve of development. Many of modern thinkers within science of war often refer to older but recognized theories. The purpose of this essay is to examine if the old but recognized theories are of current interest in modern naval warfare. The questions that are used in this essay are, what is the characteristics of the war of Yom Kippur with Mahan?s offensive and Corbett?s defensive as a starting-point and are there any of the theories that are prominent.
En Adaptationsanalys av Oscar Wildes roman 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' och David Rosenbaums film 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'
Uppsatsen studerar hur Oscar Wildes roman 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' har överförts till filmen, genom att jämföra centrala karaktärer, förhållandet mellan 'story' och 'plot' samt hur man skildrar tiden och rummet i de olika medierna. Detta för att se vilken form av adaptation som använts. Teorin baseras på Brian McFarlane, Susan Hayward och Louis Giannetti m.fl..
Etablering i Australien - En komparativ fallstudie om anpassning av marknadsmixen och identifiering av framgångsfaktorer hos tre svenska företag
Globalization has stimulated the free markets and has made possible for Swedish companiesto expand internationally. Some markets have been deemed attractive and companies havechosen to enter them. The decisions concerning internationalization and marketing havedetermined the success of the companies on the new market. Therefore, several elementsbecome important: the motives behind the new market entry, the local marketcharacteristics and the adaptation of the four components of the marketing mix ? product,price, place and promotion.The purpose of this thesis is to study how three Swedish companies adapt their marketingmix to the local conditions in Australia and identifies success factors in order to help othercompanies considering a market entry.
The Impact of Customer Orientation on the Business Strategies: the Customisation Case of Nestlé on French and Chinese Dairy Markets
Background: As Porter?s diamond (1990) suggested, the business environment highly influences firms? strategies. Today, most of the companies have to decide their strategy depending from a worldwide business environment. Yet, strategy researches and the growing importance of marketing for business success also show that customer dimension must be taken into consideration. On some markets and in certain industries, the offer is much higher than the demand and then, companies need to attract customers.
?Vad är det jag gör egentligen?? - om att med videons hjälp bli medveten om helheten
This project consists of an adaptation, trial and evaluation of a model for practicing. Based on prior research I created a model aiming mainly to raise a musician?s self- awareness around the different parameters a performance consists of. An additional wish was for it to simultaneously assist the musician in monitoring his or her progress. With video recording and self-evaluation as the two main parts I tried the model by using it over a period of three months.
Support by a nurse to parents with a colic infant
Every six baby that is born gets colic. It means that the child cries for at least three hours three days a week. For the child?s parents this is one big strain and feelings like despair, helplessness and isolation are common. The nurse?s task is to support the parents through respectful and empathic actions in order to relieve sufferings and increase their feelings of confidence.
Monster, Motstånd, Makt & Magi
The aim of this thesis is to model my artistic practice on an adaptation of Joseph Campbells monomyth and, using this model, investigate challenges of performativity in art (in public spaces). The overall themes are personal, aesthetic and ethical sovereignty and an uncompromising search for a deepening of the artistic practice. More than anything else it is a map and a story of an artist?s expansion out into an artistic field that is little developed in Sweden. It is my hope that this thesis, by using a thoroughly subjective tone, will contribute to the milieu of performative arts in Sweden as well as widen the ?how? regarding the making of a written thesis..
Facklitteratur för barn ? ett försök till analysmodell
This thesis is about how to criticize the large number of non-fiction for children which is published nowadays. I have noticed that both librarians and teachers do not know what perspective to apply with regard to this category of books. There are some good ones, but also a lot of bad ones and some really bad ones. The purpose of this essay is to search by means of criteria from history of art, history of literature ? principally history of children's literature ? and pedagogy, for prevalent attitudes towards non-fiction for children.
Konceptbyggande med standardelement
Syftet med examensarbetet är att hjälpa ett företag med att införa standardlittera för deras prefabricerade betongelement som ingår i deras Konceptet. Införandet av standardlittera ska resultera till att återfinna och gruppera deras betongelement i CAD-systemen. We did our thesis project at one of the most prestigious Swedish construction companies. We have examined the possibilities of doing sandwich elements to standard elements which would increase the degree of industrialization. The company has developed a concept that is based on a more refined process of industrialization.
Västslaviska toponymer i Knýtlinga saga ur skrivarens perspektiv: ortografiska anpassningar eller ortografiska fel?
I denna uppsats undersöks ortografisk namnanpassning av västslaviska ortnamn i tre 1600-talshandskrifter av Knýtlinga saga, Cod. Holm. 41 4tox, Cod. Holm. 55 folx, och Lbs 222 folx.
Ett svenskt system i fjärde generationens krigföring
Stridsfordon 90 togs fram för att möta en reguljär motståndare på vårt eget territorium. Dagens krav och förutsättningar är annorlunda då striden främst genomförs i konfliktzoner utomlands, men även på vårt eget territorium. Motståndaren vi möter nyttjar andra metoder för att genomföra sin strid och agerar på ett annorlunda sätt än vad vi är övade vid.Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur ett förband med stridsfordon 90 lämpar sig i strid på dagens stridsfält mot en irreguljär motståndare. För att ta reda på detta så beskriver jag fjärde generationens krigföring och stridsfordon9040Cför att sedan kunna analysera och jämföra den taktiska nivån utifrån de grundläggande förmågorna.Användningen av strf 90 och mekskytteplutonens taktik mot en 4GW motståndare är lämpliga att användaapligt på den taktiska nivån. Mekskytteplutonens taktik är flexibel och sätter få begränsningar mot taktiken hos en anfallande 4GW motståndare..
Konstruktion av transportvagn för mat
This thesis is the result of the class Examensarbete, 15 credits of the mechanical engineering program at Halmstad University. The class represents the final part of the program with the aim to attain a Bachelor of Science. It´s a project made during the spring 2014 in collaboration with Alutrade AB and ScanBox Thermo Products AB.The assignment is to develop a new transportation trolley for ScanBox. The aim is to complement their range with a product that opens up to new markets. That set new demands for materials and also manufacturing- and assembly methods.