842 Uppsatser om Acute phase proteins - Sida 52 av 57
Arsenikförorenad mark efter träimpregnering : fastläggning, spridning och efterbehandling
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Miljöanpassade tjänsteresor. En kvalitativ studie av privata aktörers resepolicy
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Utformning av utskovskanaler och nedströmsslänter : En jämförelse av energidissipation vid överströmning av fyllnadsdammar
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Anpassade energisystemlösningar för passivhus - med hänsyn till byggnadens värmekapacitet
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Effektivisering av kvävereduktionen i en konstruerad våtmark avsedd att behandla avloppsvatten
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Utvärdering av Raman- och IR-spektroskopi, differentiell svepkalorimetri och dielektrisk spektroskopi för materialstudier på choklad
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Bärighetskontroll av obundna granular material. En jämförelse mellan olika bärighetskontroller samt en alternativ utvärderingsmetod av bärighet med Lätt Fallvikt
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Beräkningsmodell för osymmetrisk last och produktion i lågspänningsnätet
Produktion i lågspänningsnätet ökar kraftigt, bara under år 2014 dubblerades antalet nätanslutna solcellsanläggningar i Sverige. Utvecklingen ser ut att hålla i sig och då dessa anläggningar ofta är små är det troligt att flera ansluts genom en enfasigt ansluten växelriktare.Ett symmetriskt trefassystem består av tre fasspänningarna med samma amplitud, frekvens och förskjutna 120? från varandra. Laster och produktionsenheter som inte är trefasigt nätanslutna ger upphov till ett osymmetriskt driftfall. Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka hur spänningen påverkas av osymmetriska laster och produktionsenheter i Vattenfalls lågspänningsnät.
Mekanisk sårrengöringsapparatur för vården : En studie i sköljningsoptimering
?Mechanical debridment ? A studie in irrigation optimization? is a final thesis which was executed by Fredrick Ekman, in close collaboration with the other group member Mikael Johansson, during the spring 2012. The thesis was carried out through Karlstad University Faculty of Technology and Science in the study program of Innovation and Design Engineering (180 ECTS credits). The client of the project was Medilink AB located in Lindesberg, and the contact person was Nils-Erik Söderström, Chief Executive Officer. The project was supervised by lecturer, Lennart Wihk, and examined by lecturer and professor Fredrik Thuvander at Karlstad University.
Erfarenhetsåterföring i praktiken : En studie vid Jernhusen AB
This examination has been made in cooperation with Jernhusen which is an estate company owned by the government, with estates along the railways in Sweden. This assignment is to help Jernhusens business area Projektfastigheter with their experience feedback, which is to-day almost absent. Business area Projektfastigheter has the task of supporting Jernhusens three other business areas with skills and resources for the estate projects that Jernhusen runs. Jernhusen must become stronger with the collecting of experiences and as a business because of the liberalization of the railways, which leads to a more competitive market. A tool for this is successful experience feedback.The concept of experience feedback is to gain experience across a variety of cases, where individuals and/or groups can chose situations with relevant similarities and differences with current case.
Att kunna lite kan göra mycket : Socialarbetarens möten med personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar
In this paper we have chosen to focus on social workers and their experiences of interacting with clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities, in example persons with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), Asperger syndrome, autism and/or Tourette syndrome. The main purpose was to look into three areas: What knowledge do social workers mean that they need about neuropsychiatric disabilities and how can their needs of knowledge can be met? How do they experience the meeting with a person with neuropsychiatric disabilities? How does the cooperation function between authorities regarding persons with neuropsychiatric disabilities?Definition of the concept of disability and function from a historical perspective points out that the approach has changed over time. Previous research studies of the interaction in meeting between the client and the social worker shows that the social worker carries two faces, so called aspects. The first aspect is about help and care and the second aspect is about administrative functions.
Design och konstruktion av kaross till ögonstyrt arkadspel
Tobii Technology AB is a global leading company in eye tracking. The technology is a part of acomputer screen called an eye tracker. It enables computers to follow eye movement whichfurther make it possible to control the computer by only using your eyes.The mission was to develop an arcade game for eye controlled games that Tobii can use in theirmarketing or as a tool when doing researches about the interest in the technology amongst gamecompanies. The product realization involved designing an innovative, functional and futuristiccase which gathered the existing hardware and software to build the final prototype. In order toattract users it was important to focus on the visual expressions.Initially, the project started off with an information retrieval which contained interviews, fieldstudies, tests and literature studies.
Kort speltid ? djupt intryck : spel som hyrfilm
SVENSKA: Vårt kandidatarbete gick ut på att ta reda på om det var möjligt att utveckla ett kort spel i hög teknisk kvalitet och ändå skapa ett djupt intryck på spelaren. Under projektets gång utvecklade vi, med hjälp av UDK (Unreal Development Kit), ett skräckspel i 3D till PC vid namn The Horror at MS Aurora. För att erhålla den höga tekniska kvaliteten som vi var ute efter användes metoder som räknas som standard för stora speltitlar på marknaden: Animationer spelades in med Motion Capture och musiken skrevs med en full symfoniorkester i åtanke. Innan produktionsfasen tog vid gick alla gruppmedlemmarna igenom en research-fas, där var och en satte sig in i de områden som skulle komma att vara aktuella under produktionen (d.v.s. hur UDK fungerar, musikteori och orkestrationsteknik, hur man arbetar med Motion Capture-data o.s.v.).
Alkoholintag efter träning och dess inverkan på muskeluppbyggnad och återhämtning hos vuxna män - En systematisk litteraturöversikt
Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Alcohol consumption after training and its effects on muscle gain and recovery adult menAuthor: Frida Carlstedt, Puck JanssonSupervisor: Frode SlindeExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 09, 2014Background: Today, the Swedish population exceeds the recommendations for alcohol intake while advised to move at least thirty minutes a day. It is well established what happens if you drink alcohol before a workout or if you workout the day after an alcohol intake, but it is less well established how muscle gain and recovery are affected by an intake of alcohol in the phase of recovery.Objective: The objective of this review is to investigate if there is a relation between alcohol intake after a workout and effected recovery and muscle gain. This was performed by measuring the outcomes cortisol, testosterone, creatine kinase as well as different measures of muscle strength. The issue was ?Does an intake of alcohol after training affect recovery and muscle gain??Search strategy: A systematic review in the databases PubMed and Scopus with the MeSH-terms: exercise, muscles, recovery of function, training, athletic performance, performance, sport, alcohol drinking, alcohols, alcohol and ethanol.Selection criteria: Criteria for articles to be included in this review were that they would be RCT- and human studies in healthy subjects as well as containing an ethanol intake after a physical activity that consisted of weight training in the form of resistance training or other forms of activity that promotes strength.Data collection and analysis: A systematic search for literature as mentioned above (search strategy) was performed as well as an analysis with the SBU quality review template for randomized studies, and a quality review for each measure of outcome according to Gothenburg University summarized evidence template for measures of outcome.4Main results: Many studies are authored by the same group of researchers and/or are of a lower quality.
Spin-off-fallstudier på Saab, Volvo Aero och Ericsson Microwave
Sweden is one of five nations in the world manufacturing fighter aircrafts. Highly advanced technology is needed in order to develop a fighter aircraft. When developing advanced technology, new applications, other than those initially intended occur, spin-off. Some of Sweden?s largest companies are spin-offs from the fighter aircraft industry.