842 Uppsatser om Acute phase proteins - Sida 50 av 57
Gimo bruksområde - inventering och riskklassning enligt MIFO fas 1 :
This master thesis encompasses an inventory of the older industrial community of Gimo.
Investigations of the contamination situation for each industrial area were done. A risk
classification according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s ?Method of
Surveying Contaminated Sites?, phase one, followed. The risk classification was done on
areas of Iron Work, a rockwool industry and a landfill.
Gimo have had iron manufacturing from 1615 until 1945. Gimo have had two blast-furnaces
and two smithies periodically.
Laddningens påverkan på sprängskadeutbredningen
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Uppföljning av räckesreparationskostnader inom Vägverket Region Norr/Sydöst
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Mätning och undersökning av elkvalitén i elnätet på reningsverket GRYYAB, Göteborg
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Ekonomiska konsekvenser för energisparande åtgärder vid ombyggnad. Upprustning av miljonprogrammet
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Förändring som styrmedel : En studie av implementering av nya rutiner på IKEA Örebro
This paper aims to study the Armenakis´ theory of readiness, "are they ready?", which consists of five key components affecting the outcome of an organizational change. In this case study, the intention is to investigate if any component is important; alternatively if it is possible to discern a pattern between components, i.e. how they correspond to each other. During the past 30 years have a research group lead by Armenakis has studied organizational change and how resistance to change can be avoided by preparing employees in the introductory phase of change. The main object for Armenakis is the question "what determines whether the employees (change recipients) adopt and support, or reject and resist a change".
Destinationsutveckling under politisk kris : En fallstudie om Tunisien 2011
The authors have during the spring semester 2011 studied the subject destination development during a political crisis, focusing on Tunisia. At the beginning of 2011 the country was in an uncertain political situation when the revolution of the Tunisian people occurred. This created massive demonstrations on the streets, and resulted in the current government's resignation. More effects of the revolution has been seen in a drastic decline of inbound tourists in the country, which in turn affected the country's population and economy. From this point on Tunisia as a destination needs to recover to once again become attractive to tourists.
Anläggningsmätning med moderna metoder. Från projektering till färdig anläggning
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Förhöjda havsnivåers påverkan på trafiksystemen. En analys av riskläget i Göteborgs innerstad
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Passivhusteknik i ett svenskt klimat - en byggnadsfysikalisk riskinventering och erfarenhetssammanställning av befintliga passivhusprojekt
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Industriellt byggande på arbetsplatsen - En jämförelse mellan olika produktionsmetoder för trähus
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Samverkansanalys mellan påle och kohesionsjord. Studie av FE-programmet PLAXIS 3D FOUNDATION
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Den kollektiva missuppfattningen. En studie om missuppfattningar om färdmedelsalternativen bil och kollektivtrafik, för boende i Hjuvik
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Kartering av föroreningskällor i urbana avrinningsområden
On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.
Orsaker till mekaniska skador på nötslaktkroppar som uppstått under transporten till slakteriet eller på slakteriets stall :
In the Swedish abattoirs there are assistants that judge the slaughtered animals in regard to diseases and injuries. All diseases and injuries assign different codes. This master?s thesis is about code 42 which means injuries of different kinds like for example bruises etc. These injuries have risen during the transport from the farm to the abattoir lairage or during the stay at the lairage before slaughter.