

298 Uppsatser om Actuarial assumptions - Sida 3 av 20

Metoder för prediktion av kardiovaskulär sjukdom med njurfunktionen

This study examines if the prediction of cardiovascular disease in hypertensive patients can be improved upon when renal function and microalbuminuria are added to the classical risk factors The predictive capability of a model is measured by discrimination, calibration, reclassification and Harrell's C.The results are ambigious. In most cases, microalbuminuria should be included in the model, but the results regarding the other measures of renal function are varied. Therefore, the selection of risk factors to include in the model depends on which measure of prediction one prioritizes..

Postmodernismens ambivalens - En korrelation mellan postmodernism och nyliberalism

Postmodernism and neo-liberalism is often thought of as two opposite conceptions of the reality and the world. This thesis takes on a critical view of this assertion and the main purpose was to perform a correlation between postmodernism and neo-liberalism. With different theoretical assumptions about constructions of thoughts, agency and structure and the welfare-state a theoretical framework was created. According to this framework the two isms were correlated to each other and the welfare-state to see if there where similarities or dissimilarities between the isms. The assumptions of this thesis are that there are correlations between postmodernism and neo-liberalism in the constructions of thoughts, namely similar view on epistemology.

I regnbågens skugga : En analys av kommuners diskurser kring våld inom hbt-relationer

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish municipal welfare system, in their capacity as discourse makers, construct Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the relationships of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. A discourse analysis of their official plans of action regarding IPV and the information directed towards their citizens through their webpages showed that the discourse surrounding IPV revealed a gender dichotomy, where the victim was mainly constructed as being female and the perpetrator as male. As a consequence of this, gay and bisexual men were rendered invisible from the discourse surrounding victims of IPV, although they could be included in the construction of perpetrators of it. Lesbian and bisexual women were often included in the understanding of victims of IPV, but in the discourse surrounding perpetrators of it they were made invisible. The discourse about IPV also excluded the experiences and vulnerability of people who identify as being transgendered.

Trots allt, en människa : En undersökning av två dagstidningars framställning av personer med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar

The aim of this study is to illuminate images and discourses, in which media describe people with disabilities. The purpose of the study will be fulfilled, by answering the following questions: Is it possible to discern categories of how people with disabilities are described in the media and is it possible to find associations to handicap models? We have chosen to focus on how media describe people with physical impairments and have made a content analyses of articles, based on the theoretic aim of this study, social constructionism, handicap models and earlier research. Underlying the analyses, are six articles from two Swedish news papers. The results of our research are divided in three categories: assumptions which are taken for granted, hidden meanings and contradicted categories.

En jämförelse av stickprovsmetoder vid mätning av radioaktivetet på en yta

This study compares the sample variance of the mean in a simple random sample (SRS) and a systematic sample from a surface. The study also compares the prediction error variance in a SRS and systematic sample from a random field. Recommendations are presented on which method to use in the clearance and exemption process in the nuclear industry. The results indicate that quadratic systematic sampling outperformed SRS in most instances and proved to be especially efficient in the presence of a long-ranged covariance function and high sampling intensity (i.e. short distances between observations).

Franchiseföretaget jobzone : En studie om utmaningar och problem kring överföring av affärskoncept och organisationskultur

ABSTRACTHelena Nowachek The purpose of the following study is to focus upon the possibilities and challenges associated with the transference of corporate culture from one organization to another. I have chosen to address this by looking at the franchise company Jobzone, which works specifically with recruitment and outsourcing. As a method I have interviewed three people in Jobzone: one person who is responsible for education, one franchising boss in Sweden and one franchisee. To delineate the concept of culture I apply both Schein?s model, in which he divides culture into the three levels of artifacts, values and basic assumptions, as well as a general theory of communication.

Lean Utifrån tre praktikers syn på begreppet.

Lean is one of the recent years most popular methods for organizations to use in order to increase efficiency, productivity and quality. Despite Lean's increased popularity, Lean is still difficult to define and can be explained and described in different ways. Previous studies have also shown that Lean is difficult to implement and challenging to maintain successfully. Knowledge of Lean is viewed as a necessity in the implementation of Lean, which leads to that organizations often chooses to bring in this knowledge through external consultants or other experts in order to implement Lean in their organization. Thus, it is interesting to examine the consultants view on Lean and the implementation process of Lean.

Vem tillhör mångkulturen? Ideologi, förkroppsligande och gränsdragningar i svenskämnenas läroplaner

In 2011, the new upper secondary school curriculum Lgy 11 set out to distinguish the characteristics of the two subjects Swedish and Swedish as a second language. This thesis analyzes the consequences, or rather the underlying premises for such a characterization with the contradictory ideologies of the multicultural society as a point of departure. Using theories of cultural and linguistic hegemony, the thesis applies an ideological critique to the comparative text analysis of the two curriculums. The aim is to reveal the underlying assumptions of the two student bases as representatives of the majority society and the minorities. The results show that the characterizations of the two subjects are dominantly made along the line of the multicultural experience versus linguistic and cultural heritage.

Reala optioner : ett strategiskt verktyg

Background: Businesses are traditionally valued with the so called Discounted Cash Flow-model. When valuing newly-started businesses, surrounded by high uncertainty, and whose capital mostly consists of unrealized business opportunities, the Discounted Cash Flow-model needs to be complemented if the total value of the business is to be captured. A valuation with the help of real options is capable of valuing these unrealized opportunities, which often exist in newly-started businesses. The unrealized opportunities are to be found in the business plan of the business, why this needs to be valued to capture the total value of a newly-started business. Purpose: To demonstrate what the use of real options can result in when valuing businesses.

Nya IAS 19 : Inför borttagandet av korridormetoden 2013

Bakgrund och problem: IAS 19 genomgår en ny förändring då en av redovisningsmetoderna för aktuariella vinster och förluster avskaffas. Korridormetoden, som fungerar som en utjämningsmekanism är den mest frekvent tillämpade metoden av stora börsnoterade bolag i Sverige. Avskaffningen av metoden väntas få effekter på dessa företags finansiella ställning då företag 2013 kommer tvingas ta fram sina oredovisade aktuariella förluster och redovisa dessa i sin helhet.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera berörda aktörers uppfattning om nya IAS 19 som träder i kraft 2013 samt vilken påverkan den förväntas ha på börsnoterade företag som idag tillämpar korridormetoden.Metod: Genom intervjuer inhämtade vi material av kvalitativ natur. Data av denna karaktär är bäst lämpad för vår studie då vi vill undersöka inställningar till en förändring som ännu inte har trätt i kraft och som kommer beröra företags finansiella rapportering.Resultat och slutsats: Kritiken från två av de tillfrågade gällande korridormetoden rör inte den utjämningsmekanism som finns, utan snarare att metoden inte har genomfört sitt syfte som man upptäckt på senare år.  Detta har i sin tur lett till att företag samlat på sig stora aktuariella förluster i samband med sina pensionsåtaganden.Då IAS 19 har krävt flera omarbetningar och den senaste modifieringen av standarden kan ses som en tillfällig lösning tills att man kommer fram till en metod som speglar skulden på ett mer korrekt sätt. Borttagandet av korridormetoden har enligt respondenterna fler fördelar än nackdelar vilket för pensionsredovisningen vidare i utvecklingen.

Arbetsmiljöekonomisk utvärdering av ergonomiförbättringar : Grundade i antaganden om sjukfrånvaro och förändring i arbetsbelastning efter intervention inom en avdelning i läkemedelsbranschen

The purpose of this study is to incrementally, through a combination of various methods, examine the assumptions about the working economic outcomes that can be made based on planned ergonomic intervention in a department at Pfizer Health AB in Strängnäs. The study contributes to knowledge about how assumptions on OSH financial results can be made, based on planned ergonomic interventions. These assumptions were based on biomechanical calculations made on the basis of ergonomics measurements with inclinometer. The study is important because previous research has shown that poor work environment have a bad impact on the economy of a company in different ways. It can for example be negative impact on the company's productivity and quality of the units produced or the services provided.

Portföljoptimering med courtageavgifter

Ever since it was first introduced in an article in the Journal of Finance 1952, Harry Markowitz? mean - variance model for portfolio selection has become one of the best known models in finance. The model was one of the first in the world to deal with portfolio optimization mathematically and have directly or indirectly inspired the rest of the world to develop new portfolio optimization methods. Although the model is one of the greatest contributions to modern portfolio theory, critics claim that it may have practical difficulties. Partly because the Markowitz model is based on various assumptions which do not necessarily coincide with the reality.

Det aktuariella arbetet : att uppskatta en framtida pensionsskuld enligt IAS 19

Standarden IAS 19, ersättningar till antällda, infördes den 1 januari 2005. Standarden behandlar fyra olika områden, ett av dem är ersättning efter avslutad anställning i form av pensioner. En förmånsbestämd pensionsplan innebär att en anställd vid pensionsavgång får en garanterad förmån. För att företaget på ett tillförlitligt sätt ska redovisa denna framtida skuld, måste de uppskatta ett antal olika aktuariella antaganden. Svårigheterna med dessa uppskattningar och vårt intresse för pensionsredovisning, mynnade ut i denna uppsats problemformulering: Hur sker och uppfattas arbetet med de aktuariella antagandena? Syftet är att genom en enkätstudie med företag på Stockholmsbörsen och telefonintervjuer med aktuarier kartlägga hur arbetet med de aktuariella antagandena ser ut och även skapa oss en uppfattning om hur respondenterna bedömer den nya standarden jämfört med tidigare praxis och norm.Vi vill tolka och försöka förstå hur arbetet kan se ut hos de personer som arbetar med de aktuariella antagandena.

Det aktuariella arbetet : att uppskatta en framtida pensionsskuld enligt IAS 19

Standarden IAS 19, ersättningar till antällda, infördes den 1 januari 2005. Standarden behandlar fyra olika områden, ett av dem är ersättning efter avslutad anställning i form av pensioner. En förmånsbestämd pensionsplan innebär att en anställd vid pensionsavgång får en garanterad förmån. För att företaget på ett tillförlitligt sätt ska redovisa denna framtida skuld, måste de uppskatta ett antal olika aktuariella antaganden. Svårigheterna med dessa uppskattningar och vårt intresse för pensionsredovisning, mynnade ut i denna uppsats problemformulering: Hur sker och uppfattas arbetet med de aktuariella antagandena? Syftet är att genom en enkätstudie med företag på Stockholmsbörsen och telefonintervjuer med aktuarier kartlägga hur arbetet med de aktuariella antagandena ser ut och även skapa oss en uppfattning om hur respondenterna bedömer den nya standarden jämfört med tidigare praxis och norm.Vi vill tolka och försöka förstå hur arbetet kan se ut hos de personer som arbetar med de aktuariella antagandena.

?Pengarna finns i systemet? : Digitalt bevarande i Sveriges nationella strategi för arbetet med digitalisering och elektroniskt bevarande av kulturarvet

The aim of this two year master thesis is to analyze how digital preservation is presented as a problem in the Swedish national strategy for the digitization and digital preservation of the Swedish cultural heritage. In order to study which assumptions about digital preservation exists within the strategy I apply the discourse oriented methodological tools presented by Carol Lee Bacchi, which focuses on discerning what problem or, rather, representation of a problem exists within a specific policy. This study is a post-structuralist discourse analysis. The main focus of the study is on what assumptions and prerequisites the dominating representation of the problem is based upon and how the representation has evolved. The main material of the study consists of public investigations conducted by the Swedish state, governmental propositions and replies as well as other public documents upon which Bacci's methodological tools are applied.Results show that digital preservation is primarily interpreted as a financial problem as the national strategy and its surrounding documents stress the need of cost-efficient solutions.

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