

10160 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 36 av 678

Bilden av kvinnan i Library of Congress Classification En genusstudie av Library of Congress Classifications första och senaste upplaga

I have done a comparative gender study of Library of Congress Classification from 1900 and 2001. I have also used a hermeneutic method and ideological critics to find out what picture of women the both systems shows. In my comparative study of the both systems I have found low update of classes which relates to women in the new classification system. Men seem to be a norm in the system, because men are not defined in classes related to both men and women. But many classes related to women are named Women as and Women in The study also shows that women are more related to subjects about family and marriage than men are.

Användarinvolvering vid systemutvecklingsprojekt i vården

Vårdsektorns IT-system fungerar inte optimalt ur användarsynpunkt då acceptansen bland de olika professionerna är låg.  När IT-systemen inte klarar av att stötta vårdaktörerna i deras dagliga arbete så kan det medföra en rad olika följder så som stress, tidsbrist och minskad patientsäkerhet. Därför ser vi att IT-systemen bör utvecklas ut användarsynpunkt för att klara av att fylla sin funktion som ett hjälpmedel i vården. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka hur användarinvolvering vid systemutvecklingsprojekt i vården kan utvecklas. Genom en intervjustudie så kartlades den nuvarande situationen i vården. Med detta som utgångspunkt har vi sedan föreslagit tekniker och verktyg som kan hjälpa leverantörer och beställare att förbättra användarinvolveringen vid implementering av nya IT-system i vården.Nyckelord; IT-system i vård, användarinvolvering, Participatory Design, systemutveckling.

IT och HR varför så krångligt? : En kvalitativ undersökning av ett personaladministrationssystem i ett landsting

IT exist and are needed in larger organisations today, this creates possibilities for new applications. It has become more frequent with IT within HRM which has developed new concepts like e-HRM and HRIS which links IT and HRM together. We have through qualitative content analysis of interviews investigated how IT-tools affect HR-workmanship. The purpose is to create a basis for describing how employees experience their work with HR within a PA-system. The basis of the PA-system will then answer if it contributes or limits the employees and their activities.

Bildningsrummet. Om bildningsbegreppet i folkbiblioteksdiskursen.

The Swedish concept of bildning, related to the German Bildung, finding its correspondence in English in refinement, formation and culture, is an important, though traditional rather than modern concept in cultural policy and sphere. The concept connected to the activity of the public library is relevant, as the library uses the word as a description of parts of its work. The meaning of the concept can easily be seen to be complex as well as disputed, borders on and is related to other concepts. The paper discusses different meanings to the concept according to different Swedish authors, as well as the connection of the concept to related ones. The varieties and differences are expressed as differences in discourse.

Ideologisk inverkan på SAB:s klassificering av arkeologiavdelning J

The Swedish Library Classification System, known as the SAB-system, can be viewed as a product of the cultural and social norms and values in Sweden during the time in which it was created and subsequently reviewed. The main purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine the archaeology section J in the SAB-system, in order to observe if values and norms within this discipline had any impact on the Swedish Library classification system. Our intention is therefore to verify any correspondence between the choice of topics and hierarchical structure of that section, and the values and norms that ruled the Swedish society during the 20th century at large but with particular emphasis to the academic discipline of Archaeology. At the present, Archaeology is often disputed as a value-free interpretive science.

Critical Success Factors When Performing a Superior Supplier Evaluation ? a Benchmark Study at Sony Ericsson and Tetra Pak

Problem discussion: Long-term supplier relationships have become more common. Hence, supplier evaluation is a critical activity for many companies. However, making a relevant supplier evaluation is time consuming. Therefore, it is important to decide which of the suppliers to put an extra effort on. Should all suppliers be evaluated in the same way? Previous, focus has been on purchasing of direct material.

Geoenergilager Xylem : Visualisering och lönsamhet

Inom svensk process- och tillverkningsindustri finns det stora mängder spillvärme som sällan kommer till användning. Att hitta olika tekniska lösningar för att effektivt tillvarata denna spillvärme skapar både nytta ur ett hållbart perspektiv samt ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv för företaget.I denna rapport presenteras en utarbetad beräkningsmodell i Excel. Beräkningsmodellen används för att uppskatta lönsamheten för anläggning av ett högtemperaturlager i berggrunden. Excel-filen ska kunna användas för företag som en första uppskattning om ett borrhålslager är ett alternativ för tillvaratagande av spillvärme. Utformningen av beräkningsmallen utgick från Xylems högtemperaturlager i Emmaboda.Beräkningsmallen testades på Xylems borrhålslager.

Kan vi inte ha en sån där istället? : om teknisk kravställning på ett fartygsbaserat UAV-system

Detta arbete kretsar kring obemannade luftfartyg, UAV, avsedda att baseras ombord påörlogsfartyg. Regelverk och standarder tillsammans med befintliga fartygs-, helikopter- ochUAV-system utgör ett ramverk inom vilket ett scenario leder fram till grundläggande tekniskakrav för de delsystem som ingår i ett fartygsbaserat UAV-system. Kraven, som är framtagnamed spårbarhet i sjöoperativa förmågor, erfarenheter från den miljö ett luftburet system skaverka i ombord och systemexempel som visar vad som är möjligt att uppnå med dagenstekniknivå, presenteras som ett förslag till värderingskriterier och effektmått med tyngdpunktpå de krav som ställs på luftfartyget (UAV) i sig..

Spelet om spelandet : En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb

AbstractTitle: The game of playing: A media ethnographic study of children playing videogames on a Swedish after school recreation centre. Spelet om spelandet: En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb.Number of pages: 46Author: Peter BrandbergTutor: Amelie HössjerPeriod: Spring term 2008Course: Media and Communication studies DUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim with this study is to describe how children play video games in an everyday context. In this study this context consists of a Swedish after school recreation centre. By combining three different aspects on the activity this study tries to understand how both the video game and the social and cultural context in which the activity takes place in influences it. This by taking one analyse of the specific game that the children played at the time of the study and how the overall environment is structured into account.

Förstudie för kvalitetssäkringav glidande förband vid Hissmoforsvattenkraftsstation : -Specifikt för aggregat G6 och G7

Jämtkraft AB which is a power production company in Sweden has bought two newhydro power units to their station in Hissmofors. The two new generators are using aconcept with sliding stator feet to handle the thermal expansion.The concept with sliding stator feet on hydro electric generators has not beenworking satisfactory on many hydro power stations in Sweden and has caused a lot ofcosts due to long downtimes.The new station in Hissmofors is very important for Jämtkraft AB, and therefore theywant to know how to make sure that the sliding stator feet are working as theyshould. According to theories and a simplified model of the generator the stator feetdisplacement should be around 1 -1,6 mm.The generators are delivered with a surveillance system that will measure thedisplacement of the sliding stator feet. The signal from the system isn?t accessible forJämtkraft AB but it will alarm when the sliding stator feet are malfunctioning.To secure the function of the sliding feet a logger for the surveillance system or adifferent measurement system must be used; if both systems are used Jämtkraft cansecure the function of the surveillance system..

Utvärdering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder på Bokelundskolan i Växjö

The purpose with this report is to examine how the implemented energy efficiency measures on Bokelundskolan in Växjö have had impact on the energy use. The measures which have been implemented are, new ventilation system, new heating system, optimized adjustment of the heating system, new windows with U-value 1.2 and lower window height, insulation under windows and in the crawl space. The school's energy use before and after rebuilding has been calculated with the calculation program, Vip-Energy 1.5.5.Calculations of energy use for the school with windows on U-value, 0.9 and 0.7 have also been done. The replacement of windows has been studied from a cost perspective. The conclusion is that the exchange of heat and ventilation system was the biggest contributor to reduced energy use on Bokelundskolan.

Hund lämnad ensam i bil :

This project was initiated by a desire to improve our knowledge about animal welfare. It is a part of a series of projects involving the way dogs are kept in today?s society. The aim of this project was to investigate the dog?s behaviour when left alone in a parked car.

En för alla och alla för en : En jämförande studie mellan traditionellt grupparbete och kooperativt lärande

This is a comparative study between traditional group work and cooperative learning among 9 graders at a Swedish high school. The classes did an assignment that involved translating and then both students and teachers answered a questionnaire. An example of how profitable cooperative learning is is the fact that the speech activity was more equal in the cooperative groups. All the students in the cooperative groups had to contribute to the assignment in order to fulfill the assignment. The reason for higher speech activity is the structure of cooperative learning, which involves roles suited for the assignment.

Acne Jeans och Öresund: Hur förändras verksamhetsstyrningen i ett kreativt modeföretag när det inleder samarbete med ett riskkapitalbolag?

We have performed a case study on Acne Jeans, a creative Swedish fashion company, which initiated a cooperation with the Swedish venture capital firm Öresund. The aim of our paper was to examine what motivates a venture capital firm to transform the management control system of a creative company, into a more formal system of control. Main results: Öresund did not have an excessive impact on the management control system of Acne Jeans, due to three main reasons. First of all, Acne Jeans had a satisfactory management control system prior to the cooperation. Furthermore, the relationship between the two parties was characterized by mutual trust.

Ett aktivit företag : Undersökning av motivationsfaktorer och barriärer samt underlag till utveckling för fler fysiskt aktiva anställda

Syftet med studien var att undersöka den fysiska aktivitetsnivån hos de anställda samt ta reda på vilka motivationsfaktorer och barriärer de upplevde till fysisk aktivitet. Syftet innefattade även att se om motiv och barriärer skiljde sig beroende på aktivitetsnivå, ålder och kön. En del av syftet var även att undersöka hur aktiviteten kring företagets erbjudande till fysisk aktivitet såg ut. Undersökningen genomfördes genom att deltagarna (n=139) besvarade en omarbetad form av Motivation Till Upprätthållande Av Motionsvanor (MTUAM), en svensk version av Physical Activity Stages Of Change samt några bakgrundsfrågor. Resultatet visade att 55 procent var tillräckligt fysiskt aktiva enligt Folkhälsoinstitutets rekommendationer.

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