
10160 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 33 av 678
Fysisk självkänsla hos barn och ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom
Background: It is common that children and adolecsents with Aspergers syndrome have impaired motor skills and are less physically active than neurotypical children and adolecsents. Studies conducted on neurotypical children shows that children and adolecsents who are regular physical active also have a good motor control and a good physical self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical self-esteem of children and adolescents with Aspergers syndrome. Study Group: 36 children and adolescents aged 9-15 years with a diagnosis of Aspergers syndrome was asked to participate in the survey. 18 children, 16 boys and 2 girls, responded to the questionnarie about physical self-esteem which 17 of the answers could be used in the study.
Riskfyllda aktivitetsutrymmen? : En studie av två barn med utländsk bakgrund bosatta i miljöer med skilda socioekonomiska förutsättningar
This study has as an objective to compare and evaluate the living conditions of two immigrant children residing in different places in Sweden. Given that immigrants often are looked upon as a social and physical vulnerable group in relation to disadvantageous socioeconomic conditions the children's lives were analyzed in relation to four public health objects. By using Runkeeper, GIS, Equipop data, time geographic material, telephone conversations and a web survey the children lives are analyzed within their activity spaces. The children formed their lives in different socioeconomic environments and adapted their lives after their conditions. The perspective on individual level can be put in contrast with studies based on society level.
Bonussystem -Sett ur anställdas perspektiv-
Background: Different forms of reward systems have been more common in Sweden and are used in purpose to motivate employees to work in accordance with a company?s goals. By creating work motivation among the employees, a more congruent situation can appear between them and the managers, and the company can perform better results. Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to study and analyse a reward system from the employees perspective, regarding it?s affect on work motivation.
"En barnbibliotekarie finner förr eller senare folksagan" om folksagans ställning på fyra bibliotek
The object of this master thesis was to examine the significance of fairy tales for children and the extent which children today are able to share fairy tales through the activity of the libraries. The main question was: how current were fairy tales at the investigated libraries activity for children and how current were fairy tales in todays book publication? The qualitative methods used were in the form of interviews, statistics and source studies. The theoretical literature in this thesis described the folkloristic context of the fairy tales. There was also a psychological and a pedagogical view of the possibility of the fairy tales.
Före detta tandhygieniststuderandes uppfattning om utbildningen vid Högskolan Kristianstad
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate former dental hygienist students? view regarding their education at Kristianstad University.Material and methods: This quantitative study was descriptive and the data collection method was used by a questionnaire. This was sent by post to former dental hygienist students at Kristianstad University. In total, 57 dental hygienists participated in the study.Result: The majority of the respondents (94 %, n=54) were content with their education. The education?s primary strength turned out to be the clinical activity that is conducted while at the same time there was a wish for more practice.
Datorsystem för kvalitetskontroll och temperaturövervakning med värmekamerateknik
The work was carried out on Termisk Systemteknisk?s office in Linköping. The aim was to create a computer system with infrared camera technology for quality control and temperature monitoring of manufacturing processes in industry. The system should be configurable such that it can be used on several different issues, including those where the real-time analysis of camera images is required.The developed system is based on an existing framework, Panola, to deal with measurement results and images in a database. The framework is built for the system continually check for new data , and the task was to create a foundation upon which to build systems that use the framework, but fully or partially utilize direct calls .
Vad är balans? : Balansförmåga hos barn i skolåldern
AimThe specific questions in the theoretic part were:What is contained in the terms "balance and balance skill" and how can this skill be measured?The specific questions in the empirical part were:How does balance skill in different age categories of children correlate with biological and physiological parameters such as age, gender, body height, weight and level of physical activity?MethodsLiterature search based on books and scientific papers related to the questions posed above. Selection was made at libraries and on?line through "Pubmed". Specific search words were used.
Möjlighet till flyttning av juridiska personers säte inom EU : Finns det behov av ytterligare harmonisering?
The freedom of establishment is a fundamental right on the internal market which enables companies to take up and pursue activity in other member states, ?host states?, in a non discriminatory way. In situations where a company wishes to use the right to establish in a host state, complications will be discovered since the member states are applying different principles for deciding the nationality of a company. Since the Treaty of the Function of the European Union recognize both principles, and both of the legal areas company law and European international private law lack harmonization regarding companies wishing to perform such a transaction, the situation today brings the possibility that such a company could be covered by the legal system of several member states, or maybe no legal system at all.The Court of Justice of the European Union has through case law contributed to make the scope of the freedom of establishment a little bit clearer but there are still difficulties regarding situations when a company wishes to transfer its seat to another member state with a change of nationality. Today?s measures, for example the SE-company, is not enough to satisfy the companies wishing to transfer their seat to another member state.
Analys av skillnader mellan internationell och svensk rapportering av inträffade händelser på kärnkraftverk
Report of diploma work conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in their barriers or the defense in depth in obedience to SSM?s regulations concerning safety in nuclear facilities. In addition, there is an international system for reporting such events. The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish report system and to analyze the differences between Swedish and international event reporting.In the Swedish system, SSM?s regulations are effectuated by means of event reports classified as category 1-3, designed individually at each Swedish facility.
Design och implementering av styrlagar för generisk flygplansmodell
For research purposes Saab has developed a generic mathematical model denoted VEGAS of an aircraft with a configuration similar to JAS 39 Gripen. Today parts of Gripen backup control system are used also for VEGAS making the system subject to both corporate and defense secrecy. The main objective of this master thesis is to design, verify and implement public pitch axis flight control system for VEGAS. Furthermore, simplifications regarding the design process is to be examined. Design of pitch axis flight control system for the entire flight envelope has been carried out.
Fibonacci och hans matematik : En titt på Fibonaccis matematiska liv och det han lämnat efter sig
This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..
This thesis has been made in cooperation with Forsheda Stålverktyg AB which develops and manufactures injection moulds and diecasting tools. The main concern has been their Trading-system which provides them with considerable amount of quality lost function.Focus has to however be put on the analysis of the Trading-system due to the fact that this has previously meant various quality issues for the company.This thesis treats quality assurance of the Trading-system, identification of the problems in the process and improvements of these problems.Quality assurance is carried out when a company detects that their quality based costs become too high. Quality based cost are? the costs that would disappear if a company's products and its different operational processes were absolute? (Sörqvist, 2001 p.30, free translation from Swedish). High quality based costs often result in increased quality problems, which can lead to substantial economic loss for the company.This work has resulted in a thorough review of the Trading-system whereupon problems have been identified.
Användning av CRM-system : En kvalitativ studie om CRM-användning för att stödja företags kundrelationer
Företag befinner sig i en konkurrenskraftig värld och för att lyckas överleva måste de ta handom sina befintliga kunder såväl som attrahera nya. Med hjälp av dagens teknologi, har företagmöjlighet att lagra information om sina kunder och kan därför få en ökad förståelse förkunders beteende och önskemål. CRM-system (Customer Relationship Management-system)är ett hjälpmedel i detta arbete och har därför blivit en prioriterad investering för företag dåkunder betraktas som dess viktigaste tillgång. CRM-system är en kostsam investering,samtidigt som chansen för att misslyckas vid implementering är stor. Därför är det av stor viktför företag att efter implementeringen kunna hantera, använda och ha förståelse för CRMsystemetsolika funktioner för att lyckas stärka kundrelationer och erhålla tänkta fördelar somsystemet syftar till.Studien tillämpar kvalitativa undersökningstekniker där ett fallföretag har undersökts genomintervjuer.
Lagring av flisade skogsbränslen : - med avseende på att minska energi- och kvalitetsförändringar
Computer based information systems play an important role in modern military combat vehicles. The crew needs to be able to quickly get information about both the vehicle and its outer surroundings in order to quickly make the correct decisions. In this report, we describe the development of a prototype new information system for the BvS10 vehicle, manufactured by BAE System Hägglunds AB in Örnsköldsvik.An important aspect of the system is the time it takes from the point that the information is generated by the vehicle sensors until it is presented to the user. The system must be able to ensure that it never displays information that is out of date. Thus, it is important to create a layer and component based architecture for the solution, making it possible to control, in detail, the information?s age as it moves through the system.
Diagnostik för mjukvara, en ny trend?
Diagnostika verktyg, som t.ex logik för att avgöra om en server fungerar normalt används idag av många företag för att underlätta underhåll av datorsystem och säkerställa driftsäkerheten. TietoEnator GSS ser att ett system för att utföra diagnostik på egenutvecklad programvara, t.ex serverprogramvara för e-tjänster, skulle kunna effektivisera driften av dessa tjänster. Detta examensarbete beskriver utvecklingsprocessen och implementaionen av delar av ett sådant system. Rapporten behandlar också till viss del diagnostikverktyg som finns idag och lite om hur framtida system för att underhålla datorsystem kan se ut..