

3979 Uppsatser om Accounting by change - Sida 39 av 266

?Det var en tyst kamp? : En ekokritisk analys om utvandring och fo?ra?nderliga system i Vilhelm Mobergs Utvandrarna

The purpose of this essay is to do an ecocritical reading of Vilhelm Moberg?s The Emi-grants from 1949. By asking and answering the three following questions; How does a system present itself, What are the different reasons for emigration; Why does differentsystem fit some well and some not.By using two articles from Green Planets - Ecology and Science Fiction to illus-trate two different views; Different parts value in an ekosystem and The Ship as an ecosystem. I have also created, based on the literary text four different terms concern-ing the dynamic system; Stable, Static, Unstable and Collapsing systems. I have found that all system goes through changes, some drastic, that changes the way the parts of the systems fit with in it.

Dendroklimatologisk analys av lokalklimat vid Grövelsjön i Dalafjällen

Climate on earth is getting warmer, which effects earth?s energy balance and so forth the ocean and atmospheric circulation.  In many sub-polar regions on the northern hemisphere changes due to warming of the climate can be observed. Some examples that already have been observed are shifts in tree line, towards higher altitudes and latitudes, increased ablation of Swedish glaciers and melting of the permafrost on the Siberian tundra. In Sweden climate change scenarios tell us that it will become warmer and that a higher amount of precipitation in form of rain will be an effect from this. To study climate changes in Sweden, transition zones are useful in order to observe changes in distribution of species and animal populations.

Skolans information om alkohol och trafik : En utvärdering av rollspelet Leka med Döden för påverkan av skolungdomars attityder till alkohol och trafik

In this study I have investigated how role playing may change young students´ attitudes and behavior. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education´s governing document, Läroplanen för de frivilliga skolformerna, 1994, the principals at Swedish schools are required to inform students about the risks connected with alcohol and traffic. Scientists bring to our attention the need for emotional information to change attitudes and behaviors. The Historical Wine- and Sprits Museum in Stockholm has arranged a role play that gives emotional information to school students in order to affect their attitudes towards drunk driving. My study is a qualitative examination of this role play.

DGPS användning på tröskor och dess olika funktioner :

With the days DGPS-technology can a position of 5 centimetres decides. With this exactly position is the technology very interesting for the agriculture. I think this technology can come more and more in the future. You can also move the fact and information further to the spreader, sprayer and seeders. If the combine is equipped with harvest accounting, can you with help of the system make harvest maps.

Granskning av hållbarhetsredovisning : Revisorernas granskningsprocess vid de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige

As the media attention society on the world climate change, interest in the environment and social impact has increased. This has in turn made even more companies choose to maintain a sustainability report that contains the three aspects of economic, environment and social impact. The demand for sustainability reports has increased among stakeholders. It has made the companies that establish this form of reports experienced economic benefits. The sustainability report than became a useful way to compete among businesses.

Vi-kan-ju-banken -Hälsorelaterat förändringsarbete i arbetslivet (Health promotion in the workplace)

With starting point in the increasing ill-health in Swedish working life today, in form of for example absence due to sickness and early retirement pension, and the knowledge that the working environment effects peoples health in a big extent, I found it very interesting to inquire into how people within the working life experience health promotion and how this can be developed. A qualitative method was used to receive a deeper understanding for the employees? experiences and data was collected through semi structured interviews with employees on a bank called Ikanobanken, in Älmhult. The result shows, among other things, that respondents find responsibility and the opportunity to influence the learning processes and development important. It also became clear that the respondents find participation, motivation, communication and safety essential factors when related to changes in health behaviours.

Försvarsmakten idag, Redo för förändring?

The Swedish armed forces are facing a change, a change in both organization and profession. From a conscript military service system, the Swedish Armed Forces has changed to having full-time contracted soldiers. Conscript military service has a history of over a hundred years; it was introduced in 1901 and has survived two world wars and the Cold War.The Swedish armed forces have changed to have contracted soldiers. My reflection is whether the armed forces really have had time for this changes that the new professionalization has meant. Today the Swedish armed forces consists of contracted soldiers, soldiers who are employed full time and costs the armed forces a lot of money.

Intäktsredovisningens nya form : - En förstudie i hur de nya reglerna för intäktsredovisning tros påverka finansiell information från entreprenadföretag

Titel: Intäktsredovisningens nya form - En förstudie i hur de nya reglerna för intäktsredovisning tros påverka finansiell information från entreprenadföretag Bakgrund och problem: Intäkter utgör oftast den största och mest relevanta posten när det kommer till företags redovisning. De regler och regelverk som styr intäktsredovisningen har det senaste decenniet diskuterats flitigt. Detta dels för att intäktsposten och dess redovisning har varit i centrum för ett antal redovisningsskandaler, dels för att reglerna inte är harmoniserade och för svåra att tillämpa. Problematik har lett till ett konvergeringsprojekt mellan de två stora normsättarna International Accounting Standards Board och Financial Accounting Standards Board som nu under andra halvåret av 2013 kommer presenter ett nytt regelverk gällande intäktsredovisningen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur intäktsredovisningen för entreprenadföretag fungerar, samt att ge en inblick i hur de nya reglerna kring intäktsredovisningen tros komma att påverka företag i entreprenadbranschen. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka hur redovisningsexperter tror att de nya reglerna kommer påverka möjligheten för externa intressenter att få en rättvisande bild av företagen. Metod: Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ metod där sammantaget fyra respondenter intervjuats genom en semistrukturerad intervjumodell.

Smärtbehandling - Sjuksköterskans inställning till ordination och dokumentation - En empirisk studie

The aim of this empirical study was to investigate how nurses on a ward within the emergency clinic deal with analgesia prescriptions and the pain management documentation. The used method was divided into chart reviews and qualitative interviews with nurses in clinical practice at the ward. This means that both a qualitative and quantitative approach was desired. The results incline that nurses generally apply to the laws and restrictions surrounding the nursing discipline, as used in pain treatment. Thus they generally fulfill the obligations accounting to documentation.

Varför företag tackar nej till SLA:s tjänster : En studie om kundkontakt, relationer och motstånd till förändring

AbstractProblem: This thesis was made by a commission from Svensk Logistikanalys AB (SLA). SLA is a relatively new firm who is working as a freight broker for firms that wants to lower their freight costs. SLA contacted Jönköpings international business school because they experienced a problem with too many firms, that had SLA?s concept introduced to them, but turned down their services. On the basis of this, following purpose of the report has been stated.Purpose: In this thesis we will study companies that have said no to the services of SLA.

Hästköttskandalens konsumtionspåverkan : Konsumtion kopplat till miljörelaterade märkningar

The discovered horse meat scandal has had great impact in the media and given many question marks as to how consumers should be facing meat labels. In the survey made lead consumers to ask themselves, whether they think about their consumption of reliable markings discovered at a risk and, if they have changed their consumption habits since discovered horse meat scandal. The survey was carried out in a grocery store in Karlstad city central, where the results show consistent numbers. People do not like change, and in this case, do not like to change their consumption patterns. The same patterns of consumption before and after the horse meat scandal reflects the results but with only three respondents exception.

Fotografen och bröllopsbilden : hur teknikskiftet från analog till digital teknik påverkat bröllopsfotografernas villkor och vanor

This paper examines how and if the understanding of wedding photography has changed during the shift of technology - from analog to digital photography. It examines if the changed conditions due to the shift of technology have changed the habits and conditions for the photographers working with wedding photography. It furthermore examines what impact these habits and conditions have had on the pictures of weddings. The investigation is based on interviews of six photographers that have worked professionally before and after the shift of technology, as well as of pictures by the photographers taken before and after the shift of technology.Use of time and space has changed due to the shift of technology. The change has also had an influence on hierarchy among the photographers.

Segelbåt, fjällstuga, husvagn och lyxbil... Är dessa att anse som onyttig egendom för fåmansbolaget?

Background: The Stop rule for buying in property was introduced through 1976 years legislation and its formemost purpose was to prevent companies to acquire property that was useless for the company. Assets such as cars, boats and arts were of current interest. At the same time as this stop rule was introduced, another stop rule was also introduced and this was meant to work to forbid the partner to buy property from the close company to a price that would lead to sell at loss for the company. After a government decision (1999:2000, Abolished Stop rules) the close company is no longer living under this restriction since these two stop rules have been abolished since January 2001. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which criteria are the basis to judge whether the assets is to consider as useful or not for the close company.

Kamp för överlevnad och drägligt liv hos HIV-positiva kvinnor i Bukoba

The aim of this study was to examine how Tanzanian HIV-positive women experience their socioeconomic situation. Semistructured interviews were carried out and the number of interviewees was 15. Collected data was analysed according to a qualitative content analysis and resulted in an overarching theme; Struggle for survival and tolerable life. Important in the lives of the informants was the access to economic and social resources. The informants described access to economic resources as important because of the possibilty to support oneself and the possibility of a lower level of physical strain.

Nivåreglerad iKBT via elevhälsan - går det?

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

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