

3979 Uppsatser om Accounting by change - Sida 2 av 266

Sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning : Koppling eller frikoppling

Since January 1st 2005, public companies within the European Union shall prepare their consolidated accounts in conformity with the international accounting standards. The adopted accounting standards are IASB?s IAS/IFRS completed with interpretations. Furthermore, member states may permit or require public companies to prepare their annual accounts according to IAS/IFRS. Sweden has not yet given companies the ability to use IAS/IFRS in the annual accounts due to taxation difficulties the strong relationship between accounting and taxation brings.

Kundrelationer och Kundlönsamhetsbedömningar: En fallstudie inom telekom

This paper examines the customer relationships of a telecom operator and how their customer accounting is done. The aim is to use the framework developed by Lind & Strömsten (2006) to categorize customer relationships and see to what extent the framework predicts which type of customer accounting method is used for each customer relationship. A case study was made at Telenor Sverige AB where different customer relationships are identified and linked to the customer accounting techniques that are used for financial measurement of the customers. Findings include that all but one of the customer relationships described in the framework were recognized at Telenor and that most customer accounting techniques mentioned in the framework were in fact used and associated with different customer relationships. The results of the case study also highlight that some differences exist between the predictions of the framework and the observations at Telenor..

Redovisningskonsekvenser vid förändringen av pensionsredovisningen

AbstractAuthors:Stefan Harrå and Magnus BjörkAdvisor: Markku PenttinenTitle: Accounting Consequences of the change in pension accounting Background to problem: When the revised IAS 19 comes into force January 1, 2013, it means that two of the three accounting principles for defined benefit pension plans are disappearing, including the corridor method. The corridor method has made it possible for companies to defer its actuarial gains and losses. Now that the corridor approach abolished then the unrecognized actuarial gains and losses immediately be covered by equity, which involves very large amounts of some companies. Why the amounts have grown so big is much because of the discount rate. The discount rate is a controversial parameter, and there is disagreement on how it should be fixed.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accounting implications this will have for the company applied the corridor method, and if there is some parameters in the actuarial assumption that is more important than others.Methodology: The thesis has mainly been based on a qualitative research through qualitative interviews with a small sample that is affected by this change.

Design och implementering av utskriftsredovisning och statusrapportering för utskriftshanteraren LPRng

This thesis presents the design and implementation of an accounting and status notification system for the LPRng print spooler. A solution using SNMP to query for needed accounting and status data is presented, a design built upon this, and an implementation produced. As the system derives from the requirements specification, it will make no attempt to solve all printer accounting problems or to offer compatibility with all printers, database management systems or print spoolers. However, several solutions for printer accounting are discussed and the best solution derived from the requirements specification will be chosen..

Uppdragsbrevets funktion : Vilka intressen påverkar upprättandet av uppdragsbrevet?

AbstractAuthors:Stefan Harrå and Magnus BjörkAdvisor: Markku PenttinenTitle: Accounting Consequences of the change in pension accounting Background to problem: When the revised IAS 19 comes into force January 1, 2013, it means that two of the three accounting principles for defined benefit pension plans are disappearing, including the corridor method. The corridor method has made it possible for companies to defer its actuarial gains and losses. Now that the corridor approach abolished then the unrecognized actuarial gains and losses immediately be covered by equity, which involves very large amounts of some companies. Why the amounts have grown so big is much because of the discount rate. The discount rate is a controversial parameter, and there is disagreement on how it should be fixed.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accounting implications this will have for the company applied the corridor method, and if there is some parameters in the actuarial assumption that is more important than others.Methodology: The thesis has mainly been based on a qualitative research through qualitative interviews with a small sample that is affected by this change.

En reko konsult

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether a so-called "expectation gap" exist between the accounting consultants and their clients. The excistence of an expectation gap has already been confirmed between auditors and their clients. Interviews were conducted with both accounting consultants and managers to find out what expectations they have for each other. The factors that influence the occurrence of an expectation gap and the size of them are many but the most important factor may be regarded as individuals' different needs and requirements. The gap can be reduced or entirely eliminated by ensuring the quality of an accounting consultant's work, for example, REKO and / or that management have more realistic demands that actually can be met.

Redovisning av utsläppsrätter : Sambandslöst och värdelöst?

The following essay investigates emission rights accounting. Presently there are several methods through which emission rights can be accounted for by companies. The rights can for instance be valued at fair value or nominal value and as marketable securities or intangible assets; due to a lack of consensus or clear standards companies use these or other accounting methods to value their rights. This essay investigates whether there is a relationship between the company?s choice of accounting method, the key ratio number of owned emission rights/total assets, the accounting firm used and the yearly result as a sign of earnings management.Through a quantitative study based on questioners and numbers from the annual reports three hypothesis are tested.

Goodwill, aktieägarens vän eller fiende? : En kvantitativ studie av hur goodwillpostens storlek pa?verkar fo?retags fo?rma?ga att ge avkastning till aktiea?garna

We investigate if the size of goodwill compared to total assets has any effect on the shareholders return on companies listed on the Swedish Stock market. We put up two different hypotheses with a foundation from previous research and later dismiss one of them. Our evidence does not show any indicators that the size of goodwill have an effect on the shareholders return, which brings us to believe that there, from a share holders point of view, isn?t any need for concern regarding the standards about accounting for goodwill as stated by IFRS. .

Att styra i förändring : en fallstudie av Falkenbergs Kommun och deras målstyrningsmodell

I dagens samhälle har kommuner blivit allt mer konkurrensutsatta då möjligheterna för befolkningen att flytta har ökat. Detta har medfört att kommuner fått ökad press på sig att anpassa sig till nya förhållanden för att attrahera invånare. Nya förhållanden kan orsakas av bland annat demografisk utveckling, politiska val och konkurrerade kommuner. Därmed blir kommuners målstyrningsmodeller och hur de klarar av förändringar av intresse. Vi har kommit fram till att Falkenbergs Kommun som organisation är förändringsbenägen.

ABC och ekonomisystem : En studie av Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB

The accounting information system comprises budgeting, accounting, and costing. The accounting information system has, traditionally, constituted an integrated system where the different elements collaborate. If ABC is introduced this order is disturbed, since ABC is based on another logic which cannot easily be integrated with budget and accounting. ABC, therefore, is usually used parallely to the conventional costing method. There are, however, companies that have taken its ABC one step further by letting it replace the old costing model and integrate it with the accounting information system.

Vilka faktorer påverkar företags val av redovisningsregelverk

Abstract Title: What factors influence a company's choice of accounting rules?Subject/Course: Business Administration -Bachelor thesis Supervisor: Charlotte HemmingsonBackground: Throughout time several of accounting scandals have been discovered, which has increased the demands and requirements of accounting standards. To ensure that the information companies share in their annual reports will be reliable and useful for its users, it is required that certain regulations are in place to ensure that they are established correctly based on laws and regulations. On the first of January 2014, new rules regarding the preparation of the financial reports were established in Sweden. In other words, new rules were introduced by Bokföringsnämnden regarding category 2 and category 3 accounting rules.Problem: The companies had to make their choice between the two different accounting rules.

Har marknadsvärdering enligt IFRS ökat fastighetsbolagens finansiella risk?

The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to investigate whether the introduction of IFRS, and in particular IAS 40 regarding fair value accounting of investment property, has lead to increased financial risk for Swedish real estate companies. Financial risk is measured using several financial risk ratios during the period 2000-2009, effectively covering the period before and after the introduction in 2005. The financial risk is found to actually have decreased significantly in comparison with the control group. The relative decrease supports the notion of a factor unique to the real estate companies at least partially driving the change, possibly IAS 40. However, this change is, due to the statistic method employed, only an indication of the direction of change, and consequently interpretations of the magnitude of change cannot be made.

Outsourcing av ekonomifunktionen: En fallstudie av tre redovisningsföretag

The aim of this paper has been to investigate how accounting firms govern their organizations with regards to the complexity in the service that they offer. The service includes the general accounting tasks which through standardization can be cost efficient, the advisory services that entail flexibility, and the relationship with the customer which needs to be taken into consideration when delivering the financial reports. These three components are important but require different approaches when it comes to governing the organization. The conducted case study has shown that the accounting firms govern their organizations bureaucratically and mainly through behaviour and accounting controls. The advisory services demanded by customers are standardized, not analytical, and therefore do not require the firms to take flexibility into consideration.

Interorganisatorisk ekonomistyrning i nära relationer : En fallstudie av relationen mellan ett stort köpande företag och två av dess viktigaste samarbetspartners

Title: Interorganizational accounting in close relations ? A case study of the relation between a big purchasing company and two of their most important cooperation partners Course: Master thesis in Business and Administration within Accounting, 30 ECTS Advisor: Gun Abrahamsson Theoretical framework: This thesis uses theories of business relationships, management information systems and interorganizational accounting. Conclusions: Despite a difference in the relations the interorganizational accounting is designed and used in a similar way. The interorganizational accounting that exists in the two relations has a medium scope, fast timeline, high aggregation and high integration. The information is mainly used for attention directing and for decision making.

Big Bath Accounting : Kan fenomenets existens styrkas?

Samtliga företag ska varje år upprätta en årsredovisning. Syftet med årsredovisningen är att tillgodose investerare och till viss del långivare med information. För att attrahera kapital från dessa aktörer åligger det incitament för företag att anpassa sin årsredovisning med syfte att framställa dess finansiella ställning i bättre dager än den i själva verket är. Majoriteten av de metoder företag kan använda för att manipulera dess resultat går under begreppet Earnings Management eller Designad redovisning, där Big Bath Accounting ingår. Big Bath Accounting skildrar de åtgärder ledningen vidtar för att väsentligt minska en periods vinst för att öka nästkommande periods vinst.Tidigare forskning har inte kunnat demonstrera en koppling mellan Big Bath Accounting och förändringar i företagens aktiekurs eller vinst.

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