

254 Uppsatser om Acceptance - Sida 16 av 17

Stereotyper kring hundägare : En studie om stereotyper avseende svenska hundägare

Stereotyper är vanliga sätt för oss människor att förenkla och underlätta situationer vi stöter på i vår omgivning. Trots fördelarna en förenklad vardag innebär kan stereotyper även innebära negativa konsekvenser, så som diskriminering eller utanförskap. I denna studie undersöktes svenskars föreställning av typiska ägare till fem olika hundraser (labrador, pudel, pitbull, tax och chihuahua) med syfte att undersöka om stereotyper förekommer rörande svenska hundägare och om dessa stereotyper skiljer sig åt mellan hundägare och icke-hundägare. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en enkät som publicerades på det sociala mediet Facebook. 120 personer deltog i studien, varav 27 var män och 93 var kvinnor. Deltagarna var mellan 18 och 60 år gamla, med en medelålder av 29,6 år (Sd=9,6). Deltagarna fick besvara frågor rörande hur de föreställde sig typiska hundägare till de fem raserna, samt gradera hur väl de instämde med tolv påståenden avseende acceptans för stereotyper i allmänhet.

Rättvisande bilden med humankapital : En fallstudie av fotbollsklubbar och tjänsteföretag

AbstractOur purpose for making this study is to study the implementation, the use of and the effects of Lean within our case objects.  We chose to make this thesis by case studies. The three themes mentioned above is also the main research questions that we aim to find an answer to by this study. We have chosen to do a cross section analysis where we conducted structured interviews to find answers to these questions. The theoretical reference frame consists partly of traditional theoreticians within Lean but also more recent research within the subject as well as theory specifically for Lean within the Health Care sector.The result of this study shows in all our case studies that the Management has been supporting the implementation, but that the implementation process proceeds faster if also the professionals are involved in the process.  To succeed with the implementation there is a great need for good reasons and strives that can benefit the professionals. By the use of Lean our case studies have evaluated its processes, with the main intentions being to reduce waste activities and to create flows with ?pull systems?.

Hållbar utveckling ur ett företagsperspektiv : En analys baserad på en fallstudie vid företaget Kinnarps

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur företag kan arbeta med konceptet hållbar utveckling samt att analysera hur begreppet upplevs från ett företags perspektiv. Undersökningen baseras på en fallstudie som genomförts på företaget Kinnarps. Det empiriska material som analysen bygger på har samlats in via användning av fokusgrupps-intervjuer på Kinnarps, och materialet har analyserats vidare genom användning av metoden grundad teori. Under analysen har det synliggjorts vissa paralleller mellan materialet och ekologisk modernisering. Analysen tyder på att företag tenderar att agera i enlighet med ekologisk modernisering då teknisk utveckling ofta upplevs som lösningar på miljörelaterade problem.

Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills: validering av den svenska översättningen och en studie av anhöriga till borderlinepatienter.

This paper has two parts. In the first part we analyse the Swedish translation of KIMS and we compare it with the American version that Baer and colleagues developed(Baer et al, 2004). Our focus is the factor structure, internal consistency, scale correlations and validity in relation to the already validated translation of the MAAS. The second part has three issues: Does a group of relatives to persons with borderline personality disorder differ from a group of university employees with respect to different aspects of mindfulness? What are the correlations between KIMS and the symptom measure BSI-GSI for the group of relatives? Has the Family Connections program had any effect on the degree of mindfulness for the group of relatives? 123 university employees answered the KIMS questionnaire.

Ambition biotop och succession : en studie av nutida naturinspirerad landskapsarkitektur

Fresh Kills park and the The High line park in New York, Downsview park outside Toronto the birch landscape at Shiphol Airport have something more in common than being big new park landscapes.They all include thoughts and images about ecology. These images are neither typically nature picturesque nor typically garden stylish. In Sweden we have the biotopes of Ankarparken, the new design of Kristinebergsparken. At Chelsea Flower Show in England Swedish nature put in a garden format is winning awards. There are some new ecological influence in the air.

Anställningsbara humanister : En kvalitativ studie om studenternas syn på anställningsbarhet

Employable humanists. A qualitative study on humanist students' views on employability.The crisis of the humanities is a controversial debate in the media and within academic settings. Because of lack of request for humanists in the labor market, the question of humanistic skills and employability is becoming increasingly important. The concept of employability importance not only echoes within the economic discussions, but also on everyday agenda in the academic world and takes a large part in the communication between the university and the students. It is therefore important to get answers to the question whether there is conformity in the interpretation of this concept between the university and the students.The aim of this desk study is to examine how the concept of employability has its significance in the academic communication and how the responsibility for employability is portrayed.

Arbetslöshet bland utrikes födda på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En empirisk analys av vilka kommunala faktorer som kan påverka den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda

Unemployment amongst Swedish citizens is higher within the group which falls under the designation foreign-born. The aim of this thesis is to examine which municipal factors that can explain the differences in unemployment amongst foreign-born relative to native born.The empirical models are examined with both cross-sectional data for the year of 2010 and panel data for the years of 2002-2012. The examination is implemented through a linear regression analysis of the type Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Fixed Effect regressions. A theory section will be presented where the theory on Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate (NAIRU), theories on discrimination and country-specific human capital are illustrated.The result from the cross-sectional data shows that the amount of foreign-born, the level of foreign-born immigrated from Nordic countries have a significant negative effect on unemployment amongst foreign-born. The general unemployment shows a significant positive effect on the unemployment amongst foreign-born.

Aspekter på flyttkostnader, fastighetsbildning och fastighetstorlekar :

This master thesis has three purposes. The first purpose is to give a theoretical background of how to divide up forest estates and to study how the legal system for these matters works. A literature study has been carried out to give the background and a theoretical model has been made for analysing the law cases. The first purpose also partly touched the decision process in dividing up forest estates from point of view of the law of land parcelling (FBL), point of view. The second purpose is to examine effects of a change of production requirements in 3 cap.7 § FBL as regards dividing up forest estates of private forest owners.

Variationer- En intervjustudie om sexualitet och uppfattningen av det normala

Can the need for inclusion result in certain social norms remain unchallenged, and over time become hard to identify? To ?fit in? and be accepted in different social contexts we have to behave according to the dominating rules and conventions. We accept characteristics and make use of attributes specific for the group we want to be a part of. When we accept these attributes we contribute to keep the concept of them alive. Further on these attributes will be picked up by the next person who wants to become a part of that specific context.

Budskap i förändring : En studie av internkommunikationen vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

This thesis tries to explore how different strategies of internal communication are used in actual situations within an organization. Specifically, the purpose is to investigate how the internal communication within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has been carried out during their work to change their organizational structure, and, how this can be understood in terms of existing theories for strategic communication. The research questions explored are:What are the chosen strategies used to communicate the changes internally?How can these strategies be understood in terms of existing theories?What are the views of the employees on the communication and what are the relations between their views, the chosen strategies and existing theories?The theoretical ground work chosen is mainly the work by Cornelissen (2008), Dalfelt (2005), Johansson (2011) and Larsson (2008). The method chosen for the empirical part of the study is semi-structured qualitative interviews.

Nedskärningar eller anpassningar? Nyanlända elevers

The purpose of this study was to illustrate how cuts as a result of the economic crisis in 2008-2013 affected the newcomers' situation and the possibilities to reach the requirements for knowledge, based on the area manager, principals' and teachers' perspectives.The material we used for the study was made up of semi-structured interviews. We interviewed a psychologist, an area manager, principals and teachers. Most of the interviews were face to face and were recorded on a Dictaphone which we later transcribed and analyzed. During the process, we focused on the following aspects: Acceptance and introduction support for new pupils, local opportunities and work material opportunities, school organization and employment structure, and reaction in the form of protests and demonstrations on restructuring the affected schools as a result of the cuts.The result that has emerged is that the teachers' main problem was the large increase in workload. The supervisors took no account whatsoever of protests and demonstrations organized in the affected area.

Solcellsanl?ggningar p? landsbygden, vad s?ger lokalbefolkningen? En studie om lokalbefolkningens uppfattningar av solcellsanl?ggningar

I samband med en ?kad efterfr?gan och st?rre behov av fossilfri energi kommer storskaliga solcellsanl?ggningar p? mark att spela en allt viktigare roll. Samtidigt kr?vs ett h?nsynstagande till lokalbefolkningen som f?r anl?ggningen placerad i sin n?rhet. Tidigare forskning har visat att b?de ekonomiska, sociala och milj?m?ssiga aspekter g?r att koppla till n?rboendes acceptans.

Utveckling av differentierade transportersättningar för rundvirskestransporter med lastbil

Approximately 60 million cubic meters of round wood are transported every year with trucks in Sweden and stand for 15 % of all truck transportation in the country. The big amount that is transported results in many haulage companies works in different parts of the country with different conditions to get a good flow on their transports. Today the transport pricing is very general and the payment consists of the unit round wood they are transporting and the distance of the transport. The purpose of this study were, from the freighter and the haulage company?s perspective, try to find ways to change the today applied transport pricing to more differentiated and compare them to historic payment of transportation.

Ekonomiska konsekvenser av förändrad röttolerans vid Bravikens Pappersbruk :

The competition for Norway spruce pulp wood in Central Sweden increases, forcing the supply-structure of Holmen to face two important challenges. Firstly, it is of the outmost strategically importance to secure the long-term supply of Norway spruce pulp wood to the industries. Secondly, Holmen desires to increase the obtainable volume of Norway spruce pulp wood. This would enable the company to choose volumes in the lower price-segments and thereby decrease the dependency of costly marginal volumes. As this work shows, one part in managing these challenges could be to lower the quality standards concerning root rot (Heterobasidium annosum). Facts presented in the work shows that: 1. Technically, the TMP-industry of Braviken can handle a much more rotted pulp wood than that used today, although the cost of refinement increases.

Flickor, brott och våld : en pilotstudie om flickors ökade brutalitet i samhället.

AbstractThe main objective of this essay is to come to an understanding as to why girls, together in groups, walk against the conventional image of women and take on more violent and aggressive behaviour against their surroundings. In this essay I hope to gain an understanding of how ?girl gangs? work as a social phenomenon as well as identify the characteristics of these gangs. Furthermore, this essay aims to understand what role the violence and aggression plays in the lives of these girl?s.The following questions are the focus of the essay:? Why have girls in groups become more aggressive and violent?? What is characteristic for ?the girl gangs? as a social phenomenon?? What role does the girls? aggressive behaviour play in their life?The essay touches on an escalating problem within society, which has received considerable attention in the media lately.

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