

3962 Uppsatser om Acceptance model - Sida 3 av 265

Modellering, identifiering och reglering av skannern i ett laserbatymetrisystem

The purpose with this masters thesis was to model the scanner in a system for laser bathymetry. The model was then used to develop a controller for the scanner so a good search pattern was achieved. Two different types of models have been tested, a physical model and a Black Box model of Box Jenkins type. The physical model has been derived from Lagranges equations. Identification experiments have been used to compute the Black Box model and to find the unknown parameters in the physical model.

Vad är ett lyckat projekt ur ett intressentperspektiv? : En studie av Trainee in TIME

AbstractThe concept project is today used in several contexts and has different meaning in different contexts. Lately, projects have been seen as a form of organization and more companies convert from traditional organizing to organizing in a project form. The purpose and focus of today?s project is not only to increase quality and competence development for management but also to integrate different actors in order to e.g. increase customer value.LänsTeknikCentrum AB (LTC) in Jönköping is running different projects in order to support companies in Jönköping County.

Mersault eller Meursault? : En komparativ studie av två översättningar av Albert Camus Främlingen

The ever-evolving information technology gives users more opportunities, but also put higher demands on them. The digital agenda of the state and society clarifies the objectives and effects academic libraries? development. E-books influence the development of organizational, economic, legal and political perspectives. At the University Library in Gävle work is ongoing. The process is controlled by the acquisition policy which makes it clear that e-books should be purchased if possible.

Användarinvolvering och acceptans av affärssystem

[ An abstract in English will follow]Denna uppsats handlar om på vilket sätt användarinvolvering påverkar acceptansen av ett affärssystem. I studien redogörs varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, samt hur påverkan sker och vad som leder till den.IT genomsyrar idag så gott som alla former av företagsamhet. Affärssystem stödjer affärsprocesser i flera branscher, från tillverkande företag till renodlade tjänsteföretag. Ett företag behöver exempelvis anpassa både sina affärsprocesser och det nya affärssystem för allt som sker inom företaget. På grund av komplexiteten som detta för med sig är implementeringen ofta ett stort steg för företaget och dess anställda.

ACT vid stress : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av en gruppintervention för socialsekreterare.

Långvarig stress ökar risk för ohälsa och sjukfrånvaro, med negativa konsekvenser för individ, organisation och samhälle. En preventiv metod för stresshantering är Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT). Syftet var att med en randomiserad, kontrollerad studie undersöka huruvida en kortvarig ACT-intervention påverkar stress och generell psykisk hälsa hos socialsekreterare inom Stockholms stad (n=106). Bortfall hanterades med intent-to-treat-analys. Vid förmätning rapporterade två tredjedelar av deltagarna hög stressnivå (PSS?25).

Local stakeholders? willingness to conduct actions enhancing a local population of Grey Partridge on Gotland ? an exploratory interview study

The population of Grey Partridge is decreasing worldwide as a result of anthropogenic activities. Increased agricultural production, requiring homogenous farming landscapes and increased use of pesticides are believed to be the main factor causing population declines in the Grey Partridge. Actions to enhance Grey Partridge populations are available; however, those actions are vain if the acceptance to conduct them is low. To gather information about acceptance among farmers, hunters and the County Administrative Board towards 18 available actions enhancing the Grey Partridge population, nine face-to face interviews were conducted as an exploratory case study. The results showed that willingness to conduct enhancing actions differ between and within the groups of stakeholders.

En jämförelse mellan Andra Thessalonikerbrevets och Andra Petrusbrevets eskatologi : Den eskatologiska utvecklingen inom två efterpaulinska Jesus-rörelser

The ever-evolving information technology gives users more opportunities, but also put higher demands on them. The digital agenda of the state and society clarifies the objectives and effects academic libraries? development. E-books influence the development of organizational, economic, legal and political perspectives. At the University Library in Gävle work is ongoing. The process is controlled by the acquisition policy which makes it clear that e-books should be purchased if possible.

Automatiserad inlärning av detaljer för igenkänning och robotplockning

Just how far is it possible to make learning of new parts for recognition and robot picking autonomous? This thesis initially gives the prerequisites for the steps in learning and calibration that are to be automated. Among these tasks are to select a suitable part model from numerous candidates with the help of a new part segmenter, as well as computing the spatial extent of this part, facilitating robotic collision handling. Other tasks are to analyze the part model in order to highlight correct and suitable edge segments for increasing pattern matching certainty, and to choose appropriate acceptance levels for pattern matching. Furthermore, tasks deal with simplifying camera calibration by analyzing the calibration pattern, as well as compensating for differences in perspective at great depth variations, by calculating the centre of perspective of the image.

Modellering av indunstning på Södra Cell Mönsterås

Evaporation is a part of the chemical recovery department at wood pulping mills. The purpose of evaporation is to remove water from the black liquor, which makes the liquor combustible. The process is very energy demanding, and having a well-functioning model of the system is of greatest interest. The model can then be used to study energy consumption and to test different control strategies. Two models have been developed during the master thesis.

Demonstrationsprojektets roll i framväxten av ny teknik: Fallstudier av två vindkraftprojekt

This report describes a synchronous machine model with magnetic saturation in d-axis, neutralconnection and electrical exciter interface for the transient simulator PSCAD/EMTDC. It hasbeen designed and verified in comparison to the regular machine model in EMTDC.The performance of the model is very good when incorporating a linear as well as a saturatedmagnetising inductance. The dynamic deviation is only thousandths to ten thousandths perunit. By using a cubic interpolation of the saturation curve, the model gives a good representationof the saturation effect. The open source code implementation of the synchronousmachine model gives the possibility to easily adapt the model to specific requirements.The derived model makes it possible to simulate a synchronous machine with its excitationsystems, e.g.

Modellering av en panna med rörlig rost :  

The aim of this master thesis was to create a dynamic model for the processes in a solid fuel boiler of the moving grate type. Another aim with the model was to keep it as simple as possible but still able to catch the dynamics of the processes in the bedplate of the boiler. The creation of the model had its origin from drying and combustion equations used in earlier modeling work of boilers. The represented model has been used to simulate different kinds of disturbances in a boiler and different ways to control the boiler. These tests show that controlling a number of parameters in the bed of the boiler is an effective way to keep the grate stable during disturbances.

Adaptiv katalysatormodell för reglering

This master?s thesis describes the development of a model of the catalystsystem aiming at control by an MPC. A well functioning model, which is suitable in control purpose, is important while emission legislation become more and more hard to fulfill for the car manufacturers. Much research has been done in the field of physical modeling of the system, but in this work a linear adaptive time discrete ARX-model is developed and validated.The systems tendency to change its dynamic during usage implies that the model must be adaptive. The developed model proved to be well functioning and shows promising conditions for the MPC design.

Pantsättning och överlåtelse av bostadsrätt : En utredning kring brister, problem och lösningar

One fundamental principle in Swedish contract law is that passive acceptance does not constitute a binding acceptance of an offer. Still, business owners use the consumers unknowing of this, and form offers saying passivity will lead to a binding agreement. Business owners are thus trying to ?negatively bind? the consumer to agreements. There are rules prohibiting this kind of actions in the Swedish marketing law (MFL).In order to find out what constitutes this forbidden kind of agreement-entering according to the Swedish Market Court, an analysis of seven cases settled between 2002-2009 and concerning consumers in these situations, is made.

Negativ avtalsbindning : i svensk marknadsrättslig praxis

One fundamental principle in Swedish contract law is that passive acceptance does not constitute a binding acceptance of an offer. Still, business owners use the consumers unknowing of this, and form offers saying passivity will lead to a binding agreement. Business owners are thus trying to ?negatively bind? the consumer to agreements. There are rules prohibiting this kind of actions in the Swedish marketing law (MFL).In order to find out what constitutes this forbidden kind of agreement-entering according to the Swedish Market Court, an analysis of seven cases settled between 2002-2009 and concerning consumers in these situations, is made.

Modell av en synkronmaskin för PSCAD/EMTDC med magnetisk mättning i d-led och elektriskt gränssnitt för fältmatare

This report describes a synchronous machine model with magnetic saturation in d-axis, neutralconnection and electrical exciter interface for the transient simulator PSCAD/EMTDC. It hasbeen designed and verified in comparison to the regular machine model in EMTDC.The performance of the model is very good when incorporating a linear as well as a saturatedmagnetising inductance. The dynamic deviation is only thousandths to ten thousandths perunit. By using a cubic interpolation of the saturation curve, the model gives a good representationof the saturation effect. The open source code implementation of the synchronousmachine model gives the possibility to easily adapt the model to specific requirements.The derived model makes it possible to simulate a synchronous machine with its excitationsystems, e.g.

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