

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 51 av 84

Kundtillfredsställelse utifrån ett relationsperspektiv

Problem: The main problem this thesis brings up is what impact factors like trust, commitment, communication between a company and its costumers and value can have on costumer satisfaction on the basis of a relationship perspective.Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to describe the importance of factors that can have an impact on customer satisfaction on the basis of a relationship perspective. To do this the author has looked into a company called Q-steps and conducted an investigation on their costumers opinion of their relationship with the company.Method: An interview was held with Q-steps CEO Sören Levén as the basis of the thesis, as well as a questionnaire that was sent to the company?s existing costumers over the web.Theory: In the thesis the author uses a model that describes factors that can have an impact on costumer satisfaction on the basis of a relationship perspective. This model is based on theories within relationship building in service companies.Conclusion: To be able to develop good relationships to their customers and as a result of this increase the level of costumer satisfaction, Q-steps has to take different variables into consideration. The main focus in this matter should lay on the variables that to a great extent affect the level of costumer satisfaction.

Livskvalitet hos stomiopererade patienter : En litteraturstudie

AbstractThe aim of this literature review was to describe the quality of life in stoma patients after stomasurgery. Different combinations of the keywords ?stoma?, ?Quality of Life?, ?stomasurgery? were used when searching in the databases Medline, Cinahl, Academic Search Elite and PubMed. A total of nineteen articles were used in the result. Fifteen studies had comparing design and four studies had describing design.

Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En studie om pedagogers tankar och syn om inkludering

In today's preschool teachers should strive for us to have an inclusive preschool regardless of background, knowledge, culture. The conditions that everyone should have the right to education. Therefore the purpose of this study to enhance the understanding of the informants' views and thoughts regarding the inclusion of children with special needs. My study focused generally on children with special needs, but not against any particular diagnosis or a particular area related to children with special needs. To get answers to my questions I used qualitative interviews.

Ett samhällsengagemang som Skapar Shared Value - En studie om hållbarhetsstyrning och Creating Shared Value i en svensk kontext

This study investigates the corporate sustainability activity, linked to the company's core business, which is a relatively unexplored field in a Swedish context. The study examines how the organization has used management control for its sustainability activity within two social initiatives; and whether these initiatives have generated value for the organization and involved stakeholders. Management control of social initiatives are examined within the theoretical framework of The Sustainable Balanced Scorecard and the organization's value creation contributions are outlined in accordance with a definition of the concept of Creating Shared Value. The method used for the implementation of the study is a qualitative study, embodied in an illustrative case study of a large Swedish company operating within financial sector. The empirical data was collected through 12 in-depth interviews with representative interviewees within the organization and with other stakeholders involved in the company's social initiatives.

Styrkan i OEE som arbetsmetod

The E-department at GETRAG All Wheel Drive in Köping have problems with the efficiency on parts of their production equipment. The equipment with the most significant efficiency problems are four automated multifunctional production cells that produces housing for rear drive units. The major part of the problem is the large amount of small stops that causes the low efficiency.The department already worked with logging of interruptions and efficiency calculations before this project started. However this work was not done to the extent considered necessary for a systematic follow-up of the interruptions.The aim of this paper is to point out a more effective and systematic way to work with logging of interruptions and the follow-up. In addition the equipment were studied with a method for efficiency calculation that ? if used properly- is a more powerful and a visually better method than the one used by the company today.As the initial current state analysis of the equipment was made a lack of documented knowledge about the equipment was discovered.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av terapeutiskt förhållningssätt i arbetet med äldre inom särskilt boende

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av terapeutiskt förhållningssätt i arbetet med äldre på särskilt boende. Nio arbetsterapeuter som arbetade inom särskilt boende intervjuades angående sitt terapeutiska förhållningssätt till de äldre. Data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Analysen av materialet resulterade i fyra kategorier. Resultatet visade att arbetsterapeuterna lutade sig mot den professionella rollen för att hitta ett terapeutiskt förhållningssätt som motsvarade vad varje enskild äldre behöver.

Magomvridning hos hund : akutsjukvård och postoperativ intensivvård

The aim of this literature study was to give a clear picture of what gastric dilatation-volvulus is, and how the acute- and postoperative treatment and care is managed. The general aim is to support and help the veterinary technicians in their clinical work. Gastric dilatation volvulus is always an emergency. The primarily goal when these dogs are hospitalized is to establish an adequate cardiovascular function. This is done by immediate intravenous fluid therapy followed by decompression of the dilated stomach.

Etiska aspekter av preimplantatorisk genetisk diagnostik och genterapi

The research in the field of biotechnology is rapidly developing all over the world. Modern biotechnology offers unique opportunities, simultaneously as it gives rise to a number of ethical issues. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), PGD/HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigen) and germline gene therapy (GLGT) are controversial techniques. PGD gives a possibility to identify a genetic disease prior to the embryo?s implantation in the uterus.

"Det går inte att badda in elever helt" : - om lärares möjlighet att påverka förekomsten av självutlämnande elevtexter.

Several researches asserts that as teachers are responsible for the content of teaching and by formulating teaching "Why, ""How" and "What", that will also give signals to students about what is important knowledge. This essay addresses the difficulties teachers may face in terms of self-disclosure student texts and awareness of this in the design of teaching and writing tasks. Research shows that self-disclosure and self-therapy student texts exist and that teachers are experiencing a difficulty with regard to assessment and treatment.Through qualitative interviews examined seven teachers' design of any, to the student, self-disclosure information from curriculum and policy documents. Another purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which teachers, through the information they give to their pupils, may affect the texts students submit. It turns out that the respondents are united in the belief that they, through their data, may affect the texts they receive from their students when they are the ones that control the content of teaching, and they agree that the curricula gives them a great choice for design data. The survey shows that the perception of the curriculum that will open up for self-disclosure texts differ as some of the respondents believe that the curriculum is very much about the students way to express feelings and opinions, while others believe that they may try to package this data in another purpose or exercise.

Fiction and revolutions Thematic work ? an including and engaging pedagogy situation

Syftet med det här utvecklingsarbetet är att ge ett förslag på hur man som lärare kan engagera och motivera fler elever till att sträva efter att nå målen i ämnena svenska och historia på högstadiet. Utifrån tidigare forskning, olika teoretiker, läroplanen för grundskola 2011 och de nya kursplanerna för svenska och historia utformas ett utvecklingsarbete som utgår från ett tematiskt arbetssätt där skönlitteratur har en central roll i temat och där läromedel ersätts med olika varierade moment som film, museum besök, gästföreläsare etc. Temat kallas revolutionernas tidevarv och behandlar 1700-1800 talet med fokus på Franska revolutionen, ideologier och de samhällströmningar som följer av detta. Eleverna jobbar både i grupp och med tre stycken individuella uppgifter. Temaarbetet sträcker sig över sex veckor och totalt 30 timmar.

Nervmobilisering som sjukgymnastisk behandlingsmetod

Background: Nerve mobilisation is a controversial subject which has undergone great development in recent decades. Nerve mobilisation is based on a concept of both examination and treatment of the nervous system. Purpose: To study nerve mobilisation as a treatment in physical therapy with emphasis on evidence regarding the method. Method: A literature review. The search was made through the databases: PubMed/Medline, Academic search, PEDro and CINAHL/webspirs.

Förhandlingslösning som alternativ till fortsatt militär kamp : en studie av två irreguljära parters val

The Swedish Armed Forces tend to ask themselves if it is sufficiently multinational interoperablefor participation in international operations. An equally valid question today should be whether theSwedish Armed Forces are sufficiently nationally / internally interoperable, between their branchesof service, to be able to conduct independent operations based on the joint warfare theory.The lack of ability to joint warfare in the armed forces in general and the Swedish Armed Forcesspecially constitutes the essay´s fundamental problem. By using Codners and Sjöbloms custominteroperability theory, the Swedish Armed Forces documents were analyzed to highlight anyweaknesses related to joint warfare and national interoperability between Ground and Air Forces.The survey shows weaknesses linked to the custom theory and Swedish Armed Forces governingdocuments. The ability of a national interoperability is limited between Ground and Air Forcestoday, mostly because of weaknesses in the Swedish Armed Forces strategic concept which doesnot describe the importance of joint warfare at all levels sufficiently. This leads to deficienciesreflected in doctrines, regulations, technology, techniques and exercises.

Sjuksköterskans möjligheter att hjälpa kvinnor med bröstcancer att hantera fatigue : En Litteraturbaserad studie

Bakgrund: Fatigue är en biverkan hos kvinnor med bröstcancer som genomgår adjuvantbehandling. Sjuksköterskan kan genom sina omvårdnadsåtgärder hjälpa dessa kvinnor atthantera och minska biverkningar av fatigue. Begreppet empowerment och Orems teori omhjälp till självhjälp kan ses som en grund för sjuksköterskan i detta omvårdnadsarbete.Syfte: Att beskriva hur kvinnor med bröstcancer, under adjuvant behandling, kan hantera ochminska symptomet fatigue med hjälp av sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsinsatser, grundat i begreppet empowerment och hjälp till självhjälp.Metod: Litteraturbaserad studie med grund i tolv kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar.Resultat: Förekomsten av fatigue finns kvar men olika metoder kan ge minskade nivåer.Motion och rörelse kan lindra graden av fatigue. Muskelavslappningsövningar gav minskadenivåer och minskad upplevelse av fatigue. En balanserad sömn och minskad stress gavpositiva effekter på upplevd fatigue.Slutsats: Det finns olika omvårdnadsinsatser sjuksköterskan kan genomföra, dels själv menockså tillsammans med andra professioner.

Responsible sourcing and transparency in the home textile industry : the case of cotton

CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, has become increasingly important in a globalised world where the responsibilities of companies and governments are somewhat blurry. The textile industry is an industry where long supply chains and raw material production in developing countries are factors adding to the complexity and difficulties of solving ethical issues. Cotton production faces many environmental, social and financial challenges in the value chain. Therefore this case study takes a closer look at five Nordic home textile companies, Ikea, Hemtex, S Group, Moko and Finlayson, and how these companies choose their cotton related CSR tools and communicate their work on this area. These companies are of various sizes and therefore the resources for CSR work are also different, as well as the perceived values for working with CSR.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av interventioner som bidrar till förbättrat aktivitetsutförande för klienter med Anorexia Nervosa

Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av interventioner som bidrar till förbättrat aktivitetsutförande hos klienter med Anorexia Nervosa. För att besvara syftet valdes en kvalitativ intervjustudie. I studien ingick sju arbetsterapeuter fördelade på sex ätstörningsenheter i Sverige. Data samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer och en intervjuguide användes som stöd vid intervjuerna. Intervjuerna analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som resulterade i tre kategorier: "Interventioner som bidrar till förbättrat aktivitetsutförande vid måltider", " Interventioner som skapar strategier samt ökar medvetenheten om förändring i aktivitetsutförandet" och " Interventioner som bidrar till ökade sociala aktiviteter".

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