

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 39 av 84

Bröstcancer och sexualitet : med inriktning på hormonell behandling

Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancersjukdomen bland kvinnor idag och var tionde kvinna drabbas någon gång av sjukdomen. Genetiska faktorer kan öka risken för att drabbas av bröstcancer. Tidig menarche och sen menopaus hör även de till riskfaktorerna. De behandlingsmetoder för bröstcancer som finns tillgängliga är kirurgisk behandling, strålbehandling, cytostatika, hormonpreparat samt annan medicinsk behandling. Indikationen för hormonell behandling är om tumörcellerna har östrogenpositiva receptorer på sin cellyta.

Upplevelsen och hanteringen av rädsla hos poliser

Vår kropp är utrustad med alarmsystem som hindrar människan från skada, rädslan får oss uppmärksammad på faran och agerar därefter. Poliser befinner sig många gånger i utsatta situationer som kan bidra till känslomässigt svåra upplevelser, samtidigt uppfattas poliser som starka och många gånger odödliga. Forskning visar att det finns lite utrymme och acceptans till känsloyttringar inom den polisiära kulturen. Åtta poliser varav tre kvinnor intervjuades med fokus på deras upplevelse och hantering av rädsla i arbetet. Data som analyserades utifrån meningskoncentrering, visade att rädsla uppstår hos poliser i deras arbete, men att rädsla inte alltid uttalas.

Kognitiv beteendeterapi i grupp för personer med insomni: : Effekter på sömn, depressiva symtom och transdiagnostiska processer

SammanfattningSömnproblem är vanligt förekommande hälsoproblem i befolkningen. Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) har visats vara en effektiv behandling för personer med insomni men mindre forskning har bedrivits på effekten av KBT i grupp för personer med insomni (KBT-I) och samtidiga depressiva symtom. Studien syftade till att undersöka effekten av KBT-I i grupp med avseende på graden av insomni, depressiva symtom, och samvariationen med transdiagnostiska processer. En single-subject design användes med dagliga skattningar och för-, mellan- och eftermätningar. Resultatet visade att graden av insomni minskade för samtliga deltagare och graden av depressiva symtom minskade för majoriteten.

 Medarbetarskap i statlig myndighet, relaterat till arbetsmotivation och lojalitet mot organisationen

Medarbetarskap har fått mer betydelse i det svenska arbetslivet under de senaste decennierna. Många organisationer strävar efter att förbättra samarbetet inom och över avdelningsgränserna samt chefens och medarbetarens relation. Arbetstagaren har till stor del övergått till att ta en mer aktiv roll i arbetet. Enkätundersökningen (N = 139) genomfördes i en statlig myndighet där medarbetarskap undersöktes utifrån F. Hällstén och S.

Samtalsmatta för ökad delaktighet och kommunikation mellan personer som har Huntingtons sjukdom, närstående och tanhygienist

The purpose of the study was to examine if Talking Mats® couldsupport communication and participation for people with Huntington?sdisease, carers and a dental hygienist in conversation about oral care. Elevendyads, a person with Huntington's disease and a carer, participated.Conversations with and without mats were video recorded and compared.Each participant responded to a questionnaire about how they experiencedthe conversations. Analysis with Effectiveness Framework of FunctionalCommunication showed that two participants increased their communicativeeffectiveness using Talking Mats®. Feelings of participation increased forall participants and were significantly higher for participants withHuntington's disease.

Hållbar utveckling i kommunalt beslutsfattande : En studie om integrering och prioritering ur fritidspolitiskt perspektiv

The concept of sustainable development is a challenge that demands cooperation from all levels of society for it to be successful. The focus for this thesis is how politicians within the local councils understand the concept of sustainable development and how they implement it in political decision-making.The basis for the study is a questionnaire that was distributed to 303 local politicians in three municipalities of varying size in Southern Sweden. The study concentrates on departments within the local councils that are directly connected to the Swedish environmental law and the Swedish planning and construction law. One of the primary goals with the aforementioned laws is the achievement of sustainable development within one generation.The outcome of the study was that over half of the local politicians could correctly define sustainable development according to the World Commission on Environment and Development?s (WCED) definition.

Cultural Meetings in Child Health Centers : An Interview Study about Child Health Nurses experience of Intercultural Communication.

Increasing immigration to Sweden has transformed a culturally homogeneous society into a more heterogeneous one. As a consequence intercultural communication and interaction have been increasing. Child health care agencies have encountered these increases. The aim of this study was to examine what the health care professionals experienced and communicated in these intercultural environments. Eight interviews with child health care nurses were carried through at four child health care centers in the south of Sweden.

Socialisation och livsval : en hermeneutisk, fenomenologisk intervjustudie inriktad på socialisationsprocesser inom jordbruksfamiljen

The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the early process of socialization and its influence on the choices in life, with the example taken from the agricultural family. The question is considering how the process of socialization within an agricultural family has influenced on the choices in life of four women. A qualitative method with a hermeneutic, phenomenologic perspective is applied and four interviews have been done with women who all grew up in an agricultural family. The results have been analysed through social constructive-, psychodynamic-, attachment- and cognitive theory. The results indicate that socialization is a complex process.

Patientundervisning för reumatiker: kursdeltagares erfarenheter fem år efter avslutad kurs

Reumatoid artrit (RA) är den vanligaste inflammatoriska sjukdomen i Sverige. Artros är en icke inflammatorisk sjukdom. En del av behandlingen för reumatiker idag består av patientundervisning i grupp. Genom patientundervisning ökar patientens kunskaper och bättre förutsättning till egenvård ges. Syftet med studien var att beskriva kursdeltagares erfarenheter av patientundervisning för reumatiker fem år efter avslutad kurs.

Nyanimism i Sverige : En studie om förmänskligande av hunden i samband med dennes död

This study focusses on how people in Sweden commemorate their dogs and handle their demise. By examining memorial texts for dogs that are presented by their owners on internet forums, memorial texts that are used on gravestones on an animal cemetery as well as an interview with an animal nurse, the study examines how dogs are humanized and treated in human-like ways. With theories about new animism, social acceptance (nomos) and ontology as the theoretical framework, the study provides an analysis of strategies by which people tend to humanize dogs in ways that are often similar to the handling and mourning of human deceased.                                               The empirical data illustrate how dog owners in Swedish society who have lost their beloved pet express themselves in terms of religious terminology. According to memorial texts, the dogs go to heaven, where they may be reunited with their owners, become free from their diseases, and in some cases they are buried in separate graves in animal cemeteries. The study also illustrates how dogs in Sweden today have almost equal opportunities and access to medical care as human beings.

Behandlingsalternativ för äldre med depression och ångest : - en studie av Örebro kommuns särskilda boenden

This essay aims to explore the possibilities for elderly in nursing homes in Örebro municipality toreceive other treatments besides medication in case of depression or anxiety. Issues associated withthe object in this paper and which are discussed are prevalence of drug usage, opportunities forelderlies to receive other treatments, prevalence of other treatments and the elderlies own power orinfluence over the choice of treatment. The survey has been conducted with questionnaires sent outby post to nurses at every nursing home for elderly in Örebro municipality. The results showed thatdrugs are used extensively when treating depression or anxiety among the nursing home residents,and other treatments are never or only occasionally being discussed at more than half of the nursinghomes in this study. The results also show that reminiscence therapy and problem-solving therapyhas been used occasionally, while alternative therapies are used more frequently.

Rovdjursproblematik i Sverige med fokus på varg och får. Vilka lösningar finns?

The Swedish wolf population is like continue to grow and this will eventually lead to an increase in the predation of livestock. In Sweden carnivore attacks happen most frequent on sheep farms and the majority of these attacks are performed by wolves. Because of this, the main focus in this study is on the sheep and wolf problematic. It is not only the direct killing of livestock that affects the animals and their owners in a negative way. It has also been shown that livestock that lives close to carnivores sometimes change their behaviour in a way that will affect their ability to reproduce and to forage efficiently.

Dilemmat inkluderade grundsärskoleelever : ?Vilket stöd ger skolledning, och hur ser lärare på sina förutsättningar att i läs- och skrivsituationer inkludera eleven?

AbstractThis study explores how well teachers think they succeed in their mission to include children with special needs into their ordinary groups of children. Interviews were carried out with five teachers in practice of the public school (year 2,3,5 and 6). The teachers were asked what support they have got from the schools manager, initially and ongoing, (information, necessary education, supportive expertise personnel, assistant teacher to the child and schoolmaterial.) The teachers were also asked how inclusion is arranged by three indicators of participation: physically, socially (interaction) and didactically -in educational situations of reading and writing. One finding of the study was that inclusion is difficult to arrange if  parents of included children demand secrecy of the diagnosis their child has. Three cases reveal severe problems of acceptance for the included child by the peers.

Demokratiska verktyg i gymnasieskolan : - Elevdemokrati ur ett elevperspektiv

The study aims to investigate student participation as a tool for democratic development in secondary school from a student perspective. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the school's work with student participation in formal and informal contexts are also investigated, with basis in the teaching structure. The results are based on interviews conducted with students who all attend the same class in their last year of high school. Subsequently, an analysis is made based mainly on three different theories: democracy, curricula and sociocultural theory. The result shows that students feel that they are able to practice student participation but the amount of influence they get differs between individuals depending on devotion and commitment.

Rehabiliteringsmetoder för häst och hund :

Today, many veterinary hospitals offer rehabilitation as a service. We think that this is an interesting subject and therefore we want to find out what rehabilitation methods that are available in Sweden for dogs and horses. We want to give animal nurses and other persons who have animals as an occupation an survey that shortly describes how the methods are performed, what physical effect they have in the body and to give examples in what conditions they are used. To find out what rehabilitation methods that are available we sent out two different questionnaires, one to hospitals/clinics for small animals and one to hospitals/clinics for horses and other companies that works with rehabilitation of horses. The information about the methods described in our project we have found in literature and on the Internet.

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