

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 29 av 84

Sponsring som finansieringsmetod : Kulturens nya villkor

Sponsoring is today a more common form for corporation in the trade of culture. This has led to a situation, in which companies and institutions of culture, must be more versed in sponsorship. In this essay, we aim at understand and give an account for how the corporation, in a sponsorship relationship might work.A sponsorship relationship also means that a lot of knowledge is needed in other doctrines. The law aspect is one of these, which we also will concern in this essay, another aspect is the integrity of the culture.The main purpose with this essay is to find information, which might work recommendingly, for organizations that works with sponsorship. Mainly we will considerate sponsorship as a source for the financing of culture.In this essay we have discovered that sponsoring has become increasingly important for financing cultural activities, and a good corporation demands a great deal of commitment from both parties.

Läkemedelsbolagens strategier för att begränsa nedgång i marknadsandelar vid patentutgång

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding on how market leading pharmaceutical companies in Sweden limit the market share decrease when these companies patent expires. In order to respond to the purpose, two research questions have been asked: how do pharmaceutical companies deal with market strategies prior to the expiration of a patent: and how the market strategies is used when a patent has expired and as a consequence, generics entered the market. A case study was implemented based on two interviews with a brand manager and a therapy area manager within the company Pfizer AB in Sweden. The results suggest that pharmaceutical companies implement strategies in numerous ways which differs substantially from the theories, this having to do with Swedish legislation. The main aim with the execution of the strategy, before and after patent expiration is not to limit a decrease in market share hence, rather to retain the pharmaceutical companies strong brand image.

Vintage ? ett varumärke?

To dress in used clothes is no longer considered as unfashionable. The acceptance of thesecond hand market has increased over the years. Vintage clothing has becomefashionable because you get the opportunity to create your own individual style. Vintagehas been given status. It has become a trend.

Att komma ut: en studie av hur unga vuxna har upplevt utvecklingen till en homosexuell identitet

The purpose of this study was to explore experiences of the process of developing a homosexual identity during childhood. We wanted to examine the experiences, feelings and thoughts that young adults, identifying themselves as homosexuals, had growing up in Sweden.For the study a qualitative method was used and nine interviews were made with young adults in the ages of 18 - 30. They answered our questions about their process of developing a homosexual identity, about their friends, family and school and about the society in general. We analysed the material from the interviews using the theory of the coming-out-process as presented by mainly Månsson and Hilte (1990).The main result from the study was that there were some difficulties for our respondents to become aware of their homosexuality and reveal their homosexuality to others. Most of our respondents experienced anxiety and/or fear as they were becoming aware of their sexuality but did become conscious about their homosexuality and accepted it before turning 21 years old.

Frivilligt arbete = frivillig könsfördelning?

This paper attempts to illustrate a gap when it comes to the knowledge about unpaid volunteers in Swedish organisations. The person-oriented explanations of individual preferences when choosing an orientation in which to volunteer does not suffice to explain and enlighten the fact that there is a gender-based division that orientates women towards voluntary work within organisations with a social direction, while men tend to choose sports-oriented voluntary tasks. This illustrates a pattern that is common in society in general. Eight interviews including four women volunteering in socially oriented organisations and four men in sports-oriented organisations have been conducted. An attempt has been made to explain results from earlier research as well as the respondents reasoning about their voluntary work with gender related theories.

SAS arbete för att bli Europas punktligaste flygbolag : -en fallstudie utifrån ett kvalitetsperspektiv

In 2010, SAS received the "On time performance service" award by Flightstats. This award was an affirmation of long-term work, both in projects and as an ongoing process, which the company sought to systematically improve punctuality on its flights. The extent to which SAS followed the values and the underlying theories of the cornerstone model for total quality management was the main issue in this essay. Whether there are conditions for the company to get even further by working in other ways was also investigated. In addition, the importance of punctuality in relation to customer satisfaction was discussed.

Bemanningskonsult idag - mittemellan två företag?

In the past decade there has been a considerable growth of contingent employment arrangements. In Sweden, the most common among these are the temporary-help service firms. The aim of this study is to investigate how the employees of temporary-help service firms experience their situation as employed by one company and working at another. We have used a qualitative approach to reach an increased understanding for the daily situation of the contingent worker. The essay is based on participant observations and semi-structured interviews with six contingent workers.

Det goda livet: betydelsen av idrott och fysisk aktivitet för ungdom med funktionsnedsättning: en fallstudie

Syftet med denna fallstudie var att undersöka betydelsen av idrott och fysisk aktivitet för ungdom med funktionsnedsättning. En ungdom och hans mamma intervjuades. Datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Fyra kategorier framkom: att vara del av en gemenskap, att känna sig kompetent och utnyttja sin potential, att ha hälsa, glädje och välbefinnande, och att skapa en grund att bygga vidare på. Kategorierna bildade temat: det goda livet ? nu och i framtiden.

Upplevelser av utomhusaktiviteter för personer över 75 år som bor i det egna hemmet.

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva upplevelser av utomhusaktiviteter hos personer över 75 år som bor i det egna hemmet. För att besvara studiens syfte genomfördes 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer. Inklusionskriterier var att deltagarna i studien skulle vara över 75 år, bo i det egna hemmet, ej ha kognitiva nedsättningar samt att de talade svenska. Data analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resulterade i tre kategorier: ?Göra som de gjort tidigare?, ?Fysisk miljö och årstider som begränsande faktor? och ?Att vara delaktig och interagera med andra?.

Identitetsbyggande och karismatiska ledare : Fundamentalister och islamister i världens största demokrati

Construction of Identity and Charismatic Leaders deals with fundamentalism and Islamism within the United States, emphasising on similarities between fundamentalists and Islamists. The term "fundamentalist" is here referring to Christian extremists, while "Islamist" refers to the Muslim counterpart. The purpose of the essay is to make North American fundamentalism and Islamism comprehendible on a larger scale.In order to show similarities between these groups when it comes to values, structure and commitment to their tasks, it is important to understand the nature of the religious devotion.Analyzing the similarities of the two groups enables construction of general criteria for how anthropology of religious extremists can be outlined..

Kompetensutveckling inom IKT Skolutvecklares uppfattning av kompetensutveckling inom IKT

The study aims to investigate student participation as a tool for democratic development in secondary school from a student perspective. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the school's work with student participation in formal and informal contexts are also investigated, with basis in the teaching structure. The results are based on interviews conducted with students who all attend the same class in their last year of high school. Subsequently, an analysis is made based mainly on three different theories: democracy, curricula and sociocultural theory. The result shows that students feel that they are able to practice student participation but the amount of influence they get differs between individuals depending on devotion and commitment.


Bakgrund: Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en folksjukdom, som påverkar kroppen både fysiskt och emotionellt. Enligt världshälsoorganisationen beräknas sjukdomen öka och bli den tredje största dödsorsaken år 2030. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa patienters upplevelser av att leva med KOL genom frågeställningen; hur upplevs det emotionellt av att leva med KOL. Metod: En litteraturstudie bestående av tio kvalitativa artiklar genom databassökning i CINAHL, Medline och PubMed. Resultat: Det framkom en rad olika känslor i relation till olika upplevelser. Fyra huvudkategorier identifierades till: upplevelser av fysiska begränsningar, upplevelser av att leva med syrgas, upplevelser av minskad självständighet och betydelsen av sociala relationer.

Vad är demokrati? : En uppsats om demokratisyn i årskurs nio

Democracy is a term that has been researched, and still is researched, a lot. In my education to become a teacher it has been the subject that interests me the most and I would like to be able to contribute to this research. The starting point of this essay is that in my experience there is a difference in how the national curriculum describes democracy and how the students I have met describes it. Therefore I wanted to investigate whether this also applies to a wider context than the students that I meet in my everyday life. The purpose of this essay is; to examine whether students in the ninth grade has the same view on democracy as the national means of control. The result I have attained through my work is that they somewhat share the same vision.

Folkbibliotek och TV-spel: En kvalitativ studie av hur införandet av TV-spel på svenska folkbibliotek relaterar till införandet av andra nya medier.

The aim of this thesis is to study how the recent introduction of video games in Swedish public libraries compares to past introductions of other medias, namely music records, sequential art, manga (Japanese comics), and films on video. In what ways does the introduction of video games differ from the other examples of introductions and in what ways are they alike? In what manner have the medias been introduced? How does the librarians views on video games differ from their views on other medias? The purpose of doing this is that by investigating how new medias have been evaluated in the past, we might gain an understanding of how the introduction of video games links into that tradition. Theoretically, this thesis is grounded in Sanna Talja?s theory of the interpretative repertoires of the music library.

Skinner i kuddrummet : Personalfaktorer i förskola som påverkar effekten av beteendeterapi för barn med autism

Flera olika behandlingsmetoder för autism finns utvecklade, även om bäst stöd finns för intensiv beteendeterapi (IBT). Variationen i behandlingseffekt inom IBT är dock stor. I Sverige används IBT på förskolor, sannolikt med varierande framgång. 22 förskolor med 24 barn som fått IBT i två år undersöktes retrospektivt med telefonenkäter, och flera faktorer undersöktes för samband med barnens förbättring i adaptiv förmåga under samma period. Integration av träningen i förskolans verksamhet samt tränarens tilltro till metoden samvarierade med behandlingsutfall.

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