

119 Uppsatser om Accelerated ageing - Sida 6 av 8

Studie av beräkningsmetoder för pålar i kohesionsjord med pågående marksättningar

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Solvärme för flerbostadshus. Utvärdering av EKSTA bostad ABs solvärmeanläggningar

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Projekteringshandbok i praktiken. En studie om hur en projekteringshandbok används och kan förbättras

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Laddningens påverkan på sprängskadeutbredningen

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Mätning och undersökning av elkvalitén i elnätet på reningsverket GRYYAB, Göteborg

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Ekonomiska konsekvenser för energisparande åtgärder vid ombyggnad. Upprustning av miljonprogrammet

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Uppföljning av räckesreparationskostnader inom Vägverket Region Norr/Sydöst

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Anläggningsmätning med moderna metoder. Från projektering till färdig anläggning

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Industriellt byggande på arbetsplatsen - En jämförelse mellan olika produktionsmetoder för trähus

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Förhöjda havsnivåers påverkan på trafiksystemen. En analys av riskläget i Göteborgs innerstad

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Passivhusteknik i ett svenskt klimat - en byggnadsfysikalisk riskinventering och erfarenhetssammanställning av befintliga passivhusprojekt

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Den kollektiva missuppfattningen. En studie om missuppfattningar om färdmedelsalternativen bil och kollektivtrafik, för boende i Hjuvik

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Samverkansanalys mellan påle och kohesionsjord. Studie av FE-programmet PLAXIS 3D FOUNDATION

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Kartering av föroreningskällor i urbana avrinningsområden

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey wasperformed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kVsubstation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performedin Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of theinduction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps tothe plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients eachtime the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by thecoupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of thebearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Klimatanpassning av det svenska vägtransportsystemet : En diskussion om vilka åtgärder som kan vara samhällsekonomiskt lönsamma för att förhindra naturolyckor och deras konsekvenser

In light of the European Union`s 2012 theme year: Active aging and solidarity between generations I wished to gain an understanding of weather elderly immigrant are provided with equal possibilities and access to local community information as the majority population and their participation in activities arranged for senior citizens in the municipality where they live. I have done this by meeting with those who work in this capacity. I also chose to meet with representatives for immigrant organizations in the local community to enquire of their work with senior citizens within their own ethnic group. This is a qualitative study on a phenomenological ground based on nine interviews and four observations. I have had two theories to help me analyze my empirical material.

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