9 Uppsatser om ASIT - Sida 1 av 1
Fridykcenter - Ett sammarbetsprojekt
What is creativity? Why is it important? How can you stimulate pupils to becomemore creative? These are some of the questions that are studied in this thesis.The discussion is focused on programming as the medium of creativity and theresult is a setup for a course book that teaches programming at the same time ASIT makes the reader more creative. The results are based on literature study aswell as observations and interviews with teachers and pupils from three differentschools in Stockholm, Sweden. The study shows that gets more important everyday as more and more jobs are replaced by computers and we live in an age ofabundance. The teachers would like the pupils to be more creative but don?tknow how achieve that at the same time as they have to teach them everythingthat they are supposed to know when the course ends..
What is creativity? Why is it important? How can you stimulate pupils to becomemore creative? These are some of the questions that are studied in this thesis.The discussion is focused on programming as the medium of creativity and theresult is a setup for a course book that teaches programming at the same time ASIT makes the reader more creative. The results are based on literature study aswell as observations and interviews with teachers and pupils from three differentschools in Stockholm, Sweden. The study shows that gets more important everyday as more and more jobs are replaced by computers and we live in an age ofabundance. The teachers would like the pupils to be more creative but don?tknow how achieve that at the same time as they have to teach them everythingthat they are supposed to know when the course ends..
Den uppsökande verksamheten vid Partille folkbibliotek
The aim of this essay is to give a picture of the extension work at Partille Public Library, ASIT is today, as well as to investigate if there is a need to reconsider the way of working at thelibrary.Qualitative interviews have been made with the extensive librarians and certain local governmentpoliticians, borrowers and personnel at hospitals as well as other institutions.The extension work at Partille Public Library corresponds quite well to the intentions whichare stated for the work in certain important investigations made by the Government. Theborrowers and the personnel are quite satisfied with the work and are only pointing out a fewviews on changes. The politicians mean that the aim of the extension work of the library ison one hand to give service to certain more or less neglected groups and on the other handto reach new book readers..
Castrix : Utveckling av webbsidan Sundsvall42
The goal of this Bachelor project was to develop the Sundsvall42 website,whose name originates from the conference held in week 42 and during whichall the IT-companies in Sundsvall gather and hold a number of different lectures.The website has been designed to accommodate both speakers and partipicants.All partipicants and lecturers will receive a personalized page inwhich there are a number of functions which are available for use, including ablog for each workshop and a calendar. The program used to create this isLiferay and the operating system is Linux. The entire website is encoded usingLiferay and Java, but the website is not adapted for use with the smaller screensize of the Smartphone. However, because of the Responsive Design technology,the website is able to adapt to various devices such as the Ipad and Smartphonesand the website will be able to adapt to the screen sizes of these devices.As it has all been processed using open-source, everyone has the right to accessthe source code. It is also possible for anyone to make changes to the code ifsuch changes are required.
Perkolationsfilter : En undersökning av reningseffekt med avseende på järn och mangan
This master thesis has been done in cooperation with Sweco Viak AB in Sundsvall. The aimwith the project is to investigate the purifying effect of percolation filter due to iron andmanganese. The overall goal was to investigate how the parameters surface load,sandfractions, and burden time affect the purifying effect. The expectation is to optimize thedesign and find a demouldning of the filter that gives sufficient purifying with a highersurface load. As an attempt to accelerate the curing of the filter, experiments with a layer ofsand which surface has been covered with manganese ore (MnO2) on top of the filter havebeen done.As test filters 10 L bars were used and the experimental work was performed at thewaterworks in Hassela and Munkbysjön.In Hassela different sandfractions were tested.
Utökade tillämpningsmöjligheter för turbinlösning i våtpartiet hos tissuemaskiner : Konceptförslag som möjliggör tillämpning av turbinlösning för maskiner vars banbredd är bredare än 2,9 meter
AbstractThis thesis is the final part of the Innovation and Design Engineering Programme (180 ECTS credits)at the Faculty of Health, Nature and Engineering Science at Karlstad University. The extent of thisthesis is 22.5 ECTS credits and has been performed independently by Hannes Jernberg during thespring of 2013. Metso Paper Karlstad AB is the task maker of this project, and Arvid Johansson is thecompany Representative. Metso Paper Karlstad AB is one of the world leading developer andmanufacturer of tissue paper machines.In the current situation, the company has developed and patented a power management systembased on a Cross Flow Turbine. The current construction is limited to a paper width of 2.9 meters.The company wants to take advantage of all the opportunities provided by the patents, to develop aturbine solution paper machine with a paper width that is wider than 5.5 meters, and give the abilityto manufacture paper for lower energy consumption which is an important part of the production ASIT is very energy intensive.Problems arise with the increasing length of the turbine, ultimately resulting in that the deflectionbecomes too big and that the momentums, due to the increased torque the turbine blades breaks.By applying the design process, this work has resulted in a number of potential solutions to theproblem.
Astma hos katt : etiologi, patofysiologi och diagnostik
Precis som människans allergiska astma beror kattastma på en överreaktion av immunförsvaret i nedre luftvägarna med IgE som huvudsaklig mediator. Detta resulterar i ett Th 2-svar som leder till kronisk eosinofil inflammation med hosta, bronkkonstriktion och andnöd som följd.
Forskning och diagnostik försvåras av att mycket om sjukdomen är dåligt beskrivet. Eosinofiler i luftvägarna är en av de parametrar som används mest i forskningen, trots att det idag inte finns några fastslagna referensvärden för friska och sjuka individer. Oklarheter om eosinofilvärdet är den största bristen i dagens forskning och diagnostik och är den parameter man bör lägga mest fokus på i framtiden.
Astma behandlas normalt med fokus på symptomen genom systemisk administration av glukokortikoider. Glukokortikoiderna ges i så låg dos som möjligt som fortfarande lindrar symptomen.
Allergenspecifik immunterapi: sublingual respektive subkutan administrering vid husdammskvalsterallergi
Prevalensen av allergisjukdomar har ökat kraftigt sedan mitten av 1900-talet. Allergenspecifik immunterapi är en immunmodulerande behandling som kan vara aktuell hos vissa individer med medelsvår till svår IgE-medierad allergi. Behandlingen kan administreras sublingualt eller subkutant. Syftet med detta litteraturarbete var att undersöka om sublingual immunterapi (SLIT) och subkutan immunterapi (SCIT) med husdammskvalsterallergen skiljer med avseende på förändring av symtom- och medicineringspoäng, specifika IgE- och IgG4-antikroppar, IL-10 och IFN-?.
Hästens hudproblem : en retrospektiv fallstudie
SUMMARYThis work consists of a review of the medical records of 142 horses that visited the Equine dermatology clinic, at the University Animal Hospital, UDS, at Ultuna, Uppsala, Sweden, between January 2007 and June 2010. The study answers certain main questions like clinical signs responsible for the visit, the most common diagnoses, their diagnostic procedures, treatment modalities and finally, the outcome of treatment.Among 50 diagnoses, four were predominant followed by additional 46 diagnoses, each presenting by few or, in many cases, only one horse. The most common dermatological problem diagnosed was Equine Sarcoid representing 18,3 % of the cases (26/142), which probably reflects the initiation of a Sarcoid treatment-trial in 2007, that resulted in an accumulation of sarcoid horses in the clinic .The second most common diagnosis was Atopy 12 % (17/142) followed by Allergy with skin affection 9,2 % (13/142) and Acute superficial pyodermia 4,9 % (7/142). If the horses were divided into diagnostic groups, the majority (34,5 %) belonged to HA5 group, (Immunological skin diseases), followed by group HA4, (Infectious and inflammatory conditions of the skin) (22,5 %) and HA6, (Neoplasia) (21,8 %). Traumatic skin injuries represented only 2,1 % of the cases, compared to 80 % of horses in the Agria insurance statistics for veterinary care.The most common clinical sign and reasons for veterinary consultation was pruritus (35,9 %), suspected sarcoids (17,6 %), alopecia (12,7 %), nodules (12 %), seborrea, scaling and crusts (9,2 %) and excoriations (5,6 %), respectively, followed by a scattered number of more uncommon symtoms.The diagnostic methods most frequently applied were cytology and biopsy, used in 41,5 % and 36,6 % of the cases, respectively.